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ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Women in Music


(Lyrics) http://www.sikhnet.com/GurbaniKirtan/tr_0597.html


(Lyrics) http://www.sikhnet.com/GurbaniKirtan/tr_0406a.html

(Lyrics) http://www.sikhnet.com/GurbaniKirtan/tr_1209.html

Translation and Transliteration in English
  • Chaupai || Chowpai
  • hamri kro hath dai rchcha. pooran hoeh chit ki eichcha. tav charnan mun rehai hmara. apna jan kro pritipara. (1)
  • Please guard us with Your Hands. All my heart's desires are fulfilled. My mind is focused on Your Feet. Sustain us as Your Own.(1)
  • hamrai dust sabhai tum ghao. aapu hath dai moeh bachavo. sukhi basai moro privara. saivak sikh sbhai kartara. (2)
  • Destroy all my enemies*1. With Your Hands protect me. In Bliss remains my household*2, servants, sikh, O Creator! (2)
  • mo rchcha nij kar dai kriye. sabh bairn ko aij sunghriye. pooran hoeh hmari aasa. tor bhjan ki rehai piaasa. (3)
  • Give me your personal protection. Restrain all my adversaries, Today. You’ve Fulfilled my Wishes. My Thirst for Your Worship grows(3).
  • tumeh chadi koei avr na dhiyaoun jo bar chon so tum tai paoon. saivk sikh hmarai tariaeh chuni chuni strhmarai mariaeh. (4)
  • Leaving You, may I never worship another. All my needs, I get from You. You save my Sikhs & Devotees. One-by-One you demolish my foe (4)
  • aap hath dai mujhai obriyai. mrn kal ka tras nivriaye. hoojo sda hamaraipchcha. sri asidhuj joo kriyo rchcha. (5)
  • With your Hand guard me. destroy my fear of death. Always side with me. With your Sword protect me. (5)
  • rakh laiho mohe rakhanharai. sahib sant shaeh piyarai. deen bundhu dustan kai hunta. tum ho puri chtur dus kunta. (6)
  • Save me, Dear Saviour. Beloved, Helper of Saints.O Merciful, Destroyer of tyrants. You are Lord of fourteen worlds (6)
  • kal paeh brhma bup dhra. kal paeh siv joo avtra. kal paeh kr bisnu prkasa. skl kal ka kia tmasa. (7)
  • Time came, Brahma was born, then Shiva was incarnated and then Visnu, Arose. It’s all Tricks of the Temporal Lord. (7)
  • jvan kal jogi siv kio. baid raj brahma joo thio. jvn kal sabh lok svara. nmskar hai taeh hmara. (8)
  • Temporal Lord created Yogi Shiva; Brahma, the Utterer of Vedas. Temporal Lord, fashioned the entire Universe. I salute Him alone. (8)
  • jvan kal sabh jagat bnaio. dev daint jchchan oopjaio. adi aunti aikai avtara. soei guru smjhiayho hmara (9)
  • Creator of Time made the Universe; the angels, demons and yakshas. Start & End only with Him. He alone is My Guru. (9)
  • nmskar tis hi ko hamari.skal prja jin aap svari. sivkn ko siv gun sukh dio. sttrun ko pul mo bdh kio. (10)
  • I bow only to Him. Creator of all entities & subjects. Gives all merits & tranquillity to His devotees. Destroys enemies at once. (10)
  • ghat ghat kai antar ki jant. bhlai burai ki pir pachant. chiti tai kunchr asthoola. sabh par kirpa diristi kar phoola. (11)
  • Intimate Knower of all our feelings. Recognises the anguish of all creatures, good or bad. From ant to elephant, He protects and cares for all.(11)
  • suntun dukh paai tai dukhi. sukh paai sadhun kai sukhi. aik aik ki pir pchanain. ghat ghat kai put put ki janai. (12)
  • When His saints suffer He is pained, and feels happiness when they are happy. Each ones pain he recognises. Everyone’s, every feeling He Knows. (12)
  • jub oodkrkh kra kartara. prja dhrt tab dai apara. jub aakrkh kart ho kabhoon. tum mai milat dai dhr sbhhoon (13)
  • When the Creator, projected Himself, His creations appeared in physical forms. Whenever, Creation is dissolved, all physical forms merge back into Him. (13)
  • jaitai bdan sirsti sbh dharai. aap aapni boojh oocharai. tum sabh hi tai reht niralm. jant baid bhaid ar aalm. (14)
  • created numerous forms and bodies. They utter Him as they can think, what He is. You remain detached from them all. This distinction the wise ones and the religious books know. (14)
  • nirankar niribkar nirmunbh. adi anil anadi asunbh. ta ka moorh oochrut bhida. ja ko bhiv na pavat baida. (15)
  • Formless, Stainless and Self-reliant. Primal, Blemish-less, Endless and birth-less. Only a Fool can discuss your bound. Your Limits even the Vedas do not know. (15)
  • ta ko kar pahn anumant. maha moorh kcho bhaid na jant. mahadaiv ko keht sda siv. nirankar ka chint neh bhiv. (16)
  • The fools consider Him a stone, for He does not know the Profound Mystery that is God. He calls Shiva, The Eternal Lord, and does not know the secret of the Formless Lord. (16)
  • aap aapni budhi hai jaiti. barnt bhinun bhinun taiti. tumra lkha na jaeh psara. keh bidhi prthm sunsara. (17)
  • Every one according to his understanding, describes You differently. The limits of Your creation cannot be known, nor how in the beginning You created the Universes. (17)
  • aikai roop anoop sroopa. runk bhyo rav kehi bhoopa. audj jairj saitj kini. ootbhuj khani bhor rchi deeni (18)
  • You are One, manifest in varied forms, as a poor man, rich manor, a king. You create being that are egg born, the sweat born, earth born and the foetus born. (18)
  • kahoon phool raja hvai baitha. kahoon simit bhio sunkr aikaitha. sgri sirsti dikhaeh achunbhv. adi jugadi sroop suyunbhv. (19)
  • Sometime You joyfully appear in the form of Brahma expanding the creation, and some time in the form of contracting and dissolving Shiva. He shows His miraculous deeds to all His creation of the Universe. He, the Primal Power, born of Himself is since the beginning of beginning. (19)
  • ab rchcha mairi tum kro. sikh oobari asikh soghro. dust jitai oothvat ootpata. skal mlaich kro run ghata. (20)
  • O Lord, now keep me under Your protection, encourage my followers to flourish [in intellect and wisdom] and destroy my enemies (negative thinking). All the evil doers who arise (in my mind), fight with them and destroy them there and then. (20)
  • jai asidhuj tav sarni parai. tin kai dusht dukhit hvai mrai. purkh jvan pug parai tiharai. tin kai tum sunkt sabh tarai. (21)
  • O Mighty Lord of the Sword (Knowledge)+, whosoever seeks Your protection, his enemies (evil passions) suffer pain and are destroyed. The persons, who fall on Your Feet, You remove all their afflictions and maladies. (21)
jo kal ko eik bar dhiaai hai. ta kai kal nikti neh aai hai. rchcha hoeh taeh sabh kala. dust arist train tatkala. (22)
Those who meditate even once (with complete devotion) on You, the Supreme Destroyer, the Death cannot come near them. They remain protected at all times. All their enemies and sorrows are removed instantaneously. (22)
  • kirpa diristi tun jaeh nihriho. ta kai tap tnak mo herho. ridhdhi sidhdhi ghar mo sabh hoei. dust chah chvai skai na koei. (23)
  • With your blessing & compassion, Bliss is obtained. All their Sins are removed. They are blessed with all the earthly and spiritual treasures, and no evil doer [deadly passions and sickly instinctual drives] can even touch their shadows. (23)
  • aik bar jin tumai sunbhara. kal phas tai taeh oobara. jin nar nam tiharo kaha. darid dust dokh tai raha. (24)
  • If once they remember You. You remove the noose of Death. Whosoever meditates on Your Name. They are spared Poverty, suffering and adversity. (24)
  • kharag kait mai sarni tehari. aap hath dai laio oobari. sarb thor mo hohu sahaei. dust dokh tai laiho bchaei. (25)
  • O The Lord of Sword, I seek Your protection. With Your Hands you have guarded me. At All Times be my Support. Save me from wickedness and pain. (25).


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Shabad by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
1) YouTube - Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Aawal Allah Noor Ao Paya 1 of 3
2) YouTube - Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Aawal Allah Noor Ao Paya 2 of 3

(pMnw 1349-19)
parbhaatee kabeer jee-o.
Parbhaatee Kabeer Jee-o

aval alah noor upaa-i-aa kudrat kay sabh banday.
First, Allah created the Light; then, by His Creative Power, He made all mortal beings.

ayk noor tay sabh jag upji-aa ka-un bhalay ko manday. ||1||
From the One Light, the entire universe welled up. So who is good, and who is bad? ||1||

logaa bharam na bhoolahu bhaa-ee.
O people, O Siblings of Destiny, do not wander deluded by doubt.

khaalik khalak khalak meh khaalik poor rahi-o sarab thaaN-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Creation is in the Creator, and the Creator is in the Creation, totally pervading and permeating all places. ||1||Pause||

maatee ayk anayk bhaaNt kar saajee saajanhaarai.
The clay is the same, but the Fashioner has fashioned it in various ways.

naa kachh poch maatee kay bhaaNday naa kachh poch kumbhaarai. ||2||
There is nothing wrong with the pot of clay - there is nothing wrong with the Potter. ||2||

sabh meh sachaa ayko so-ee tis kaa kee-aa sabh kachh ho-ee.
The One True Lord abides in all; by His making, everything is made.

hukam pachhaanai so ayko jaanai bandaa kahee-ai so-ee. ||3||
Whoever realizes the Hukam of His Command, knows the One Lord. He alone is said to be the Lord's slave. ||3||

alhu alakh na jaa-ee lakhi-aa gur gurh deenaa meethaa.
The Lord Allah is Unseen; He cannot be seen. The Guru has blessed me with this sweet molasses.

kahi kabeer mayree sankaa naasee sarab niranjan deethaa. ||4||3||
Says Kabeer, my anxiety and fear have been taken away; I see the Immaculate Lord pervading everywhere. ||4||3||
Important Note:

(In Sikh Gurbani, Allah is described as Universal , All Prevading God, present in all His creation. But in the Quran, it is described very differently.) Hence, all Muslim beliefs differ in concept from Sikhism. It is often found that Muslims tend to sing Gurbani only if the word Allah is present. But to sikhs Allah, Ram, Vaheguru, Hari are all different words expressing the same Universal Creator, One God.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Singers: Lata Mangeshkar and Asha Bonsle
(Shabad) : http://www.sikhnet.com/Sikhnet/music.nsf/e9da6ec9978726bc8725658f0001e37c/ed2692458a5cfb6d87256ab100757321!OpenDocument

Dhanaasree mehlaa 4
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl

ichhaa poorak sarab sukh-daata har jaa kai vas hai kaamDhaynaa.
The Lord is the Fulfiller of desires, the Giver of total peace; the Kaamadhaynaa, the wish-fulfilling cow, is in His power.

so aisaa har Dhi-aa-ee-ai mayray jee-arhay taa sarab sukh paavahi mayray manaa. ||1||
So meditate on such a Lord, O my soul. Then, you shall obtain total peace, O my mind. ||1||

jap man sat naam sadaa sat naam.
Chant, O my mind, the True Name, Sat Naam, always the Sat naam.

halat palat mukh oojal ho-ee hai nit Dhi-aa-ee-ai har purakh niranjanaa. rahaa-o.
In this world, and in the world beyond, your face shall be radiant, by meditating continually onthe immaculate Lord God. ||Pause||

jah har simran bha-i-aa tah upaaDh gat keenee vadbhaagee har japnaa.
Wherever anyone remembers the Lord in meditation, disaster runs away from that place. By great good fortune, we meditate on the Lord.

jan naanak ka-o gur ih mat deenee jap har bhavjal tarnaa. ||2||6||12||
The Guru has blessed servant Nanak with this understanding, that by meditating on the Lord, we cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||6||12||


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

I just noticed this,

(In Sikh Gurbani, Allah is described as Universal , All Prevading God, present in all His creation. But in the Quran, it is described very differently.) Hence, all Muslim beliefs differ in concept from Sikhism. It is often found that Muslims tend to sing Gurbani only if the word Allah is present. But to sikhs Allah, Ram, Vaheguru, Hari are all different words expressing the same Universal Creator, One God.

You know what? This takes the hatred and anger out of the discussion of Allah, Ram and brings it back into focus on One God. At the same time it preserves the core of Sikhi.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Raag Bihag ( belongs to Thath Bilawal)
Voice of Asha Bonsle in Raag Bihag
Click here > http://www.musicindiaonline.com/p/x/VJx9Kxplat.As1NMvHdW/

(If "File not found" icon appears, click OK and wait for a while, audio will start in a few moments).

soohee mehlaa 5.
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:

tuDh chit aa-ay mahaa anandaa jis visrahi so mar jaa-ay.
When You come to mind, I am totally in bliss. One who forgets You might just as well be dead.

da-i-aal hoveh jis oopar kartay so tuDh sadaa Dhi-aa-ay. ||1||
That being, whom You bless with Your Mercy, O Creator Lord, constantly meditates on You. ||1||

>>>>>.......................................... mayray saahib tooN mai maan nimaanee.

O my Lord and Master, You are the honor of the dishonored such as me.

>>>>>............... ardaas karee parabh apnay aagai sun sun jeevaa tayree banee. ||1|| rahaa-o.

I offer my prayer to You, God; listening to Your Bani, I live. ||1||Pause||

charan Dhoorh tayray jan kee hovaa tayray darsan ka-o bal jaa-ee.
May I become the dust of the feet of Your humble servants. I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

amrit bachan ridai ur Dhaaree ta-o kirpaa tay sang paa-ee. ||2||
I enshrine Your Ambrosial Word within my heart. By Your Grace, I have found the Company of the Holy. ||2||

antar kee gat tuDh peh saaree tuDh jayvad avar na ko-ee.
I place the state of my inner being before You; there is no other as great as You.

jis no laa-ay laihi so laagai bhagat tuhaaraa so-ee. ||3||
He alone is attached, whom You attach; he alone is Your devotee. ||3||

du-ay kar jorh maaga-o ik daanaa saahib tuthai paavaa.
With my palms clasped together, I beg for this one gift; O my Lord and Master, if it pleases You, I shall obtain it.

saas saas naanak aaraaDhay aath pahar gun gaavaa. ||4||9||56||
With each and every breath, Nanak adores You; twenty-four hours a day, I sing Your Glorious Praises. ||4||9||56||

Theory of Raag Bihag

Raag Bihag (Thaat Bilawal)
Prahar (9pm - 12am)
Aaroha'N - S - G - m - P - N - S'
Vaadi G
AvrohaS' - N - (D) - P - M - P - G - m - G - R - S
Samvaadi N
Pakad 'N - S - G - m - P, P - M - P - G - m - G - (R) S

Other Videos/Audios on Raag Bihag


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Raag Malhaar
Percussions : 12 beats (for first 9 and half minutes)
thereafter change to 16 beats (teentaal).
Explanation of Raag Malhaar

Malhar, Miyan




Anytime in Monsoon


S - m - R - P, - m - P - n - D - N - S'



S' - D - n - P - m - P - (m)g~ - m - R - S




R - P - g - m - R - S, 'n - 'D - 'N - S


Shadav - Sampoorna

Other Videos/Audios on Miyan Ki Malhaar

Shudh Malhar
Baras Ghana Mera Man Bhina

Miyan Ki Malhar
Savan Saras Mana Ghan Barsai
He Gobind He Gopal
Ram Ram Bol Ram Ram
Savan aya ve sakhi

Gaund Malhar
Gur munar priy dyar
Mahi more pritam deho milaye

Megh Malhar
Bhadon bharam bhoole

Raag Basant
Click here > [URL="http://youtube.com/watch?v=WKQ4mTFQ_30Tabla"]http://youtube.com/watch?v=WKQ4mTFQ_30
Tabla : 12 beats

basant mehlaa 5
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

daykh phool phool foolay.
Behold the flowers flowering, and the blossoms blossomingforth!

ahaN ti-aag ti-aagay.
Renounce and abandon your egotism.

charan kamal paagay.
Grasp hold of His Lotus Feet.

tum milhu parabh sabhaagay.
Meet with God, O blessed one.

har chayt man mayray. rahaa-o.
O my mind, remain conscious of the Lord. ||Pause||

saghan baas koolay.
The tender young plants smell so good,

ik rahay sook kathoolay.
while others remain like dry wood.

basant rut aa-ee.
The season of spring has come;

par-phool-taa rahay. ||1||
it blossoms forth luxuriantly. ||1||

ab kaloo aa-i-o ray.
Now, the Dark Age of Kali Yuga has come.

ik naam bovhu bovhu.
Plant the Naam, the Name of the One Lord.

an root naahee naahee.
There’s no other season (to plant seeds of Naam).

matbharam bhoolahu bhoolahu.
Do not wander lost in doubt and delusion.

gur milay har paa-ay. jis mastak hai laykhaa.
One who has such destiny, shall meet with the Guru and find the Lord.

man rut naam ray.
O mortal, this is the season of the Naam.

gun kahay naanak har haray har haray. ||2||18||
Nanak utters the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. ||2||18||

Theory of Raag BasantThe name Basant is from Sanskrit vasant meaning spring, and during that season of the year Basant may be performed at any time of the day or night. Otherwise, it is reserved for the night between 9 p.m. and midnight. The Ragmala gives Basant as a putra (son) of Hindol, also a spring raga. Today it belongs to the Purvi thata. The only variant noted in the Holy Book is Basant-Hindol. Basant is a very old raga dating from the 8th century. Guru Nanak, Guru Amar Das, Guru Ram Das, Guru Arjan and Guru Tegh Bahadur composed sabdas to this raga. Performed in slow tempo, this gentle melody depicts quiet joy. The descending scale is usually found at the beginning of a composition with the ascending form following later.

According to Indian Schools of music this raga has very gentle mood and represents loneliness and quiet joy and is to be performed in a dignified slow tempo The raga belongs to Purvi thaht.

Thaat Poorvi
Prahar 8 (3am - 6am)
S - G - M - d - N - S
S' - N - d - P - M - G, M - G - r - S
Pakad M - d - r' - S' - N - d - P - M - G - M - G
JaatiAudav - Sampoorna
Samvadi :Ma

Other Videos/Audios on Raag Basant

Mohan ghar aavoh karo jodadiya
Anand Sahib
Rut Aile Saras Basant Mahe
Dekh Phool Phool Phooolai
Basant Hamre Ram Rang
Kat jaiye re ghar lago rang
Basant Chadiya Phooli Ban Raye

Budha Basant
Holi Kini Sant Sev
Kat Jaiye Re Ghar Lago Rang

Basant (Marwa Ang)
Man kahan bisaryo ram nam (Bhai Gupal Singh)

Basant Hindol
Maha Maham Mumarkhi
Waheguru Waheguru (Avneet Kaur Baljot Kaur)
Lobh Lahar At Nijar Baje

Basant Bahar
Asi Bhavra Baas Lay
Moli Dharti Mohlia Akas
Dekh phool phool phoolai (Amrit Kaur Mehr Kaur)
Aaj hamare mangal char
Tu kae garbay bavalee



ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Raag Dhanasri

raag Dhanaasree mehlaa 1.
Raag Dhanaasree, First Mehl:

gagan mai thaal rav chand deepak banay taarikaa mandal janak motee.
Upon that cosmic plate of the sky, the sun and the moon are the lamps. The stars and their orbs are the studded pearls.

Dhoop mal-aanlo pavan chavro karay sagal banraa-ay foolant jotee. ((1))
The fragrance of sandalwood in the air is the temple incense, and the wind is the fan. All the plants of the world are the altar flowers in offering to You, O Luminous Lord. ((1))

kaisee aartee ho-ay.
What a beautiful Aartee, lamp-lit worship service this is!

bhav khandnaa tayree aartee.
O Destroyer of Fear, this is Your Ceremony of Light.

anhataa sabad vaajant bhayree. ((1)) rahaa-o.
The Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad is the vibration of the temple drums. ((1)(Pause))

sahas tav nain nan nain heh tohi ka-o sahas moorat nanaa ayk tohee.
You have thousands of eyes, and yet You have no eyes. You have thousands of forms, and yet You do not have even one.

sahas pad bimal nan ayk pad ganDh bin sahas tav ganDh iv chalat mohee. ((2))
You have thousands of Lotus Feet, and yet You do not have even one foot. You have no nose, but you have thousands of noses. This Play of Yours entrances me. ((2))

sabh meh jot jot hai so-ay.
Amongst all is the Light-You are that Light.

tis dai chaanan sabh meh chaanan ho-ay.
By this Illumination, that Light is radiant within all.

gur saakhee jot pargat ho-ay.
Through the Guru's Teachings, the Light shines forth.

jo tis bhaavai so aartee ho-ay. ((3))
That which is pleasing to Him is the lamp-lit worship service. ((3))

har charan kaval makrand lobhit mano andino mohi aahee pi-aasaa.
My mind is enticed by the honey-sweet Lotus Feet of the Lord. Day and night, I thirst for them.

kirpaa jal deh naanak saaring ka-o ho-ay jaa tay tayrai naa-ay vaasaa. ((4)(3))
Bestow the Water of Your Mercy upon Nanak, the thirsty song-bird, so that he may come to dwell in Your Name. ((4)(3))

Dhanashree(Kafi Ang)3pm - 6pm

Dhanashree(Bilawal Ang) 6pm - 9pm

Other Videos/Audio onRaag Dhanasri

bandhna har bandhna
Halat sukh palat sukh (Partal) 1
Halat sukh palat sukh nit sukh simarano 2
Har charan sarana gobind dukh bhanjana
Koi Naam Na Janai Mera


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Raag Malkauns

Thakur Tum Sarnayi Aaya

Percussions: 16 beats

saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

thaakur tumH sarnaa-ee aa-i-aa.
O my Lord and Master, I have come to Your Sanctuary.

utar ga-i-o mayray man kaa sansaa jab tay darsan paa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The anxiety of my mind departed, when I gazed upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||Pause||

anbolat mayree birthaa jaanee apnaa naam japaa-i-aa.
You know my condition, without my speaking. You inspire me to chant Your Name.

dukh naathay sukh sahj samaa-ay anad anad gun gaa-i-aa. ||1||
My pains are gone, and I am absorbed in peace, poise and bliss, singing Your Glorious Praises. ||1||

baah pakar kadh leenay apunay garih anDh koop tay maa-i-aa.
Taking me by the arm, You lifted me up, out of the deep dark pit of household and Maya.

kaho naanak gur banDhan kaatay bichhurat aan milaa-i-aa. ||2||51||74||
Says Nanak, the Guru has broken my bonds, and ended my separaation; He has united me with God. ||2||51||74||

Explanation of Raag:





7 (12am - 3am)

S - g - m - d - n - S'


S' - n - d - m - g - S


G - m - g - R - S - 'N - S - 'D - 'n - S - G - m


Audav - Audav

Other Videos/Audio on Raag Malkauns

Chatar chakra varti chatar chakra bhugte
Thakur tum sarnai aya
Mate matang jare jur sang
Jai Jai Jag Karan Srist Ubarang


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Raag Kafi
Sajjan mere rangule
http://www.gurmatsangeetproject.com/Recordings/GurmitSinghShant5/sajjan mere rangule.MP3
(English Transliteration) : http://www.sikhnet.com/GurbaniKirtan/tr_0873b.html


5 (6pm - 9pm)
S - R - g - m - P - D - n - S'
S' - n - D - P - D - m - g - R - S
S - R - R - g - m - P
Sampoorna - Sampoorna

Explanation on Raag Kafi:

Other Audios on Raag Kafi
Tu Chao Sajan Maindiya
Madho Aise Bane Tum Sange
Magh batit bhai rut phagan


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Guldasta of Raags literally means Bouquet of Raags. One shabad is sung in alternate raags. Could be one raag per stanza, etc. It's interesting.

It is my attempt to start presenting the Sikh Sangat with as many Guldasta as possible. Here is one:

Shabad : Ram bhaj ram bhaj janam sirat hai

Ragas : Jaijawanti, Des, Tilak Kamod, Khamaj, Kalavati, Rageshri

Translation of Shabad:
Click here > raam bhaj raam bhaj janam siraat hai


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Raag Jaijaivanti

Shabad No.1 : Ram bhaj ram bhaj (Guldasta)

English Translation : raam bhaj raam bhaj janam siraat hai

Shabad No. 2 : ram simar ram simar

English Translation : raam simar raam simar ihai tayrai kaaj hai

Explanation : (Audio) :

Jaijavanti was used only by Guru Tegh Bahadur for four hymns. Today it is regarded as an important raga belonging to the Khamaj thata. This majestic and highly arresting raga is assigned to the night hours.

Raga Jayjaiwanti
Thaat Khamaj
Samay Late Evening

Swaras Used Both Shuddha and Komal Gandhar, Shuddha and Komal Nishad. All other notes are Shuddha.

Other Video/Audio on Raag Jaijaiwanti

Yudh Kay Jitaiya


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
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