My dear Muslim friend you have shown yourself studious and sincere, I am not out to bash your beliefs.
Also as you get older and life teaches you that the world although made small by man is a big place full of people of all sorts some good some bad.
No single people have all the answers!
We are all on this journey called life, we will make mistakes and we will do good deeds. Just make sure that our good deeds far outweigh our bad ones.
When finally we are before our maker think how you would want him to be considerate to you, then treat all your fellow man in a like manner now.
Most religions are full of noble ideals and its just the followers that corrupt the fine teachings, Islam is no different. Look at Islam and follow its noble path, do not let corrupt people sway you into elitism and intolerance. For they will be judged in the same manner they treated others.
Also as you get older and life teaches you that the world although made small by man is a big place full of people of all sorts some good some bad.
No single people have all the answers!
We are all on this journey called life, we will make mistakes and we will do good deeds. Just make sure that our good deeds far outweigh our bad ones.
When finally we are before our maker think how you would want him to be considerate to you, then treat all your fellow man in a like manner now.
Most religions are full of noble ideals and its just the followers that corrupt the fine teachings, Islam is no different. Look at Islam and follow its noble path, do not let corrupt people sway you into elitism and intolerance. For they will be judged in the same manner they treated others.
