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  • Students of Gurbani Kirtan

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  • Those who want 'light' knowledge of Raags

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ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Camp Khalsa Youth

Gavo Sachi Bani
Rasna Japdee

Ram Das Sarovar

Jo Mange Takhur

Jai Tegang

Bisar Gaee Sab Tat

Prabh Dori

For Translations, search from this link:
English Shabad Index


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
YouTube - Bhai Onkar Singh Una Sahib wale - Sahib Mera Neet Navaan
Translation from Shabad Hazare :
This shabad is from Shabad Hazare

Jeeo darat hai aapNaa Kai sio karee pukaar
My heart is afraid; to whom should I complain?

Dookh visaaraN seviaa sadaa sadaa daataar. 1.
I serve Him, who makes me forget my pains;
He is the Giver, forever and ever.1.

Saahib meraa neet navaa, sadaa sadaa dataar.1. rahaao.
My Lord and Master is forever new; He’s the Giver forever and ever.1. Pause.

Andin sahib seveeai, ant chaddaae soe
Night and Day, I serve the Lord and Master; He shall save me in the end.

SuN suN meree KaamNee, paar utaaraa hoe.2.
Hearing and listening, O My dear sister, I have crossed over.2.

Dayaal terai naam taraa, sad kurbaaNai jaao.1 rahaao.
O Merciful Lord, your Naam carries me across.
I am forever a sacrifice to You. 1. Pause.

Sarbun(g) saachaa eik hai, doojaa naahee koe
In all the world, there is only the One True Lord, there is no other at all

Taakee sevaa so kare, jaa kau naddar kare.3.
He alone serves the Lord upon whom the Lord casts His glance of Grace.

Tudh baajh piaare kev rahaa,
Without you, O Beloved, how could I even live?

saa vaddiaaee deh jit naam terai lag rahaa
Bless me with such greatness, that I may remain attached to your Naam

doo jaa naahee koe, jis aagai piaare jaae kahaa.1.Rahaao.
There is no other, O Beloved, to whom I can go and speak with. 1. Pause.

Sevee sahib aapNaa, avar na jaachau koe
I serve my Lord and Master; I ask for no other.

Naanak taa kaa daas hai, bind bind chukh chukh hoe.4.
Nanak is His slave; moment by moment, bit by bit, he is a sacrifice to Him.4.

YouTube - Bhai Onkar Singh Una Sahib wale - Toon Man Vaseya
English Translation : tooN mayro pi-aaro taa kaisee bhookhaa

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I think subtitle oon Kirtan benefit all.

Just because people understand Punjabi, it does not mean they understand Bani. That has been demonstrated time and time again.

One example I have highlighted time and time again is that of Halal - which is a form of ritual sacrifice and even ritual purification but is time and time again translated by people as simply meaning kill ot slaughter............this sort of lazy translation or "prejudicial translation" as I call it is not only lazy but misleading.

There are many words in Gurbani like this that are Persian in origin and some Sanskrit.......subtitle may help us to gain a clearer meaning.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Respected Begum Ji,

The following is the list of Raagas and varients of Raagas in Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

people do use different Raagas though for their own conveienace (may be it is easier for them to sing), i guess it is up to you to post it or not.

The entire Bani of the Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji has been classified under 31 main Raagas.
Sri(Panna 14-93), Maanjh(Panna 94-150), Gauree(Panna 151-346), Aasaa(Panna 347-488), Gujree(Panna 489-526 ), Devghandhaaree(Panna 527-536), Bihaagraa(Panna 537-556), Wadhans(Panna 557-594), Sorath(Panna 595-659), Dhanaasree(Panna 660-695), Jaitsree( Panna 696-710), Todee(Panna 711-718), Bairaaree(Panna 719-720), Tilang(Panna 721-727), Suhee(Panna 728-794), Bilaawal(Panna 795-858), Gaund(Panna 859-875), Raamkalee(Panna 876-974), Nat Naaraayan(Panna 975-983), Maalee Gauraa(Panna 984-988), Maaroo(Panna 989-1106), Tukhaaree(Panna 1107-1117), Kedaaraa(Panna 1118-1124), Bhairav(Panna 1125-1167), Basant(Panna 1168-1196), Saarang(Panna 1197-1253), Malhaar(Panna 1254-1293), Kaanraa(Panna 1294-1318), Kalyaan(Panna 1319-1326), Parbhaatee(Panna 1327-1351), and Jaijawantee(Panna 1352-1359)

No raaga- Panna 1-13, 1360-1430.
Besides these 31 main Raagas, there are some variants of Raagas.
Gauree Guaareree, Gauree Dakhanee, Gauree Chetee, Gauree Deepkee, Gauree Poobee, Gauree Maanjh, Gauree Poobee Deeplee, Gauree Sulakhanee, Gauree Maalvaas, Gauree Maalaa, Gauree Bairaagan, Gauree Sorath,
Wadhans Dakhanee,
Tilang Kaafee,
Suhee Kaafee, Suhee Lalit,
Bilaaval Dakhanee, Bilaaval Gaund, Bilaaval Mangal,
Raamkalee Dakhanee,
Maroo Kafee, Maaroo Dakhanee,
Basant Hindol,
Kalyaan Bhoopaalee,
Praabhaatee Dakhanee, and Praabhaatee Bibhaas.
Each Raaga offers a unique relationship to human moods and feelings. There is a seasonal allocation to different raagas, as Malhaar and Megha Raagas, are sung in the rainy season, in the spring the Basant Raaga, There is time allocation to all the ragas as well. Daily twenty-four hour timing cycle when divided in eight Pahars (each Pahar is approximately three hours)-:
6 AM - 9AM: Bilaaval, Devgandhaaree
9 AM - 12 PM: Saarang, Suhee, Bilaaval, Gujree, Goaud, Todee
12 PM - 3 PM: Vadhans, Maaroo, Dhanaasaree
3 PM - 6 PM: Maanjh, Gauree, Tilang, Tukharee
6 PM - 9 PM: Sri Raaga, Basant, Maalee Gauraa, Jaitsree, Kedaaraa, Kalyaan
9 PM - 12 AM: Bihaagra, Nat Naraayan, Sorath, Malhaar, Kaanraa, Jaijawantee
12 AM - 3 AM: No Raaga is allocated to this one
3AM - 6AM: Aasaa, Raamkalee, Bhairav, Parbhaatee

humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness

just adding- Shabad sung by Lata ji(link you gave), she sung it in Raag Kalyaan, BUT IN DHAN DHAN SIRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI -it is in raag GAUREE............

This may be a weird question. Forgive me and my ignorance, Nam Jap ji. But why does the assistant Granthi at Gurdwara Mio lead the congregation in raag Raamkalee at 3 pm on Sunday afternoon if it is a raag for 3 am (the morning)?

Or is the rule not that strict?



ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Rehat Maryada and Sri Guru Granth Sahib are not the same.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Naam Japp Ji, Gurfateh.

Absolutley beautiful..beyond words...thanks a million for the sheer enjoyment going thru this Thread. Keep it up.

mil maerae preethamaa jeeo thudhh bin kharee nimaanee ||
Meet me, O my Dear Beloved. Without You, I am totally dishonored.

Doesnt the words..Totally DIS-honored sound out of the way ??
Kharee is Bahut..a lot...vaadh..and nimannee is onw who is sans any mann, abhimann..one who is not given any honour..any mann...someone who is essentially a non-entity..completley IGNORED by everyone present as not important..not worth a second look....BUT "DIS-HONORED" has an entirely different connotation.

Just a few ramblings...of an old man...:D:D:D

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Naam Japp Ji, Gurfateh.

Absolutley beautiful..beyond words...thanks a million for the sheer enjoyment going thru this Thread. Keep it up.

mil maerae preethamaa jeeo thudhh bin kharee nimaanee ||
Meet me, O my Dear Beloved. Without You, I am totally dishonored.

Doesnt the words..Totally DIS-honored sound out of the way ??
Kharee is Bahut..a lot...vaadh..and nimannee is onw who is sans any mann, abhimann..one who is not given any honour..any mann...someone who is essentially a non-entity..completley IGNORED by everyone present as not important..not worth a second look....BUT "DIS-HONORED" has an entirely different connotation.

Just a few ramblings...of an old man...:D:D:D

My 2 cent worth:

mil maerae preethamaa jeeo thudhh bin kharee nimaanee ||

I plead you my beloved, please come and meet me. Without you, I am no one, nothing, nada, zip, zero,insignificant.

Tejwant Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Teji Ji,

You have got it right.

For some one to be "dishonored" he/she will first have to be "honored"...like given an Award..a siropa...recognition...and THEN having that Award taken back, siropa taken away, get kicked out of an Assembly, sent to jail etc would be DIS-HONORED !!
Thus the word "dishonored" is totally out of context - the translator missed the boat entirely.

Guru is..Nimanneah da Mann..he GIVES..BESTOWS HONOR...He doesnt take it away under any pretext. Guru Amardass Ji is remebered in our Ardass as Nimmaneah da Mann, Nittaneah da Taan, Niotiyan dee Oat..Niasreahn da AAsra....SHELTER of the Homeless, Supporter of the supportless, Honorer of the honorless !! HOPE for the Hopeless...

Thanks for adding your 2 cents worth ( really invaluable actually ).:happy:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I think subtitle oon Kirtan benefit all.

Just because people understand Punjabi, it does not mean they understand Bani. That has been demonstrated time and time again.

One example I have highlighted time and time again is that of Halal - which is a form of ritual sacrifice and even ritual purification but is time and time again translated by people as simply meaning kill ot slaughter............this sort of lazy translation or "prejudicial translation" as I call it is not only lazy but misleading.

There are many words in Gurbani like this that are Persian in origin and some Sanskrit.......subtitle may help us to gain a clearer meaning.

Randip Ji, gurfateh.

YES absolutely...Kirtan/Gurbani/SGGS.... is NOT everyday "punjabi"...Most Punjabis have difficulty even understanding simple spoken punjabi...to ask for a THALEE one has to repeat..PLATE...thalee...get it?? Then ONLY will you get a thalee..so HOW on Earth can such understand Gurbani ?? Thats is WHY "KATHA" of GURBANI ( not fairy tales spun by baba cheals about their babas) is vital ti understanding the Shabad...
The Translations may be lacking..but its still a point of reference..better than NOTHING.