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Question For Kala Afghana Supporters

Feb 7, 2008
<<<<So the only thing that ALL Sikhs believe to be gurbani is SGGS? That's the only writing that's accepted by everyone then... It seems like it would keep things simpler to just agree on SGGS and move on from there. Focusing on the differences is just going to repeat history over and over and over again>>

There is not difference.Differences have been created by certain vested interests who know nothing about Dasam Granth.Ignorance is bliss.
Feb 7, 2008
So the only thing that ALL Sikhs believe to be gurbani is SGGS? That's the only writing that's accepted by everyone then... It seems like it would keep things simpler to just agree on SGGS and move on from there. Focusing on the differences is just going to repeat history over and over and over again


Apr 24, 2006
<<<<Why didn't he compile Dasam Granth? People say he chose to "leave his body", then if he really had a choice, then he could have easily compiled Dasam Granth.>>>

there are two birs of Dasam Granth that are of Guru ji's time.

Anadpuri amd patna bir.We have manuscripts with bus.

<<<<When did Sarbloh Granth come in to the picture? Guru Gobind Singh was only 42 when he died. Did he have time to write all these granths? >>>

It took him almost two decades to write this Granth.Dates are there in Dasam granth itself.

<<<Assuming he wrote all those. WHy did he only put ONE passage in SGGS? Was his writings not worthy? At this point, someone will be like, he didn't consider himself a Guru and therefore, did not want his writings to be included in SGGS. What?? >>

Gur Granth is universal dealing with spirituality whereas Dasam Granth deals with sargun saroop.There is a difference thgere.

<<<<Guru Gobind SIngh was an intelectual man, agreed? Would an intellectual man think like that? Would a logical thinker let his feelings get in the way of his purpose/goal.
Anyway, why did he bow down to only SGGS?
[SIZE=-1]I have too many questions. Unfortunately, they cannot be answered to my satisfaction.>>>


One deals with Nirgun saroop and other with organizational aspects of khalsa or when tyranny manifests it tells us reply back.

What are your questions.First read dasam Granth and then put questions as you will understand better.
Now with some evidence please.
Any I asked you if you can understand Punjabi. can you?
If you can then please comment on this video.
So called Dasam Granth or {censored} Kavita
Dont let the name fool you... :whisling:

Lol 2 decades to write jsut sarbloh granth, I wonder how long it took for him to write Dasam granth.... hmm...
Feb 7, 2008
Bhagat singh

You need to understand the difference between sarbloh and dasam granth. I am talking about Dasam granth.a fool will not understand what i am talking because he has not read anything.

They are miscreants who call this bani as {censored} kavita.Are you not aware of hukamnama of akal takhat.Shame on you for putting such derogatory worded videos here.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
jarnail singh ji

I think your group is well knit and the same writing is circualted among you gyus.Most of this is a lie and hence is propaganda.Read below:

This is from the Yahoo Groups. You are also a member and you post there most regularly. They DONT ALLOW flaming/propoganda/distortion/personal attacks etc..as such all posts about Bhai Gurbaksh Singh jis ALLEGED sexual offense case etc have been not allowed/Deleted as instead of discussing the Works/writings of Bhai GS Kala Afghana..people with ulterior motives keep on bringing up old hash like he si a criminal.bad character blah blah.
Please refrain from any insuinations about who i am or whose "group" i join - close knit or loose as sand..thats my perogrative. I can also judge what is propoganda or not - Guru ji kirpa/tucchh budhi bakshee hai Ji.

Please note i am no fan of anybody..just a sikh ("learner" and i will learn from any able teacher - whosoever depends on SGGS/GURBANI... is my Favourite teacher..whosoever sidetracks to other literature etc is second best.
2. I am Amrtidharee, read the Banis proscribed by the Panj and have read the dsm granth and other books..and am still reading... I have also read ALL the books of Kala Afghana and also the Gurbialas Patshi chevin and met Vedanti ji when he came to my town and had a dialogue with the Jathedar Ji. IN Fact the very first Punjabi "version" of Gurbialas Pat 6 was done by my Punjabi teacher/mentor late Gyani inder Singh malaysia.

Warm Regards
Gyani jarnail Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
A question about Dasam Granth.. Email/Recommend this Topic to your Friends Our 10th Guru, Guru Gobind Singh ji who sacrificed his father, the 9th Guru, Guru Teg Bahadur Ji, his 4 sons, added his father's Gurbani in SGGS, did not add any of his thoughts about IK ONG KAAR in SGGS although we know he was a prolific polyglot poet and writer, Would HE compile HIS own GRANTH and name it DASAM GRANTH?

Lets ponder over it a bit.

Peace & Love


Feb 7, 2008
jarnail singh ji

I think your group is well knit and the same writing is circualted among you gyus.Most of this is a lie and hence is propaganda.Read below:

This is from the Yahoo Groups. You are also a member and you post there most regularly. They DONT ALLOW flaming/propoganda/distortion/personal attacks etc..as such all posts about Bhai Gurbaksh Singh jis ALLEGED sexual offense case etc have been not allowed/Deleted as instead of discussing the Works/writings of Bhai GS Kala Afghana..people with ulterior motives keep on bringing up old hash like he si a criminal.bad character blah blah.
Please refrain from any insuinations about who i am or whose "group" i join - close knit or loose as sand..thats my perogrative. I can also judge what is propoganda or not - Guru ji kirpa/tucchh budhi bakshee hai Ji.

Please note i am no fan of anybody..just a sikh ("learner" and i will learn from any able teacher - whosoever depends on SGGS/GURBANI... is my Favourite teacher..whosoever sidetracks to other literature etc is second best.
2. I am Amrtidharee, read the Banis proscribed by the Panj and have read the dsm granth and other books..and am still reading... I have also read ALL the books of Kala Afghana and also the Gurbialas Patshi chevin and met Vedanti ji when he came to my town and had a dialogue with the Jathedar Ji. IN Fact the very first Punjabi "version" of Gurbialas Pat 6 was done by my Punjabi teacher/mentor late Gyani inder Singh malaysia.

Warm Regards
Gyani jarnail Singh

S Jarnail singh ji

The court case is there on the net and on yahho group.Why you say it is not there?

It is a fact and there is registry no available.If interested i can quote the case here and you can check with a law member in Canada.
Feb 7, 2008
A question about Dasam Granth.. Email/Recommend this Topic to your Friends Our 10th Guru, Guru Gobind Singh ji who sacrificed his father, the 9th Guru, Guru Teg Bahadur Ji, his 4 sons, added his father's Gurbani in SGGS, did not add any of his thoughts about IK ONG KAAR in SGGS although we know he was a prolific polyglot poet and writer, Would HE compile HIS own GRANTH and name it DASAM GRANTH?

Lets ponder over it a bit.

Peace & Love


Tejwant ji

That is known to Guru ji.He is entitled to this.He was Guru of sikhs.We are nobody to question his decision.

But people like Daljeet singh had no practical life.They never lived sikhi to experience the bliss.They were theory masters.

I have read dasam Granth and can say that there is nothing anti Gurmat in that.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Inder Singh ji wrote:
S Jarnail singh ji

The court case is there on the net and on yahho group.Why you say it is not there?

It is a fact and there is registry no available.If interested i can quote the case here and you can check with a law member in Canada.>>>>>>>>>>>

Inder singh Ji,
I am not interested in the law case or the registry or to check up anything...life is too short as it si to study/vichaar on gurbani of SGGS- I have been reading and vichaaring sggs continously for the past 50 years of my life..every day Maera SATGUR nit NAVAAN..where got time to go looking up law cases and law registeries etc. I leave that type of frivolous work to those interested in that. I stick tenaciously to GURBANI of SGGS and whosoever quotes Gurbani vichars on this is good enough for me to read.
BTW i noticed that your mails on Yahoogroups are being "edited/deleted?" due to too much personal and not enough Gurbani /historicla Vichar. Lets NOT bring that here as well - this is a very well run moderate Forum where nearly everyoen wants genuine learning of Gurbani and Gurmatt. Nothing personal and no offense.
Warm regards
Gyani jarnail Singh
Feb 7, 2008
Giani ji

You have digressed now.You left the topic of kala afghana and Dasam Granth.

My mails are being censoered and not even posted because of following

1) That egroup is intolerant to exposure of tyranny on sikhs in India in 1980s and 1990s.
2) They name call Bhindrewale and justify Blue star operation.

3) They do not tolerate criticism of India as they thinl sikhs brought it own themselves.

4) They revere kala afghana and his lies about sikhism.

5)They quote from Dasam Granth distorted meanings showing they have no knowledge of Dasam Granth.

6) The moderator does not know much about sikhis and concepts of Guru Granth and guru panth.When corrected censor those portions of emails thinking as insult to him in public.

Now comimng to the real topic

1) You know kala fghana is a convicted sex offender.Why are stating here otherwise?A sikh does not support a wrong man.

2) Have you raed Dasam Granth?


Mar 1, 2008
Hello all There

I am amazed, how a supporter of Dasam Granth ( Gursikh!)can say MOD dont know much about sikhi? Is it the right way to debate any thing. I thought here a new one like me can learn a lot ...but...
Feb 7, 2008
Mkm writes me as a supporter of Dasam Granth.He should know that every sikh is a supporter of Dasam Granth.sikh rehat merayda supports dasam granth.So i am not alone.

I wrote that moderator does not have much knowledge of concept of Guru granth and Guru panth.How do you know that moderator knows?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Hello all There

I am amazed, how a supporter of Dasam Granth ( Gursikh!)can say MOD dont know much about sikhi? Is it the right way to debate any thing. I thought here a new one like me can learn a lot ...but...

Be patient. Wait and see. Everyone has his/her own approach to debating issues. You will learn and you will also teach us. You already did.
Jan 15, 2008
Kansas & Haiti
Hi mkm! I'm kind of new here too and I too, was a little shocked at first because I love Sikhi so much I had sort of glorified Sikhs in my mind. Then I had to shake myself and remember that we're all human and this is an internet forum. On the whole, I think you'll find this the most respectful, forgiving, understanding internet forum anywhere. People have debates and personalities come out but in the end they always support each other and try to understand even the deepest differences.

Thanks for your input!:thumbup:

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Tejwant ji

That is known to Guru ji.He is entitled to this.He was Guru of sikhs.We are nobody to question his decision.

But people like Daljeet singh had no practical life.They never lived sikhi to experience the bliss.They were theory masters.

I have read dasam Granth and can say that there is nothing anti Gurmat in that.

Inder Singh ji,

I beg to differ with you. Sikhi is based on questioning. One can only be a Sikh-seeker, if one is inquisitive and introspective. Gurbani shows us how are Gurus taught us how to question. Not questioning is the result of hindutva hierarchal system. Sikhi has none of that. If it were true then Sri Chand would have been our 2nd Guru and Prithivi Chand our 5th.When Guru Gobind Singh took Khandei de Pahul from Panch Piyaras he showed us the same. Vaho Vaho Gobind Singh aapei Guru Chela. So questioning hence contemplating on why our 10th Guru did not add any of his poetry as Gurbani in SGGS is vital for us to understand Sikhi.

Not to get away from the subject we also know Bhai Gurdaas ji’s vaarans were not added either. This discussion has already taken place in this forum and can be searched.

I am no one to judge anyone. I do not know Daljeet Singh. One thing I know what Gurbani teaches us. Hum Nahin changei, bura nahin koi- I am no good but no one is bad either.

Can you elaborate what you mean by that you have read the Dasam Granth and?


Feb 7, 2008
<<<Can you elaborate what you mean by that you have read the Dasam Granth and?>>>
Tejwant singh

banis of Dasam Granth form part of our nitnem and we are initiated with these banis.Our ardas begining is from Dasam granth.

Once we read Dasam Granth we find nothing anti gurmat in that.That is why the question.In my opinion we should read Dasam granth to know the reality.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
<<<Can you elaborate what you mean by that you have read the Dasam Granth and?>>>
Tejwant singh

banis of Dasam Granth form part of our nitnem and we are initiated with these banis.Our ardas begining is from Dasam granth.

Once we read Dasam Granth we find nothing anti gurmat in that.That is why the question.In my opinion we should read Dasam granth to know the reality.[/quote

Your response still does not answer the original question of questioning that you objected to. Why would he name a book Dasam Granth?

Did Guru Gobind Singh ji ask us to do Ardaas the way we do and did he add his poetry/bani to our Nitnem? If he did, Can you pls give us some references about it?


Feb 7, 2008
<<<<<Your response still does not answer the original question of questioning that you objected to. Why would he name a book Dasam Granth?

Did Guru Gobind Singh ji ask us to do Ardaas the way we do and did he add his poetry/bani to our Nitnem? If he did, Can you pls give us some references about it?>>>>

This was named as Bachoitra natak.Then it was Dasam Granth.Name has no bearing on the internal compositions that reamained same.SGGS was pothi sahib,aad granth and then Sri guru Granth sahib.

Ist pauri of ardas was written by Guru ji and forms part of Chandi di Vaar.Ardas was there in Guru ji's time.Some persons have tablets of Ardas of that period.


Mar 1, 2008
Mkm writes me as a supporter of Dasam Granth
If I hurt your feelings I am sorry, what I mean was that all Sikhs do not believe that Dasam Guru ji wrote Dasm Granth all. So far, sikhs who say it is all written by Guru ji, have failed to refute the points some Sikhs debated.

.He should know that every sikh is a supporter of Dasam Granth.sikh rehat merayda supports dasam granth.So i am not alone.
That is not happening in this thread. By simply saying, debate questions are not answered. Now a days a lot of maryada is not practicedby the Sikhs though Sikhs boast about it.

I wrote that moderator does not have much knowledge of concept of Guru granth and Guru panth.How do you know that moderator knows?
I am new, I dont know but how can you judge people so badly? Seems you are the only Sikh who understands all about Guru panth. In another post you called some one fool who happened to disagree with you, how can you openly insult others who are in disgreement with you? Sikh should have more tolerance than any one as per Gurbani teachings that is what I have learnt. When MOD delete your insulting comments, you play cry baby:8-:)
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