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Coinage Rarest Coin Of 1804 With Pic Of Shree Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Jan 1, 2010
It is a nice theory that if the coin don't please any body then he may create his own story that this is not a coin. This coin has never been matched by anyone or else. One should study the shape and style of coin. As this coin put certain set back due to certain reasons then the stories are being developed that this coin is not a minted coin during Sikh Misl period and that of Sikh Raj. The Sikh Empire collapsed in 1849 due to intigue and deception by the dogras on one hand and infighting of the Royal family on the other. The Britishers had replaced Sikh monetry system.
Now the Learned friends will again raise hue and cry that how you know that 1849 was calender year of which era. After the discussion which the Ld friends try to convince to each other that the language on the mint coins may be in Urdu, persian, punjabi but if it is in Hindi then the stories should be created to convince one and other.
So, I don't like to make confrontation on petty issue.
Rajneesh madhok


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
If this discussion is to continue, we all need to be patient with others. So far rajneesh ji has provided information and backup for his point of view. I do not think there is a need to put him on the defensive as the original article was nothing more than an information piece, and in no way an attempt to undermine the principles of Sikhi. Coin collectors argue about these issues as a matter of their calling, just as is happening here. So there is no need to get personal whenever we disagree. This is not a political debate. Until a seasoned collector joins this discussion then we are all engaging in speculation. I must add that Gyani ji's comments deserve additional consideration.


Feb 17, 2009
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!,
Sorry all even a bigger bubble bust here, this is NOT a coin at all, but a token (I have 100's of these), there are various theories on these (I have included pictures of some coins and tokens so one can differentiate between the two on sikhcoins.com). :
1) Some say these were given to Sevadars at some Gurdwara's.
2) These were sold outside Gurdwara's as good luck charms by vendors who may not have been Sikh's.
3) They were given out to mark special occasions.
All the above are possible IMHO.

As you may know, pictures/images were not acceptable to Sikhs, the first Sikh coins under Banda Singh Bahadur never included pictures, nor under the Sikh Misls nor under Maraja Ranjit Singh-ji. Also no monetary value is attached to these historically. And some also include Horoscope figures (not acceptable to Sikh's) as others include Mool Mantar.

Hope this helps....:)
Gurfateh & best Regards,
Sep 21, 2010
These er Not coins at all. These are Cheap tokens given by Brahaman Pandas at various pilgrimage places to Sikh visitors coming for immesion of ashes particularly at Haridwar. My father brought about a dozen way back in 1949 when he went there to immerse the ashes of my grandfather. Althogh our family had been Sikh for 10 generations still ashes were always taken to Haridwar.

Serjinder Singh
Sep 21, 2010
Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh

The role of those earning their livelihood by living and working in pilgrimage places from the visits of pilgrims to holy places by selling fake tokens as coins, it appears, was not confined just to Brahaman Pandas but also to Sikh Mahants, Masands and roving Bhatras Sikhs and Sadhus as well. A new book on Sikh Coinage gives more detail. It shows pictures of ten such tokens. The picture at No. 3 shows exactly the token we have been discussing earlier. The tokens that my father brought from Haridwar 64 years ago was also exactly the same. May be this one was produced and distributed in larger quantity.

An important book on Temple Tokens of Indian discusses this Token phenomenon all India wide. (Irwin F Brotman, A Guide to Temple Tokens of India, Los Angeles: Sharmock Press, 1970, pp. 12-13)

A Sikh writer Surinder Singh produced an excellent book on Sikh Coinage that discuses the phenomenon of Tokens passed on as Coins.

Sikh Coinage, Surinder Singh, Manohar Publishers, 2004, p201.

“Sikh religious tokens appear to have emanated from Amritsar, where very large numbers of devotees come during the Baisakhi and Diwali festivals. The local mahants/masands and traders in ornaments get these tokens manufactured in bulk, then sell them to petty medicants and Sadhus who, in turn, sell them to the pilgrims; thus making a substantial profit from the various stages of the transaction. There is a tribe of bhatras, part soothsayers and part godmen, who move from place to place, especially religious places during festivals, passing on these tokens to the godfearing pilgrims with their blessings. Thus, a token worth only a few paise is passed on to pilgrim for a few rupees. To the receiver it may be an act of religious devotion but to the giver it is a means of earning livelihood. It is understood that tokens bearing the inscription ‘Hazur Sahib, were originally manufactured in privately owned factories in Amritsar and were sent to traders in Nander for sale to the pilgrims going to Hazur Sahib as though these tokens originated at Hazur Sahib and with the blessings of the Guru. Such tokens were also apparently issued by certain sects outside the Sikh mainstream, such as Udasis, the Nirmalas, and the Namdharis which were set up by those descendents of the Sikh Gurus, viz., Pirthi Chand, Dhir Mal, and Ram Rai, who had separated from the Sikh mainstream and who crated their own sects with rather limited followings. The Udasi deras and darbars were scattered all over the doabs(of Panjab) and received state patronage in the form of revenue-free grants and financial assistance from the Sikh rulers.10 The Yantra (A squre drawn with 3x3 boxes in which nubers are written) type token at no 5, is an issue of some Udasi sect. The brass tokens have gone out of circulation over the last fifty years, presumably due to the Singh Sabha reform movement. The silver tokens have a very limited circulation at present, and may be obtained from silversmiths but not from the Sikh religious places.
Serjinder Singh


Feb 17, 2009
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!! all,

A big thank you to Serjinder Singh for making a number of valid points with references included.

I just wanted to add a few bits to this topic for those interested:

Some gurdwara's even today in India, do provide a token coin for people holding an Akhand Paath, however, these do not have pictures but show text, Khanda, etc,.

And, anyone thinking of collecting Sikh coins please do research these first, as a lot of so called "Sikh Coins" being offered by some on-line auctions and from Pakistan & India are fake.
I myself bought some on on examining them closely did I realise they were in fact NOT genuine. In fact I was even offered what the seller called "Authentic Sikh weapons" which at first looked genuine and only by research did it become evident they were well made fakes. Please don't be caught out by these scrupulous people....

The real coins are fantastic, available in gold, silver & copper/brass, reading them can be difficult, not because they mainly have Persian text (the International language of the day, certainly for the Gold and Silver ones). The copper / brass ones do have Gurmukhi on them.
However, because the whole couplet text was on a dye larger than coins, the whole couplet cannot be read complete on a single coin also the mint marks are the most complex of northern India. Most do however show / read Guru Nanak & Guru Gobind Singh-ji/ Akaal Sahai etc, the picturesof GuruJi's are not used, only on some; symbols of Leafs, Pea{censored}s, Seeds, Katars, and many others things.
Also please be aware of many mis-conceptions presented by Non-Sikhs as they have failed to grasp the Sikh understanding in terms of reasoning. And the most exciting thing is new things continue to be atributed to Sikh coins even now, there is still much unknown about them.

As per the general common couplets on Gold Silver coins:
Deg Teg O Fateh Nusraath BeaDirang, Yazt Aaz Nanak Guru Gobind Singh
Sikha Zadh Baar Harr Doh Alam Fazl SachchaSahib Ast Fateh Sat Guru Gobind Singh shah Nanak Wahib Ast.

Gurfateh & best Regards,
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