Pawan Guru = The breath of life (The life force is the Guru)
Paani Pitha = Water is the father (sperm)
Maata Dharth Mahat = Earth is the great mother (fertile womb)
The rest sets the stage for this play we call life.
Sat Sri Akaal,
What is revealed to one cannot be revealed to other, it can only be related, for eg
Gravity was revealed to Newton's mind how Newton can reveal to others,
Mind needs proof of what is revealed to be convinced.
So abstraction is difficult to be revealed t convince people.
It is the basic philosophy, explained to artist in there tone, that source of creation is "ONE"
IK OAMKAR One Omnipresent (Rest is Born Out of It)
SAT Ultimate Truth
NAAM This Word is Ultimate
Karta Ultimate Doer
Purakh Complete (Everything Contains it, only that is complete)
Nirbhao (Fear of Death in not with this one, death happens to them who are born)
Nirvaer (Vaer appears to those who have to receive, One is giver to all)
Akaal (Beyond time always present)
Ajooni (Not Created)
Saibhang (Further Not Divisible)
Gur (True Guide)
Parsad (Free State)
For eg if Doctor has to explain body status to a cobbler or a cook and starts using
medical terms, the other will not understand, but if it is related to his professional expertise, it is so easy.
So basic philosophy explained to maestros to make them understand, and convey message to others.
To understand this philosophy one shall be maestro in music, who understands the
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh