Kelly ji it looked like you too read that blog imapatiently.The guy who started the blog
is now engaged his most recent post is about his friend.and the most interesting thing about that blog is comments of different sikhs from different countries.Anyway the problem that blog mentioned is not limited to blogs .This problem is being discussed in many many sikh sites sometimes it looks to me that it is now a central issue of sikh sites.
Agreed if a gursikh male reject sikh women because she does not do waxing ,or trims her hair then he has no right to complain.But the fact is that gursikh women are not creating these types of blogs.I can show you several topics about this problem on sikh sites that were discussed.but gursikh women or their brother or fathers are not starting these types
of topics on sikh sites
In past 20 years marriage of sikh women with hindu men is very common
The worst thing is that these women just give up sikhi after marriage and raise their children as hindu's.when i started doing internet i was shocked to read about sikh girls running with muslim boys and converting to islam in uk problem.i even search muslim , hindu sites but i have never seen these types of topics there then why only this problem is disscussed in sikh religion
Please remember without fire there is no smoke
yes i read about his engagement, that's great, i'm glad his search is finally over. one less blog for guys to hold up as a beacon to "prove" that there are no good sikh women out there.
your post only proves to me that sikh women probably have better things to do than discuss their marriage problems in online forums.

it doesn't mean they don't face the same issues, trust me.
in real life, i've seen more sikh women having trouble finding proper turbaned sikh men to marry than the other way around. in fact, i often see men with turban and full beard with wives/fiances who trim their hair and do their eyebrows, etc. a female friend of mine was told by the elders of her gurdwara that she should wait until after marriage to take amrit, or she'd never find a husband. men don't want to marry amritdhari women. thankfully she is a strong girl and ignored their advice... but yes, she finds that there are not many men who are interested in gursikh girls out there.
there's a definite double standard with regards to men's expectation of beauty, etc. sikhi tells us that god created us in a beautiful way, that we don't need to go in for these "beauty" treatments, we don't wear excessive jewlery, we don't pierce our ears, we don't remove our hair... but society tells us that we MUST do these things to be beautiful, and the majority of so-called sikh men expect us to follow this false standard of beauty. then they complain when we're not religious enough? how is that fair?
and where are all of these gursikh guys coming from? don't you think they must have religious mothers? if they were raised right, shouldn't they also have religious sisters and cousins? how is it possible there are so many more "religious" guys than girls?
ok, maybe the 750 girls to every 1000 guys in punjab and delhi due to female foetacide and infantacide is a major contributor to the problem... but i think that's another topic altogether.