I'm reminded a bit of English words bear (animal) and bare (naked!).
They are both naked.
I'm reminded a bit of English words bear (animal) and bare (naked!).
Aisha ji
I'm glad to motivate others to learn Gurmukhi or other languages. :cheerleaders:
I'm a slow learner and I've had a teach-yourself-Punjabi (speaking) book and audio CDs for a couple of years but haven't had much luck with it. I'm finding this course much easier to understand although still very challenging.
Arabic is well known for being a tricky language to learn so I don't envy the task. Do you do your salat in Arabic? (feel free to pass on this question, I know it's a bit personal)
I've found learning to read Gurmukhi script quite easy. The letters I struggled with the most are 'm' ਮ and 's' ਸ. It only sunk in when there was a guy at Gurdwara talking to his friend about the writing on the noticeboard and he said to his friend that it wasn't m, but s, because 's stops the top'.
11. ਗਾਲੀ ਕੂੜੀਆ = things false = false things
The exercises I've done so far are only for nouns, pronouns and adjectives, so the translations might look a little odd at this stage.
What I'm trying to do is present the Gurmukhi, followed by a word-for-word English translation (as far as I can), then the proper English translation last (rearranging the words so they make proper sense in English). I did it this way to try and show others which Gurmukhi word corresponds to which English word before reshuffling.
It's hard to be clear. :interestedkudi:
At the community college by my home, they have classes where they teach reading and writing Punjabi. Do you think that it would be more useful/easy to learn it as part of a class from an instructor, or is it better to do it like you are, at your own pace?
Also, is there more than one type of written Punjabi? Is the dialect of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji different than that of everyday spoken Punjabi?
And yes, I do my salat in Arabic, it is a requirement. There are translations of the prayers available online, but I thought it would be nice to be able to do it without needing to check the translation everyday to make sure I have the right meaning down. Then I found out that there is vocabulary in the Qur'an (Classical Arabic) that learning Modern Standard Arabic wouldn't teach me anyways. Feels bad lol.