I follow Sikhi because I love it and find peace. Gurbani tells us what a person can achieve by following Guru Sahib. "Joti Jot Rallee Sampooran Theea Raam", "Bin Har Bhajan Nahi Chutkara". What Satguru can do and does for a Sikh cannot be described as the list would be never ending. I am not following footsteps of Guru Sahib but trying my best to follow His hukam.
I forgot to address one point about Maharaja Ranjit Singh. I believe he was a Sikh because he was Amritdhari. He was grandson of Maharaja Charat Singh who was a devout sikh. He was a relative of Sardar Shaam Singh who was also a devout Sikh. Furthermore, he was given a tankhah at Akal Takhat Sahib. Non-Sikh sources also claim that he ran his kingdom according to Sikh tenets.
Le Griffin writes that: "Maharaja Ranjit Singh ruled his kingdom exactly according to the Sikh way of life and Sikhism considers everyone as friends and talks about the welfare of all irrespective of caste and creed."
Charles Hugal in his book, "The Court and Camp of Ranjit Singh", writes that, "Ranjit Singh ruled his kingdom according to the Sikh tenets. All the important positions were given to Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs, entirely based on merit. Even his main advisors were three famous Muslim brothers: Fakir Aziz-ud-Din, his foreign minister; Fakir Nur-ud-Din, his home minister; Fakir Imam-ud-Din, his custodian of the {censored}nals. Forty-six senior Army officers and two top ranking Generals were Muslims.
One General was French and score of military officers were Europeans. In police and civil services he has about one hundred Muslim officers alone. Hindus too, used to hold many key positions in Sarkar-e-Khalsa. Ranjit Singh was secular through-and-through.
Since he had lost his one eye in childhood, due to small pox, he used to remark jokingly about himself that, "God Willed that as a true Sikh I should look upon all religions with one eye"."
Murray writes, "Ranjit Singh was full of humanity. He ruled by following the etiquettes of Sikhism and therefore he was generous, benevolent and a sympathiser."