I have tried to be gentle and diplomatic in my requests. The thread is going off track. Please return to the topic of Mere Sikhi. Later today I will check and start a new thread if I need to. Thank you, Narayanjot Kaur
Unless a full and frank discussion is allowed, we may never come any way near an accurate answer.
R we going to pussyfoot arround, make up rules to avoid arguments, (upsetting people), or r we going to search 4 the truth?
Accuracy is of paramount importance, it leads to the truth, and the truth my friend, shall set u (n possibly everyone) Free!!!
Would be Much obliged if if this question is allowed room to expand n explore this theme fully.
Thanks very much in advance.
Dear Kulbirs,
Ek omkar. It has been changed few times since then. Now it is read as ak ong kar. Which one is right? Were the bhai ji of the 40’s to 70 were wrong? Or because the <st1lace w:st="on">Om is Hindu word and it should not be read as om?
The other is: soche soche na hoi, je soche lakh bar. As we all understood then that even u think of some thing lakh bar it is no use till you do it. Now I hear that It is soch as sucha=clean? Sat Sing Maskeen was the first that I heard to say that. Which one is correct? Maskeen also claim that Kirpan is not a sword but is kirpa that guru did on us? For 300 years we been carrying sword for nothing? That’s why I said in my last post that there should be one body that control what is being preached.
Here I am not criticizing gubani I just want to know which one is correct. As far as the 10<sup>th</sup> granth does not look like any of the bani is written by Gobind Singh. As all of you can see in the adi Granth the ending of a salok shabd is with the name of Nanak. There is not a single shabad, sloke end with Nanak’s name. Guru Tegbhader ji’s bani also ended with Nanak’s name. Why then Gobind Singh’s bani don’t end with Nanak’s name? As it is stated that all the bani was lost in the sarsa nadi when they left Anadpur.
The big fuss in <st1lace w:st="on">Punjab about Darshan Singh is that he is insulting the Bani and insulting Guru Gobind Singh. Are all those SGPC and Dall are blind or they cant read what is written in the 10<sup>th</sup> granth? The peson who compiled it did he not read what is written and he is copping it?
Some one more knowledge can put more light on it.
By asking God of any name to give is the wisdom to understand. I think it is not the right-way to go. God have nothing to do with it. We created the problem and we should solve it
Yes that sounds ggod, if all are aggreeable, lets do it this way.We can name titles of the thread like "Mere Sikhi - Question One 1 and so on...", how about that? and we can post a link to the original topic (this one) at the top of the first post of each sub-threads.this way it would be easier to track the thoughts.
You all are correct that we should stick to Mere Sikhi thread, Mr. Seeker3K is going out of track, as he has no knowledge of Guru Nanak travels. There were plenty of hindus in punjab, then why Guru Nanak went to important religious places of Hindus. The semitic religions - Islam, Christians, and Jews they all refer their holy book as book - Kateb as said by Guru Nanak, Guru Nanak dev ji bani when refers 'kateb', it means religious text of semitic religions.
Similary, 'Simritis' refer to scriptures of Buddhism and Jains.
Guru Nanak needs no sight seeing either to Europe or else where, he was messenger of Almighty, for him, nothing was impossible. Wisdom is a boon only given to few by HIM, and one should ask from HIM to guide, even if you say it was our mistake not Gods. Kindly correct your understanding of religion and langauge. My Almighty give you wisdom!MIND YOUR LANGUAGE WHEN YOU REFER TO GURUS...........................
No more discussion except MERE SIKHI. If you have stuff for Mere Sikhi speak, or search some other forum.