Guru Piayario Jios,
Dear Amar ji,
The HEAD is the seat of intellect..our Mind..our Brain...the Third carries the King's Crown..the Emperor's Crown..etc is the Organ that we BOW..Matha reverence..acceptance of authority...Dasam Duar..the Conscience...etc etc is suppposedly resident in the KESH on HEAD have special significance.
2. Historical ref in Mannu Laws...a Brahmin who is caugt red handed doing soemthing which entails the DEATH PENALITY...has an "escape clause" ( for the Brahmin ONLY..what else is New ??) that for such a Brahmin..just cuttiong hsi Head Hair is enough..or same as physical decapitation of his head. So while everyone else gets his/her ehad cut off...the wily one just gets a crew cut !! Nice..very Nice indeed.. The hair can grow back..and the wily one can go on another crime spree !! again ?? YES.
Now to our very own "Brahmins"..the Taksalis..the akj types...They also hold the view that our Guru Gobind Singh ji..will catch hold of our HEAD KESH..and PULL us out of HELL - if we ever happen to fall in ?? Someone shoudl ahve informed these holy ones that our KESH..burn up like Grass on the Funeral Pyre..Kesh jalleh jaise ghaas ka phulla !!..and we LEAVE them BEHIND with the rest of our BODY...thus the SOUL has no KESH..and no one is going to do any pulling. Furthermore..isnt it BEADBI to "PULL ones HEAD KESH"...and to say GURU JI will DO another BEADBI..of BOTH - Kesh and Guru Ji.
To a Gurmukh..all ROM..each strand of hair on the BODY is Special..Holy..and not to be violated..beadbi done against. So thats that. A Gurmukh aspires to have each simran of Waheguru Naam japp...