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Islam Islam A Threat Or Benefit To Britain?

Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
My dear Muslim friend you have shown yourself studious and sincere, I am not out to bash your beliefs.

Also as you get older and life teaches you that the world although made small by man is a big place full of people of all sorts some good some bad.

No single people have all the answers!

We are all on this journey called life, we will make mistakes and we will do good deeds. Just make sure that our good deeds far outweigh our bad ones.

When finally we are before our maker think how you would want him to be considerate to you, then treat all your fellow man in a like manner now.

Most religions are full of noble ideals and its just the followers that corrupt the fine teachings, Islam is no different. Look at Islam and follow its noble path, do not let corrupt people sway you into elitism and intolerance. For they will be judged in the same manner they treated others.

Salaamulaikum :thumbup:

Jun 1, 2004
islam is fastest growing religion,[admin cut] Osama Bin Laden, he has ONLY 22 or 32 children.....,this way islam is growing............

Friendly Advice to everybody :

Dear Lion, we at SPN donot expect such a bad language for fellow members no matter how offensive he may seem. FYI please refer to our Guidelines of Terms of Services at SPN # 10)

10) Do not engage in personal attacks or sect bashing. HATE MESSAGES WILL BE REMOVED WITHOUT NOTICE and such a action would invite a stern warning and a collection of three such warnings would invite a ban from this forum for a week and subsequent offenses would invite a permanent ban on your membership. Choice is yours.

Avoid Hate Messages at all costs, this is one aspect where SPN is intolerant...
Jul 13, 2004
OK, let's see were other hatefilled messages were not removed/censored, shall we?

muslim said:
Caramelsugar there is a religion which allows homosexuality its called fakeism.
Insulting the religions that are open enough to accept such things.
basha said:
homosexuality is forbidden because a man KISSES or HAS SEX or THINKS SEXUALLY of/with other men. And this is forbidden IN EVERY RELIGION.
basha said:
No Im sorry I dont want to read your posts about homosexuality. I refrain from that evil and wouldnt care to know other peoples opinion on the subject.
Therefore, if someone can say such things are evil, I have every right to have a view that Islam is evil/forbidden and adharmic and freely express it.
If I was a racist I should also have the right to express racist views. [Which I am not... I am just making a point here.]


Jul 18, 2004
CaramelChocolate said:
OK, let's see were other hatefilled messages were not removed/censored, shall we?

Insulting the religions that are open enough to accept such things.

Therefore, if someone can say such things are evil, I have every right to have a view that Islam is evil/forbidden and adharmic and freely express it.
If I was a racist I should also have the right to express racist views. [Which I am not... I am just making a point here.]

you so right Caramel Chocolate,recently i was asking myself that is this site "sikhphilosophy.net" or "muslimphilososphy.net"or "christianphilosophy.net..or what?....ON THIS SITE ITS OK TO CALL GURU NANAK"A LIAR" AND ITS OK TO CALL ''SIKHISM A FAKE RELIGION" but when a sikh tries to peply back that way.......then there posts got deleted....ITS SAD
Jun 1, 2004
you so right Caramel Chocolate,recently i was asking myself that is this site "sikhphilosophy.net" or "muslimphilososphy.net"or "christianphilosophy.net..or what?....ON THIS SITE ITS OK TO CALL GURU NANAK"A LIAR" AND ITS OK TO CALL ''SIKHISM A FAKE RELIGION" but when a sikh tries to reply back that way.......then there posts got deleted....ITS SAD

but when a sikh tries to reply back that way

Dear Lion !!

There you are !! When a sikh tries to reply back the same way, then what is the difference left between a Sikh and the other person (whosoever), who is not here to learn but only to irritate people like myself over useless issues... let him play his childish plays... Let us strive to grow up !! After all sikhism is all about Growing Up !!

I do not want you to become just like our dear member "muslim" otherwise his agenda is succeeded. Take it easy, there are many other important spiritual discussions going on in other sections of this forum, let us try to focus/concentrate our mind and soul on them rather than wasting our time on trivial useless discussions going nowhere.

"muslim" is here because some members have served him with enough food to keep coming to SPN... Can we ignore him for all those unscholarly mannerism ?


There were millions of people during times of Sikh Gurus, who tried there best to force Them to deviate from the path of truthness with hooks and crooks... They also said that Sikhism fake and whatever not they said. Did Sikh Gurus ever felt agitated or threatened...? Do we see even a single word of hatred in SGGS Ji ? i dont think so...

Agreed it is right to take sword in our hands when all peaceful means have proved futile... bu I dont think we here at SPN have even reached a stage where we can not tackle his childish argurments with the guidance of SGGS Ji... 'muslim' could not reply back to even a simgle message by Gyani Ji, when quoted out of context from SGGS Ji...

So, where is the need to get agitated and reply back with useless childish hate filled messages ? Do you think Guru Ji would be happy, you & me typing such cheap remarks to a fellow human beings ?

Please take no offence, let us strive to be peaceful with ourselves from inside.

Bhul Chuk Maaf Ji,
With Love and Respect to All,

Aman Singh


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Loin

I agree totally with aman ji about the way the forum is being run
as we not here on this forum to prove sikhism is the best or something like that but just to seek company of learned sangat that will help all of us to grow

Jatinder Singh


Jul 4, 2004
you have an image of a nihang in your avatar. though i doubt you are a nihang, i advise you look into akali nihang ideals. last i checked they were caretaking an abandoned mosque for decades before handing it over to muslims recently. If islam is as backward and fake as you would proclaim, then do tell why the nihangs never felt uncomfortable running a mosque. How come we never hear of nihangs running hindu temples? (even though a lot of sikhs do) After all, Guru Gobind Singh built numerous mosques but not a single temple. so i suggest you show a little bit more respect to islam in the same manner the 10th Guru did. and trust me, he lost a lot more at the hands of "muslims" than you ever will but neither did he ever forget it was ghani khan and nabi khan that were there for him when his own sikhs abandoned him.

quite frankly i dont understand why in the last decade or so many british sikhs have turned into pansy muslim bashing hindus constantly complaining about one thing or the other. perhaps its the residue of the hindutva blitz and bollywood finally recieving sikhs with open arms (of course if they regurgitate anti-muslim movies and nationalistic fervor). perhaps its the fake letter that has been circulating for years where muslims are giving instrutions on converting sikh girls??? well, if you actually had any real ties with muslims you would know that a similar pamphlet has been circulating among muslims that indian doctors are targetting pregnant muslim women. whoever was responsible for both must be laughing his butt off because only narrow minded indians (paki muslims included) would actually buy into this garbage.

the muslims in england are primarily wahabis from mirpur, pakistan. they don't even represent majority of pakistanis let alone muslims. for your kind information they are mostly from menial classes which have latched onto fanatical islam as a reaction against the more liberal and sufi-oriented castes of punjab which includes jats, rajputs, syeds, pathans, etc. who, with their notoriously jingoistic attitude, have traditionally trampled on mirpuris.

having said i hope you get more informed about the various sects within islam such as shias, sufi, and the majority sunnis (of which aforementioned saudi-sponsored wahabis are a relative minority).



Dec 29, 2004
You have my respect toredor.
ps could you tell me more about the mosques built by guru gobind singh and what happened when the sikh abandoned him, thnx.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
the muslims in england are primarily wahabis from mirpur, pakistan. they don't even represent majority of pakistanis let alone muslims. (of which aforementioned saudi-sponsored wahabis are a relative minority).


What's a wahabis?


Jul 30, 2004
Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh

Wahabis are those who only worship Allah,Are purist of holy Kuran.hate grave worship.They have there founder from meddle east.

Das only want to add,That one of there leader was killed by Maharaja Ranjeet Singh Army composing of Muslim Tribal of present day Fronter province.

His name was Sayad Ahamd Khan(not the one of Aligarh Uinversity). But his dead body was given burial with full respect inspite of the fact that he waged a holy Jeehad to elimante {censored} Sikh Kingdom.

Das is aware that Sixth Guru did make a mosque at Guru Ki Wadali and by Nihungs it was given Back to Muslims and was protected when Hindutva people were attackeing places of religeous importance.

To Brother Toredar,Das here want to say that Sikhs are not idealist as Idealist is hypocrate.There were mosques at the place where Gurudwara RakabGanj Sahib is there and Part of Gurudwara SisGanj Sahib(both in Delhi).Even there was a problem with lahore's Guru Dwara Sahid Ganj Sahib .But unlike the hindus still sulking with the issues of Babri Mosque Sikhs were able to get Back there Gurudwaras.

Then there is type of Gurudwara called Masatgarh ,This can be veriffed from Budhadal or Taksal.That is mosque where Prakhash of Guru Granth Sahib Ji is made or it is mosque turned into Gurudwara.Masat is short of Maseet(Mosque in PunjaBI).

So in Past Sikhs did same to Muslims just to teach them a lesson as they did to Sikhs.As they use to kill Cow in Gurudwara(May be by Halal ) and used it for other purpose.So did Sikhs sly hogs in Mosques and converted some also.
Just to let them feel what pain aChrsitian,Hindu or Sikh may feel if such thing are done to the places of thier reigious importance.It was not to offend them but to teach them a lesson as part of pschcological warfare.As in Past Muslims by using the superstitousness of Hindus use to demoralies them by pplluting there Temples as this use to make them feel a sense of defeat due to 'Bad omen' type of superstitousness.

But Khalsa used the same techniques on the people(Jeehadis) to defeat them.(Refer Pracheen Panth Prakash by Ratan Singh Ji )Das is not giving the full detail of what all did Sikh do.

Sher Singh

Nov 10, 2004
Why are we all saying negative things about Islam, I don't see the point. Stop saying Islam this and Islam that. It's not a good thing to say negative things about someone else's religion, all religions are good where they are. I do admit, there are some things i see that aren't so nice in Islam, but there's no point is stating them, becuase Islam won't change itself, neither will the followers.
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Platinum007 said:
You have to remember the Qu'ran was not written over night, it was written over periods. When things arose during the time more versus of the Qu'ran where revealed from God. So when you say "slay the polytheists" it was most likely do to a time period where muslims where at a war. Muslims are NOT allowed to hurt a innocent "non-beleiver" forgot to mention that part eh?.. read history, and read the Qu'ran and things will make more sense rather then just reading it and taking everything so litterly.

This proves that you cannot take Quran as a final Word from God !!!


Dec 29, 2004
Manbir think before making illogical and uneducated statements such as you did. Pleas clarify your points of confusion and i will gladly try to explain them to you.
Jul 30, 2004

Dear Brother Muslim,

Just tell is Allah bounded by wishes of Humans or any promises made to humans.

If yes than thing that bind seesm to be more stronger than Allah.

It is true that Allah is King of Kings and does what Allah wants not bounded by his own words while those words bound us.

You can not gurantee that Allah can not say something new after will of Allah changes.

Did not Allah made Jews the King at one time and mommins at others.


Dec 29, 2004
But if Allah was to do so as you say ie breaking a promise then he would be unjust and in a sense a liar, so do you believe god is a liar?
Jul 30, 2004

Well when King wants a road on one space today and Canal on the same after few days thinking it is better to have water way then roadways then King is not a liar.

King is the governer who orders and if we try to bound King then we are rebels to be sent to hell.


Dec 29, 2004
I think your analogy's does not make sense, but please do not get confused god is not a man and does not need to think over things before making a decision.
Jul 30, 2004

God is higher than human.

promises are made with equals or at par at any level.

Thing which you call promise are orders and orders are to be obeyed without questions.

If some new order if differant form old then we can not say that due to old one we will not follow the new.

Then it may suond very strang that an entity which can send Holy Book Called Kuran in Arebic has no power to think.

Or say after doing something hypothatically say without thinking other actioan can not follow.

God made our brains which think and and if we say God does not think than sorry to say that Prophets and Faith of Islam are part of Plan of God for upliftment of us and Without Thoughts plans are not mmade.

Say if God can not think then no last day of judgemtn nor Imam Mahadi has to come.

To be more correect God thinks but billions..times more fast then humans.

No human can say God is bounded by any Book or Human or any word even as all are created by God mand can be destroyed by God when God wants and without the will of God even a leafe can not flutter.
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