Mai ji
You're right; Childhoods End would make a better movie - but only to people like us; it would be far too deep, far too filled with Dharmic (Dare I say, even European Pagan?) Themes that would cause too many Christians to balk, and for too void of Car Chases - not to mention Gratuitous SEX! - for most of my fellow oh-so-shallow Americans to actually 'enjoy' it.
They're waiting for The Lord to return, and would have a hard time accepting the Idea that we're all destined to become some kind of 'pure energy beings'; though I do know an open minded Mennonite or two....he also like Artwork with 'Fly Agaric' (The 'Greater Soma' - according to my 'Clear Light source') and M.C. Escher themes!
As far as LSD, and 2001 is concerned; only the same kind of people who I just chided would say that!

You'd never know it without reading the Book, but it's really a kind of Prelude to Childhoods End; as all of that 'trippy' stuff at the end, is actually our Hero entering a kind of 'star gate' (you'd never know it, would you?) left behind by an Alien Race who've already Evolved beyong Childhood themselves.
The Obelisk they find on the Moon, when dug up and touched by Sunlight, sends a message to the one on Saturns Moon, Iapetus (I think; it's the half-white/half-black one; and it was, in the book, made that way by our Alien Spiritual Mentors), and sets the whole process in motion.
Forget 2010; I don't know why he wrote things that way, in 2001 it was the Stargate that made Hal go mad.
When he enters the Gate, he's gven a multi-star system tour of...well, JUST READ IT!
I just know that, if you liked Childhoods End, you'll enjoy it too - really!
Also; try and find a copy of Ten Tales of Tommorows Future, by SIR Arthur C. Clarke, as well; as the Vision he has for OUR Happy, like, W-o-o-o-w M-a-a-a-n!
No LSD Required!
In fact, I write such Fiction - and have taken it upon myself to assume Sir Arthurs Mantle!
The man was a Dharma Practitioner - and a Rare Gem or Great Beauty; so you'd not be disappointed, even though his style is a bit 'dry'.
Oh, and, by the way; (The 'Lesser') Soma (as I call it; and I'm not talking LSD or Fly Agaric) has become, through no choice of my own, a very important part of my beliefs, as it was the enabler that allowed me to 'blot out' the Serious Pain that I'm in, and, thus, to achieve the Fully Transcendant State - Twice; and, thus, it also led to my 'awakening', after the first time, to discover a White Streak had 'appeared' - as if by Magic! - in my Hair.
This was NO Halucination, and I'm NOT Om Shin Rikki (sp?); though many (Christians; and some Dharmic types who worry that I was simply 'tripping') think that was all there was to my Experiences.
Thus; it's a touchy subject - and I'm kind of NUTS for talking about it, what with the SSA having given me my SSD for a Mental Illness! - and I participate in SPN because I've found like minded people here; so a little respect, please.
Some of us are not fortunate enough to have been born free from pain, and we thus need 'help', from something or another, to get into that Transcendental State of Mind; and though Mr. Nerve Gas Attack did us all some harm, LSD - like my own 'Soma' - CAN help SOME People do this.:yes:
One should never pas it out like Candy though; and Om was Truly NUTS!:crazy:
Read and Enjoy, Mai ji!