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Is It 'Beadbi' If A Clean-Shaven Guy Wears A Pag (Turban Worn Sikh-Style)?


Feb 25, 2008
Attention aad Bhain Ji and respected namjap Ji

Destiny of illusions

We were brain-washed we never realized
Against the purpose we appose
Against the cause we defy
We were made to sell the souls
For the intention we ignore
For the aim we think futile
Solute to the souls who
Preferred to exit than be present
To support to witness horror and helplessness
Living has many facets
Sometimes they come without choices
Solute to the souls who
Preferred to exit than to be present
To witness horror and helplessness
Very much you were there
Why weren’t you seen?
You are here why are so invisible?
Guru Nanak points out the ditches
The walls that fortified the visibility
Amazing, amazing, amazing Oh Lord
You given the light to progress
We adore the darkness in tempting illusions!
Light is shadowed with destiny of illusions!!!!

(Note: You can remove it if you want, it’s at your disposal):)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Attention aad Bhain Ji and respected namjap Ji

Destiny of illusions

We were brain-washed we never realized
Against the purpose we appose
Against the cause we defy
We were made to sell the souls
For the intention we ignore
For the aim we think futile
Solute to the souls who
Preferred to exit than be present
To support to witness horror and helplessness
Living has many facets
Sometimes they come without choices
Solute to the souls who
Preferred to exit than to be present
To witness horror and helplessness
Very much you were there
Why weren’t you seen?
You are here why are so invisible?
Guru Nanak points out the ditches
The walls that fortified the visibility
Amazing, amazing, amazing Oh Lord
You given the light to progress
We adore the darkness in tempting illusions!
Light is shadowed with destiny of illusions!!!!

(Note: You can remove it if you want, it’s at your disposal):)

No I like it! another entry for the thread, Original Poetry and Short Stories by SPN Authors!

But the lesson learned is that I should give up moderation and forums forever. Right?


Apr 24, 2006
Above : Akshay kumar with trimmed beard ; Below: The Protest

If only thye did that with posters of pakhandi babey. :D


Apr 24, 2006
Bhagatsinghdaveer ji

You are describing exactly the contradictions in messages about Sikhs and Sikhi that continually baffle me. I am not offended. Funny how no one typically asks whether bombing cinemas and breaking store windows is beadbi.
Of course its not beadbi of SIKHS! It might be beadbi of sikh principles but NOT SIKHS! NO WAY! :D
We have sunk into our image way too much. We sit back and talk about how cool our history is but fail to LIVE the history. We say we have great role models and heroes from our history but we use them to our advantage.
This turban thing shouldn't even be an issue since Sikhs don't own the turban. Remember it was the hair that were mandatory for the Khalsa not the turban. Turban being an effective way to manage long hair isn't the only thing that performs that function.
Mindless people doing mindless things... typical

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Dastaar is NOT part of 5 K's....BUT like the Catch 22 situation...

Its COMPULSORY for KESH to be COVERED at ALL TIMES. KESH should Never be left UNCOVERED...to avoid BEADBEE.
Nangeh Sir..cannot eat....cannot go to toilet....cannot go to Gurdwara/Parkash Room of SGGS if in the home...Cannot do Paath/read Gurbani/do Nitnem !!!! so where does that leave us..vis a vis the Dastaar...
Cannot escape via chhotee dastaar..keski etc....dastaar also has NO RECOMMENDED LENGTH - just like Kirpan Length....so Dastaar can be 1 metre..to 400 Metres...personal choice.:happy::happy::happy:


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
Gyani ji

i have a question,

Why are the kesh of beard left open and not covered?

why is that not considered a beadbi.

i know by my reputation, you might think of this as a sarcastic question, but i am really serious. Want to understand your view point. :)

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Amarsanghera Ji..
Ha Ha..
Kesh of Head..covered........kesh of mustache/beard.....uncovered........kesh on stomach..arm pits..navel region...below that..covered...........kesh on legs..............soemtimes covered..sometimes uncovered..

Take your pick ji....uncovering the covered may be or not be...covering the ususally uncovered may be..or not be..???

What exactly you want me to say ?? Cover the uncovered..or uncover the covered ??


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
exactly.. Gyani ji

some insight into how many "Sikh" thought leaders deride people tying their beards or applying gel to set their beard, moustaches.

but seriously

Why are head kesh different from other when considering beadbi?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Guru Piayario Jios,
Dear Amar ji,

The HEAD is the seat of intellect..our Mind..our Brain...the Third Eye...it carries the King's Crown..the Emperor's Crown..etc etc...it is the Organ that we BOW..Matha Tek....in reverence..acceptance of authority...Dasam Duar..the Conscience...etc etc is suppposedly resident in the HEAD...so KESH on HEAD have special significance.

2. Historical ref in Mannu Laws...a Brahmin who is caugt red handed doing soemthing which entails the DEATH PENALITY...has an "escape clause" ( for the Brahmin ONLY..what else is New ??) that for such a Brahmin..just cuttiong hsi Head Hair is enough..or same as physical decapitation of his head. So while everyone else gets his/her ehad cut off...the wily one just gets a crew cut !! Nice..very Nice indeed.. The hair can grow back..and the wily one can go on another crime spree !! again ?? YES.
Now to our very own "Brahmins"..the Taksalis..the akj types...They also hold the view that our Guru Gobind Singh ji..will catch hold of our HEAD KESH..and PULL us out of HELL - if we ever happen to fall in ?? Someone shoudl ahve informed these holy ones that our KESH..burn up like Grass on the Funeral Pyre..Kesh jalleh jaise ghaas ka phulla !!..and we LEAVE them BEHIND with the rest of our BODY...thus the SOUL has no KESH..and no one is going to do any pulling. Furthermore..isnt it BEADBI to "PULL ones HEAD KESH"...and to say GURU JI will DO THAT..is another BEADBI..of BOTH - Kesh and Guru Ji.

To a Gurmukh..all ROM..each strand of hair on the BODY is Special..Holy..and not to be violated..beadbi done against. So thats that. A Gurmukh aspires to have each ROM..do simran of Waheguru Naam japp...


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<The HEAD is the seat of intellect..our Mind..our Brain...the Third Eye...it carries the King's Crown..the Emperor's Crown..etc etc...it is the Organ that we BOW..Matha Tek....in reverence..acceptance of authority...Dasam Duar..the Conscience...etc etc is suppposedly resident in the HEAD...so KESH on HEAD have special significance.>

Gyani ji

i speak the shabd Guru with my Tongue, then it must be the most significant part of the body

my hands serve the needy and poor...they must be the most significant part of the body

then why a special status to head?

i can understand the concept of dasam duar, i seriously haven't seen it or felt it...i do feel an ache in middle of the chest sometimes when i see someone suffering and one i cannot help.

why only head kesh uncovered is beadbi?

Hardip Singh

Jan 14, 2009
Sikhs do not have a monoply on turbans!

So I cannot see why not.

Veer jeo,
I fully agree with Bhai Randip Singh. We never had the monoply or the exclusive rights over the turban. Still in India's South, it is considered prestigeous to wear the turban and what about our Arbian people of Katar and other provinces where it is custmoery to wear turban. This issue itself is not stainable.
Regards and Guru Fateh.
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