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Islam Islam View On Sikhism-please Help


Nov 15, 2006
siqgur kI bwxI siq siq kir jwxhu gurisKhu hir krqw Awip muhhu kFwey ]
sathigur kee baanee sath sath kar jaanahu gurasikhahu har karathaa aap muhahu kadtaaeae ||
O GurSikhs, know that the Bani, the Word of the True Guru, is true, absolutely true. The Creator Lord Himself causes the Guru to chant it.

Guru Raam Daas Ji
Raag Gauree

qw mY kihAw khxu jw quJY khwieAw ]
thaa mai kehiaa kehan jaa thujhai kehaaeiaa ||
When I have spoken, I spoke as You made me speak.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Raag Vadhans

Dur kI bwxI AweI ]
dhhur kee baanee aaee ||
The Bani of His Word emanated from the Primal Lord.

Guru Arjan Dev Ji
Raag Sorath

jYsI mY AwvY Ksm kI bwxI qYsVw krI igAwnu vy lwlo ]
jaisee mai aavai khasam kee baanee thaisarraa karee giaan vae laalo ||
As the Word of the Forgiving Lord comes to me, so do I express it, O Lalo.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Raag Tilang

Those are just some of the quotes i found using sikhitothemax.com...easily disproves many of his points... :D


Jan 7, 2007

Please stop this debate of Sikhism and Islam. Both are beautiful, meaningful and fruitful religions if you were to ask God for the Truth and He were to help you understand the Truth. I thank Almighty God for opening my heart to Islam whilst being born in a Sikh family. Muhammed PBUH was indeed a prophet and Guru Nanak Ji was called a Peer by the Muslims, one whose thought was constantly engaged with God. The same way God sent different prophets ate different times to show and guide the True path, the same way Guru Nanak came to tell all to worship, praise and glorify One God and also corrected the Muslims who were going astray and had misconceptions of there own religion. Muslim simly means believing in One God and no other and Muhammed PBUH is the final prophet. This indeed is true. Sikh means 'Disciple', 'Student' which we should all regardless of our faith and religion for we should all submit oursleves to the Almighty One and you will never be able to learn all about God in this short life of yours. As soon as you think you know your religion or Truth, this will be the start of your downfall in all that you have achieved as your pride/ego has started to take over. Remain humble and accept all that God has created and revealed to be True. If you reject any faith that God has sent, then He has every right to reject you when it comes to the day your accounts will be judged. The Guru Granth Sahib refers to almost everything that Islam has revealed to achieve salvation with God. Also, one third of the Guru Granth Sahib comes from Muslims. Don't forget, Guru Ji's life was saved by a true Muslim and Guru Ji also loved Muslim and vice versa. It is only those whom God showers His Mercy who will understand. I can go on for ages if God wills but must go right now. I would very much like to discuss this further as God ay increase in e further in knowledge through those of you who are truthful and righteous. Please post your reply to this essage and please also eail e on psnahal@hotmail.com. Peace and love to all. May God Bless and Guide you all. Salaam.
Jul 10, 2006
Please refer to http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/hard-talk/14819-any-learned-sikhs-out-there.html#post50115

listing a selection of post discussed on this forum.

There is and will always be anti-Sikh propoganda out there. Its up to the Sikh youth and adults alike to take the initiative to learn more about Sikhi.

E.g. post:

"To all Sikhs be aware of this. I came across this whilst surfing the net.

Originally Posted by killah
I was debating with another brain washed muslim and he said this "but in Quran in al Taqqiyaa it is allowed for us to lie to non muslims to show them the goodness of islam"

I've never heard of this term before and I was interested so I rearched what it was all about. And this is what I found.

The word "al-Taqiyya" means: "Concealing or disguising one's beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and strategies at a time of eminent danger to save oneself from physical or mental injury." A one-word translation would be"Dissimulation." In Arabic the translation would be "hypocrisy in the pursuit of a greater purpose."

So all those claims that muslims will lie to get you to convert to islam and is permissble in islam was true!!!!!

Nov 29, 2006
Valekum Salaam
Vahe guru ji ka khalsa, shri vaheguru ji ki fateh

Shabash veer/brother

U have written good things
n its very true that no religion is different

everything has same meaning
but we fool people are just fighting on such issues
if Hazrat Mohammed came, he came to tell the truth to all
Guru Nanak dev ji did the same work

If SGGS was written, then only motive was to guide people
but it told the same things as the other scriptures such as VEDAS, GITA tells

same thing Karmas, importance of living guru in life, what is aim of Human body, and how GOD cn be seen within this body ...........etc.. is written in each n every scripture

Rather than to fight on such issues, we should try to understand any scripture
If we are sikh then try to understand SGGS(because this is easy for sikhs to believe, not any other reason)
if Hindu then try to understand GITA/VEDAs.....(because this is easy for Hindus to believe, not any other reason)

n in the same way for muslims QURAN is there




Please stop this debate of Sikhism and Islam. Both are beautiful, meaningful and fruitful religions if you were to ask God for the Truth and He were to help you understand the Truth. I thank Almighty God for opening my heart to Islam whilst being born in a Sikh family. Muhammed PBUH was indeed a prophet and Guru Nanak Ji was called a Peer by the Muslims, one whose thought was constantly engaged with God. The same way God sent different prophets ate different times to show and guide the True path, the same way Guru Nanak came to tell all to worship, praise and glorify One God and also corrected the Muslims who were going astray and had misconceptions of there own religion. Muslim simly means believing in One God and no other and Muhammed PBUH is the final prophet. This indeed is true. Sikh means 'Disciple', 'Student' which we should all regardless of our faith and religion for we should all submit oursleves to the Almighty One and you will never be able to learn all about God in this short life of yours. As soon as you think you know your religion or Truth, this will be the start of your downfall in all that you have achieved as your pride/ego has started to take over. Remain humble and accept all that God has created and revealed to be True. If you reject any faith that God has sent, then He has every right to reject you when it comes to the day your accounts will be judged. The Guru Granth Sahib refers to almost everything that Islam has revealed to achieve salvation with God. Also, one third of the Guru Granth Sahib comes from Muslims. Don't forget, Guru Ji's life was saved by a true Muslim and Guru Ji also loved Muslim and vice versa. It is only those whom God showers His Mercy who will understand. I can go on for ages if God wills but must go right now. I would very much like to discuss this further as God ay increase in e further in knowledge through those of you who are truthful and righteous. Please post your reply to this essage and please also eail e on psnahal@hotmail.com. Peace and love to all. May God Bless and Guide you all. Salaam.
Dec 7, 2006

Please stop this debate of Sikhism and Islam. Both are beautiful, meaningful and fruitful religions if you were to ask God for the Truth and He were to help you understand the Truth. I thank Almighty God for opening my heart to Islam whilst being born in a Sikh family. Muhammed PBUH was indeed a prophet and Guru Nanak Ji was called a Peer by the Muslims, one whose thought was constantly engaged with God. The same way God sent different prophets ate different times to show and guide the True path, the same way Guru Nanak came to tell all to worship, praise and glorify One God and also corrected the Muslims who were going astray and had misconceptions of there own religion. Muslim simly means believing in One God and no other and Muhammed PBUH is the final prophet. This indeed is true. Sikh means 'Disciple', 'Student' which we should all regardless of our faith and religion for we should all submit oursleves to the Almighty One and you will never be able to learn all about God in this short life of yours. As soon as you think you know your religion or Truth, this will be the start of your downfall in all that you have achieved as your pride/ego has started to take over. Remain humble and accept all that God has created and revealed to be True. If you reject any faith that God has sent, then He has every right to reject you when it comes to the day your accounts will be judged. The Guru Granth Sahib refers to almost everything that Islam has revealed to achieve salvation with God. Also, one third of the Guru Granth Sahib comes from Muslims. Don't forget, Guru Ji's life was saved by a true Muslim and Guru Ji also loved Muslim and vice versa. It is only those whom God showers His Mercy who will understand. I can go on for ages if God wills but must go right now. I would very much like to discuss this further as God ay increase in e further in knowledge through those of you who are truthful and righteous. Please post your reply to this essage and please also eail e on psnahal@hotmail.com. Peace and love to all. May God Bless and Guide you all. Salaam.

Thank you for your post Perdip,

I am particularly grateful to you for clarifying certain misconceptions I had about Islam. You say both Sikhism and Islam are Beautiful and meanigful religions. This is contrary to the view of Islam that has been explained to me by many muslims. They inform me that unless I embrace Islam, I am a {censored} and on judgement day will burn for all eterninty as a non believer. I am pleased to hear that the were not correctly interpreting Islam. I did think that how could it be possible for a faith to be so punsihing. My own faith tells me to be tolerant to all religion and this must be the correct way. Thank you for claryfying this.


Apr 3, 2005
Muhammed PBUH was indeed a prophet and Guru Nanak Ji was called a Peer by the Muslims, one whose thought was constantly engaged with God.

guru nanak dev ji was bigger than any other prophet so stop this muslim nonsense that mohammed was prophet and guru nanak dev ji was any ordinary peer.


Nov 15, 2006
Im sure guru nanak dev ji did not consider himself to be superior to anyone else. They were all great people with spiritual prowess many of us can hardly imagine let alone experience ourselves. Each religion has its own prophet and their faith is not of our concern. Practice your OWN religion, in the manner preached by the "prophet" and lead your life in bliss by ridding yourself of your ego that is claiming that my guru is better, mohammed is the only prophet and all others should embrance him, or jesus is the only saviour and all others are doomed to hell. Just stop it and deal with your own religion for once in humanities animalistic and ****** history and may the grace of God help you find what you are looking for.Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!


Jan 7, 2007
Thank you Navroop Ji

Sikhs who do not research and say such things in message previous to yours is what starts Muslims on slandering Sikhism. We should be hand in hand with anyone who has same goal as Sikhism, to achieve salvation with Akaal Purkh, just like our Guru Ji's (i.e. Guru Arjun Dev Ji & Mia Mir).


Apr 3, 2005
Thank you Navroop Ji

Sikhs who do not research and say such things in message previous to yours is what starts Muslims on slandering Sikhism. We should be hand in hand with anyone who has same goal as Sikhism, to achieve salvation with Akaal Purkh, just like our Guru Ji's (i.e. Guru Arjun Dev Ji & Mia Mir).

so you want to say that sikhs are responsible for provoking muslims against sikhism?.btw it is your islam that condemns all kafirs to hell.why just you don't try to spread the message of universal spirituality to muslim forums
and then we see what is their response.the only thing on muslim forum they say is convert to islam or go to hell.


Nov 15, 2006
It is true that islam has fallen quite a bit since its beginning and that misinterpretation of the Koran has led to many worldy problems but i'm sure they are free to speak however they want as long as they speak the truth and try not to hide the truth or outright lie to convert naive and ignorant people.Muslims have btw been attacking the sikh faith since its beginning but you must remember that many many muslims fought in the armies of Banda Singh Bahadur and Maharaja Ranjit Singh. I'm also quite sure that some were part of the armies of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and some other guru's. Please stop talking about how the violence got started or who started it but let us rather concentrate on how we can finish it and live in peace with one another. Anger and hate will only bring us lower spiritually so lets try to be loving of one another.If you are a Muslim, be a good Muslim. If you are a Christian, be a good Christian.
Jul 10, 2006
Thank you Navroop Ji

Sikhs who do not research and say such things in message previous to yours is what starts Muslims on slandering Sikhism. We should be hand in hand with anyone who has same goal as Sikhism, to achieve salvation with Akaal Purkh, just like our Guru Ji's (i.e. Guru Arjun Dev Ji & Mia Mir).

"is what starts Muslims on slandering Sikhism"???? - you got to be joking!!

No offense but I dont think that yours or your muslim collegues agenda or goal is the same as Sikhi.! I am making this comments in reference to the contents of this topic. http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/48964-post1.html
and from general observations.

Mia Mir a Guru? No.

Guru Arjan Dev ji a Guru yes . Interesting how a muslim has picked Guru Arjun Dev ji of all the Gurus.



The problem is with evangelist types. There too many Muslim fundamentalists like yourself at Universities, WWW and various other places targeting Sikh youth/adults who are either too guliable, do not know enough of their teachings as recorded directly by the Sikh Gurus in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, mixing with the wrong crowd etc. These fundamentalist pretend to have Sikh [punjabi] sounding names, might even wear a Kara, or even blatantly lie to say that they are Sikhs. This is a fact and is and has been happening for many years. This what their Mullahs have brain washed them into doing unfortunately.


Apr 3, 2005
If you are a Muslim, be a good Muslim. If you are a Christian, be a good Christian.

nav ji tell me what is the defination of good in a religion.aurangzeb is still considered very good muslim by majority of muslims.so should all muslims be like him?


Nov 15, 2006
if aurangzeb is CONSIDERED good by many muslims does that make him good? hitler was considered good by millions of germans and supremists but that didnt make him good. Of course not all muslims should be like him as uniqueness in a person is what seperates them from everyone else and nowhere did i say they should all be the same fanatic jihadists
Nov 29, 2006
Vaheguru vaheguru

Brother, here we are not discussing about the muslims or hindu or sikh kings

but we are discussing about the saints or religion

Guru nanak dev ji was good for all religions,
Hazrat Mohammed was good for all religions,
Baba Farid, kabir, Hazrat inayat shah, Bulle shah were good for all religions,

they told the same thing, there views were same as told in gurubani

thats why gurubani is full of so many quotes by Muslim saints

but today we are following niether Guru nanak nor Hazrat Mohammed
but we are following what our peers are telling us

OK tell me, hw many of us seriously what is written is Gurubani..........
nav ji tell me what is the defination of good in a religion.aurangzeb is still considered very good muslim by majority of muslims.so should all muslims be like him?


Apr 3, 2005
sat sri akal mr. sahil makkar
my name to is kanwardeep singh makkar

after reading about prophet mohammed i have some serious doubts about him
whether he was actually prophet or not.the way he condemened kafirs to hell
let me show you something from muslim sources
The Prophet as a Man — 108: War Preparedness
Abdullah ibn Khatal used to be a Muslim. The Prophet once sent him to collect zakah from people who lived far away. He traveled with another man and a servant of his who was a Muslim. At one stage on the way they stopped. He gave the servant orders to slaughter a big goat and prepare food for him while he himself went to sleep. When he woke up, he discovered that the servant had not done anything. He killed his servant and, fearing the Prophet’s punishment, reverted to idolatry. He also had two slave girls who used to sing for him and for his companions songs full of abuse of the Prophet. The Prophet’s instructions specified that the two slave girls should also be killed. The man was killed as he was actually holding on to the coverings of the Kaaba. Abu Barzah Al-Aslami and Saeed ibn Hurayth Al-Makhzumi killed him along with one of his slave girls. The other managed to flee until someone sought a special pardon for her from the Prophet, which he granted.
how could a person that ordered killing of 2 slave girls is prophet of god
one thing is also clear about mohammed was that he no good for other
religions.he condemned all other religions to hell so how could you say that
he was good for all religions
Nov 29, 2006
Sat shri akal

veer ji

vekho sanu kini gala ne jidi sanu samajh hi nahi he
we dont know many things

I dont know it really happened or not

but we cant determine SAINTS by their doings

Saints even went to brothel
but only for the goodness of all
to give that knowledge in brothel

there are so many examples

n many more

cn we say that they wr not saints

NO they were

but brother leave such topics

I dont want to argue on such topics

but yes, its better for us to understand our SGGS
what it really says

please starts discussing that
we dont understand the saying of our Gurus
when we will understand we will not do so

theek he na makkar sahab

sat sri akal mr. sahil makkar
my name to is kanwardeep singh makkar

after reading about prophet mohammed i have some serious doubts about him
whether he was actually prophet or not.the way he condemened kafirs to hell
let me show you something from muslim sources
The Prophet as a Man — 108: War Preparedness
Abdullah ibn Khatal used to be a Muslim. The Prophet once sent him to collect zakah from people who lived far away. He traveled with another man and a servant of his who was a Muslim. At one stage on the way they stopped. He gave the servant orders to slaughter a big goat and prepare food for him while he himself went to sleep. When he woke up, he discovered that the servant had not done anything. He killed his servant and, fearing the Prophet’s punishment, reverted to idolatry. He also had two slave girls who used to sing for him and for his companions songs full of abuse of the Prophet. The Prophet’s instructions specified that the two slave girls should also be killed. The man was killed as he was actually holding on to the coverings of the Kaaba. Abu Barzah Al-Aslami and Saeed ibn Hurayth Al-Makhzumi killed him along with one of his slave girls. The other managed to flee until someone sought a special pardon for her from the Prophet, which he granted.
how could a person that ordered killing of 2 slave girls is prophet of god
one thing is also clear about mohammed was that he no good for other
religions.he condemned all other religions to hell so how could you say that
he was good for all religions


Apr 3, 2005
sahil makkar ji may be you are right that we cannot understand the action of saints.but still one person has to show some qualities to be recognised as a godly person.unfortunately i haven't found anything special in islam ,quran.
to me it looked more political ideology than spiritual one.neither action of mohammed nor quran has impressed me.so don't accept from me that i should respect mohammed unless i found really something special about him.
Nov 29, 2006
Ok brother KD singh

no problem

The thing is that, what ever is written in Quran is same as written is our SGGS

but what u will call about Bulleshah, farid, kabir, shah hussain and many more saints

ya I know u will say that Bulleshah was {censored} for Mullahs
but only at that time
now bulleshah as well as his Guru hazrat inayat shah is devotable in muslims also

See misinterpretation of Quran has happened for them
for example:Two things r written in Quran
1> Human being is crown of all the creations... sabse upar he manushya
n he cn do everything...

but second thing written is
2>. it is sin to kill animals

they have not considered this thing in their mind...

Brother please I want to discuss the SGGS if u cn
hw close it is to our life
the things written in the SGGS cn be realised in life
this thing will clear us, what actual religion is..
so start if u cn


Nov 25, 2006
I thought your post was very inspiring perdip, thank you for providing such a view i agree with you 100%. Although people will still have doubts, misconceptions and certain perspectives on certain things (i.e whether mohammed was really a prophet, and whether Guru Nanak could be considered a prophet) the truth is still that we are all one with each other and with the akal purakh.
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