Dear members Fetah
I have read and answered many questions to the best of my given mind by satguru
The translation of the bani can be done by anybody
How deep the translation depends on how high the person is sitting ( which "lam" first second third or four ) these are the gurbani "lama" sang at someones wedding ( I am sorry I don't have punjabi font on my phone)
The translation is only right once a person reaches " satguru"
Thus how the gurbani came through our gurus and bhagats
Once at this stage the translation will be right
Anything under this stage the translation "sounds"right
Eg ... Like the shabad " divus" sounds or translates to day in some cases but the vouls have to be carefully looked at if the "s" has a okanr under it then it translates to inside the body "day...gian.." eg the word kirtan in cases used has a onkar under the "n" and in some cases not. This will effect the translation
The one with the "n" is the kirtan inside a person "gurmanter" and the one with out is the Hindu or outside one
I hope this clears some confusion
Humble servant
Dear Naam Ji ,
Following is the exact translation of four Laavans sung during Sikh marriage as per Guru Granth Darpan by Prof Sahib Singh Ji
Her(i) pehalrhi la(n)v parvirti karm drirhaia,
Bal(i) ram jio.
Bani Brahma Ved(u) dharm(u) drirhauh,
pap tajaia Bal(i)ram jio.
Dharm(u) drirhauh Her(i) nam(u) dhiavauh
simrit(i) nam(u) drirhaia.
Sat(i)gur(u) gur(u) pura aradhauh
sabh(i) kilvikh pap gavaia.
Sahaj anand(u) hoa vadbhagi
Man(i) Her(i) Her(i) mitha laia.
Jan kahai Nanak(u) la(n)v pehli
arambh(u) kaj(u) rachaia.1.
Meanings of Difficult Words : Her(i) pehalrhi lav(n)-The First la(n)v circumambulation of a (seeker) bride for her marriage with the Lord; Parvirti karm-indulging in the meditation of the Lord’s name; Drirhaia-(Guru has) instilled it resolutely; Bani-the utterances of Guru; Drirhauh-reaffirm in the mind; Tajaia-are forsaken; Simrit(i) nam(u) drirhaia-(The Guru) has re-determined the seeker to meditate on the name of the Lord; Kilvikh-sins; Sahaj anand-the pleasure and comfort of spiritual stability; Arambh-in the beginning; Kaj(u)-marriage.
Meaning : O Lord! I am sacrifice upto you. By Your Grace, the kind Guru has instilled in the heart of his Sikh to remain attached with the name of the Lord perpetually. He has re-affirmed it. And this is the beautiful first circumambulation of a seeker with the Lord-husband. O brother! the holy utterances of Guru (Gurbani) are the Vedas of Brahma for a Sikh. By the grace of this bani, instill and rehabilitate the Lords name in your mind and adopt it as a matter of religion in your life. Meditation on Lord’s name removes dross of all the sins from one’s life. O brother! keep remembering the Lord. instill this routine of a human birth in your life. the re-affirmation of meditation on Lord’s name that the Guru has done is his sermon for life that should never be forsaken at any time. Remember this sermon of the complete Guru and this blessing with remove and destroy all sins and vices from your life.
Hey brother! one who feels the love of Lord’s name in his mind, that fortunate person enjoys the spiritual stability. Slave Nanak says-meditating Lords name is the first La(n)v circumambulation of the marriage of the seeker with the Lord husband. The marriage event of a seeker and his/her Lord husbands commences with the Simran of Lords name.
Her(i) dujarhi la(n)v sat(i)gur(u) purkh(u) milaia,
Bal(i)ram jio.
Nirbhai bhai man(u) hoey,
haumai mail(u) gavaia Bal(i)ram jio.
Nirmal(u) bhao paia Her(i) gun gaia,
Her(i) vekhai Ram(u) hadurey.
Her(i) atam Ram pasaria suami,
sarb rahia bharpurey.
Antar(i) bahar(i) Her(i) brabh(u) eko,
mil(i) Her(i) jan mangal gaey.
Jan Nanak duji la(n)v chalai,
anhad sabad vajaey.2.
Meaning of Difficult Words : Her(i) dujarhi la(n)v-The second la(n)v; circumambulation of the marriage of the seeker bride with the Husband Lord; Sat(i)gur(u) purkh(u) milaia-The true Guru brought the Greatman in the contact with the she-being (Seeker), Bal(i)ram jio-O Lord! I am sacrifice unto You; Bhai-all worldly fears; Gavaia-Guru removes unto You; Bhai-all worldly fears; Gavaia-Guru removes them all; Nirmal bhao-reverential fear; Vekhai-sees; Hadurey-ever present nearby; Atam Ram pasaria-God is spreading His self all around; Bharpurey-present; Eko-one only; Mil(i) Her(i) jan-by meeting the saints and servants of the Lord; meeting the Sadh sangat; Mangal-songs of praise; Chalai-commenced; Anhad-unstruck music; Sabad vajaey-as if instruments of praise and eulogy has been sounded.
Meaning : Hey Lord! I am sacrifice unto You. By showering of Your grace, the seeker whom You meet with Guru, the holiest of holy, is mind becomes free of all the worldly fears. Guru removes all the dross of ego (haumai) from his mind. This then is the second la(n)v of the union of the seeker and the Lord.
O brother ! with the removal of ego (haumai), the seeker being then sings the paeans of the Lord. He/She develops a reverential fear of the Lord in his/her mind. He/She sees the Lord dwelling by his/her side. Such a seeker is convinced that all this worldly expanse is the spread of Lord Himself. The Lord is dwelling in the body of every creation that He has created. Such a seeker bride sees the presence of the Lord in and outside of everything of the world. Such a bride joins the holy gathering of His beloveds (Sadh Sangat) and keep singing the paeans and glory of the Lord.
Hey slave Nanak! say-by coming into the refuge of the Guru, by removing the ego and involving the bride in the singing of praises of the Lord and sensing His presence all around in everything, the Lord has commenced the second la(n)v of the marriage of the seeker being. The seeker who reaches this state experiences perpetual singing of the praises of the Lord in his/her mind.
Her(i) teejarhi la(n)v,
man(i) chao bhaia bairagia(n) Bal(i)ram jio.
Sant Jana Her(i) meyl(u) Her(i) paia
vadbhagia(n) Bal(i)ram jio.
Nirmal(i) Her(i) paia,
Her(i) gun gaia, mukh(i) boli Her(i) bani.
Sant jana vadbhagi paia,
Her(i) kathiaia akath kahani.
Hirdai Her(i) Her(i) Her(i) dhun(i) upji,
Her(i) japiai mastak(i) bhag jio.
Jan Nanak(u) boley tiji la(n)vai,
Her(i) upjai man(i) bairag(u) jio.3.
Meaning of Difficult Words : Teejarhi la(n)v-beautiful third la(n)v; Man(i)-in the mind; Bairagia(n)-In the mind of those who have detached themselves with the world; Chao-excitement of meeting the Lord; Meyl(u)-meeting; Vadbhagia(n)-fortunate people; Her(i) bani-the utterances of praise of the Lord; Kathiai-we should recite; Akath-indescribable; Akath kahani-the praise of the indescribable Lord; Hirdai-in the heart; Dhun(i)-attachment with the rhythm, engrossed; Japiai-should be remembered; Mastak(i)-On the forehead; Bhag(i)-good fortune; Nanak(u) bolai-Nanak says; tiji la(n)vai-during the third circumambulation of the marriage of the seeker being with the Lord; Man(i)-in the mind of the jeev-istari (seeker bride); Her(i) bairag-strong desire for the union with the Lord; Upjai-gets generated, grows.
Meaning : O Lord! I am sacrifice unto You. Those detached with the world are blessed with a desire to unite with you by Your grace. this spiritual state is the third la(n)v (circumambulation) of the marriage of the seeker with the Lord.
O brother! those fortunate who are able to enjoy the company and association of saintly persons are also able to realise the Lord. they unite with the Lord God who purifies the life of a person. They ever indulge in the singing of Lord’s paeans. They utter words in the glory of the Lord. Such fortunate people unite with the Lord in the company of saintly souls.
O brother! we should keep praising and eulogizing the indescribable Lord for ever. One who remains attached with the memory of Lord, gets blessed with the perpetual love of the Lord and he remains engrossed in it. But one can remember and meditate on God’s name if one becomes fortunate and blessed person.
Slave Nanak says ! that during the third circumambulation (la(n)v) of the marriage of seeker with the Lord, a strong desire of meeting with the Lord gets generated in the heart of a seeker being.
Her(i) chautharhi la(n)v man(u) sahaj bhaia
Her(i) paia, bal(i)ram jio.
Gurmukh(i) milia subaey,
Her(i) man(i) tan(i) mitha laia, Bal(i)ram jio.
Her(i) mitha laia, merey Prabh bhaia,
andin(u) Her(i) liv lai.
Man chindia Phal(u) paia suami,
Her(i) nam(i) vaji vadhai.
Her(i) Prabh(i) Thakur(i) kaj(u) rachaia,
dhan hirdai nam(i) vigasi.
Jan(u) Nanak(u) boley chauthi la(n)vai,
Her(i) paia Prabh(u) avinasi.4.2.
Meaning of Difficult Words : Chautharhi la(n)v-fourth beautiful la(n)v; Man(i)-in the mind (of seeker being); Sahaj(u)-spiritual stability; Gurmukh(i)-by becoming Guru conscious; Subhaey-by engrossing in the love of the Lord; Man(i)-in the mind; Tan(i)-in the body; Prabh(u) bhaia-Lord loved it; Andin(u)-all the time; Liv lai-remained engrossed; Man Chindia-as desired by the heart; Nam(i)-through the name; Vaji vadhai-a state of prosperity came into being; Prabh(i)-The Lord Himself; Thakur(i)-God Himself; Kaj(u)-all the arrangements of the marriage of the seeker bride, Rachaia-commenced; Dhan-bride, Hidrai-in the heart; Nam(i)-by the blessings of the Lord’s name; Vigasi-bloomed and blossomed; Chauthi la(n)vai-during the fourth la(n)v of the seeker bride with Lord husband; Avinasi-one who is indestructible.
Meaning : O bewitching Lord! I am sacrifice unto You. By Your grace the seeker bride who develops spiritual stability, gets to meet you. This spiritual state is the fourth stage of union of the seeker bride with the Lord husband.
O brother! take the refuge of the Guru, the seeker bride who then gets to unite with the Lord experiences His love in mind and body. Then God also starts loving that seeker more intensely. Such a person remains engrossed in the memory of the Lord. Such a person then receives the much desired fruit of Lords union. By the blessings of the Lord’s name, his mind remains in a state of prosperity and progress.
O brother! the arrangements of the marriage of the seeker bride that the Lord commenced, the mind of that bride remains in a state of ecstasy with the perpetual Simran of Lords name. Slave Nanak says-in the fourth la(n)v (circumambulation) of the marriage between seeker bride and the Lord husbands, the bride achieves the union with the indestructible Lord God.