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Janam Sakhi Are True Events


Apr 27, 2005
Birmingham, England, UK
re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events


Are the earliest Janam Saakhis available to us? which ones are and which ones are not? Are they all in Gurmukhi, or are there any in the english language?

Jaswinder Singh


Jun 12, 2006
re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

Jazz said:

Are the earliest Janam Saakhis available to us? which ones are and which ones are not? Are they all in Gurmukhi, or are there any in the english language?

Jaswinder Singh

I think the oldest one yet discovered is here in London and is referred to as the Colebrook Janam Sakhi. It is the source of much contested debate and the existence of the alleged writer, Bhai Bala, is disputed quite heavily.

Most traditional works you may have read about Guru Nanak are generally influenced by Janam sakhis. My own early experience of Sikhism as a child involved a colourful book from India, which recounted Guru Nanak's life janam sakhi style.

Macauliffes, the Sikh religion, first published in 1909, contains a paraphrasing of janam sakhi material (vol 1) and is generally available.

McLeod has done extensive research on janam sakhis but he seems to TOTALLY discount EVERYTHING in them. Besides most Sikhs are suspicious of his intentions.

Interestingly, the recent exodus of Sikhs from Afghanistan highlighted that they were in possesion of some early janam sakhis, but some of these have been sold on the open market and are probably in the hands of non Sikh collectors. I wonder if there is anything in these that is new?


Sep 26, 2006
re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

Ok, so we will always find people who will agree the sakhis are true factual events that did occur and others who won't.

Personally i believe 100% that they are true, some events are beyond common reasoning, but whoever said we have the mental capability to understand anything, even an iota of what Waheguruji does.

I would give a relevant sakhi to illustrate but seeing as the truth they contain is doubted....... ok some science instead. Tell how do we know that the air exists when we can't see it, how can we tell that atoms and molecules exist, and in there absence we create a vacuum, or conversly why don't we think the scientists have got it all wrong and the vacuum actually exists bween there ears instead! After all,the basic chemical periodic table had to be rewritten when theY realised the had got the data incorrect.

More basically how do we know 2+2 makes 4? We all rely on the efforts of a more knowlegeable individual in finding what you believe to be an acceptable correct answer, an adept in the matter, and for us with regards to spirituality ,it is the Guruji (cos we are far too trapped in the net of Maya to see beyond the wall of duality).

Your doubt is the effect of kaal yug, and its a major battle of the mind to overcome, we all have it at different times (if not all the time), and those are the instances we fall down in life. It takes strength to believe, because it flyies in the face of everything we are taught here in the west, and everything that is respected in the west.

With regards to why guru Teg Bahadur ji didn't show his spiritual powers, because none of the gurujis ever did. When you reveal a spiritual gift you are exhibiting ego, (meditating on the Naam gives you spiritual gifts or ridih sidhis,) and we all know and love and repect our gurujis for the humility they exhibited, which we could never dream of possessing, so unlike some prophets, Sikh Gurujis never "did" miracles.

When Guruji was matyred there was a lesson being taught to all his sikhs, it was of identity and courage,which was powerfully taught. Nobody would collect our Master's body after the event. People were afraid the mughuls would kill them too, so in a way they denied they were Guruji's Sikh. Hencefourth the 10 th guruji established the 5 kakars so you would be instantly recognised.

Guruji was brave (bahadur means courage, teg is the name of a sword), he died to save the Hindu faith. Mughul rein was so brutal that the Hindu raja's came to Guruji in desperation because their non-violence philosophy left them defenceless.

We remember Guru Teg Bahadhur Ji mostly by his philosophy, I will not create fear neither will i accept others who enforce fear on others.

Some Hindus still remember, my brother went to a global music festival in the uk recently, and a Hindu man in saffron robes respectfully came up to him and said " I want to thank you, the Sikhs saved our religion from the Mughuls."

Hope this helps a little Bharji, its just the way i see it from my limited understanding.


Serina kaur



Sep 26, 2006
re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

:) Ok, so we will always find people who will agree the sakhis are true factual events that did occur and others who won't.

Personally i believe 100% that they are true, some events are beyond common reasoning, but whoever said we have the mental capability to understand anything, even an iota of what Waheguruji does.

I would give a relevant sakhi to illustrate but seeing as the truth they contain is doubted....... ok some science instead. Tell how do we know that the air exists when we can't see it, how can we tell that atoms and molecules exist, and in there absence we create a vacuum, or conversly why don't we think the scientists have got it all wrong and the vacuum actually exists bween there ears instead! After all,the basic chemical periodic table had to be rewritten when theY realised the had got the data incorrect.

More basically how do we know 2+2 makes 4? We all rely on the efforts of a more knowlegeable individual in finding what you believe to be an acceptable correct answer, an adept in the matter, and for us with regards to spirituality ,it is the Guruji (cos we are far too trapped in the net of Maya to see beyond the wall of duality).

Your doubt is the effect of kaal yug, and its a major battle of the mind to overcome, we all have it at different times (if not all the time), and those are the instances we fall down in life. It takes strength to believe, because it flyies in the face of everything we are taught here in the west, and everything that is respected in the west.

With regards to why guru Teg Bahadur ji didn't show his spiritual powers, because none of the gurujis ever did. When you reveal a spiritual gift you are exhibiting ego, (meditating on the Naam gives you spiritual gifts or ridih sidhis,) and we all know and love and repect our gurujis for the humility they exhibited, which we could never dream of possessing, so unlike some prophets, Sikh Gurujis never "did" miracles.

When Guruji was matyred there was a lesson being taught to all his sikhs, it was of identity and courage,which was powerfully taught. Nobody would collect our Master's body after the event. People were afraid the mughuls would kill them too, so in a way they denied they were Guruji's Sikh. Hencefourth the 10 th guruji established the 5 kakars so you would be instantly recognised.

Guruji was brave (bahadur means courage, teg is the name of a sword), he died to save the Hindu faith. Mughul rein was so brutal that the Hindu raja's came to Guruji in desperation because their non-violence philosophy left them defenceless.

We remember Guru Teg Bahadhur Ji mostly by his philosophy, I will not create fear neither will i accept others who enforce fear on others.

Some Hindus still remember, my brother went to a global music festival in the uk recently, and a Hindu man in saffron robes respectfully came up to him and said " I want to thank you, the Sikhs saved our religion from the Mughuls."

Hope this helps a little Bharji, its just the way i see it from my limited understanding.


Serina kaur



May 30, 2005
BC, Canada
re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

sorry, i know its a really long post, but cutting n pasting only a section of it wouldnt have the same effect as the passage in its entirety. so read n reflect....


I am sorry to disappoint you, but I can't help it.
I cannot give you the consolation that has been given by all the religions down the centuries. I cannot do it because that consolation has cost too much. It has not given anything; on the contrary, it has taken away your very religiousness.
I cannot say anything that in the short-term may seem to help your growth towards religion, but in the long-term is simply poison. That's what the idea of a miracle is.

The human mind is begging for it. It is the need of a sick mind -- but all minds are sick. Mind as such is the sickness of man. When the mind disappears you are, for the first time, really healthy and whole. Mind needs all kinds of poisons to continue to exist. The idea of miracles is one of the most important. The idea is absolutely against existence.
First you have to understand, what does a miracle mean? It means that existence is not trustable, that nature is not unprejudiced, that the laws of life allow exceptions. This is an absolute absurdity. Existence has no prejudices -- that for Jesus it has a soft corner in the heart, and not for you; that it allows Mohammed to go beyond natural laws, but it does not allow you. A miracle simply is a condemnation of the fairness of existence.

No, there is no such thing as a miracle -- never has been, never will be. If miracles happen then science cannot happen; and we know that science has happened. And as science has grown, miracles have diminished in exact proportion. The more science grows, the less and less are there miracles. If you go farther back you can find thousands of miracles happening.

Most of those miracles are just stories invented to create messiahs, prophets, reincarnations of God -- because how can you manage to put a certain man above all humanity? How can you manage to make him superhuman? His body follows nature, his life follows nature. From birth to death there is not a single exception.
But the fools around the world will not accept an ordinary man as enlightened. They need a superman, only then is their mind satisfied: Of course, he is a superman, a messenger of God; he can be enlightened -- but how can we poor human beings be enlightened?

And how to prove that he is superior to you? Just look: Jesus is not superior as far as intelligence is concerned, shows no special intelligence. There were hundreds of more learned rabbis, great scholars of profound intelligence; he is just an uneducated, unpolished carpenter's son. By intelligence he cannot prove -- nor can his followers -- that he is superior, that he is special, that he is the only begotten son of God. By physical strength he cannot prove that either. Any Muhammad Ali will throw him flat. Just by a single hit on his nose he is finished. Physically he cannot prove that he is superior.

Now these are the only two things in human life where you find.... Somebody is an Albert Einstein, a Bertrand Russell, a Jean-Paul Sartre -- they have proved intellectually they are sharper, more talented. But a strange thing is, they don't claim they are the only begotten son of God. No intelligent person can claim such an unintelligent thing. Or there are people who are physically talented. They may come first in the Olympic race, in some game, in some wrestling, but that simply shows a difference between you and them of quantity, not of quality. Howsoever powerful a man may be, he is only quantitatively different from you; and the difference of quantity is no difference at all.

If you had worked on the same lines with the same gymnastics for the same time, perhaps you might have proved even a better wrestler, a better runner. All that is proved is that this man has practiced a certain talent. Certainly he should be respected -- but he does not become the messenger of God. It is only a question of training. The difference is only of degrees, there is no difference of quality. He is just as human a being as you are.
Then how to prove that Jesus, Mohammed, Mahavira, Buddha, Krishna -- that these people are not just ordinary like you? The way that has been discovered is called the miracle. That makes them qualitatively different from you, because whatsoever you do, you cannot get trained in walking on water. Whatever you do you will be drowned again and again. So it is not a question of training, discipline, knowing certain strategies -- no, nothing will help. How can you turn stones into bread? How can you turn water into wine? These stories are invented for a certain purpose -- to make that man qualitatively higher than you.

But this is exploiting humanity, corrupting human consciousness, giving people false ideas. Just look at these miracle-men of the world and you can see that of all those miracles, ninety percent were invented by the followers or in some cases by the originators themselves. It is difficult at such a long distance to know who started them. Most of them must have been started by the originators themselves, and of course followers go on adding to them. It becomes an absolute necessity for followers to go on adding more and more miracles, because it is a competitive business and everybody has to prove his messiah the highest, the greatest. Everybody else is below him. Now, only miracles can do that miracle, there is no other way.
Jainas have 24 tirthankaras, 24 messiahs. Because Jainas had 24, Buddhists were at a loss; they had only one -- Gautam Buddha. In the market -- and this whole world is a market and every human being is a customer -- when you are selling your messiah, your religion, your holy book, small things count. A Buddhist feels at a loss because people ask how many buddhas there have been. Just one? Looks very poor -- Jainas have 24!

Hindus up to that moment had ten incarnations of God. They immediately changed to 24 because 10 looked poor before 24. The idea of Jainas having twenty-four.... Before Mahavira, all Hindu scriptures talk of ten avataras; after Mahavira suddenly a great change happens -- Hindus start talking about twenty-four. Buddhists are at a loss because their religion starts with Buddha, so where to put twenty-four buddhas? But they have to be a little more creative. They started talking about twenty-four lives of Gautam Buddha -- this was the twenty-fourth life. He had been an awakened one twenty-three times before. You can see a clever legal process. They had no historical grounds to prove that there had been twenty-four buddhas. Even Buddha cannot say that because he was the originator. But this was easy, to invent twenty-three previous lives.

Coincidences perhaps may have happened in the lives of Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, but it would have been far more honest of them to say that these were coincidences, that nature had not broken its law, it had not given a special power to somebody. But they or in most cases their followers remained silent about it. Silence is a support. Perhaps there was not any bad intention, because it has been noted that people are not in search of truth but in search of power -- and the miracle is a symbol of power, not of truth. Truth has nothing to do with miracles
But who is interested in truth?
Everybody is interested in power.

So when you see a man of miracles you are immediately impressed: here is a man who has power. And that is your deepest urge -- the will-to-power. Then you start following this man. In fact, if somebody tries to explain to you that these are not miracles you don't want to listen because he is taking away your power; your only hope he is destroying. So the people who believe in miracle-men are not ready to listen for the simple reason that you may destroy their faith, their belief You may be able to prove that either it is magic -- that means just conjuring tricks -- or it is simply a coincidence, or it is just an invented story. And many things can be managed very easily....

I used to know in Jabalpur a man from south India. He must have come some thirty, forty years before from Madras, and he had lived in Jabalpur for forty years; still he was known as Madrasi Baba because he was from Madras. It was known that he had revived dead people. I was a student in the university; I heard this many times so I collected a few people and one night we went to Madrasi Baba.

He used to live in a small hut outside the town, so it was very easy. We all entered his hut, and we took hold of him -- he was lying down on his cot. We tied his feet and hands, and I told him, "You have to tell the truth -- we are not going to tell anybody, but if you don't tell us the truth then today we are going to do a miracle."
He said, "What kind of miracle?"

I said, "Today we are going to turn an alive man into a dead man. Just in front of your house there is a big lake; we are going to throw you into it. And we will make every certainty and surety that you cannot survive. We have big rocks outside which we are going to put on your chest, bind with your cot and throw the whole cot with you and the rocks. And you will go down -- unless you tell us how you managed to revive a man."

He said, "I will tell you but please don't tell anybody; otherwise my whole life will be ruined. I live only on that miracle."
I said, "First tell us." And what miracles had he done?

It was one of his friends who pretended to be dead. He was a practitioner of yoga, they both were practitioners of yoga. If you practice yoga then there is a possibility that for at least ten minutes you can stop your breathing. With certain exercises it is possible that your heart goes on at the minimum, the pulse at the minimum, and your breathing completely stops -- but for not more than ten minutes. But ten minutes are enough to prove a man dead, you don't need more.

One morning he declared that his friend had died. People came, they looked, they took his pulse; it was gone. There was no breathing, his heart was not beating -- he was dead. They covered him, and then Madrasi Baba chanted some mantras in Telugu, in his language, so nobody knew whether he was chanting mantras or singing film songs. And after seven rounds of chanting and throwing some invisible power over the man he took off the cover, put his hands on the nose of the man, looked upwards -- and slowly slowly, the breathing came back, the pulse came back and the heart started beating.

The man is still alive, the other man. And we confirmed the story through this other man also, in the same way; we had to because there was no other way. We said that Madrasi Baba himself had told the whole story, "but now you are also in the same situation. So you just tell us, otherwise you will go; we will perform the real miracle."
And he said, "It is true, I conspired with him -- we are partners. Whatsoever money he gets, half he gives to me. For these forty years life has been very pleasant, without any work, without any trouble; we have lived comfortably, and people respect us. Now I am his disciple in people's eyes, but really I am a partner in his business." So either miracles are invented....

Now, nobody can say this Lazarus was not a partner in the whole conspiracy. He was a friend of Jesus' -- that much is reported. And why only Lazarus? There were so many people dying. Did he have to wait to do the miracle only when Lazarus died? And Lazarus was young -- it was not his time to die either. He was Jesus' friend so there is every possibility that Jesus may have told him, "Just pretend you are dead." He had learned all yoga practices in India, in Egypt; both countries know the secrets about stopping the breath.

Either it is a coincidence, or it is a conspiracy, or it is just a myth created when the person is gone. But you can judge very easily. Jesus can revive a dead man, but when he is feeling thirsty on the cross he cannot materialize a single glass of water, or just a Coca-Cola. That would have been a real miracle -- if he had produced Coca-Cola. Then I would never say that miracles don't exist, because to produce Coca-Cola at that time would not have been possible. Even today you cannot make it, because the secret of Coca-Cola is absolutely preserved, there is no way.... There are so many cold drinks available in the world, but nothing comes close to Coca-Cola. If Jesus had produced that, with the label of Coca-cola and the bottle and everything, then there would have been no need for any other proof; they could have just preserved the Coca-Cola bottle in the Vatican.
But whatever he did is not of much significance, and he could not do it when he was himself in need.

He could revive the dead but he could not change those apostles, transform their beings. What to say of transformation -- even on the last night when Jesus is to depart he says to them again and again, "Remain awake, don't fall asleep! This is my last night; tonight they are going to catch me. Remain awake so that I can pray silently -- and be watchful!"
And after each hour he comes and he finds his disciples are fast asleep, snoring. He wakes them up and tells them again, "Have you forgotten?"
Again and again, the whole night that drama continues, but they are not ready. You can't change people's minds just a little bit but you can raise people from the dead? It doesn't seem to be possible.

There are miracles around Buddha -- that when he passes, trees blossom out of season. The whole forest might be dry if the season was fall and all the leaves had fallen, but if Buddha passes through the forest it looks disrespectful -- those barren trees without leaves, without flowers. No, suddenly the whole forest changes its course of millions of years; suddenly there are leaves, suddenly there is greenery, flowers, fruits.
can say this must be a myth because Buddha himself has a personal physician continuously moving with him. For what? If even trees understand, won't his body understand? The most famous physician of those days, Jivakar, was continuously with him, just like a shadow, taking care of his body -- and still he died of food poisoning. Not a great way to die, through food poisoning.

If some glutton dies of food poisoning he can be forgiven, but not Buddha. The poison had no consideration for Buddha, the food had no consideration, the body had no consideration -- and the trees and the forest and the mountains had consideration for him?

He was sitting in meditation, and his brother, his own brother, Devadatta, who was a follower... but he wanted Buddha to declare him his successor. Buddha said, "That is not possible. You are not yet capable of such a position. And there are people -- Mahakassapa, Sariputta, Moggalayan -- so many people who are already enlightened. How can I declare you, an unenlightened person, as my successor? I am not going to declare anybody my successor because there are so many people who are capable of being my successor -- how am I to choose?"

But Devadatta was very angry, so angry that he left Buddha, taking five thousand disciples of Buddha with him. And he tried many ways to kill Buddha. One was that while Buddha was meditating, sitting on a rock Devadatta slid a big rock from the mountain top aimed exactly to hit Buddha. And it would have simply crushed him -- there was no chance -- but the rock, just on the way, thought, "There is Buddha, and this would not be right, to go on falling in the traditional way." It moved, changed its course -- which was very strange because there was no reason for it to change its course, no obstacle that moved it from its course.

Devadatta brought a mad elephant who was known to have killed many people and so was kept always in chains. He brought him and left him without chains close to where Buddha was sitting. And the elephant came rushing, because after many days he had got the chance to kill somebody. He was murderous. But just coming close to Buddha, a sudden break: no, this is not the man to kill. He lowered himself, went on his knees and touched Buddha's feet.

Now if elephants, mad elephants, rocks and trees are so careful about Buddha -- and I would like them to be so careful, there is no harm in it. I would like them to be so careful about everybody, why only about Buddha? But when he eats the poisonous food his own body does not bother; the poison takes no care. That proves that all other stories are beautiful stories created to make Buddha a superhuman being.

The same is true about all your miracle-men. As far as I am concerned, a miracle is something against nature, against existence; hence it is impossible. Yes, your mind wants it because your mind is sick. It is hungry for power and it would like its master to be a man of power. Then of course you can hope that some day you can manage -- by serving the master, by trusting the master, by surrendering to the master -- you can get some power yourself.

It is a deep desire for power that goes on asking again and again whether miracles happen or not. I say categorically they have never happened, because in the very nature of things a miracle is an absurdity. It simply means suddenly nature forgets its laws, existence changes its course. No, existence is fair, it is equal to all, exactly the same to all. And it is good that it is fair and equal; otherwise there would be the same bureaucracy and hierarchy that goes on in governments.

And that's what religions have been trying to create. What is this Christianity? A certain kind of bureaucracy from God, the Holy Ghost, Jesus, the messiah; then the pope, his representative; then the cardinal, then the bishop, and so on and so on.... It goes on and on to the lowest priest in the village.
This is a hierarchy, a bureaucracy. But everything is based on the miracles of Jesus. That's why I want to hammer those miracles as forcibly as possible.

If they are broken completely the whole hierarchy and bureaucracy falls down; they have nothing else to support them. And the same is true about all religions
know only of one miracle which is not included in your question about miracles; and that miracle is a jump of consciousness between the Master and the disciple.
Something transpires, but it is not done by the Master, it is not done by the disciple. Both are surprised when it happens.
The Master is available.
Whenever the disciple is also available, it simply happens.
This is the only miracle I know of

But it is not to be categorized with other miracles because it is really the ultimate law of existence. It is not something against existence, it is something which is the deepest, most central, most fundamental part of existence itself.

Just look for this miracle, wait for this miracle, and forget all nonsense about everything else.
If you really want to be religious, if you really want to be transformed, then you have to destroy all barriers between you and the transformation you are searching.
Yes, that miracle is possible. That miracle is possible any moment -- here, now. So prepare for that. Don't go on digging in bullshit.



Jun 12, 2006
re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

One factor that needs considering in my opinion is that in this day and age technology has enabled us to explore and record most of the earth.

The picture emerging from this is a world apart from that of the janam sakhis where all sorts of weird and mystical creatures existed.

I think the lack of facilities for extensive travel in the past coupled with lack of education meant that peoples imagination was fertile regarding what existed "out there", hence they were predisposed to think of an "enchanted world" out there. Documentaries and extensive exploration has changed this picture and we know have a clearer perception of what there is all over the globe.

Plus the Guru's never indicated they performed ANY miracles in their writings. They instead seem to condemn and play down "ridhian sidhian". It is the janam sakhis, all written a long time after Guru Nanak's passing that report miracles by the Guru, not the Gurus themselves.


Sep 26, 2006
re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

Dear kharkoo,

miracles are happening everyday,every minute, every second. Do you not regard your birth as a miracle, i don't know how long your mother's labour was, but i'm sure she regarded you as her "little miracle", when you finally poped out ending her agony.

It's too easy to disagree, as you've shown with a post full of double negatives and contradiction. Personally i don't have the time to argue so agressively, the issue doesn't offend me. But i certainly hope you find peace of mind one day, i hope the great miracle-maker, blesses you with happiness, gratitude, oh and maybe a few miracles too!

Take care, and make peace......with yourself.
:wink: serina kaur


May 30, 2005
BC, Canada
re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

Dear kharkoo,

miracles are happening everyday,every minute, every second. Do you not regard your birth as a miracle, i don't know how long your mother's labour was, but i'm sure she regarded you as her "little miracle", when you finally poped out ending her agony.

It's too easy to disagree, as you've shown with a post full of double negatives and contradiction. Personally i don't have the time to argue so agressively, the issue doesn't offend me. But i certainly hope you find peace of mind one day, i hope the great miracle-maker, blesses you with happiness, gratitude, oh and maybe a few miracles too!

Take care, and make peace......with yourself.
:wink: serina kaur

Dear Serina Kaur,

Thanx for the reply. I think u may have misunderstood my post. FIrstly, my post was not intended as an "agressive argument" and secondly the passage was not mine but from a book i recently read. (double negatives, contradicting comments etc is an intentionall hallmark of the author, and understanding its significance is probably 2much to discuss in detail here)

As for ur question regarding birth, YES i do consider the birth (of any living creature) a truly marvelous and amazing event..so much so, that a word less then "miracle" would not do justice to this wonderous process...Life/Nature/Existence/God whatever u may call it is full of unfathomable, limitless creative potential....i do not doubt nor disbelieve in its infinite capacities...its wonders and powers are such that they are beyond verbal/written expression...only an intimate individual with the Divine can allow one to fully appreciate its beauty and vastness...

however, one must be very cautious to correlate this aspect of the Divine with the ability by man to perform illustrious, magical feats which defy the most basic scientific principles...and then to justify their disagreement with sound rational logic by simply labelling them as "miracles" is a very naive approach...i am never one to impose my own views on another for to say i am right and another is wrong would first require me having experienced the Truth...only a (enlightened) being who has become one with existence can categorically claim to know the real deal...something which i definitly have not attained...but i do hope thru sincere open discussion we can at least all take a few steps closer to the Ultimate Truth

by the way peace of mind is something i usualyof struggle we all experience) and i await patiently for these few moments to disappear as well :) ...i do hope u too find a similar peace of mind and may ur own answers to questions about life/religion etc be answered thru ur own individual experience (rather then listening to and accepting others ideas/beliefs, including mine)..for the path to the Truth is a long arduous journey we must all take as solitary travellers

rab rakha
sandip singh
Apr 7, 2006
re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events


I have heard alot about Janam Sakhi and sau Sakhi abd from what i know it conatains our history but also alot of nonsense e.g Guru Sahibaans doing Hindu Rituals etc. But dont you think by saying Guru Gobind Singh killed goats instead of cutting the heads of the Piare, your calling Guru Sahib a fraud, con artist, liar and a pakhandee? can such a mans sons aged so young give up their lives and keep their faith? and as for Gurus not being GOd

Awip nrwiexu klw Dwir jg mih prvirXau ]
aap naraaein kalaa dhhaar jag mehi paravariyo ||
The Lord Himself wielded His Power and entered the world.

inrMkwir Awkwru joiq jg mMfil kirXau ]
nira(n)kaar aakaar joth jag ma(n)ddal kariyo ||
The Formless Lord took form, and with His Light He illuminated the realms of the world.

jh kh qh BrpUru sbdu dIpik dIpwXau ]
jeh keh theh bharapoor sabadh dheepak dheepaayo ||
He is All-pervading everywhere; the Lamp of the Shabad, the Word, has been lit.

ijh isKh sMgRihE qqu hir crx imlwXau ]
jih sikheh sa(n)grehiou thath har charan milaayo ||
Whoever gathers in the essence of the teachings shall be absorbed in the Feet of the Lord.

nwnk kuil inMmlu Avqir´au AMgd lhxy sMig huA ]
naanak kul ni(n)mal avathariyo a(n)gadh lehanae sa(n)g hua ||
Lehnaa, who became Guru Angad, and Guru Amar Daas, have been reincarnated into the pure house of Guru Nanak.

gur Amrdws qwrx qrx jnm jnm pw srix quA ]2]16]
gur amaradhaas thaaran tharan janam janam paa saran thua ||2||16||
Guru Amar Daas is our Saving Grace, who carries us across; in lifetime after lifetime, I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet. ||2||16||


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events


I have heard alot about Janam Sakhi and sau Sakhi abd from what i know it conatains our history but also alot of nonsense e.g Guru Sahibaans doing Hindu Rituals etc. But dont you think by saying Guru Gobind Singh killed goats instead of cutting the heads of the Piare, your calling Guru Sahib a fraud, con artist, liar and a pakhandee? can such a mans sons aged so young give up their lives and keep their faith? and as for Gurus not being GOd

Awip nrwiexu klw Dwir jg mih prvirXau ]
aap naraaein kalaa dhhaar jag mehi paravariyo ||
The Lord Himself wielded His Power and entered the world.

inrMkwir Awkwru joiq jg mMfil kirXau ]
nira(n)kaar aakaar joth jag ma(n)ddal kariyo ||
The Formless Lord took form, and with His Light He illuminated the realms of the world.

jh kh qh BrpUru sbdu dIpik dIpwXau ]
jeh keh theh bharapoor sabadh dheepak dheepaayo ||
He is All-pervading everywhere; the Lamp of the Shabad, the Word, has been lit.

ijh isKh sMgRihE qqu hir crx imlwXau ]
jih sikheh sa(n)grehiou thath har charan milaayo ||
Whoever gathers in the essence of the teachings shall be absorbed in the Feet of the Lord.

nwnk kuil inMmlu Avqir´au AMgd lhxy sMig huA ]
naanak kul ni(n)mal avathariyo a(n)gadh lehanae sa(n)g hua ||
Lehnaa, who became Guru Angad, and Guru Amar Daas, have been reincarnated into the pure house of Guru Nanak.

gur Amrdws qwrx qrx jnm jnm pw srix quA ]2]16]
gur amaradhaas thaaran tharan janam janam paa saran thua ||2||16||
Guru Amar Daas is our Saving Grace, who carries us across; in lifetime after lifetime, I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet. ||2||16||

Prabhjyot Singh ji

I know personally some very pious, amridhari Sikhs who will not allow their children even to be exposed to the janam sakhis-- because they feel that the stories are historically incorrect and distract from serious reading of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. In my humble opinion there is no lack of pure faith by a person who does not believe that Guru Gobind Singh cut off the heads of the panj pyare and brought them back to life.

Here is my reason. No one was in the tent except Guru Gobind Singh and the 5 beloved when this occurred to provide eye-witness testimony or evidence. Those gathered together saw 5 men go into a tent one at a time and they saw Guru Gobind Singh come out after each one with blood on his sword. Then the 5 beloved emerged with their heads. That is the sum totoal. All the accounts of this event were given after the event occurred. It is very possible that these stories were made to sound "fabulous" in order to stir up emotion in the sikhs of that time. Many of them were simple people who had been raised on a diet of tales of miracles.

Also -- Our Gurus in fact discouraged belief in miracles. So if someone does not believe the story of a real beheading, they are in tune with the ShabadGuru.

ਸਿਧੁ ਹੋਵਾ ਸਿਧਿ ਲਾਈ ਰਿਧਿ ਆਖਾ ਆਉ ॥
sidhh hovaa sidhh laaee ridhh aakhaa aao ||
If I were to become a Siddha, and work
miracles, summon wealth

ਗੁਪਤੁ ਪਰਗਟੁ ਹੋਇ ਬੈਸਾ ਲੋਕੁ ਰਾਖੈ ਭਾਉ ॥
gupath paragatt hoe baisaa lok raakhai bhaao ||
and become invisible and visible at will, so that people would hold me in awe

ਮਤੁ ਦੇਖਿ ਭੂਲਾ ਵੀਸਰੈ ਤੇਰਾ ਚਿਤਿ ਨ ਆਵੈ ਨਾਉ ॥੩॥
math dhaekh bhoolaa veesarai thaeraa chith n aavai naao ||3||
-seeing these, I might go astray and forget You, and Your Name would not enter into my mind.

Ang 14
Guru Arjan Dev ji


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

Most traditional works you may have read about Guru Nanak are generally influenced by Janam sakhis. My own early experience of Sikhism as a child involved a colourful book from India, which recounted Guru Nanak's life janam sakhi style.

It is true that there were several versions of the janam sakhis, and they do not agree in every instance or historical detail.

Dalsingh ji, this is a great answer because it allows the intellectually curious to follow up on some leads.

The value of the janam sakhis -- perhaps the greatest value comes when one reads them as an adult. They are morality tales, and this is how they teach: every one of them teaches moral lessons in an unforgettable way.


Jan 21, 2008
Re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

To the person who wrote:-

"Also, why can't we question the minds of the gurus ? I think thats ont of the key points in learning how the gurus minds worked -- is by questioning why they did what they did. I question them all the time, and sometimes even disagree -- am I bad human or Sikh?"

Yes you are.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

To the person who wrote:-

"Also, why can't we question the minds of the gurus ? I think thats ont of the key points in learning how the gurus minds worked -- is by questioning why they did what they did. I question them all the time, and sometimes even disagree -- am I bad human or Sikh?"

Yes you are.

neech ji

You know deep down inside whether you are a good or a bad human or Sikh. No one else can make that judgment. Some may try and some will but none have the right. But trying to understand the Gurus, trying to understand what they did and why they did it, do you not end up each time so aware of what amazing people they were. If you do... then it is worth your while to think about what they said and did.
Re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

Prabhjyot Singh ji

I know personally some very pious, amridhari Sikhs who will not allow their children even to be exposed to the janam sakhis-- because they feel that the stories are historically incorrect and distract from serious reading of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. In my humble opinion there is no lack of pure faith by a person who does not believe that Guru Gobind Singh cut off the heads of the panj pyare and brought them back to life.

Here is my reason. No one was in the tent except Guru Gobind Singh and the 5 beloved when this occurred to provide eye-witness testimony or evidence. Those gathered together saw 5 men go into a tent one at a time and they saw Guru Gobind Singh come out after each one with blood on his sword. Then the 5 beloved emerged with their heads. That is the sum totoal. All the accounts of this event were given after the event occurred. It is very possible that these stories were made to sound "fabulous" in order to stir up emotion in the sikhs of that time. Many of them were simple people who had been raised on a diet of tales of miracles.

Also -- Our Gurus in fact discouraged belief in miracles. So if someone does not believe the story of a real beheading, they are in tune with the ShabadGuru.

ਸਿਧੁ ਹੋਵਾ ਸਿਧਿ ਲਾਈ ਰਿਧਿ ਆਖਾ ਆਉ ॥
sidhh hovaa sidhh laaee ridhh aakhaa aao ||
If I were to become a Siddha, and work miracles, summon wealth

ਗੁਪਤੁ ਪਰਗਟੁ ਹੋਇ ਬੈਸਾ ਲੋਕੁ ਰਾਖੈ ਭਾਉ ॥
gupath paragatt hoe baisaa lok raakhai bhaao ||
and become invisible and visible at will, so that people would hold me in awe

ਮਤੁ ਦੇਖਿ ਭੂਲਾ ਵੀਸਰੈ ਤੇਰਾ ਚਿਤਿ ਨ ਆਵੈ ਨਾਉ ॥੩॥
math dhaekh bhoolaa veesarai thaeraa chith n aavai naao ||3||
-seeing these, I might go astray and forget You, and Your Name would not enter into my mind.

Ang 14
Guru Arjan Dev ji

Aad ji the Shabad does not say what you have said about it. This shabad is talking about the one who performs the miracle will forget the Lord and go astray performing it. Now are you saying after Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji beheaded the Panj Pyare he went astray and forgot the Lord or there is a chance he went astray and because of the sangat aweing Guru ji there is a chance Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji, our Guru went astray.

Also please explain to me the blood on Guru Sahibs sword after he came out of the tent. Where did that blood come from?

Did it come from a sheep as some have said about this Sakhi. If so this would mean Guru Sahib lied to the Sangat by taking the Panj Pyare in a tent out of sight then coming out into the sangat with a ****** sword but not the blood of the Panj pyare and making it look like it was the Panj Pyare. Would our Guru Sahib deceive his Sikhs in such a way.

Before any one asnwers All our Gurus believed in Truthful living above all.

Blessed, blessed is Guru Raam Daas; He who created You, has also exalted You. Perfect is Your miracle; the Creator Lord Himself has installed You on the throne. The Sikhs and all the Congregation recognize You as the Supreme Lord God, and bow down to You. You are unchanging, unfathomable and immeasurable; You have no end or limitation. Those who serve You with love . You carry them across. Greed, envy, sexual desire, anger and emotional attachment . You have beaten them and driven them out. Blessed is Your place, and True is Your magnificent glory. You are Nanak, You are Angad, and You are Amar Daas; so do I recognize You. When I saw the Guru, then my mind was comforted and consoled. || 7 || The four Gurus enlightened the four ages; the Lord Himself assumed the fifth form. He created Himself, and He Himself is the supporting pillar. He Himself is the paper, He Himself is the pen, and He Himself is the writer. All His followers come and go; He alone is fresh and new. Guru Arjun sits on the throne; the royal canopy waves over the True Guru. From east to west, He illuminates the four directions. Those self-willed manmukhs who do not serve the Guru die in shame. Your miracles increase two-fold, even four-fold; this is the True Lord.s true blessing. The four Gurus enlightened the four ages;​
the Lord Himself assumed the fifth form. || 8 || 1 || ang 968

Read the above shabad sangat ji

After reading this shabad I am willing to say and have said anyone that says the Sakhi of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji beheading each Panj Pyare as they went into the tent is a false Sakhi then that person themselves is false. And please understand the depth of what I have just said here.

Our Great Guru are able to do all things as the above Shabad says the Lord took the form as the Fifth Guru, now how is some one going to come out and say the Sakhi is false.

The way I wrote this post as I write many sound like I am mad, but I am not mad at anyone because they wrote somethng. The ones where I am mad, well the members know which post those are.:)

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Correction needed.

Yes, Similar question was raised by me in another post, which was also questioning the Sakhi. I am pasting that as-it-is, for further discussion:

May i put in a small "difference" into the equation....

1. Guru Teg bahadur Ji travelled TOWARDS DELHI with Five Companions..TO GIVE their Heads. The objective was Shaheedee in DELHI.

2. Baba deep Singh also had made a vow to...**** ^^^ REMAIN ALIVE until he was in the Harmandir Sahib to liberate it from the enemy occupier. Thus when his head was severed long before he could reach his objective...he carried it along until he could .

Thus just as Guru Teg bahdur ji couldnt be shaheed until he had met Aurengzeb as he was ordered to be in Delhi by the Emperor...Baba Deep Singh ji couldnt be "shaheed" on the way to harmandir Sahib.

4. Another point to note...althogh Baba deep Singh Ji is the more famous "headless fighter"...there are a few more ( if i am not mistaken)..Baaba Gurbaksh Singh is one name i have heard... SIR-LATH warriors.

There is a LOT of myth/tall tales/Arabain Night materials as well as Aesops fables types mixed up in gneuine Sikh history.... its our duty to keep sifting chaff from wheat...."miracles" or MIRACLOUS INCIDENTS ??..ie. "TRUTH" or "FICTION"...and as they say TRUTH is STRANGER even than FICTION !!!.....Achilles Heel could be "pure fiction"....BUT Baba deep Singh ji's story could be the "TRUTH that is stranger than Fiction"???? could it be ?? IS all "truth stranger than fiction..a lot of hot air ?? We owe it to our descendants to settle the dust...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

The GURU did it all in the TENT - behind closed walls...and ONLY the 5 and Guru Ji as well as Waheguru knows whatever transpired. PERIOD.
Why He did it..how he did it..when he did it..what he did..etc etc are just idle mental calisthenics of idle people.....IF GURU JI wnated everyone to see ALL..he woudl have doen everything in the OPEN....( But then again is THAT a guarantee that we will ALL agree ?? Just look at another Historical event..Nanded 1708...the GURU publicly and in full view of everyone present...had the Paraksh of SGGS...He matha tek to SGGS..and even ORDERED ALL PRESENT...This SHABAD GURU is from today..your ONE and ONLY GURU..in Body and in Spirit... SAABH SIKHAN KO HUKM HAI>>GURU MANIYO GRANTH...is a sexplicit and public statement as any..... BUT go to Hazoor Sahib/Patna Sahib..today and you will find that the SGGS is NOT the only GURU Parkash to whcih one must matha tek.... WHO made this decision that is ULTRA VIRES the HUKM of GURU GOBIND SINGH JI ?? Can one imagine..IF The Guru's HUKM had NOT been this EXPLICIT and PUBLIC ?? IF the GURU had told this fact to 5 Singhs inside a Tent ?? I shudder at the very thought....in every Gurdwara there would be ROWS and ROWS of various "granths" as Parallel Gurus...as the 22 manjis in baba bakala !!
Thankfully GURU ji DID NOT keep this fact "secret".


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

a little joke about "agreeing"..
Some one was betting 200USD that 2+2=5. His wife pulled his pajama and whispered in his ear...What stupidity. How can you WIN this bet....everyone knows 2+2=4.
Shut up..says the hubby...How can I LOSE ?....because..I WILL NEVER "ADMIT" 2+2=4...and as long as I DONT ADMIT it..i can NEVER LOSE !!
Such is the state of many "Sikhs" today....Main Na MANNUU..I will Never say die !!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

.IF Guru JI wnated everyone to see ALL..he woudl have doen everything in the OPEN....( But then again is THAT a guarantee that we will ALL agree ?? Just look at another Historical event..Nanded 1708...the Guru publicly and in full view of everyone present...had the Paraksh of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...He matha tek to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji..and even ORDERED ALL PRESENT...This SHABAD Guru is from today..your ONE and ONLY Guru..in Body and in Spirit... SAABH SIKHAN KO HUKM HAI>>Guru MANIYO GRANTH...is a sexplicit and public statement as any....

There is a LOT of myth/tall tales/Arabain Night materials as well as Aesops fables types mixed up in gneuine Sikh history.... its our duty to keep sifting chaff from wheat...."miracles" or MIRACLOUS INCIDENTS ??..ie. "TRUTH" or "FICTION"...and as they say TRUTH is STRANGER even than FICTION !!!.....Achilles Heel could be "pure fiction"....BUT Baba deep Singh ji's story could be the "TRUTH that is stranger than Fiction"???? could it be ?? IS all "truth stranger than fiction..a lot of hot air ?? We owe it to our descendants to settle the dust...

I so agree, Gyani Singh ji!

If only people would cease and desist with "romanticizing" Guru Gobind Singh ji and step back, take a deep breath, and think about his life decisions as they unfolded, then HIS COMPLETE AND WONDROUS GENIUS AND ESPECIALLY HIS WISDOM IN ALL SPHERES OF LIFE WOULD OVERWHELM THEM. Religion, politics, spirituality, history, poetry, music, moral philosophy, military tactics, leadership -- I am leaving something out I know -- and He was also a humble and deeply compassionate human being! Then everyone would sober up and ask how his example can shine a light into every corner of our existence here on earth, body mind and spirit. Guru GOBIND SINGH ji HIMSELF was the MIRACLE! The reality of his life and example are much more impressive than so-called tent-shows now seen as "miracles."
Re: 'Janam Sakhi' Are True Events

.IF Guru JI wnated everyone to see ALL..he woudl have doen everything in the OPEN....( But then again is THAT a guarantee that we will ALL agree ?? Just look at another Historical event..Nanded 1708...the Guru publicly and in full view of everyone present...had the Paraksh of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...He matha tek to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji..and even ORDERED ALL PRESENT...This SHABAD Guru is from today..your ONE and ONLY Guru..in Body and in Spirit... SAABH SIKHAN KO HUKM HAI>>Guru MANIYO GRANTH...is a sexplicit and public statement as any....

There is a LOT of myth/tall tales/Arabain Night materials as well as Aesops fables types mixed up in gneuine Sikh history.... its our duty to keep sifting chaff from wheat...."miracles" or MIRACLOUS INCIDENTS ??..ie. "TRUTH" or "FICTION"...and as they say TRUTH is STRANGER even than FICTION !!!.....Achilles Heel could be "pure fiction"....BUT Baba deep Singh ji's story could be the "TRUTH that is stranger than Fiction"???? could it be ?? IS all "truth stranger than fiction..a lot of hot air ?? We owe it to our descendants to settle the dust...

I so agree, Gyani Singh ji!

If only people would cease and desist with "romanticizing" Guru Gobind Singh ji and step back, take a deep breath, and think about his life decisions as they unfolded, then HIS COMPLETE AND WONDROUS GENIUS AND ESPECIALLY HIS WISDOM IN ALL SPHERES OF LIFE WOULD OVERWHELM THEM. Religion, politics, spirituality, history, poetry, music, moral philosophy, military tactics, leadership -- I am leaving something out I know -- and He was also a humble and deeply compassionate human being! Then everyone would sober up and ask how his example can shine a light into every corner of our existence here on earth, body mind and spirit. Guru GOBIND SINGH ji HIMSELF was the MIRACLE! The reality of his life and example are much more impressive than so-called tent-shows now seen as "miracles."

To all that question what happened behind that tent.

On that day before Bhai Daya Singh ji went into the tent, what did Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji ask for? Guru ji asked for one head and what did he have in his hand? A naked sword. Now put these two together. Guru ji comes before the Sangat with a naked sword and asked the Sangat I need one head. Now Bhai Daya Singh ji gets up from where he was sitting and walks toward Guru ji and asked Guru ji to accept is apology for not getting up on the first call. Guru ji and Bhai Daya Singh ji walk behind the tent and after a while Guru ji comes out of the tent just as he came before the sangat prior to Bhai Daya Singh ji going in with him. But something was different this time, Guru Gobind Sngh Sahib jis sword had blood dripping from it.

Now this is where the questions and Skepticism arises. Some say how do you know what happened behind the tent and only Guru ji, Panj Pyare, and the Lord know what happened. They make a good point, but have not taken the facts into consideration. As I said in my last post Guru ji holds Truthful living above all. Guru ji came before the sangat with a naked sword asking for a head. Now those who think Guru ji asking for a head is a metphar are being really naive or purposely ignoring the naked sword with blood on it. Now the next thing the skeptics question is where did the blood come from. As Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji asked for 5 heads with a sword in hand, Guru ji got 5 heads.

To say Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji got the blood on his sword from an animal or a different body part of the Panj Pyare is calling Guru ji a deceiver, for he asked from the sangat 5 heads not 5 arms or 5 legs or a dead sheep or any other animal.

Guru GOBIND SINGH ji HIMSELF was the MIRACLE! The reality of his life and example are much more impressive than so-called tent-shows now seen as "miracles."

If this is directed at me then I have this to say about it.

Aad ji the person who called it a miracle is you by using the shabad about miracles. Also this was no tent show ( I hear the sarcasm in your writing) this took place to finalize the formation of the Khalsa Panth.
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