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Kirpan Attack By Dasam Granth Advocates Renews Sikh Dagger Debate: Did We Need This?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Where is naam khumari.... from?

roab ji

Not by a stretch am I answering your question. Gyani ji knows the answer, not I. But I do want to add a tiny bit of info that is related to your question.

Many of the tuks that are floated about as if they are from SGGS actually are part of the beej of Sant Kabir and are popular with Kaibr panthees. These would be tuks from shabads that were not included in SGGs by Guru Arjan Dev ji.

Just a factoid. That's all.


Jun 30, 2009
I read that the tuk

waho waho gobind singh ape gur chela.....

is also spurious. Infact in the very next line or before it it shows Guruji as worshipper of Durga. But most know only the two lines and continue with kachi bani.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I read that the tuk

waho waho gobind singh ape gur chela.....

is also spurious. Infact in the very next line or before it it shows Guruji as worshipper of Durga. But most know only the two lines and continue with kachi bani.


1. First the "author" is ANONYMOUS...BUT vested interests spuriously "added" this Vaar as the 40th Vaar to the POTHI of Bhai Gurdass Vaars.

39 Vaars are written by Bhai Gurdass and are about Guru nanak Ji's period to Guru hargobind Jis period. Bhai Gurdass ji passed away in Guru Hargobind Jis time.

It shows just how serious SIKHS are about what they sing/do kirtan/ etc regard as authentic....when we SEE that this SPURIOUS ADDITION..chock full of UTTER RUBBISH/DEVI worship/RABID ANTI-MUSLIM fanaticism/WRONG HISTORY/FALSE CLAIMS.FAKE "facts" and claims etc etc..and on top of it being so OBVIOUSLY A TOTAL 100% FAKE simply becasue this 40th Vaar is about GURU GOBIND SINGH JI/Period and the Bhai GURDASS who wrote the ORIGINAL Bhai Gurdass deean vaaran was the Mama of GURU ARJUN JI and lived 100++ Years BEFORE Guru Gobind Singh Ji. This Original Bhai gurdass penned the SGGS Ji which was dictated by Guru Arjun ji...

EVEN when this Fake was discovered...what did SIKHS do ?? They went running helter skelter like "headless chickens" trying to JUSTIFY this Intellectual DISHONESTY...some began to say..OH this ANONYMOUS writer must be...BHAI GURDASS..... SINGH !!! simply becasue of the PERIOD of the Fake Vaar !!! Since its clearly NOT the Original Bhai gurdass..he has to be Gurdass SINGH !! with absolutley no proof whatsoever..Ragis and Parcharaks began to tell this fairy tale of Bhai Gurdass SINGH !! No body even dared mention as to WHY this anonymous vaar was added to the POTHI of Bhai Gurdass Ji ?? ( and to make this even more "sincere/truthful..they would then bring in other respected names like Bhai Nand Lall, Bhai Khnaiyah etc etc.. and say..he must have chhak amrit and become Nand Laal SINGH...Bhia Khaniya SINGH....and so this is vaar by Bhai Gurdass SINGH !!! see how ridiculous we can become when we want to STRETCH the LIE to transform it into a "truth" ????..Thats is instead of making attempts to find out the TRUTH..we decided its better to Beat around the Bush and raise some DUST CLOUD to cover it all up !!

Simplest question was..WHY didnt the AUTHOR write his Name on his Vaar..as Bhai Gurdass SINGH ?? WHY did he ATTACH his vaar ANONYMOUSLY to the 39 vaars of Bhai Gurdass ???

I asked one Ragi..what proof is there that Bahi Nand lal became SINGH.or Bhai Khnaiya ji became a SINGH..he replied IF Bhai Gurdass can become SINGH..why not ?? But wheres the proof ?? what proof ?? he asked me..I wasnt there !! its just NATURAL..they must have all taken Pahul..it has to be....

Reminded me of what the Catholic Priest told me in Kindergarten class...Children..who can tell us..How do we KNOW that Bible is word of GOD...JESUS TELLS US..shouted the clever ones.. AND..How do we KNOW that JESUS is SON of GOD....THE BIBLE TELLS US....came the combined shout....YES thats right said the Father... YES......FAKES and dishonest people exist in all religions...even in Sikhism !!

What would the world say......IF a FAKE PLAY about ...Maharaja Ranjit Singh.... were found attached to a Copy of Shakespeares Plays ?? Would the world begin saying..OH..this new play must be by Shakespeare the SECOND !!..maybe Shakespeare SINGH !!! because by that time there were SINGHS in the UK ??....or maybe Shakespeare converted to Sikhism ?? Proof ?? what proof..I wasnt there..were YOU ?? Its definitley Shakespeare SINGH..and King Lear SINGH..and Shylock SINGH to boot !!

BTW..READ the ENTIRE VAAR..and judge for yourself....Just ONE tiny juicy snippet of "facts"...to whet your appetite for this WHOLESALE LIE !!!

1. Guru Gobind Singh/ and His KHALSA.....went on a Rampage and
DESTROYED MOSQUES and Banned the AZAN..stopped the
Circumcision...etc etc...

an English translation is available on internet sites.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Gyani ji

I knew you would know. This is probably the 3rd post/analysis you have written of some length and detail on the 40th vaar wrongly attributed to Bhai Gurdas ji. Please let us put all of them together and create a serious article on the topic for posterity.

Most of the time you have me smiling in spite of the serious nature of this material. I think such an article would make others smile a little, as they realized that scams have to be discovered sooner or later. It is destined.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I will be glad to integrate the articles but you have to do final touches. The scholarship already done by you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Narayan Ji..you are too modest..as ususal. THANK YOU.
You know..the real reason all those "pathetic sites" which hurl abuses...really do that to hide their frustration that you are not "with them"....how they wish ??? Btw the "complete bald shaved head of their greatest DG Scholar doesnt seem to bother them that much..why ?? simply becasue he is PRO-DG..so he can even leave his scalp at home..its still OK....but not someone like you whose hair is a wee bit shorter than theirs..ha ha ha
DO THE GURUS WORK..in Chardeekalla always..its the best reward we can get .:thumbsupp:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

Thanks .... me not all that. But on the subject of hair, LOL, :shockedkudi:, I am not joking when I say I really do look like this :geekkaur:, but leave the other picture up on various web sites in order to irritate particular individual who has been kind of quiet lately. Better let sleeping dogs sleep as they say.
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