I welcome you with open arms.
welcomekaur to all over the past few weeks. Please forgive the tardy welcome to you all -moving cities (again!) has meant I missed the posts.
Spades ji, welcome back. It's always great when previous members return :grinningkudi:
Welcome back, dear Spades ji.
Sat Sri Akal. My name is Kerry, and well, I am Muslim, not Sikh. I am 18 years old. I am just on this site to learn a bit more about Sikhism from actual Sikhs. I have been pretty disappointed with religious online forums so far though because of the level of prejudice and narrow-mindedness when it comes to people of other religions. Anyways, I just love learning about all religions, really. My hobbies include: reading, listening to music, watching movies, and learning languages.
Sat shri akaal and welcome, Kerry ji!
welcomekaur welcomekaur welcomekaur
I think I qualify as an actual Sikh. I agree. It's better to learn about us from us than from others, just as it is better to learn about Muslims from actual Muslims!
Please look around the site. Lots of different points of view on almost everything are in here.
Please use bigger fonts. I have trouble reading such small print.
It is nice to meet you.What should I call you exactly? Lol, alright, I will use larger font!
Okay Mai ji.Thanks for the bigger font. My eyes are getting old, I fear.
Please just call me Mai. It's really my nickname (after Mai Bhago, a great Sikh lady warrior). :swordfight-kudiyan:
Sat Sri Akal. My name is Kerry, and well, I am Muslim, not Sikh. I am 18 years old. I am just on this site to learn a bit more about Sikhism from actual Sikhs. I have been pretty disappointed with religious online forums so far though because of the level of prejudice and narrow-mindedness when it comes to people of other religions. Anyways, I just love learning about all religions, really. My hobbies include: reading, listening to music, watching movies, and learning languages.
Welcome Kelly ji. It is always interesting for us too to have different perspectives on the interfaith threads. I'm glad you've joined us as this is the most open minded and fair internet forum I have come across! Hope you learn lots and enjoy your time here welcomekaur
Welcome Kelly ji,
I do hope that so far you have gained information and insight from your stay here. I have been off line for nearly a week, and just now have the privilege of welcoming you. Do enjoy enjoy enjoy welcomekaur