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Is It A Sin For A Sikh To Marry A Non-Sikh?


Apr 3, 2005
the cartoon tries to depict the small sikh child as the voice of "sikh"

i find it shameful that the voice of "sikh" mirros that of a sexist society

The title of the cartoon is have a right kind of life partner.Can't we interpret the cartoon in a way that sikh men themselves choose to marry modern westernised girls.Also the sikh society is sexist in both ways.In urban cities there is tremendous pressure on boys to maintain uncut hair and beard while sikh girls openly wax,make eyebrows or even slightly trim their hair and call themselves proud to be a sikh.Is it not sexism?

i don't know which part of punjab you live in, times are changing.

What is the meaning of changing with time please define? Does means more and more copying western culture


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<What is the meaning of changing with time please define? Does means more and more copying western culture>>

it is called shedding the old sexist and male centric blinkers. Accepting women and men at par, accepting individual choices. This is no different from what gurbani teaches us.

If this means copying western culture by your definition, i presume you know very little of the western world , except that students read Playboy and Penthouse in schools and that Letters to Penthouse are written by actual people ;) (ref the book : The Inscrutable Americans)

<<In urban cities there is tremendous pressure on boys to maintain uncut hair and beard while sikh girls openly wax,make eyebrows or even slightly trim their hair and call themselves proud to be a sikh.Is it not sexism?>>>

i think in other posts specially one on Sikhs getting hair cut , you had mentioned that sikh boys were under pressure(peer pressure) to get hair cut. So you mean there is dual pressure for guys?


how does it compare with girls being killed before they are born?

How does it compare with girls having no choice, but accept their husband's belief and "religion" and "rehat"

How does it compare to being mocked upon in cartoons as mems


as an aside to the discussion

i donot consider getting hair cut or waxing legs makes anyone a lesser person by their beliefs(sikhi), maybe their stading in the pecking order of "sikhism" gets lowered as ordained by the Rehatnama of SGPC.

this part of the thread is getting into issues that have been debated elsewhere. So i guess let us not re-invent the wheel. We both know each other's stand pretty well on this issue.

pun was intended on the reference to the statement about Playboy etc :)... hope you would read it in the same light



(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
here is another derogatory cartoon from the same website


the text says"

the patki on your head makes you look like a lucky charm matki ( a blackened earthen pot believed to work as evil ward off charm)

to look like a gloroius sikh, wear a turban

a turban is a purely punjabi/indian thing, how does it link with Sikhs abroad ?


Apr 3, 2005
it is called shedding the old sexist and male centric blinkers. Accepting women and men at par, accepting individual choices. This is no different from what gurbani teaches us.

Indivisual choices have limits.You cannot say that each and eveything as indivisual choice.

i think in other posts specially one on Sikhs getting hair cut , you had mentioned that sikh boys were under pressure(peer pressure) to get hair cut. So you mean there is dual pressure for guys?

LOL I never said that sikh boys are under peer presuure to cut their hair.No sikh parents
with religious mentality could even think of seeing their son without turban either you don't understand my posts or you just mix it up.

how does it compare with girls being killed before they are born

From where the issue female foeticide come's in this debate.Anyway let me reply
female foeticide is mainly an economic issue. In indian society boys are still best old age insurance.also the type of law and order and court cases pending plenty of families need boys to even get hold of their properties ,to run their businesses etc.So its natural
for people to have demand for boys.I find it amazing when people point finger at indians for aborting females but hardly look at the abortion statistics of world where people
and women abort their children because they are hindrance to their career and economic growth and proudly call themselves pro-choice.Don't worry when boys will loose their economic importance people will not hesistate to abort them in India.

How does it compare with girls having no choice, but accept their husband's belief and "religion" and "rehat"

Most of the women voluntary do it in India.Just look at any inter religious marriage and you will find that women gradually start practising their husband's faith even without pressure.That's why inter religious marriage for daughteris unacceptable for most parents

How does it compare to being mocked upon in cartoons as mems

Men too are mocked plenty of times But due to growing influnce of feminism people just choose to ignore it and anything that points toward women immdiately takes sexist turn


May 17, 2005
London, UK
Believe you me I am no angel myself. As for being a Khalsa, I can only look at what the Khalsa achieved with admiration and try to be inspired by that. I would be kidding myself if I even tried to project myself in that mould. But one thing I am certain of is that Sikhs shouldn't take the easy or cowardly route in life (i'm not saying you are). Anyone coming into Sikhism or born with it as an inheritance should try and remember that. I have to constantly remind myself too.

Dalsingh Ji,

Then we are in agreement. Sikhi is not the easy route ohh far from it.


Apr 24, 2006
here is another derogatory cartoon from the same website


the text says"

the patki on your head makes you look like a lucky charm matki ( a blackened earthen pot believed to work as evil ward off charm)

to look like a gloroius sikh, wear a turban

a turban is a purely punjabi/indian thing, how does it link with Sikhs abroad ?
Well, a bigger turban does look better with a beard. But what is up with that matki ****.


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<<<Indivisual choices have limits.You cannot say that each and eveything as indivisual choice.>>>>

i really could not comprehend what you are trying to convey. Could you please explain.

<<<<LOL I never said that sikh boys are under peer presuure to cut their hair.No sikh parents
with religious mentality could even think of seeing their son without turban either you don't understand my posts or you just mix it up.>>>

i understood your posts. We had a discussion where you said that in order to get married to "modern" sikh girls, sikh boys were under pressure to get hair/beard cut. On the other hand you say that they have pressure form their family.

i am not denying that there might or might not be pressure. It once again comes to personal choices. You make choices and also accept the consequences.

<<Most of the women voluntary do it in India.Just look at any inter religious marriage and you will find that women gradually start practising their husband's faith even without pressure.That's why inter religious marriage for daughteris unacceptable for most parents>>>

if its voluntary then why is the cartoon chiding the man?


Apr 28, 2005
Dear every one.

I am born in sikh family. I can not say that I am proud of be a sikh but very exceptional person to have a wonderful teaching of the 10 GURU'S which tell all of us that every relegion regardless of any faith but they are all come from one light. That is why after every end of sikh prayer we wish to all saying: "TERE BHANE SARBAT DA BHALA".

In other words one can mary a girl from the silkh family to have a more easly mixed up with husband or wife and relatives because of principals of upbringing for both are the same.

But look at the millions of sikh boys and girls marry out side their relegions because of love with belief that all human being come from one light. All the ritual are made by the preachers in Mander,Churchess in different Gurudwaras with thier own intrpetaions of the teaching. But as we all know that Guru Nanak Dev ji constantly taught us that there is no difference among the human being from all relegions which is based on one simple belief that we are one and come from one light so here is no one is bad or good. Person is known bad or good because of one`s deed .

Same we have thousand examples of many moslims joined sikh faith and were accepted by our Gurus Some of them has thier phiolosphy added and is a part of our Gur Granth Sahib Ji.

It is time to wake up and do not bring the relegion in any one`s life style for maryiong any one and think absolulty a stupid to feel as act of sin. Infect it will be act of true sikh. There are millions of people non sikh have loind the sikh faith like sindhies , Moslems and others from different part of the world.

So after all discussions are based on ignorance and fnatic beliefs. There is no room for that in sikhism which most humble and full of NIMRATA.
"Niven so Gaura Hoie"


Lucy Ahmed

Apr 28, 2008
Dear Jaspi, I love your view.

I just feel the same too.
But never, ever do that in Malaysia.
One can be trapped forever and ever. Amin.

Musslamans are above all and everything.
No question should be asked.


Apr 28, 2005
Dear Sir.

You still have to grow to that extent to understand what a wonderful Islam faith is.Not but people like you and the mulla teaches and prectice it every day. Allah or Rab ,or any other mane still mean in english GOD so as Allah .

We are chliderns of that Allah. We have not to decided who is superior or inferior. We all the same . Sikhism believes in all races regardless of the relegion. That is why Golden Temple 's foundation was laid by a Moslim, Not because he was Moslim but human being with good chracter.

Please shun this notion who is superior or inferior. The human being shoud watch his deed which will make him inferior or superior. You are very intellegent to see the past history of kings ,mumma how they practice the relegion arround the world including India for over 1200 years. All the convert what you see to day Pakistan were all hindus but sword make them Moslims.

We live 21 century and must learn how to respect all human being.

God bless you more wisdom.



May 15, 2008
Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh,:)

It does matter if other partner is not a sikh. We belongs to a sikh families and we are proud to be a sikh. If some one want to marry a sikh girl or a boy, why can not they change their religion. Why we as a sikh wants to change our self to become one of them.
How many Muslim girls or mens got marry with you in your religion, do they change them self to become you no and they will never.

How many Girls are in Pakistan from Uk london, they are no where to be found. There are artical on this issue but my
Friends, please try to stay in your culture and your own religion. Do not convert your self to be one of them
If some one doesn't like my views, it's there way of thinking but these are my views.

Thank YOU


Apr 28, 2005
Dear sir. \

What you have written is perfectly alright. By converting into other relegion would not make any a differences because in sikhism evey one is considered a human being under one umberrala of God. Sikh region will abosrbs you to be a God loving and join you to the Guru Sahis teaching regardless of your relegion to make you realize the God's presence.

But when some one fallen love and decide to marry without convertting themselves to thier relgions, should be not a condition. Each of them can enjoy their faith as what they believe or brought up with.

Basicall we all come from one light.



Apr 3, 2005
Dear Jaspi

Please do not use sikhism to justify your own beleif.One of the core principle of sikhism is not to betray Guru in any condition and you are saying converting to another religion does not make any difference.

As far as marriage is concerned if someone genuinely want's to practice his/her religion then its better to marry with in religion.There are many beleifs of sikhsim which are contradictory to other religion for example how about if your spouse want's to perform head shaving ceremony of children.


Jun 11, 2006
Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh

I think its not a Sin, To marry somebady, first thing is the Understanding of Both Person and then religion.


May 17, 2005
London, UK
Dear every one.

I am born in sikh family. I can not say that I am proud of be a sikh but very exceptional person to have a wonderful teaching of the 10 GURU'S which tell all of us that every relegion regardless of any faith but they are all come from one light. That is why after every end of sikh prayer we wish to all saying: "TERE BHANE SARBAT DA BHALA".

In other words one can mary a girl from the silkh family to have a more easly mixed up with husband or wife and relatives because of principals of upbringing for both are the same.

But look at the millions of sikh boys and girls marry out side their relegions because of love with belief that all human being come from one light. All the ritual are made by the preachers in Mander,Churchess in different Gurudwaras with thier own intrpetaions of the teaching. But as we all know that Guru Nanak Dev ji constantly taught us that there is no difference among the human being from all relegions which is based on one simple belief that we are one and come from one light so here is no one is bad or good. Person is known bad or good because of one`s deed .

Same we have thousand examples of many moslims joined sikh faith and were accepted by our Gurus Some of them has thier phiolosphy added and is a part of our Gur Granth Sahib Ji.

It is time to wake up and do not bring the relegion in any one`s life style for maryiong any one and think absolulty a stupid to feel as act of sin. Infect it will be act of true sikh. There are millions of people non sikh have loind the sikh faith like sindhies , Moslems and others from different part of the world.

So after all discussions are based on ignorance and fnatic beliefs. There is no room for that in sikhism which most humble and full of NIMRATA.
"Niven so Gaura Hoie"


Very well put Jaspi Ji.


Apr 28, 2005
Thanks for appreciation. It is a great gesture from my own kinds.
In this completely divided and confused world having great difficulties to make thier mind to which way to go while watching solution sitting right in front thier what to do .

First step to have clear vision is to get rid of EGO which is a crual self distructive attitude full of ignorances.

We have a beautiful and wonderfull world to enjoy and then go away and leave behind our contrnbution of good deeds for those who are not even previlaged of many needs for daily life.Look at the big preachers living in big tombs with most luxurious life styles and preachings which will never fill the belly of hungry masses around the world.

Jesus Christ came once to dismental the same highly built system to control all the wealth and most profitable organizations to have a big tombs to live . This was the situation then and this the situations now.

Every door of love and brotherhood will emerge when EGO all of us dissapear.How?? Just remeber the God and you are going to die one day.




May 19, 2008
Ahmed Ji and others

read your last line. Others read your own post
Only God is above than any one.
Do not Brain wash Sikh girls or boys. Sikh religion is the best. It does depends on your society, your home, your way of living.
I am proud to be a SIKH and I will never see any one get marry to any other religion.
This is just as excuse we are in Love. Love is blind
We should love our Culture and our self not others.
Our Guru's has given everything to give us a name and
others are talking this is 21 centry.
How many of you have given a life for others it was only a only our Guru's who has secrify their everything just for us to breath not the way you are talking.
If you feel so bad being a sikh than what are you doing here on this website.
but we have given MIRI & PIRI
God is above than any one not Muslims


Feb 25, 2008
Ahmed Ji and others

read your last line. Others read your own post
Only God is above than any one.
Do not Brain wash Sikh girls or boys. Sikh religion is the best. It does depends on your society, your home, your way of living.
I am proud to be a SIKH and I will never see any one get marry to any other religion.
This is just as excuse we are in Love. Love is blind
We should love our Culture and our self not others.
Our Guru's has given everything to give us a name and
others are talking this is 21 centry.
How many of you have given a life for others it was only a only our Guru's who has secrify their everything just for us to breath not the way you are talking.
If you feel so bad being a sikh than what are you doing here on this website.
but we have given MIRI & PIRI
God is above than any one not Muslims

bkaur ji
I love and applaud your stand though I may not agree with all your statements.
A few questions to clear my mind as I know your mind is crystal clear
" What will you do if you happen to see a Sikh marrying a non Sikh? you wrote ...I cannot see......)
"Why to love only ourselves and our culture? Cant we love other cultures as well and remain indifferent or not to accept their influence?
" If some one is not feeling good being Sikh, may be he/she get good advice on this site, it is not bad, what do you think? just asking very friendly way as a lover of Sikhism.
If a Sikh does not marry another Sikh then that Sikh is making his/her life even more difficult. Sikhism is a way of life that distinguishes its beliefs from other religions. Stop thinking about yourselves here for a minute and take you surrounding into consideration. Parents, friends, siblings, and children will be affected by marrying out of Sikhism. Majority of the religions believe in God, but Sri Guru Granth Sahib is our guide to God. THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO GOD BUT A SIKH NEVER LEAVES THE GURU FOR ANOTHER WAY TO GOD NOR DOES A SIKH TAKE ANOTHER OFF THE PATH OF SIKISM. Remember the Gurus came down to correct other religions from believing in useless things. Sikhism above all, my Gurus word above all, and my head is for the Guru. Listen to the Guru walk on the Sri Guru Granth Sahib path and get rid of you karma.

To some this might be insulting, but to a TrueSikh its being pure.
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