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Mere Sikhi


Mar 11, 2009
Brisbane Australia
Raj Karega Khalsa, AAki Rahe na koi


Dear Seeker3k ji....

I wish i can see the world through your eyes too, but I also wish we all learn how to understand your point of view in the right context.

I have noticed one thing, that you surely pick the problem, and pin-point it but most of us take it the other way around or offending, it is human nature.

We all need change, and a change for good.

It has been pin pointed by you that if " Raj Karega Khalsa, aaki rahe na koi" does actually mean Sikhs want Khalistan as a diffrent country.

What I understood from it that you want to express that some of the Sikh community members take this phrase in this sense and you are expressing the need of education to those community members. and through your valuable contribution here, you definitly give us a chance to think over it.

Along the lines of our fellow SPN members

To understand this phrase, we need to understand what does "Khalsa" and "AAKi" means.

Khalsa--in simple words means Pure ones..and pure ones are those who follow "Truth is high but higher still is truthful living" as guided by our gurus

AAKi -- means egoistic...

So in plain english it would be

"Raj Karega Khalsa..."

One who is pure, will rule his/her life.. through truthfull living

"Aaki rahe na koi.."

Please be advised no-one remains egoistic and waste his/her precious life in falsehood

Please note here that tone of expresssion is "Advise" by our Gurus its not a tone of "command"

and "Raj" means ruling your own life not the World

It is my opinion that some of us take " Aaki rahe na koi" means " No egoistic person will survive" which is entirly wrong.

Some of us even go to the extent of saying it "Baki rahe na koi"

PS: I was myself one of those at some point of my life. but then I prefered to ask the granthi right after the ardass one day. and he corrected me by telling me the right word "AAKI".

I request you all to please correct me if I am wrong.


Rupinder Singh


May 24, 2008
Sometimes a simple answer is hard to accept.

How to become a Christian: Accept Jesus in your heart.
How to become a Muslim: Accept Allah in your heart.
How to Become a Hindu: Accept Ram in your heart.
How to become a Sikh?: Accept the Shiri Guru Granth Sahib.

Thats all it really takes. Accepting is the hardest part of them all.

Sikhi is not about building doorways to heaven, it is a way of life a path which one choses either to accept or not to accept.

So when you see a mona, a manmukh, turbaned alcaholic etc... claim they are Sikhs.. they really are Sikhs .. they may not practice it as boldly as you. But they have the thirst to claim they are sikhs, and trust me they will die arguing with you to keep that claim. Why? because inside they have accepted the Sikh way of life but may not be as strong as you to follow it on a daily basis.

So to answer your question, if you accept the fact that you are a Sikh, then you are a Sikh... In its most simplest and basic form... it is your acceptance that makes you a Sikh.
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I am already warned to stick to the subject. I will be banned if I write any thing more. What I have to write is faith shattering. Meri sikhi is intact unshakable. Because it is built on solid foundation. Not on sand.
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Raj Karega Khalsa, AAki Rahe na koi

It has been pin pointed by you that if " Raj Karega Khalsa, aaki rahe na koi" does actually mean Sikhs want Khalistan as a diffrent country.

Rupinder ji

Your essay is eloquent.

In truth, there are many Sikhs who do not take Raj karega Khalsa Aaki Rahe na koi to be a slogan in support of Khalistan. I myself never even knew it was used/understood as a pro-Khalistan slogan until someone mentioned here at SPN. Up until then I understood it to mean that Sikhs have always been victorious in any struggle we undertook, and Sikhs will always be victorious in any struggle, even when the victory is a moral victory --when we hold the moral high ground.

The history of Sikhi is captured in that statement. And we say this over and again because we know that this is also our future. These are my simple thoughts.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Rupinder ji

Your essay is eloquent.

In truth, there are many Sikhs who do not take Raj karega Khalsa Aaki Rahe na koi to be a slogan in support of Khalistan. I myself never even knew it was used/understood as a pro-Khalistan slogan until someone mentioned here at SPN. Up until then I understood it to mean that Sikhs have always been victorious in any struggle we undertook, and Sikhs will always be victorious in any struggle, even when the victory is a moral victory --when we hold the moral high ground.

The history of Sikhi is captured in that statement. And we say this over and again because we know that this is also our future. These are my simple thoughts.

I think that "Raj karega Khalsa Aaki Rahe na koi, " like many things in Sikhi has many different legitimate meanings. I must agree with every meaning it has been given here. On a personal level, I see it as my battle to overcome the impurities in me, the five thieves that rob me of my purity. (BTW, I always refer to myself as an aspiring Khalsa, I got that title with Amrit; the reality takes a bit of work.) It is also a sort of companion concept to chardi kala, as you say, we Sikhs have always been, and will always be victorious. On a public level, I see it, in its smallest, more limited form, as the Republic of Khalistan. A bit broader I see a coming age of peace and plenty ("If [we] build it, they will come"). And then - why not? - the whole universe (and maybe other universes as well) as our playground when we go roaring and cavorting through the stars!
Aug 6, 2006
The best answer to this question is by Rupinder Singh ji. Nothing much can be added.
Living the life the way as defined in SGGS ji is mere sikhi. The fine details of each and every aspect of life, human actions, behaviours and daily dealing of a true sikh are explained in SGGS ji. No need to refer to any other books, rehats or granths. Reading, understanding and living the life the way described in SGGS ji is the real sikhi. nothing less that that can be mere sikhi.
"this is what I think about the subject and I always respect the corrections and improvements if there are any"
Roop Sidhu
Jan 16, 2010
So do I!

But none of this is answering my question:

"What must a person believe/do to be a Sikh?"
Yes, Mai! This just isn't answering your Question. And I believe it never can through discussions or discourses. Mere Sikhi as a concept will necessarily mean different things to different individuals

Sikhi, or mere Sikhi, is religion and, as such, implicitly personal. To me, being merely a Sikh or mere Sikhi means to live a life striving, learning to achieve that wholeness, that unity of thought and deed that we humans are capable of. And................
And, that in this pursuit, the SGGS may be accepted as a guide, a mentor. I say ' may' and not 'must' or ' should' because I believe that ultimately "truth is a pathless land..."

Having said this I sum up :Being a Sikh to me means devoting your life to the pursuit of Truth implying, of course, that the SGGS can be an invaluable guide to the pursuit.
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Apr 28, 2005

Let us not make world laughs at us by living in a country which is known around the world as one of the biggest democracy on earth.World is proud of us but there are some pockets of people still feel they live under Mogal Empire tyerny.

Based on some fanatics and failure to understand the democratic power where there is potential to topple any government in power by the people which is elected by the people

Having said that division of the country or Provence's has been always in India which made British empire empowered all states after states in India one by one by betraying each others by so called self made kings.

Our only one self made Sikh king Maharaja Ranjit Singh became Maharajah by uniting 13 Misls under one rule to fight against the Afghan's attacking Punjab at that time when Mogul empire left a vacuum by leaving India..

That is when there were Sikh empire.

Raj krega Khalsa means not Sikh will have a kingdom all over the world. It is freedom on one's ego to be pure in oneself.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The word "Khalsa" means "pure", Khalsa's are Sikhs which have undergone the sacred Amrit Ceremony initiated by the 10th Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. [/FONT]

We lost Sikh empire by betrayal by our own Sikh generals or others insiders by collaborating with British army at the time when Sikh army was winning the war against British army..

But that was then now we are in different world having complete control to elect any one we feel who is competent to run our country.

If the people made a mistake by electing a wrong leader first time ,should relax until the next elections are due to exercise their rights to vote again than ready to sacrifices your lives to get the point through with elected governments.

if their is still grievances peaceful protests are normal options or if that do not work then change the government.It is elected by the people ,for the people than being misguided by some elements who wants to have their own importance to be recognized in the societies. .

The tragedy is that politicians never encourage the 85% populations in the urban area to be aware of the power of vote in democracy because they are aware if the public at large will know the power of vote which can get him out from his political carriers.

It is not a time for sacrifices , it is time to progress being smart not be hijacked by some leaders for their personal interest to become a leaders.

Spread more awareness among all the people thorough different media about their democratic rights and follow the real meanings of Gurbani preached by educated priest and according to our GURUS teachings without having any EGO .ridden BABAS for their personal gains

Sikh never attacked any country to gain power on others unless they were provoked and stood up to defend them selves.

"Blaming others for one 's own mistakes make that one a big looser".as old quote by unknown.

Wahe Gru JI Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh





May 24, 2008

Let us not make world laughs at us by living in a country which is known around the world as one of the biggest democracy on earth.World is proud of us but there are some pockets of people still feel they live under Mogal Empire tyerny.

Based on some fanatics and failure to understand the democratic power where there is potential to topple any government in power by the people which is elected by the people

Having said that division of the country or Provence's has been always in India which made British empire empowered all states after states in India one by one by betraying each others by so called self made kings.

Our only one self made Sikh king Maharaja Ranjit Singh became Maharajah by uniting 13 Misls under one rule to fight against the Afghan's attacking Punjab at that time when Mogul empire left a vacuum by leaving India..

That is when there were Sikh empire.

Raj krega Khalsa means not Sikh will have a kingdom all over the world. It is freedom on one's ego to be pure in oneself.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The word "Khalsa" means "pure", Khalsa's are Sikhs which have undergone the sacred Amrit Ceremony initiated by the 10th Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. [/FONT]

We lost Sikh empire by betrayal by our own Sikh generals or others insiders by collaborating with British army at the time when Sikh army was winning the war against British army..

But that was then now we are in different world having complete control to elect any one we feel who is competent to run our country.

If the people made a mistake by electing a wrong leader first time ,should relax until the next elections are due to exercise their rights to vote again than ready to sacrifices your lives to get the point through with elected governments.

if their is still grievances peaceful protests are normal options or if that do not work then change the government.It is elected by the people ,for the people than being misguided by some elements who wants to have their own importance to be recognized in the societies. .

The tragedy is that politicians never encourage the 85% populations in the urban area to be aware of the power of vote in democracy because they are aware if the public at large will know the power of vote which can get him out from his political carriers.

It is not a time for sacrifices , it is time to progress being smart not be hijacked by some leaders for their personal interest to become a leaders.

Spread more awareness among all the people thorough different media about their democratic rights and follow the real meanings of Gurbani preached by educated priest and according to our GURUS teachings without having any EGO .ridden BABAS for their personal gains

Sikh never attacked any country to gain power on others unless they were provoked and stood up to defend them selves.

"Blaming others for one 's own mistakes make that one a big looser".as old quote by unknown.

Wahe Gru JI Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh




Dear Japi ji,
<?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p> </o:p>
Thanks for the best advice. Your comments are the best I ever read here. It is power of the vote that can change things. Only the few political leaders are controlling the masses. And we are letting them control us. The know how to exploit our emotions. Any decision we make is and will be wrong decision. We Sikhs are acting as spoiled child. We have to look beyond our nose. We should be working for the great <?xml:::eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:country-region>. Can any one see the result of EU? They were all fighting with each other till they got together. Now it is most powerful block in the world. 2% of the population in <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:country-region> can not become great. Look at the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Israel</st1:country-region> a small country surrounded by enemy yet one of the powerful country in that region. Have any one seen doing the demonstrations any where in the world. They get things done by negation not disruption. We Sikhs are living in the past and we are dreaming that one day we will rule <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:country-region> and the whole world. We have to learn to get along with others.
We NRI go to <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:country-region> and give the money to gurdwaras and baba’s deras. We don’t do any thing to up lift the society. All we do is party and drink and show off. We rent the big halls and spend money like water. Yet there is shortage of water there. There is no future plan by any Sikhs that I come across I just came back from <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:country-region> after spending 5 months. We are selling our votes yet we are blaming the politian. They are nothing with out our vote.
<o:p> </o:p>
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Apr 28, 2005

3K Ji

Thanks for your comments to understand how we are manipulated by our ego ridden leaders in our religion and politics.

What a pride we boast about India after over 2000 years of Mugal Dominations and British rule by divide and rule policy. We sold out our own brothers to get ourselves profited but not very long before until our turn came.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh Empire still would have existed if our own Sikh leader in his kingdom were not deceivers the army of Sikhs.

But we never learned yet and still suffering from SAME EGO . Oh men Jat Han. TU majbi sikh hai. Other than Jat they got fed from discrimination and opened their own Guru Dwars. Why blame any one . We distroy our unity and other world is lauging at all sardar ji.

We still carry our ego in public "OH FATE CHAK DIAN GE". Sure you could not even follow a pinch of salt of Sikh philosophy and wisdom.

Now when the SPGC is more controlled by certain group based on their thinking that they are superior class from Ramgarhia or Majbibies or others gave the opurtunity to seperate preaching into thier own Gurudwaras. It is not thier faults . We did it.

Now any one who is becoming more stronger like Ravidasia there is war started though Bhai Ravidas maharaj ji Bani is enshrined in SGSS and we bow our heads every day.

GURU NANAJ K DEV JI eradicated this cancer of cast system for ever but it started penetrating in our Sikhs culture.

Terrible! One can ask any person who is effected with kinds of humiliations.

There used to be a time when low cast person bring RAM name on their tong . these Brahmans will cut his tong with scissor so he may not repeat again the name of RAM.

Khalsa was created by open invitations to all cast or creed to join. We have results until today for sikhs bravery in the history when they fought the injustices.

Today just try to say any body Bhai Sahib. he will turned out an ask you "TUSI MENU JANEDE O?

He forgot all that since we are sikhs we are all bhai sahibs created by Guru Nanak De Jeo.

Bhai chars is flown away only ego and self proclaimed high class is left.High class supposed by one's deeds.

Imagine being a majority in Punjab we can not make our stable government for Punjabi's and fulfill all kinds of requirements in area of educations ,health,agriculture and other fields.

No we can not even look after our over stocked grains in the market. it is being disroyed in open places than the go downs, the farmers are commuting suicide.

Still they do not learn how to vote and get your demands promised from next leaders or government who come to your for votes..

This is curse to my people even such sublime GSSS is to follow like one's GPS to healthy life..

We all have responsibilities to promote as much as awareness to our 85% people in RURAL societies

May Sart Guru ji Bhakhasan samrat to all.


forgetting every thing GURU GOBIND SINGH JI 'S SACRIFICED TO CREATE A KHALSA WITH OUT ANY CASTE SYSTEM... because of one single thing by practicing dogma religions and practicing cast system.
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I always enjoy critical thinking and reflection on politics, government and leadership. However it is important to return to the topic of Mere Sikhi. What are the fundamentals of Sikhi? What is Sikhi in its simplest and most essential form? What is Sikhi without all the add-ons and options?

Thank you


Apr 28, 2005

Thanks for your comments. Sikh is enriched with knowledge of sikhism in majority of people born in rural area in Sikh families except may be less than 1% living abroad or in big city in India.

Foundations of Sikhism basic knowledge are laid at childhood stage as far as I am concern being lived in rural area.

Today complications came in our Sikhism when we see our preachers do not follow what they preach.

The problem has so much developed that our people have to start defining our ways of life according to the Gurabani. Cast system is taking over so rapidly among us which once was eradicated by GURU NANAK DEV JI..

Ram Garia,Majbhi Sikhs or others are not respected in Jat controlled GUR DWARAS and resulted for others to build thier own places worship.

More division is Sikhism.

Our childerns are getting mix reactions from all these daily happenings. But no one care to speak loud to creat awarness that we all come from one creators.

At least thanks to Sikh philosophy which is a great forum to speak up to up lift principals of Sikhism

It is deep rooted problem which causing so much disbelief in nw genrations that is why Babu man quoted a song to let people know that Nimrta is number one quality among the Sikhs and ego is #1 enemy of us.

The matter is not critical or to criticizing any one but it is matter of sharing how to bring
JAGRITI among all the Sikhs

BHUL CHUK MOAF.:meditation:



Apr 26, 2010
Dear Mai Harinder Kaur Ji,

First of all, I will seek your apology for not responding to you immediately. I was bit busy with some of my research papers and moreover I needed time to answer your simple but really complex question.

Sikhism unlike other religions and faith was not started and completed by one prophet or apostle. Sikhism was made complete in all its form in a period of 200 years (1499 to 1699) by Ten Gurus- messengers of Almighty - 'WaheGuru'.

Every Master from Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Guru Gobind Singh Ji reinforced certain qualities , virtues, characteristics, etc., as laid down in the 'blueprint' of Guru Nanak Dev ji,(in the form of often referred 'Nanakian Philosophy') which in turn was bestowed upon by Guru Nanak ji's Guru - Almighty 'WaheGuru'.

Out of Ten Masters, Six Guru Sahibs have contributed through Gurbani as well as inculcated certain virtues in their Sikhs both through Gurbani and setting themselves as examples; while other Gurus have reinforced those virtues along with new ones among Sikhs through Gurbani and setting themselves as examples. (some scholars have also claimed Tenth Master's verses in Guru Granth Sahib). For instance, Sixth Master's military getup and introduction of new musical instruments like Sarangi in Gurbani Keertan. Thus, what was started by Guru Nanak Devji, was given the final 'touch' by Guru Gobind Singh ji to make a complete and pure Human Being of Almighty 'WaheGuru' - the KHALSA. For guidance of Sikhs to become a Khalsa, Guru Sahibs gave 'GURU SHABAD' as Guru as enshrined in Guru Granth Sahib ji.

This is 'Mere Sikhi'.

But over a period of time, due historical reasons, as well as due to evil motives of other faiths and forces (who foresee Sikhs as threat to their faith!), Sikhs have developed a lot of 'biprin ki reet' (the opposite path as laid by Ten Masters and Rituals, Customs, and Traditions of 'Brahiminical' orders, no offenses please).

Caste system (Jatism, Ramgarhiaism, Khatrism, etc.- pure form of EGOSIM), Use of intoxicants; following many rituals, and more dangerously moving away from Shabad Guru to sort of Idolism of Guru Granth Sahib (sorry for using this word), are just a few of Biprin kee reet examples. Guru Sahibs, the Ten Masters, made Shabad Guru as our Guru and we as sikhs bow our head in front of Guru Granth Sahib, and feel that as a sikh, we have done our job - it is sort of idolism; No doubt, a Sikh is supposed to bow in front of Guru Granth Sahib, but it only a tip of Iceberg.A Sikh is supposed to read Guru Shabad, understand it, if he/she feels can challenge it and then see its result and if satisfied can embrace it in his/her everyday life with no looking back. Ten Masters never ever forced the Sikh faith on anybody, had that been the case, then from borders of Iran-Afghanistan to Yamuna River, there would have been only Sikhs. But Sikhism is not a faith of force, no one can force himself/herself to HIM. Sikhism is faith of faith, simple, truthful living and high thinking, service to humanity & nature, and being attached to HIM at same time attached to worldly affairs, and of course free from rituals. So, Sikhism is a not faith of blind faith. Ten Masters do not encourage it. They say very clearly, if you want to play the game of love for God, then first give your consciousness and intellect to Guru Shabad (embrace Guru Shabad as your Guide/Guru), and if you feel you are satisfied with Guru Shabad as your true guru, then never-ever turn your back from this holy faith and way to HIM.

Thus, my thinking about 'mere sikhi' is:


Gur Fateh.

Note: I will get back on this topic with more practical material, though I do not claim myself a scholar of Sikhism, but with whatever intellect Waheguru has given me, I have answered it. I will be glad if some more positive clarifications and discussions takes place in this direction.

Balkar Singh

Oct 30, 2008
Respectable Jio, Gurufateh !!!
We can all agree but with the Gurbani. Every hint of essencial 'maryada' is clearly given here. The question is , " are we ready to obey ?" Finding faults and raising doubts is the way of sikh-intelligencia today. I am sorry to say that where followers are escapists,hundreds of SRMs or single SRM will serve no purpose.
"What can a Satguru do, if the followers are defaulters--
Kabir sacha satguru kaya kre jou sikha me chuuk."
Guru save the Faith!!!
With regards, Balkar Singh
Aug 6, 2006
Well put Narayanjot kaur ji " However it is important to return to the topic of Mere Sikhi. What are the fundamentals of Sikhi? What is Sikhi in its simplest and most essential form? What is Sikhi without all the add-ons and options? "your this qoute clarifies the question very much but still answers from some SPNers are far from the question. lets request everyone to stick to the topic please.
Roop Sidhu


Feb 24, 2006
wolverhampton, UK
Way to take things out of context?? Raj Karega Khalsa has far more depth than that. Truth will prevail. If you wish to follow and perpetuate media propaganda you can share it in some other forum- Sikh philosophy is for Sat Sangat.

God bless

Humble suggestion.
Correting is the way forward, rebuking is not. (counter prodctive).
Sat sangat is for everyone, friend and foe alike.
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Apr 28, 2005

That is 100% correct. Same I explained in my regular plea that this plague of cast system was eradicated by Guru Nanak Dev Ji and GURU GOBINDH SINGH JI MAHARAJ PUT THE LAST STAMP and laid a foundation of the KHALSA PANTH by iviting all to join regardless of any cast or creed .



May 24, 2008
Mere Sikhi

<?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Mere Sikhi.
<o:p> </o:p>
There are 3 mail pillars that Sikhi stand on. There can be many more.
1 Kirat karni. Do the work by your own hands.
2 Band ke shakna. Share food, it can be include most thing that can be shared.
3. Naam simran.
<o:p> </o:p>
My Sikhi is from Nanak’s teaching. I am sorry if it offends any one. As it is said by many that Nanak eradicated the cast system. In my view Nanak did not eradicate but he tried to make people about the bad things that can come out of discrimination among the casts.
Nanak also tries to make people aware of stone worship. Idol worship and blind faith.
Nanak tried his best but most people did not understand and did not give up the cast system. History shows that it never worked. There is no proof that it worked. No one of that time got their children married in other cast. Writing in bani is one thing but to implementing it is other.
How does the work by own hands work in practice? What if one’s hands are cut off or he/she is disable can not work by his hands? Nanak settles down when he was 30 or so. He travels in search. At 30 he started to do the farming. He did not do the kirat. He was supported by his father. I have not read any writing that shows any Guru worked by his hand. They preached but never worked as common man. The idea of every person should do kirt is not valid. No guru set the example.
<o:p> </o:p>
Band ke shakana is good ideology, can it work? It has good chance of working. But what I have seen in <?xml:::eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:country-region> and in foreign countries. No one is willing to share. Most people are trying to rob people. I am not talking about other people I am talking about mere Sikh brothers. I have gone to gurdwara where the poor people dressed in rags were not allowed in the langar. If we don’t see that langar is shared by all how then can we share what we have. SGPC make more money from the gurdwaras then the Punjab Government. Why are they not sharing with the common man. The money they collect they can do clean up cities and do some thing about the water supply in villages. No they don’t they just line their own pockets.
<o:p> </o:p>
Naam simran: What naam should one do the simran of? There is no clear guidance by any guru’s bani. The word hari is written 9288 times in SGGS. The word waheguru was not there at the time of Nanak. What naam he was referring to? Nanak emphasized naam more then any one yet he did not made it clear. Or did he? I as I understood from the SGGS the naam has to be given by true guru not just read it in any book. Nanak was not into hiding things he penalized other religion of their stupid rituals. How then he did not claries the Naam?
We all know that he condemn rituals of stone worship then did he nor knew that the Sikhism will be corrupted as it is now days? So could Nanak had started a religion? He said clear that word is guru. Then it is clear that living guru (man) is not needed. Again he could not have started a religion.
<o:p> </o:p>
Blind faith: This is my main belief. As Nanak checked all the religion of his time and did not approve any. Same I do that I check all the religions and no one religion comes close to what Nanak said.
<o:p> </o:p>
The SGPC should ban lot of things that are going one. Here are just few of those things. Ardas for any purpose, path at the funuaral, ardas at wedding, ardas for family shanty for health for prosper of business, no bhai ji charge for any service done to any sikh. There should be close check by SGPC what the kathavach are preaching. Most of them are making gurus as jagugars. Should ban all the pictures of all gurus. They are not real pictures of gurus. There should be not statues of any guru as it is being sold at Harmander Sahib.
<o:p> </o:p>
All the gurdwars should come under one body that can set the stander of what is to be preached. As it is done by Roman Catholic. All the bhis should be certified by the main body. The jathedars should be elected no aponted by Badal or any one in power. These are only few things.
<o:p> </o:p>
Mere Sikhi is pure of any stupid rituals. T don’t ask any bhi to do ardas for me or my family. Is bhai is more loser to God then any common man? Why there is need for me to ask bhai do the ardas form me? Done I accept Gods hukam? Are we not told to accept the will of God?
Mere Sikhi is simple living. I don’t try to complicate my Sikhi.
<o:p> </o:p>
<st1:place w:st="on">Lot of thing I have coved here but not all. It is not my intention to upset any one. This is mere sikhi I just wanted to share is.

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Apr 26, 2010
Dear Seeker3k:


I really appreciate your questions and points raised. In fact, these small things are supposed to be clarified by our Sikh intellectuals, however, unfortunately, they all read the Janam Sakhis written after 100 or 200 years after our Sikh Gurus and many of them smack 'Brahaminical' evil-designs.

There are many terms that need clarification in the context of Nanakian Philosophy like Naam, Simran, Amrit Vela, Kaljug, Guru, Satguru, Bip, Bipran, etc.

Nanakian/Sikh philosophy itself need clarification, whether it is an amalgamation of Hinduism and Islam, or amalgamation of Eastern Philosophy (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism, Taoism, etc.) and Semitic Philosophy (Islam, Christianity, & Jewism) [because Guru Nanak has travelled to all the centres of religion in the world (If Guru Nanak Dev ji can travel to Mecca and Medina, how it is not possible that he has not visitied centres of two other major religions - Christianity and Jewism, which are very close to Mecca and Medina, and is it not possible that he has visited Europe too.)], or it is a unique of all the other philosophies. If it is so, then to understand Sikh philosophy, you need that Nanakian Philosophy perspective to understand and truely interpret Gurbani.You cannot interpret and understand 'Nanakian Philosophy', then using perspectives of eastern and semitic philosophy. This is what is happening and true understanding of Gurbani is not spreading to our people. It is then, people like you and me and many others (may be thousands and lakhs in this world) follow their understanding and are not able to reach the 'true' path.

I will try to discuss more on these in coming days. Let's pray (we don't need a priest for this and other things, as you rightly said) to Almighty 'Waheguru', Hari, Narayan, Ram, Thakur, Rabb, Khuda, Alaho, etc, to give us wisdom to understand HIS true Naam and Guru Shabad.

Gur Fateh.
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