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Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Vicki ji -

You say -
Whew! I'm having quite a time navigating this bulletin board. But, now that I'm back on, the conversation seems to have gone on to other things.

Just to satisfy your curiosity, the hair covering was conservative evangelical thing. (i.e. too conservative to join up with the Baptists, although at that time we did call ourselves Baptist. Now just called a "community" church and is a wonderfully diverse congregation that tolerates all sorts of worship traditions...all Christian, of course, but there's room for a yogini like me to feel right at home.) The grown women weren't terribly concerned, but there was a group of us young radicals who wanted to embrace the whole shebang...and balance it with 1970's feminism at the same time. Not really an easy trick, and most of us outgrew it.

To begin, it's quite OK to go back a bit and resume an interesting conversation. Usually adding a quote and addressing the person concerneed is helpful. Another possibility is to leave the person a private message.

I know something of the consevative Christian evangelical movement, enough to know that combining that with feminism would be extremely difficult, I would think probably impossible. An interesting project to try. It shows that you have courage and imagination, both traits I admire.

Anyway, enjoy the forum and please stay in touch.

Chardi kala!

Mai :ice:


Jul 12, 2009
Hi everyone!

I'm Laura from Scotland. I studied Sikhism as part of an uni course a year or two ago and fell in love with it. I find it beautiful and the words of the Guru Granth Sahib are just amazing. The only Sikh person I ever knew was my maths teacher in high school ( looooong time ago) I would love to go to my local Gudwara ( Sp?) some day but am slightly intimidated by not knowing Punjabi. Religon wise ( as mentioned in a former thread) I'm Theitic Satanist, which means I belive in and worhip the literal Satan but I in no way see my deity as being evil. I hope that any pre-concived notions of Satan will not get in the way of our friendnship ( to all reading this lol) So yeah that's it about little old me. Thanks for reading:up:

btw I love this smilie:inca:


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Welcome to SPN Laura Ji.

The medium of language here in SPN is English therefore, should you need any help in certain Gurmukhi verses without English transliterations, you may freely direct your queries to any Forum Leader or Mentor. You may want to share your belief system in further details.


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Vegangoth ji!:welcome:
Hoof and horns, hoof and horns, all that dies will be reborn! (Sound familiar? Guess who I hang out with on the Solstice?)
No, vegangoth ji, you'll not have any problems with us Dharma practitioner types; if you do - just send them to JimRinX, I'll set them straight!
Christians, who destroyed even more of our own pre-Christian European Culture than they did everyone elses, HATE FERTILITY RITES! They Hate the Idea of SEX - especially the Dharma friendly concept of it leading the couples who practice it to a 'Higher Place' (there's an 'Eastern' word for this...help me out); thus, these Ancient and Time Honored - even in EUROPEAN, INDO-ARYAN, pre-Christian Socities - customs, and the symbolism associated with them (Hooves, Horns, Lignums, Yonis) became 'Satan - the Horned, Hooved (suddenly) Evil One!' (Quick; hide your Virgins! - or there goes your Bride-price!)
I had one, unfortunate 'victim' of Catholicism tell me that, "Sex is for making babies ONLY - all other sex is FORNICATION, and thus SINFUL!" She'd also NEVER had an Orgasm, hated her Husband, and said that she'd, "Only had Sex with him, because the Bible said she had to"!!!
I Pity such fools!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Welcome vegangoth ji? I have already enjoyed some of your conversation here at SPN -- in fact in an ongoing thread. :welcome::welcome::welcome:

Don't hesitate to continue as a participant because respect for diversity of religion was and is a cornerstone of Sikhism -- and this was demonstrated in the martyrdom of our 9th Guru Teg Bahadur. He protected the right to be "different" and protected the honor of those who were different and died for it in a most horrific way.

As for going to Gurdwara, but not understanding Punjabi. If you are in Scotland, there are several gurdwaras. We can get locations and phone numbers if you need them. Several of the officers in charge of the Gurdwara Management Committees are native born in Scotland in almost every Gurdwara - if I am not mistaken. My suggestion is to give one or two of them a call and ask for a bit of their time to discuss some of the questions/concerns that are on your mind. Today Gurdwaras project Engish and Punjabi versions of the important prayers on a projection screen. You will recognize many of the kirtan sung if you are an ardent fan of kirtan. Even the hukamnama and rehras are in many Gurdwaras given first in Punjabi and then in English, depending on how many native speakers of English are members of the sangat. So don't let language stand in your way of further interest. Let us know how you are coming along.

Sat Nam,
Narayanjot kaur


Jul 12, 2009
Welcome vegangoth ji? I have already enjoyed some of your conversation here at SPN -- in fact in an ongoing thread. :welcome::welcome::welcome:

Don't hesitate to continue as a participant because respect for diversity of religion was and is a cornerstone of Sikhism -- and this was demonstrated in the martyrdom of our 9th Guru Teg Bahadur. He protected the right to be "different" and protected the honor of those who were different and died for it in a most horrific way.

As for going to Gurdwara, but not understanding Punjabi. If you are in Scotland, there are several gurdwaras. We can get locations and phone numbers if you need them. Several of the officers in charge of the Gurdwara Management Committees are native born in Scotland in almost every Gurdwara - if I am not mistaken. My suggestion is to give one or two of them a call and ask for a bit of their time to discuss some of the questions/concerns that are on your mind. Today Gurdwaras project Engish and Punjabi versions of the important prayers on a projection screen. You will recognize many of the kirtan sung if you are an ardent fan of kirtan. Even the hukamnama and rehras are in many Gurdwaras given first in Punjabi and then in English, depending on how many native speakers of English are members of the sangat. So don't let language stand in your way of further interest. Let us know how you are coming along.

Sat Nam,
Narayanjot kaur

Thank you so much for that offer. I have already looked into where the neartest Gurdwaras are to me ( about 3 hours away) and I might just take the plunge and give them a phone. I'm glad that there is an english translation lol I had though their might be it would make sense.

Was Guru Teg Bahadur the Guru that was decapitated for not converting to Islam?


Jul 12, 2009
Vegangoth ji!:welcome:
Hoof and horns, hoof and horns, all that dies will be reborn! (Sound familiar? Guess who I hang out with on the Solstice?)
No, vegangoth ji, you'll not have any problems with us Dharma practitioner types; if you do - just send them to JimRinX, I'll set them straight!
Christians, who destroyed even more of our own pre-Christian European Culture than they did everyone elses, HATE FERTILITY RITES! They Hate the Idea of SEX - especially the Dharma friendly concept of it leading the couples who practice it to a 'Higher Place' (there's an 'Eastern' word for this...help me out); thus, these Ancient and Time Honored - even in EUROPEAN, INDO-ARYAN, pre-Christian Socities - customs, and the symbolism associated with them (Hooves, Horns, Lignums, Yonis) became 'Satan - the Horned, Hooved (suddenly) Evil One!' (Quick; hide your Virgins! - or there goes your Bride-price!)
I had one, unfortunate 'victim' of Catholicism tell me that, "Sex is for making babies ONLY - all other sex is FORNICATION, and thus SINFUL!" She'd also NEVER had an Orgasm, hated her Husband, and said that she'd, "Only had Sex with him, because the Bible said she had to"!!!
I Pity such fools!

It's so sad that so much religious history has been mucked about with by Christians and the rest of the Abrahamic faiths:inca:( woo hoo used my smilie lol) That woman you mentioned sounds a whole lot like my mum except for the catholic part ( she's protestant):D


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Vegangoth ji
Thank Goodness for your Mums sake - for though she's still stuck with a mostly false belief, she can at least divorce!
My Mum gave six weeks of her time to take part in a major medical study, then, when she told our Catholic neighbor lady (Portugese - lives in the 14th C.!) what she'd done - expecting a pat on the back and a 'Good Marge, that was nioce of you to do' - waht she got, instead, was a, "Ooooh! You shouldn't have sought out a Doctor for your problems! Your pain is Gods punnishment for being a ***** and divorcing your husband!"
Never wanted to PUNCH an OLD LADY in THE FACE so bad in ALL MY LIFE! She made very good person Mum CRY!


Jul 12, 2009
Vegangoth ji
Thank Goodness for your Mums sake - for though she's still stuck with a mostly false belief, she can at least divorce!
My Mum gave six weeks of her time to take part in a major medical study, then, when she told our Catholic neighbor lady (Portugese - lives in the 14th C.!) what she'd done - expecting a pat on the back and a 'Good Marge, that was nioce of you to do' - waht she got, instead, was a, "Ooooh! You shouldn't have sought out a Doctor for your problems! Your pain is Gods punnishment for being a ***** and divorcing your husband!"
Never wanted to PUNCH an OLD LADY in THE FACE so bad in ALL MY LIFE! She made very good person Mum CRY!

Crickey! What a nasty old lady. Somepeopl just need to learn to keep their mouth shut.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
H, Vegangoth ji -

Even your name is interesting. I wonder what sort of an avatar (interesting word!) you'll come up with. I'd love to hear more about your beliefs. Actually, when I think of Satan, I think of Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End. I hope that isn't too annoying.

There might actually be a gurdwara closer to you. Some are not listed in phone books and the like and can be found through Sikh sources. Please don't hesitate to visit. Visitors are treated with respect and, usually, enthusiasm. While we are not a proselytizing religion, most of us do enjoy talking about what we believe. My suggestions would be to wear clothes that you'll be comfortable wearing sitting on the floor, be prepared to remove shoes and socks (it's OK to wiggle your toes) and you'll be asked to cover your head (not sexist, this is necessary for both sexes). I imagine you already know that, and it doesn't hurt to repeat it.

So, welcome and enjoy.

Chardi kala!

Mai :ice: (By your name, I surmise that possibly you eat neither ice cream nor frozen yogurt. That's OK; this can be a nice sorbet. I have never found the soy substitutes for ice cream appealing, though, so we'll stick to sorbet, OK?)


Jul 12, 2009
H, Vegangoth ji -

Even your name is interesting. I wonder what sort of an avatar (interesting word!) you'll come up with. I'd love to hear more about your beliefs. Actually, when I think of Satan, I think of Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End. I hope that isn't too annoying.

Nope it's not annoying as I've never read the book lol. Thank you for the intrest perhaps I'll start a new thread about it.;)

There might actually be a gurdwara closer to you. Some are not listed in phone books and the like and can be found through Sikh sources. Please don't hesitate to visit. Visitors are treated with respect and, usually, enthusiasm. While we are not a proselytizing religion, most of us do enjoy talking about what we believe. My suggestions would be to wear clothes that you'll be comfortable wearing sitting on the floor, be prepared to remove shoes and socks (it's OK to wiggle your toes) and you'll be asked to cover your head (not sexist, this is necessary for both sexes). I imagine you already know that, and it doesn't hurt to repeat it.

Great suggestions:happy:
Absolutely nothing wrong with talking about your beliefs. Sadly many people think that when you are informing and educating people they think you are trying to convert them:(

So, welcome and enjoy.

Chardi kala!

Mai :ice: (By your name, I surmise that possibly you eat neither ice cream nor frozen yogurt. That's OK; this can be a nice sorbet. I have never found the soy substitutes for ice cream appealing, though, so we'll stick to sorbet, OK?)

Nope don't eat ice cream or yogurt but sorbet does ROCK. What a great smilie lol


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Thank you so much for that offer. I have already looked into where the neartest Gurdwaras are to me ( about 3 hours away) and I might just take the plunge and give them a phone. I'm glad that there is an english translation lol I had though their might be it would make sense.

Was Guru Teg Bahadur the Guru that was decapitated for not converting to Islam?

Yes that is the Guru!

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Again Vegangoth ji, hi!

In Childhood's End, the debbil :}8-: turns out to have been the Good Guy all along, well, sort of. It's a pretty good baok, although like most of Clarke's stuff, I'm never quite sure what I'm reading.

Ninety percent of the fun of having is in the sharing. With Sikhi, I have this really great feast and I enjoy sharing it. Of course, if your tastes are different than mine, that's OK. Maybe I can sample some of your food, too. [Relevent quote: "Life is a banquet and most of the poor fools are starving to death." Auntie Mame, the movie.]

Yeah, I use that smilie as my chardi attitude state. :ice:

OK, sorbet, then. Cool. Frozen, even. It's summer! Have you found a good vegan "ice cream"? I would like to be vegan for ecological/noncruelty reasons, but I still have a few hoops to jump through. Paneer, yogurt, ice cream... And, puh-leeze, tofu cannot substitute for paneer! :down: Italian ice! :happy:

BTW, keep playing with the formatting; it took me a while to get it figured out.

Chardi kala! :ice:



Jul 4, 2009
How do I find you? I try to respond to posts or ask a question, but there seems to be a million options and none lead to a "real" person. How do I just carry on a conversation?



Jun 1, 2004
Welcome to SPN! Surely, we look forward to see more of you around here... please find yourself at home here and have fun!! :welcome:

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