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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Sat Siri Akal everyone,

Glad to be here. This forum was referred to me by a friend. Have been reading into history of the Sikhs for 2 years now and then it just gradually transitioned into the spiritual of Sikhi. Have had a lot of support from a local Gurdwara I was living at in US but am in transition to moving back home Panama and only am aware of 1 Gurdwara in the entire country which will be 7 hrs away from me. So will have to rely mostly on virtual Sangat.

Glad to be here.

Andrea welcome to spn. Let us know if you get stuck or need help on anything here.

Sat Sri Akal.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Welcome Andreay ji

Already you have made a difference. The spiritual journey...that is the journey of your life-time. Take it.

welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur

Whenever SPN can offer even a small crumb for you to take along, that makes our effort worthwhile. :)


Mar 23, 2011

My name is Katharine.

I am a student who is about to graduate from college this coming June.

I feel that I need some spiritual guidance, and I have been seeking the religion which is right for me. So far, everything I've read about the Sikh religion fits with my way of thinking and the reality that I observe in the world.

When I was young I had a daycare provider who was a sikh-- her name is Joy Cash, and I believe I may have learned some habits and ways of thinking from her. She was part of my upbringing, and the other end was christianity as I went to private schools.

I am moving to New York City this coming July and I was searching for a place where I would be able to learn and possibly worship, when I stumbled across this site.

I hope all of you can offer me some guidance.

Thank you.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010

My name is Katharine.

I am a student who is about to graduate from college this coming June.

I feel that I need some spiritual guidance, and I have been seeking the religion which is right for me. So far, everything I've read about the Sikh religion fits with my way of thinking and the reality that I observe in the world.

When I was young I had a daycare provider who was a sikh-- her name is Joy Cash, and I believe I may have learned some habits and ways of thinking from her. She was part of my upbringing, and the other end was christianity as I went to private schools.

I am moving to New York City this coming July and I was searching for a place where I would be able to learn and possibly worship, when I stumbled across this site.

I hope all of you can offer me some guidance.

Thank you.
Katharine welcome to SPN. I am sure one of the members from USA will be able to provide further comments on Gurdwaras in Ny NY.

It is great that you had some visibility in childhood to Sikhism. The lights of childhood are eternal so your path should be bright.

Sat Sri Akal.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

My name is Katharine.

I am a student who is about to graduate from college this coming June.

I feel that I need some spiritual guidance, and I have been seeking the religion which is right for me. So far, everything I've read about the Sikh religion fits with my way of thinking and the reality that I observe in the world.

When I was young I had a daycare provider who was a sikh-- her name is Joy Cash, and I believe I may have learned some habits and ways of thinking from her. She was part of my upbringing, and the other end was christianity as I went to private schools.

I am moving to New York City this coming July and I was searching for a place where I would be able to learn and possibly worship, when I stumbled across this site.

I hope all of you can offer me some guidance.

Thank you.

KEKaur ji

Welcome to SPN! welcomekaur

If you are going to New York City, then by all means find the Richmond HIll Gurdwara in Queens.


There is also a sangat at the Sikh Cultural Society in Richmond Hill in Queens.

These sangats add good gurmat teaching for adults and children. Good kirtan. And let us keep our hope high -- an atmosphere for learning, discussing, debating the elements of Sikhi. It is a diverse sangat. Queens itself is a rich treasure of ethnic and cultural diversity. So I hope you find what you are looking for. Remind me to look into other gurdwaras in the New York area for you. I am not certain what is there in Manhattan.

This is great. A photo essay of Sikhs in Queens. http://queens.about.com/od/photogalleries/ss/richmond-hill_7.htm

Chardi kala!


Mar 25, 2011
Gurfateh and Welcome to SPN !!

This is a place for new members to introduce themselves to the Network. Please enjoy your stay over here and have a nice time.

Warm regards,

Aman Singh
for SPN Administration
I am delighted to be your our 15,000th member :)
I am a wife, mother & grandmother.
My degree is in Philosophy (Hons.) Essex
(Philosophy with Politics, Psychology, Sociology & The Bible and the Problems of Interpretation)
I am a Supply Teacher & Potter
I have a small local pottery business called POTS - Pottery Orders & Teaching Services.
The Teaching Services part takes me into Secondary Schools, where I teach all subjects.
Motto: In the Land of the Blind the one-eyed man is King
Hobbies: Genealogy, Computing, Studio Pottery, Sculpture, Raku & relaxing at our holiday chalet by the sea on the Isle of Sheppey as often as possible.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

It is a pleasure to welcome you. You bring interesting talents and experiences to this forum. Your enthusiasm and zeal are remarkable.

Thanks for joining SPN and I hope that you are able to contribute on many topics here. And, that we will pique your interest and enthusiasm for many weeks to come.

welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur
Aug 28, 2010
You are most welcome to the FORUM of sharing the thoughts and experience.With your rich bacground I hope our views will be shaped in proper manner with direction of your experience.
Really it is matter of great pleasure to have personality like yours.
With best wishes


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
welcomekaur A warm welcome to all new members! My reply has been a little tardy-forgive me, life takes over! I hope you all find what you are looking for here and enjoy the visits & company.

Potter ji, I appreciate all the effort you are making on the halal issue. I feel it is very important to make the country aware and action is taken so we have freedom of choice. I am also in the UK currently so am very appreciative. We are currently dealing with my sister's school. :swordfight-kudiyan:
Andrea ji, I understand the difficulties you are facing with moving countries. I have done so several times!! Even when moving back to your home country it can take great adjustment, especially if you've been away for a while. If you need moral support feel free to get in touch. Cyber sangat is very valuable!

Katherine ji, congratulations on your graduation. There's a wealth of information here. Feel free to get in touch with any one of us or post on threads to get more answers and support.

Welcome all!
Jasleen kudihug


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
earthlyfire ji welcome to spn. You are stating yourself as a learner but I am sure can also be a great contributor perhaps in the Interfaith thread or other areas of spn. Please don't hesitate to contribute as we are all learners one way or another.

Sat Sri Akal.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
earthlyfire ji

Welcome to SPN welcomekaur welcomekaur

Nothing could be closer to the core of Sikhi than to know, read, learn SGGS. I am happy to see that you have this interest, and that in some measure SPN has contributed to your understanding.

Enjoy your hours with us.


Mar 30, 2011
im Taj, from Germany. I am interested in Sikhism, but need some help in some sections about sikhism. I haven´t really orthodox parents, but wear a turban so, I have some Questions and need some enlightment.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh! :interestedmunda:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Taj ji

Welcome to SPN. Probably you are going to find more than a few members here who will want to converse with you about areas where you have questions. You can also find a lot of information in the New to Sikhism section, and in Sikh Sikhi Sikhism regarding living as a Sikh. There are some very interesting discussions going right now. I encourage you to visit often and participate. Start threads too. :)

welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
im Taj, from Germany. I am interested in Sikhism, but need some help in some sections about sikhism. I haven´t really orthodox parents, but wear a turban so, I have some Questions and need some enlightment.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh! :interestedmunda:

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa! Vaheguru ji ki fateh!!

Hi, Taj ji and welcome. welcomekaur welcomemunda

You're in good company. I think all of us have questions and need some enlightenment. Please feel free to ask. We're a friendly bunch.

:angryyoungsingh: :swordfight-kudiyan: :angryyoungkaur: :grinningkudi:

Enjoy your snack and come back for more!
Mar 31, 2011
Hello everyone, I am from India, 25 years old, a very confused girl, who makes lots of mistakes and learns from them. I came to this site searching for an answer, got the answer and thought why not to stay here to clear all my doubts regarding religion and life.
I will make lots of mistakes, but would appreciate to correct me where I am wrong.
I hope I would never hurt or disappoint anyone here with my words.
Take care everyone.
God bless all.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Welcome to SPN insearchofpeace ji

It is wonderful to hear that you found an answer you were looking for here at SPN. And as far as mistakes go...well in my own life I have found that when I succeed I often do not know what worked. When I fail at something, at least then I know what did not work and will not do it again. Mistakes teach us, often more than success.

Thanks for joining us!

welcomekaur !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


May 24, 2008
Dear Katharine,
<?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p> </o:p>
Spiritual guidance…… Most religions have spirituality in their teaching. How ever the real guidance comes from within. Sikhism is full of guidance listen and observe and you will find your true self
<o:p> </o:p>
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