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Islam Moving Mountains

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Dec 3, 2011
This whole thread is like a spaghetti junction.
No one knows from where the different topics and diversions are starting from or going.
The OP is about the act of allah moving some mountains, which itself is backed up by a video.
Most people can look at this video and see that it is not a miracle or a special effect, it is infact a mudslide/landslide and very far from allah's miracle !!

I see absolutely no point in further discussion of the op, but it has continued somehow and I would appreciate if themods or admin close this thread because whatever useful facts may be in the diversions, they can no way be searched under the headings of' moving mountains miracle'.


Nov 14, 2010
Sat Nam _/|\_

I think Naben ji means well. He truly believes in his message here.

Islam is a religion that can be practiced many ways. Naben ji's view is that it is the only valid religion.

I tried a couple times to create a more universal discussion. For anyone who believes in the Divine as the Creator of all that is, nature is filled with awe. When I stopped taking everything for granted and slowed down enough to rediscover the world that I saw as a child, I found God.

Just thinking of the beautiful red cardinal and the elegant heron, I see God is not only an omnipotent God, but God is also Omni-playful. :) Or maybe God just lets us know there are endless possibilities when we see all the diversity in the bird world and the plant world and all the species of life that roam the earth.

There is a hadith where Muhammad pbuh says, “An hour’s worth of contemplation is better than a year’s worth of worship.”

God says in Quran: And it is He who spread out the earth, and set thereon mountains standing firm and (flowing) rivers: and fruit of every kind He made in pairs, two and two: He draweth the night as a veil o'er the Day. Behold, verily in these things there are signs for those who consider! And in the earth are tracts (diverse though) neighbouring, and gardens of vines and fields sown with corn, and palm trees - growing out of single roots or otherwise: watered with the same water, yet some of them We make more excellent than others to eat. Behold, verily in these things there are signs for those who understand! (Quran 13:3-4)

For me, everything in nature is filled with signs of God. Quran speaks of nature this way and I would like to know what other religions have to say about contemplating on nature. How God cares for us with milk for infants, water for thirst, fruit and vegetables for food: it is amazing. And the idea that birds, bees and butterflies flap their wings is pretty astounding even after science explains it.

There are Muslims who say that nature is the original Quran. To that, I exclaim, "Yes!"

Nam Jiwan peacesignkaur

naben ji

What does the video just before namji{censored}aur jis comment have to do with mountains. It is woman's testimonial of how Islam changed her life. It has nothing to do with mountains, etc. other natural phenomena.

You have the advantage if some of us cannot understand the videos you have posted. Maybe I need to go in a delete them if there is no relevance.

With respect I ask you to explain what the connection is between the videos and the topoic of the thread. Second time around.


Nov 14, 2010
Sat Nam _/|\_

I hope I am not being criticized here since I made several contributions. My intention was to move the conversation to the beauty-filled works of the Creator. I think the thread praises Islam more than it praises the Supreme Ability of the Creator. No offense to Islam or Quran, but we must always place God above all that. And a conversation about the miracles of nature should always lead to praising that Creator's magnificence not the magnificence of any religion.

We must always be careful we don't turn our religions into idols and if a conversation about nature cannot leave the arena of a religion to become a thread of praise and gratitude to our common Creator....that is sad.

I apologize that if my contributions to the thread have upset people.

I have been at the top of mountains. The view is like an ice cold drink of water on a hot day. It wakes you up and fills you up with faith.

I think Islam and Sikhism along with all the other religions teach us that our religion should unite not divide us. It should bring us closer to all beings. Islam teaches this also. I hope Naben will perhaps find more universal approaches to conversation here.

Perhaps I made a mistake when I tried to nudge the thread in that direction. I also hope I have not offended anyone here, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.

Nam Jiwan peacesign

This whole thread is like a spaghetti junction.
No one knows from where the different topics and diversions are starting from or going.
The OP is about the act of allah moving some mountains, which itself is backed up by a video.
Most people can look at this video and see that it is not a miracle or a special effect, it is infact a mudslide/landslide and very far from allah's miracle !!

I see absolutely no point in further discussion of the op, but it has continued somehow and I would appreciate if themods or admin close this thread because whatever useful facts may be in the diversions, they can no way be searched under the headings of' moving mountains miracle'.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This whole thread is like a spaghetti junction.
No one knows from where the different topics and diversions are starting from or going.
The OP is about the act of allah moving some mountains, which itself is backed up by a video.
Most people can look at this video and see that it is not a miracle or a special effect, it is infact a mudslide/landslide and very far from allah's miracle !!

I see absolutely no point in further discussion of the op, but it has continued somehow and I would appreciate if themods or admin close this thread because whatever useful facts may be in the diversions, they can no way be searched under the headings of' moving mountains miracle'.

I am in total agreement with your point Luckysingh ji. And requests for connections and for relevance have been made several times. So yes, the thread is closed because it is traveling in circles, with the idea of "spaghetti junction" being a good way to describe developments. Where is there an exchange of ideas? An interfaith dialog is not what is happening here; rather a lot of stuff is being thrown about, like boiled spaghetti, in the hoping that some will stick and some won't. We can do better.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
And a conversation about the miracles of nature should always lead to praising that Creator's magnificence not the magnificence of any religion.

namji{censored}aur ji,

Your intentions were obvious to me. However, the last video posted is more like a recruitment tool for conversions, than praise of the Creator's magnificence. Hence, the thread is closed, and Luckysingh's description of the situation echoes my own. No criticism of your efforts.

I have also removed several videos that do not connect with the topic of the thread. We waited for connections to be made. None were communicated to us.
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