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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Dr. Kanwarjit Singh ji

A warm welcome to SPN for you! :star:

I am so please to be able to welcome you and hope that you will avail yourself of all of SPN's resources. We have downloads, albums, a book store --- and much more. In particular please participate in our discussions and start new threads. You have a lot to offer us in discussion and your ability to contribute a Gurmat perspective is valuable.

Make this a great place to enjoy an hour or two each day.



Jun 1, 2004
Welcome to SPN Kanwarjit Singh ji, we hope to learn from experinces in college and hope you enjoy your stay over here. :welcome:


May 8, 2009

I am Sa'ad. I believe everything in the Mool (Mul) Mantra even though I am a follower of Yeshua. I am currently trying to learn Hebrew; however, I do understand the punjabi words in the Mool Mantra. I study the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji online. The only sikhs I have met are a few doctors in our small town. They are all very interesting individuals. I also watch alot of the White Sikh videos gmustk on youtube.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

I am Sa'ad. I believe everything in the Mool (Mul) Mantra even though I am a follower of Yeshua. I am currently trying to learn Hebrew; however, I do understand the punjabi words in the Mool Mantra. I study the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji online. The only sikhs I have met are a few doctors in our small town. They are all very interesting individuals. I also watch alot of the White Sikh videos gmustk on youtube.

Sa'ad ji

Welcome to SPN. You can help us understand the Hebrew Testaments better if you participate in our discussions. Take a look at Interfaith Dialogs and see if there are some discussions that you can contribute to. I predict that you have a lot of teaching to do. Sat nam :)


May 8, 2009
At times I feel that my eulogy will be a donkey loaded with books died and a bag of books were buried. I don't claim to be either Jewish or Christian. I simply try and follow in the path of the holy and worship the infinite beyond our finite comprehension. I do know there is only one "HaShem" and that name can never be understood by us (Tao Te Ching). The heritage of the Sikh is an amazing one; unfortunately, I live in a small xenophobic area of PA.


May 12, 2009
Hi Randip, yes a Red Dwarf fan, shame i know, also like Blackadder and the League of Gentlemen.:eek:
I hope i am in the right place Randip? If this forum is for Sikh's only then please let me know:eek:

Maybe if i stated why i joined someone could tell me if i'm in the right place-or tell me where i should go::cool::

To cut a long story short, in just over a year a Sikh friend of mine will be getting married in India, i have been invited to visit him when this happens. I have never been out of the UK so i'm a bit worried. What worries me more though is that i now realise that i know very little about the Sikh religion, and even less on how i should behave or dress, there are so many things i will need to know and i thought where better to learn than from a Sikh forum? I want to learn Punjabi to so i can talk with people and not just stand in the corner like an idiot. I want to be able to understand movies and know what songs are actually about.
I know i can read books-and i most likely will, but i wont get that 'vibe' from a book, the way people interact with each other is lost when it's written down. Books will tell me about India and famous people and what people eat and so on, but i want to know the way people get on in their daily lives.
Hope i am making sense here, anyway, if someone thinks i should be elsewhere then i shall go.


May 8, 2009
Krytonlister Ji,

I am not a Sikh nor have I ever been to India; however, I was once told a story about India by friends of my parents. I will tell the story word for word as best I can. "In my country, there was once a tiger in a cage. Everyday, two bad boys would throw rocks at the tiger and poke the tiger with sticks. One day, the tiger escaped from the cage while the boys were approaching....Do you know what happen?"

I also have a friend, Rahul, whose family was from the Punjab Region of India which is located in the Northern part of India. In a country of approximately 1,166,079,218 comprised of different ethnic, political, and religious systems, as well as more languages and dialects than practically any other country, you are bound to encounter great diversity. My friend is very proper in his writing and conduct. He is highly educated and his grandfather or great-grandfather on his mother's side was a Sikh. He respects the Sikhs as warrior/saints (my words not his). Sikhs are known through the world as courageous defenders of the weak and needy.

One of my friends, Peter, spent his youth traveling the world. I asked him how he liked India. He said he contract a disease within days of arriving and was bedridden the month he spent there. (So, as always, when traveling to another country, I personally would get all vacinations and take Metloquine or Marlarone if you plan on seeing the lower elevation parts of the country. I personally have always loved India even though I have never been there as I have also loved ancient China.

I am learning much here at this site. Best Wishes on learning Punjabi. I have my hands full with Hebrew, but I am learning some of the Sikh Prayers in Punjabi via transliteration and translation. :welcome: Sa'ad


May 12, 2009
Hi Sa'ad, and thank you for the advice, especially about the injections!
I have always wanted to go to India, once i have achieved this then my next port of call would be Hong Kong, but with things as they are at the moment-could be a long way of.
Thought i was facing a challenge with wanting to learn Punjabi, but Hebrew? Good luck with that my friend as it looks and sounds very complicated.:shock:
Thank you again.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Hi Randip, yes a Red Dwarf fan, shame i know, also like Blackadder and the League of Gentlemen.:eek:
I hope i am in the right place Randip? If this forum is for Sikh's only then please let me know:eek:

Maybe if i stated why i joined someone could tell me if i'm in the right place-or tell me where i should go::cool::

To cut a long story short, in just over a year a Sikh friend of mine will be getting married in India, i have been invited to visit him when this happens. I have never been out of the UK so i'm a bit worried. What worries me more though is that i now realise that i know very little about the Sikh religion, and even less on how i should behave or dress, there are so many things i will need to know and i thought where better to learn than from a Sikh forum? I want to learn Punjabi to so i can talk with people and not just stand in the corner like an idiot. I want to be able to understand movies and know what songs are actually about.
I know i can read books-and i most likely will, but i wont get that 'vibe' from a book, the way people interact with each other is lost when it's written down. Books will tell me about India and famous people and what people eat and so on, but i want to know the way people get on in their daily lives.
Hope i am making sense here, anyway, if someone thinks i should be elsewhere then i shall go.

Sikhism is a Universal faith that welcomes everyone. there are no pre-requisites to conversion, and no prejudice based on caste, race, creed, colour, gender.

Sikhism is epitamised by "Langaar" which is a communal kitchen done at Sikh temples everyday (Gurudwara) to which every one sits and eats. People of many backgrounds and faiths come together. The food is vegetarian to cater for food taboo's too.

If you wish to know more information on Sikhism try:

Welcome to website about history of the sikhs (the sister site to this forum)
The Sikhism Home Page <<< a very good Sikh site.

As for learning Punjabi, I think many schools and colleges run evening classes in UK for this.


May 12, 2009
Thank you Randip for your advice.:)
I will check out the sister site you mentioned, and other sites i have looked at.
As for learning Punjabi, i have decided (with your help:)) to go and get some lessons under my belt before joining a forum of this stature.:eek: I now realise that i would have to learn an enormous ammount before i could actually join a conversation-let alone hold an intellectual one. I apologise for any inconveniance i may have caused, maybe i will return in the future if all goes well.
Thanks especially to Randip and Sa'ad for their time and advice.


May 15, 2009
Sat Shree Akal,

I am Paramjeet Singh Malhi.In all my life i will be very thankful to Lord Nanak who directed people towards the truth.And i always feel His need to be in my life.No doubt He is somewhere near/in me.But i want to be in Him completely.
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.

Paramjeet Singh

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Dear Nanak 123,

I see a Japanese flag on your post. Are you living in Japan? I have always been very interested in that country.

Please let us know about being a Sikh there. I know my father visited there in the early years of the Twentieth Century and had a great time. Are there gurudwaras there? So many questions I have. In any case, welcome to SPN! Nice people are here. :welcome:


Chardi kala!:ice:

Mai Harinder Kaur


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
nanak 1 2 3

Welcome to SPN -- Already you have met one of our most respected members Mai ji who greeted you above.

Please make yourself at home here on SPN. Make us of all of our resources, downloads, bookstore. Participate in conversations and start threads of your own. You may find many of our threads very interesting.

Perhaps even Mai ji will tell the story of her father in Japan.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Dear Antonia,

I am embarassed; ::cool:: I am just another Singhni, albeit one with a big mouth.

Perhaps I'll write about Dad in Japan in my blog one of these days. I do need a break from all this heavy 1984 stuff now and then.

Just picture this big, strong turbaned Punjabi farmer's son among the elegant diminuative Japanese...that gives a hint of the picture. :rofl: This world needs more laughter.

Chardi kala!
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