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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Sikh Marriage

Hi karamjeetbuttar ji and welcome to SPN :)

I have moved your post from Questions and Answers to Introducing Myself because you are a new member. You can begin to get some answers in this thread.

To learn how to use the forum more effectively we have tutorials posted in Video Tutorials at http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/video-tutorials/

Wait for some answers here for your questions. But try to find a forum that matches your topic when you start a thread. For example, we are trying to keep all questions about love,marriage, and relationships in the Relationships section. It is easier that way for older members to find your question. And it keeps similar topics together so that new members with the same kind of question can read what is already posted, before starting a new thread, which may only duplicate earlier conversations.

Thanks, welcomekaur


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Guru Granth and Panth - Passage from Sarbloh Granth

My name is Nanhi.I am a social worker.I want to know everything about the Guru Granth Sahib in detail.I think this forum will be very helpful as you get to know a lot of people's view point.Everything about Sikhism facinates me.It is amazing how scientifically correct the teachings of the Granth Sahib are and very applicable even in today's world.I will appreciate any knowledge that I can gain from here.Thank you.Nanhi Singh

Nanhi Singh Welcome to SPN welcomekaur

Apologies. I am behind in welcoming new members so let me do that now for you. A social worker really can gain a lot of information about the kinds of issues, concerns and problems that are testing the Sikh panth today. These range from relationship problems to finding one's way spiritually and religiously. So I hope to hear from you in our threads and perhaps you can even help us gain new perspectives.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Introducing Myself and Some Questions

Greetings and thank you to Tejwant Singh for referring me here.

My name is Jesse, of really no religion, but my own faith. I live in WA State with my significant other, a neurotic dog, and two cats. :)


Greetings to you too Jesse ji. Sounds as if you have a very comforting life with your other, your dog and your cats.

Thanks for your contributions to date here at SPN and please let me welcome you here.

Mar 5, 2011
Wants his membership removed.

First, I appreciate the strong message of this site to not indulge in negative judgement of others. (And, when that is also applied to self, even better.)

I was trained as a physicist, am involved in "spiritual growth", and am working now in biofeedback (autonomic measures, and EEG).
I got to this site because it was part of the Google response to my request for information on registering an ole server for Access 2003, in Windows XP. I decided to log in to see if this site included such, along with the obvious nature of this site.

I believe that all religions are aimed at each individual "returning" to a deeply precious aspect common to us all -- the essence of which is a deep non-judgemental love. Religions fail in that to the extent that they assume they have THE truth, and indulge in negative judgement of others. The path of return involves our learning the more subtle ways we individually err in that way. A path to unconditional compassion, knowing that my understanding of that is only partial at best.

I will leave this forum, now; and wish you all well in your journey.



Mar 5, 2011
Pressure on women.

Hi everyone of all shades, creeds and culture.I'm new to this forum but i have been in the shadows following threads on here from time to time.To see as much as i can from the sikh viewpoint.My girlfriend is of indian heritage born in the uk.Me? Not so much.(Can you see whats coming next?)Im the son of a white mother and black father.Which makes me bi-racial, mix race, multi-ethic etc whatever you want to call it.Human nonetheless.Our relationship is full of covert missons to see eachother, sometimes i lose track and think im in a 007 movie.All i need is some hi-tech gadgets and a black tux.Theres hardship plus tears, pressure and fears.Which has brought us alot closer equally making us alot stronger.Were not just lovers were bestfriends.All the heartache aside we have a hell of a good time together.Did i mention her parents are oblivious of us?
What im asking is why the inequality? I thought one of the core principles was equality of all humans and rejection of discrimination based on gender, caste, creed etc?.Im guessing its more to do with tradition than religion...


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Pressure on women.

CuriousCour ji

Welcome to SPN. I have moved your question to Introducing Myself for a few reasons.

First of all by giving us your question along with the news that you are new to the forum we have a better way to know your interests as a newer members.

The original title "Pressure on Women" was not exactly what your comments covered. But Pressure on Women is definitely a good topic. So why not follow that up in the Sikh Sikhi Sikhism section of the forum.

Please start new threadsas you see fit. The best place for discussions of the relationships is the Relationships section and Love and Marriage. No worries if you are new. That location is one that attracts many visits and your ideas will be most interesting to a diverse group.

Sat Nam, spnadmin


Mar 13, 2011
Greetings to all,
I am a relatively new convert to Islam and have found myself admiring Sikhism because of your belief in One God, for everyone, everywhere, all the time. The same basic faith I have always held and which led me to Islam.
Other info, well, I am a philosophy MA, and recently a married man. My wife is a Catholic but not too happy with the RCC. We both try as much as we can to be educated about the world's different approaches to God.
Thank you for making this site available. I look forward to being here. :)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
daniel786 ji

Welcome to SPN welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur

These are interesting times for understanding religions other than our own. And always a challenge to stay current and move out of rigid perspectives. I hope that you find interesting discussions here and I hope that SPN has resources that inspire you.

Warm regards,


Mar 13, 2011
Western PA
I found this website through a link on wikipedia, and registered because I want to learn more about Sikhism. A bit about myself... I'm 31 years old, a widower, have two daughters (age 4 and 5), and currently a student. I was a Christian for about 8 years, but have spent the last 5 years or so bouncing back and forth between Eastern Orthodox Christianity and agnosticism.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Asteriktos ji

So good to meet you and welcome. welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur

I hope you find inspiration and information that is of value to you here. You know, Sikhs do not proselytize, and conversion of people from other religions is a fairly recent trend. Unless of course we count the conversions to Sikhi during the times of the Gurus, when they preached to both Muslims and Hindus.

Let us know when you need help, or direction in how to use the forum. Blessings to you and your daughters. Any forum leader whose account id is in yellow or purple letters will be happy to explain difficult points in Sikhi. And of course you can always raise your questions in existing threads and by starting new threads.

Warm regards,


Mar 17, 2011
Roseville, California
Want to learn about Sikhism

Hello, I am not Sikh but am very interested in learning all there is to learn. I do not speak punjabi either. I know nothing at this point. Where can I start? I have a few Sikh friends but it is all overwelming the information and can be a bit confusing. Can anyone recommend a book or any information on where I can start?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Want to learn about Sikhism

Hi Greenlee ji

And welcome to SPN. I have moved your comments to Introducing Myself. That is the best place to begin.

I encourage you to go to the New to Sikhism forum here at SPN. There are many topics and threads archived there specifically to give those unfamiliar with Sikhism some baseline information.

You also should check into the Sikh Sikhi Sikhism forum, reading through to find subjects that may interest you.

I hope your stay here is enjoyable and informative. welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur


Mar 20, 2011
Hello, everyone! Im very interesting in learning about sikism and general spirituality. I feel deep inside me something great is upon me. Ive always been contemplating the existence of a higher being. I have a yearning to find the existence of a higher being. I have a lot of question and with the help of the community i hope to find answers. Its a personal journey :)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Ksingh 1985 ji

Best wishes to you as you take the personal journey. I hope that you find guidance in the naad of the ShabaGuru, speaking in SGGS. That is the place to stay firmly grounded. May SPN be the place where you find intelligence and support as you awaken to the words of our Gurus.

:) welcomekaur


Mar 23, 2011
Hi.. I am Anurag and currently working in Chandigarh. I highly admire Sikh teachings, cultures and traditions. I am trying to follow Sikh culture and wish to do something useful for Sikhism. One of my best friend who is Sikh has taught me to read and write Gurmukhi. Her efforts worked and i learned it in a day. Now, i regularly study Nitnem. The teachings gives me a new way to think. Its really wonderful.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
onurag ji

It is great to hear about positive uplifting experiences with members new and old. You can even be an inspiration to others who come to this forum new to Sikhism. Welcome to SPN. I hope you bring your enthusiasm and interest to every thread where you participate.

welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur

Nanhi Singh

Feb 11, 2011
Nice to know that you value the teachings of our guru's.Sikhism is the religion of the future because of it's practical view.It is really a privilege to be a Sikh.Nanhi Singh


Mar 23, 2011
Thanks Sir. I will keep sharing my views and my new learnings about Sikhism. Kindly guide me how to convert myself from Hindu to Sikh. If possible do tell me the complete details.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Thanks Sir. I will keep sharing my views and my new learnings about Sikhism. Kindly guide me how to convert myself from Hindu to Sikh. If possible do tell me the complete details.
Onurag ji perhaps move into the main body of the forum for questions.

The following is a good area to start welcomemunda,


Sat Sri Akal.


Mar 9, 2011
Sat Siri Akal everyone,

Glad to be here. This forum was referred to me by a friend. Have been reading into history of the Sikhs for 2 years now and then it just gradually transitioned into the spiritual of Sikhi. Have had a lot of support from a local Gurdwara I was living at in US but am in transition to moving back home Panama and only am aware of 1 Gurdwara in the entire country which will be 7 hrs away from me. So will have to rely mostly on virtual Sangat.

Glad to be here.

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