makes me wonder if these young turbaned sikh men are also not very religious, but just wearing turban for cultural identity? i know this is not uncommon in india.
in the US, i'd say only religious sikhs keep their turbans. maybe that's better, at least we can find them easily.![]()
It depends how strict your family is.The urban sikhs are of mainly khatri,arora ,ramgarhia caste and many of them are very strict about boys wearing turban and not cutting their hair.beleive me they can forgive anything but not their boys cutting hairs.That's why many boys do wear turban the other hand the majority of punjab rural population which is jatt is now clean shaven.AS dr.khalsa ji was mentioning some days back that out of 12,000 sikh men he was unable to found a fully turbanned and bearded sardar in rural punjab in the age bracked of 18 to 25 so a lot depends on family and social presure.