When we all finish arguing a certain controversial topic, even if we confince each other, we will not have even begun to study the fundamentals of any topic. The more we learn, the more there is to learn. And then we begin to realize that perhaps we are looking at the thing in a limited way. There are many angles to look at an object. Every angle is infinitely next to each other. Where does the image change from one angle next to the other. We can't even stop squeezing angles in between each other because of infinity. Likewise, even if we view angles only slighly apart, we will still see the object almost exactly the same way. When does our view of the object change. Our eye cannot detect the minute view changes, unless you expand the spectrum to view the object much further or closer from the object or the eye. If you look at each window on an old strip of film, the objects change too slowly for us to notice, but when you speed up the strip, then you can actually see movement.
God fills everything, and everything is filled inside of God, who houses all of the universe, all of the agasan agaa, patalan patal. Jesus is also a part of the universe. I can understanding how people identify Jesus as God, but if he is, then people do not understand how he can be God, and if he is not, then we are misunderstanding his own quotes.
I don't think believing he is God or not really matters according to New Testament, which says that Satan believes [in the existence of Jesus and his role].with fear and trembling. Just like some Sikhs claim to believe in Guru Granth Sahib. They don't study, they become rich and want to be a committee member of the gurdwara for showing off or for the golak money, or for selling USA sponsorship letters to India, and having sword fights in the gurdwara. Well, some Christians believe Bible, read Bible, believe Jesus, but they do not live it. "Be ye doers of the Word." If people are not doers of Bible or Guru Granth Sahib, as they claim to be, then they never truly understood the message of God's grace and royal hukam.
If people want to call Jesus God, that does not mean they don't know philosophy. I don't call him God, but we all need to explore the meaning of God in relation to creation. He can exist without His creation, but His creation depends on Him to exist. Well, the power of hukam causes everything to recycle, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall remain forever." What is "my word," I don't thing it means a bunch of syllables. It means the gian of reality that all true devotees of God teach to mankind.