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May 15, 2009
Mai Harinder kaur Ji,
I am here in Japan for some buisness purpose and i will stay here upto next year.And as far as sikhism in Japan is concerned.It is very difficult to find sikh here.me and my three friends are here and we think that this is only the strength out here.Offcourse there are two Gurudwaras out here in Japan but both are 100s miles away.
This is the story but I do not mind about all this.
Where there is wind,there are sikhs.
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji Ki fateh.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Gyani Jarnail Singh Ji And Antonia Ji,

OK, when two such illustrious luminaries make a request, what can I do? I will make time, and this is more difficult than most of what I write about Dad. I take these stories from his autobiography, and there is a problem. He wrote each part in the language of the country he was writing about. Suni usually handles the Punjabi, as I lost mine in the stroke, I can pretty well manage the French and, of course, his English is quite elegant. However, my Japanese is almost nonexistant and his translation is merely a sort of explanation. So this will take a little time and imagination on my part.

Nanak 123,

Where in Japan are you? As I said, I am something of a Japanophile and am most interested. Also, how do the Japanese react to your turban if you tie one? Japan is traditionally such a monoethnic society that I wonder about that. (Dad drew a lot of giggles, but that was 100 years ago. Tempus fuget!) Of course, nowadays, Japan is very cosmopolitan, but from what I've heard, the traditions are still there, just under the surface.

I wanna go to Nara!

Chardi kala! :ice:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Welcome to you avtarkaintji :welcome:

I am so glad that you like SPN. When I first joined I too could not believe how interesting the forum was and it gets better every day.

So please contribute to the threads by starting discussions and participating in ongoing discussions. What really makes SPN great are the members. So join in and enjoy your stay. .....and stay a long long time.

Sat Nam
May 24, 2009
Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh,

I, Bhupinder Singh is here to get connected to my fellow friends and share panthic feelings with the ones who feel their belongingness towards the Sikh panth. I hope will get good support to lead the sikh idealogy in future.

I was trying to get people in touch to organise a program to pay tribute to the Shaheeds Of operation Blue Star( a deadly blow for the community organised by then Goverment of India). It is an apeel lets organise Blood Camps all around the world on this day and pay our tribute to the sheded blood.

Looking forward for your support and suggestion.

with regards,

Bhupinder Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh,

I, Bhupinder Singh is here to get connected to my fellow friends and share panthic feelings with the ones who feel their belongingness towards the Sikh panth. I hope will get good support to lead the sikh idealogy in future.

I was trying to get people in touch to organise a program to pay tribute to the Shaheeds Of operation Blue Star( a deadly blow for the community organised by then Goverment of India). It is an apeel lets organise Blood Camps all around the world on this day and pay our tribute to the sheded blood.

Looking forward for your support and suggestion.

with regards,

Bhupinder Singh

A most warm welcome Ji..i am sure you will enjoy your stay at spn...its one of the most "Panthic" sites....genuinely moderate and accomodating sarbatt da bhalla...

Janail Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
:welcome: BhupinderSinghji

We welcome you to SPN. Please find the sense of sangatth that you are seeking. We have many helpful members who love to discuss Sikh culture and Gurbani.

Sat Nam,


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Dear: Bhupindersingh ji
I'm a sort of 'amateur theologian' who has taken an accute interest in Sikhism, as part of my own personal objective of having as large of a Positive Influence upon the Globally pertinent - and quite troubling - times that we are all going through; as we will all pay a price for the hatered and arrogance. which so often seem to dominate the attitudes and actions of 'those in power' these days, if we don't (quickly) learn to act 'as one tribe' once again. (I'm an American, a Veteran, very 'Green', etc.; so I'm sure you know what I mean!)
Though it is always correct and desirable to Honor those who've fallen for a Righteous Cause - or because of someone elses unrighteous one; I hope that you'll learn to, once again, Love those who've
wronged you - just as, I believe, Guru Arhan harbored no real enmity towards those men with the hot plate.
Sikhism - and Sikhs, like B-Hai, and my own 'brand' of Buddhism has(ve), within their teachings, the potential to set the World Free from intolerence and hatered, my good ji.
Please, do Honor those who've fallen - but also meditate upon these words, as you do so!:yes:
Dec 5, 2008
Sar Sri Ackal TE Gur fateh Parvan Ho vae

i am Ranjit Singh
Just intruducing my self
this is a wonderfull site and i want to thank all the people who made this possible

thank you

ranjit singh:happy:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Ranjit Bhogal ji

Welcome :welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome: to SPN. Good to see you come here with so much enthusiasm. I hope that you participate in many conversations, and start them too.



May 8, 2009
JimRinX Ji, I know very little about Buddhism with the exceptions of an introduction to Buddhism Course at Penn State and some books I read back in the 1970's. The fact that you identified yourself as "an amateur theologian" and a follower of your own brand of Buddhism intriqued me. I was always under the assumption that Buddhism didn't accept the concept of a diety and consequently had no theological doctrines. (Theology being the study of God(s)), and that they were primarily concerned with the hermeneutics, eschatology, solteriology and ethics (Eightfold Path) of Buddha and the Buddhist Scriptures.

The Buddhism accept the concepts of Karma and Dharma?


May 8, 2009
Welcome to this site. I am the least knowledgeable here about Sikhism, but I wanted to participate in Welcoming all the members newer than myself.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
The Buddhism accept the concepts of Karma and Dharma?

Sa'ad ji, I know you were asking a quesiton of JimRinX ji - however, yes -- Buddhism does accept the concepts of karma and dharma. In fact Buddhism is one of the 5 dharmic religions, and its history is an interesting one, as Buddhism like Sikhism came about as a reaction to the ritualistic and inflexible practices of sanatan dharma in India. Reading about the life of Buddha one is struck by the comparison between his concerns in his day with those of Guru Nanak in his own time.

Buddhism has its own twist of karma and dharma. And there are also shifts in understanding depending on the branch of Buddhism.




May 26, 2009
Together we can.

Waheguruji ka khalsa waheguruji ki fateh,

Dear All,
I came this website i.e about sikh philosophy, find it the path through which we can propogate our religion which many people are unaware about, not only other religion but our own brothers and sisters let join hands and help people who are in two minds what to do and what not to while following the religion path.

Satnam Singh

sat_28ind@rediffmail.com/ sat_28in@yahoo.com


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Together we can.

satsriakaal ji


In a turbulent week for Sikhi -- let me welcome you and your sincere nature. Please post post post. Make this your second home.



May 8, 2009

Thank you . Language is such a difficult way to express oneself when not face to face. It is so easy to fail to adequately communicate without the none verbal clues which are so important. I had read where the Eskimo Language's Inuktitut has I think around 23 or more words for snow. It seems like we have far more words in all the languages for the expression of The Infinite Creator!

There is of course offered on the internet at Online Books which I have studied (and at one time owned) which covers the main concepts of Hinduism (Sivaism). Which unfortunately, I haven't been able to find the equivalent in Buddhism. Fortunately, Sikhism has many websites which not only explain the concepts, but also present the Guru Granth Sahib Ji in text and audio.

I do agree that Buddha was a very compassionate man. The fictional account of his life written by Herman Hesse in Siddhartha was excellent. Jesus was also very compassionate and was born on the Feast of Tabernacle's and had many of the milestones of his life occur on Feast Days, including his death on Passover. The great Gurus all provided examples of compassion, justice, and righteousness. And, many of the stories in the Tanackh on the sod level seem to be about the small, weak, and frightened being raised to righteousness by God.

But, the fact that we continue to get so many new members demonstrates that many of us are still searching for places to articulate there longing and searching and to move to deeper dimension of interaction in the Spiritual Realm. I always liked this translation of the Tao Te Ching

So, Welcome, ALL and hopefully we will help each other in our quest.
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