Jasvinders Fight isnt just about domestic violence. Its about cultural habits from Asia, Its about the abuse both men and women suffer when they refuse an arranged marriage. her book tells how they are locked up, beaten and even murdered if they refuse. If they run away they are disowned, some tracked down and it tells of the treatment they get when they are found. Most of the cases are of muslims, but not all. In the cases relating to Sikhs its not so much of violence, more the disownment that causes the problem. But in every case there is one underlying reason for what ever treatment they receive and thats family Honour, IZZAT. To disown one of your family, to deny their very existence, to tell your own child you are dead in their eyes, would some one please tell where the honour is in that. To care more about what some else thinks of you than what your own child thinks of you, To pressurise your own child in to marrying someone theyve never met and because they refuse dishing out that sort of mental cruelty, is that what honours all about. the worst thing about it is its mainly the so called religious ones that do it the Keshdharis, the honourable turban wearers. Where in our religion in the SGGS does it say that thats the way to treat a fellow human being. Honour equals pride , Pride equals ego. Ego is one of the five thieves. Most of these forced marriages is for the money or status that goes with them, Both are maya. Want to help stop cruelty then start at the Gurdwara. stand up and tell these people that they are wrong, tell them of the dishonour they bring to our religion, tell them how against the teachings of our Guru jis it is. Lets not look at other religions till it stops in ours. Want to help, then stop looking at the girl who left home to marry for love as a ****, stop talking about them as low lives whispering and gossiping, Start treating the daughters as equals to your sons, what he can do then so should she. stamp out the Punjabi culturalism thats never left our religion, Do what the Guru jis said to do, Treat all as equals reguardless