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Sects Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth And The Radha Soami

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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Originally Posted by Tejwant Singh
Navnav ji,

Guru Fateh.

Do you happen to know Arshsingh1984 ji?

Do you two go to the same satsang?

I am a bit confused because, my initial post was addressed to you and I was expecting a response from you.

Can you clarify this please?

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh
Oh wow, that must be an OLD post, because things have changed. I didn't even know I had an old account here. Yeah, I am not that old person anymore. Lots of things have changed. Now then, response? I would like to hear what you have to say to my CURRENT post (not old ones)

Edit: I thought it was addressed to me. I think I had an old account here under the same or similar name (aarshsingh1984). I am not navnav :p Christ. Answer

NavNavji and Arshsingh1984ji,

Guru Fateh.

Arsh, you got confused about what? The above post is addressed to navnav. You seem very nervous and it shows.:)

Nav nav ji, please respond to my above queries in the post so three of us can continue this interesting interaction where I am sure we will learn a lot about each other.

Thanks & regards to both of you.

Tejwant Singh


Oct 3, 2010
NavNavji and Arshsingh1984ji,

Guru Fateh.

Arsh, you got confused about what? The above post is addressed to navnav. You seem ver nervous and it shows.:)

Nav nav ji, please respond to my above queries in the post so three of us can continue this interesting interaction where I am sure we will learn a lot about each other.

Thanks & regards to both of you.

Tejwant Singh

Teja has nothing else to contribute. He has proven that we are right. He actually has a heart full of hatred, and is unwilling to remove his ego from this situation. Which is ironic religious people are supposed to be the humble ones. I am humble enough to admit that I got mixed up with what you had posted; but you seem to have an arrogant smugness about you and you are unwilling to answer any questions.
I will make the question even simpler:
Are you hate-filled?


Oct 2, 2010
An actual Sikh would defend Sikhism way more. Please stop insulting Sikhism and saying you're Sikh. Overall thanks for solidifying my entire argument.
In all honesty, I think if people read through these posts and agree with Tejwant, it is simply because they fear they will be perceived as turning their back on Sikhism, when all they would be turning their backs on is anti-sikhism.

Possible violation of Internet Law has been deleted.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Teja has nothing else to contribute. He has proven that we are right. He actually has a heart full of hatred, and is unwilling to remove his ego from this situation. Which is ironic religious people are supposed to be the humble ones. I am humble enough to admit that I got mixed up with what you had posted; but you seem to have an arrogant smugness about you and you are unwilling to answer any questions.
I will make the question even simpler:
Are you hate-filled?

This entire post is actually a series of forum violations of TOS. Normally I would delete the post. But it serves a good purpose to leave it here for the time being. The hour is late. So, I leave it for tomorrow to determine what that good purpose is. At least until Tejwant ji is ready to reply.

We are all advised jios to walk the path of truthful living.


Oct 3, 2010
This entire post is actually a series of forum violations of TOS. Normally I would delete the post. But it serves a good purpose to leave it here for the time being. The hour is late. So, I leave it for tomorrow to determine what that good purpose is. At least until Tejwant ji is ready to reply.

We are all advised jios to walk the path of truthful living.

Whoa whoa, there Nelly. Tej didn't answer my question as to whether or not he hates Radhasoamis; he has not responded to my OP to him; and I am the one at fault? Balle tere, admina. I want Tej to answer my question. He is playing a paranoia game. I think if you want a truthful discussion of Sikhi vs Radhasoami here, you should tell Tej to put up or shut up.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Who are WE?:) Arsh you said you were not Radasoami and Navnav claimed to be one.

Arsh,do you know him and attend the same Radasoami satsang and have the same snakeoil salesman who calls himself MAHARAJ?

You are very wrong but you have to come clean so you can be shown how wrong you are. You are waffling again, responding to someone's else post and it is me who does not know anything?:) You are hillarious to say the least.

Honesty is not your best trait and it shows. Let NavNav respond to my queries or you can do that as you have responded to the post addressed to him before.:)

Do not be afraid. Your Maharaj taught you to be honest. That is the reason you wanted some charlatan to tell you what to do.:)

For once, both of you, try to live up to what your cultist Maharaj of Radasoami cult told you to do and do it right.

He rubbed the snake oil on you as Bishop Long did to his boys, so you all can be truthful.

Waiting for the response to my queries then we can discuss Gurbani in the SGGS, Sikhs only GURU.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh


Oct 2, 2010
The gurdwara today doesn't represent sikhism so why can't radha soamis believe what they want? In my personal opinion RS is way more peaceful then looking at bindrawala in the gurdwara.

I am also leaving this comment so that when the hour of truth descends upon this thread, justice and truth will walk hand in hand. spnadmin


Oct 3, 2010
Who are WE?:) Arsh you said you were not Radasoami and Navnav claimed to be one.

Arsh,do you know him and attend the same Radasoami satsang and have the same snakeoil salesman who calls himself MAHARAJ?

You are very wrong but you have to come clean so you can be shown how wrong you are. You are waffling again, responding to someone's else post and it is me who does not know anything?:) You are hillarious to say the least.

Honesty is not your best trait and it shows. Let NavNav respond to my queries or you can do that as you have responded to the post addressed to him before.:)

Do not be afraid. Your Maharaj taught you to be honest. That is the reason you wanted some charlatan to tell you what to do.:)

For once, both of you, try to live up to what your cultist Maharaj of Radasoami cult told you to do and do it right.

He rubbed the snake oil on you as Bishop Long did to his boys, so you all can be truthful.

Waiting for the response to my queries then we can discuss Gurbani in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhs only GURU.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh

Please address the following issue:
Tej has repeatedly refused to answer my post (or Navnav's for that matter). He is leading the conversation astray. Either tell him to stick the topic or, for the benefit of those seeking the truth (and I hope that Sikh PHILOSOPHY seeks the truth) please close this ridiculous message board. It seems to only be promoting hatred. which according to SOME interpretations of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, is anti-Sikh.

Tej, one last chance: do you hate Radhasoamis and are just here to troll against them? Or do you concede that even their peaceful teachings have some legitimacy?

One last time: I am NOT RS.


Oct 2, 2010
I understand religion is a business. But in other organization when profits start to decline there re-think their corperate strategy. Start from the top, change the mission statement. The gurdwara's current mission statement is not working.

This comment is off-topic LOL. You two are really cracking me up. spnadmin.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Navnav ji and Arshsingh1984 ji,

Guru Fateh.

For the reasons only known to you, you have not responded to any of my questions rather nervously, Arsh responded to the post that was not even addressed to him with some lame excuse of an old ID when it was addressed to Navnav.

Still both are afraid to respond in an honest manners. Fellow, I will give you till tomorrow to come clean and be honest. Call your Maharaj how to do that if you are too nervous yourself.

I am going off to bed. I promise you that all your questions will be answered after both you of have responded to mine.

In the mean time, rub some more snakeoil that your charlatan Maharaj gave you.

Ate amanha, as they say in Portuguese, meaning will see you with your truth tomorrow so we can learn from each other.:)

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
ArshSingh1984 or arshsingh1984 - when you determine who you are I can always edit my salutation to you.

I am certain the Tejwant ji will reply as he never fails to answer the call. While we are waiting you might want to check the members' list so that you discover your true identity. navnav might also want to do a quick check too.


Oct 3, 2010
Navnav ji and Arshsingh1984 ji,

Guru Fateh.

For the reasons only known to you, you have not responded to any of my questions rather nervously, Arsh responded to the post that was not even addressed to him with some lame excuse of an old ID when it was addressed to Navnav.

Still both are afraid to respond in an honest manners. Fellow, I will give you till tomorrow to come clean and be honest. Call your Maharaj how to do that if you are too nervous yourself.

I am going off to bed. I promise you that all your questions will be answered after both you of have responded to mine.

In the mean time, rub some more snakeoil that your charlatan Maharaj gave you.

Ate amanha, as they say in Portuguese, meaning will see you with your truth tomorrow so we can learn from each other.:)

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh

Your paranoia holds no water against my questions. If you are afraid, then by all means, take your cowardly goodnight.
:)Waheguru ji ke khalsa; Waheguru ji ke fateh.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
ArshSingh1984, arshsingh1984 if you can hear me, and navnav jios

Here is where we stand. The thread is closed and we will re-open it in about 5 or 6 hours. I know that you will be ready and waiting when we do.

Aman Singh ji in India and Tewjant Singh ji in the US have both gone off-line. I will not be online much longer.

When the thread is re-opened we will get to the truth.

My fervent wish to everyone who happens upon this thread is that you be patient with us. All that is amiss will be corrected soon. Until then we can be satisfied that Guru Gobind Singh had the wisdom and good sense to give us Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji as our eternal Guru. He, more than most powerful men in history, grasped that personality cults and the rule of "men" would never be equal in greatness to the governance and guidance found in the ShabadGuru.

Both navnav and ArshSingh1984 have also been silenced for the next 24 hours.
May 24, 2008
Re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

Dear DilBark ji.
your post about byas dera relation with elections IS A BIG FAT LIE.
and onthe otherhand SGPC case U know better than me.i will say no comments because u people r very Good in picking Others words literly to make issues.

regards (Nothing personal)

You may call it FALSE but it is first hand ( myself ) information from S Paramjit Singh ( PA to SGPC chief Avtar Singh Makkar ) . I went to him to submit a letter containing some suggestions to improve the knowledge of Sikhism amongst Sikhs when the Dera Sacha Sauda crisis broke out . But I was shocked to hear from him in detail when he expressed this whole inside story & how this thing is beyond repair , Sikhi will go furthur downhill he expressed fears if the present trend continues . The Deras will swallow it in Punjab .How true has been his prediction three & a half years later . There is no solution in sight , only solution IMHO is to preach Sikhi to each of the human on this Earth in his/her local language & hope for the best . Sikhi's future lies certainly out of Punjab & if possible out of India .


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010

Sorry for back-tracking..I am catching up and want to take this opportunity to clarify as best as I can where I stand. I will start of with some quotes from NavNav Ji and then go on from there. I appreciate things have moved on rather quickly overnight in UK time and hope you will not mind this indulgence on my part in what will be a rather lengthy post

Thank you


(My original comment in red, NavNav’s reply in blueand my current reply in green)

I choose not to agree with it, that is my choice

Yes everyone has the freedom of religion, but also an obligation to respect other beliefs.Very Good. What respect have you shown to Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in your posts to date?

But RS go beyond that simple concept with the concept of a Perfect Master...a Sat Guru

Yes they do and again no you don’t have to believe anything but yes you do have to respect others beliefs.Respect yes and to a certain point. I will elaborate further below.

As I have said on more than one occasion already, I do not recognize the alleged divinity of the RS Masters...not a single one of them has done anything to demonstrate divinity

I agree with that but what has the guru granth sahib done to be divine or much less a guru? And not just a msg of the gurus.The answer to that question is in the first bit of the title of this thread you have been commenting so freely on

But they are quite clever in selling the teacher concept which makes perfect sense and then adding the trimmings of a Perfect Master with it

Overall I do agree with that. Religion is all about selling an invisible product and it does consist of a lot of sneaky marketing ploys in order to gain power. But again that’s not just RS. As Bill Maher put it religions keep getting crazier in order keep up with each other and keep the masses entertained.Good, some consensus at last!

Although I can't help thinking you might be backing the wrong horse
I don’t think any human being has the intellect to make that kind of a judgment. Just worry about your individual path and let others be concerned with theirs.Fair enough point, and I guess I should have said “in my opinion” as I do have the capacity and intellect to express an opinion on the matter.

What exactly are you hoping to achieve here?

I hope more people can start using their minds and not offer it up to one single religion, because all the religions preaches good things. But in the end of the day. The bad people will see the bad things and good people will see the good in every religion, end of story.

Laudable in intent but difficult in practice. Most religions have articles of faith that are fundamental to their identity. So there is only so far you can take this…I will elaborate further below.

Every sentence in modern English can have different meanings. So its almost obvious that Sanskrit and Gurmukhi are not easily translated. Therefore, a lot can be lost in translation and that is why it should be modernize with civilization.Ok. But in order to have some sort of direction, there has to be an overall standard at some point. You can’t keep on re-interpreting things to suit your current state of thinking otherwise you would be as well creating your own path.

Should I put up similar posts like: this is what the Buddhists believe, this is what the Jewish believe, this is what Hindus believe, this is what Scientologists believe, this is what Jedi believe....and I do not care what you personally think and we won't find out until we die

Yes if it’s relevant always bring up the philosophies of different religions and understand their teachings and try to understand life in general by yourself for some time without any scriptures. Figure out how relevant the teachings are in your own life.Actually I do and have been for a very long time! But I am going to re-state the point I was making below.

If you want to talk about Atheism. Let’s talk about Atheism.. there's a few existing threads to choose from

I like how you said if you want to talk about atheism let's talk about. Here are the threads lol can people not make up their own minds? What we have to understand is that everyone has an agenda. Every website and yes every thread! In that case, why are you here at all? I don’t think I know everything. I don’t want to do all the hard work of finding answers in isolation either when a forum like this can give me instant access to a wealth of knowledge and wisdom across the planet. But then again, I guess I’m just not as arrogant as you are either…….

Whatever you are taught when you're a kid is what you're going to believe when you're older. Fair to say?

Not always, No, as I have been brought up in the RS faith as my Mother was RS as well and this is why I have some knowledge and experience of it. In fact, I have had many more years exposure to it than you have lived. I daresay I have attended many more Satsangs than you have as well from the Masters themselves and local preachers.

If you grow up Sikh you will most likely identify with Sikhism. But since everyone has different interpretations of what is the most important aspect of Sikhism most people cannot understand another person’s interpretations. I'm not any better or worse of a Sikh than anyone else. I may not believe in the 5ks or believing the granth sahib is divine of which too there is no proof but I consider myself the same amount of Sikh. As long as you are happy with yourself then that’s fine. I suspect there will be many others on this forum who would vehemently disagree with what you have just said and that’s fine as well, as they have as much right to disagree with your position, as you do to state it

Overall, its just so easy to insult RS while being so blind about Sikhism, can anyone just come up with good ideologies anymore? Can we not have intellectual debates anymore? Humanity had very intelligent debates 10000 years ago!

Did they really? Like what for example?

I would like to think we have developed intellectually to some extent not just our science.In my humble opinion, intellectual debates require a meaningful statement of one’s own position and then acknowledgement of an alternative reasoned viewpoint without accusing the other person of intolerance. I will expand on this further below.

My Dear NavNav Ji

This will be my last post to you on this thread as by the end of this I will have said everything I need to say to in terms of where I stand on this matter. You are welcome to reply with your customary stubbornness and convenient ignorance of specific issues that I raise which are clearly too difficult for you to answer. Like the divergence of RS lineages to name just one or their secrecy around the Naam that is given at initiation….

So let’s explore some of the views you have expressed to date.

You said:

“The same respect you want for your beliefs does not seem to be reciprocated on your end, but you do want those same freedoms for yourself.”

So, you talk about acknowledging other faiths and accepting them. Ok, that is certainly not a bad thing when we think about all the problems we have in Global Society today.

But the reality is there is only so far we can take this before we start to hit mutually exclusive contradictions e.g. the necessity of a living human Perfect Master vs. the Guruship conferred by a former living human Perfect Master on Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, which has been the theme of this thread. But let’s look further afield. Christians believe in Resurrection whereas Hindus believe in Reincarnation.

Would you accuse Christians of being intolerant if they refused to accept Reincarnation?

Would you accuse Hindus of being intolerant if they refused to accept Resurrection?

I could say the sky is purple and you could say No, it’s blue. And I could say No it’s purple.

Should I accuse you of being close minded?

You also said:

“The only problem you have with RS is that they think differently then you and have different beliefs”

And why is that a problem?

Don’t all religions have fundamental differences between them?

Now let’s return to that comment you made along the lines of (and I am para-phrasing here): “Well this is what the RS believe and I don’t care if you believe it and we won’t know the truth until we die”

Please forgive my rudeness here but for me, that statement was just plain stupid.

I am no advocate of Scientology but I could come on this thread and say, “Well this is what Scientologists believe and I don’t care if you agree with it and we won’t know the truth of the matter until we die”

What actually have I achieved in making that statement?


I still remain uncertain as to what your position is.

Can I just ask you to say what YOU believe and why YOU believe it.

You talked about having intellectual debates. Well, you should accept what I have asked of you here is the most basic requirement for such a discussion. I have always stated my position and backed it up with why I believe it to be so. You should do the same, otherwise you have no position in a debate and therefore no credibility whatsoever.

If you have beliefs and they are as strong as you think they are, then they should be able to withstand some modest cross-examination from someone like myself. I am just an ordinary person like you. I am not particularly enlightened or gifted in any esoteric knowledge. But at least I can come on a forum like this and state a clear position and have a clear debate!

Clearly the case for a living human Perfect Master is not proven. All you provided was a statement from one such individual justifying their own existence! You know, if he had actually said, you don’t really need me after all but I am here to help, support and guide those who ask for it, then I, personally, would have many more times respect for him.

But as it stands, you have applied a bit of circular reasoning there by using that which is to be proven as the source of its own proof!

You talk freely of tolerance for other paths which I agree with and applaud you for that stance. But I don’t see you following through on that commitment….

I noted previously that Buddhists, Jewish, Christians, Muslims, Hindus and countless others seem to get by just fine without the presence of a living human Perfect Master and you again accused me of being intolerant of the RS position

So, can I just ask you, in your head, at what point should/can tolerance become acknowledgement of a fundamental difference? Where believers of one path cannot accept an article of faith from another path as it completely contradicts and goes against a key article of their own faith?

I agree with you that people use religious differences as justification for terrible acts against their fellow Man. But I am not going to tar everyone with the same brush. The differences are there and they define the different religions and add to the colour and diversity of our Global Society. People are allowed to say they don’t accept the necessity of a living human Perfect Master because they are happy to accept the Guruship of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

For you to say otherwise is a clear reflection of your own intolerance, despite what you claim

In your replies to me, you appear keen to regard me as intolerant when I refuse to compromise a fundamental belief

I honestly don't think that is fair

So let's do a little experiment and turn this around shall we?

Why don't I say, I don't believe a living human Perfect Master is absolutely necessary because I believe in the Guruship of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Note, in making such a statement, I have not said living human Perfect Masters are bad, I am just saying they are not absolutely necessary.

How many RS would be tolerant of that positron?

How many in the interests of how was it you put it again:

“The same respect you want for your beliefs does not seem to be reciprocated on your end, but you do want those same freedoms for yourself.”

Would you need 2 hands to count them? I wonder…

You know it's a free country, we have the privilege to state our position in a reasoned manner without being accused of intolerance. And we can agree to disagree

Finally, someone once said to me there's always 3 sides to a story….. there’s your side, the other person’s side and then the actual truth of the matter!

So on that note, I will leave you NavNav Ji and wish you well in pursuing whatever beliefs make you happy.

Good luck and all the best.
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Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Dear ArshSingh1984 Ji

I just wanted to share some of my own thoughts in reply to your initial post, so here goes:

What I see happening in this forum are two things:

NavNav seems to be offering the Devil's Advocate position to genuinely ask this forum to really question the divide between Sikhs and Radhasoamis.

OK. Well she has certainly kicked off an argument like any good Devil’s Advocate would. But how has she responded to the counter-arguments?

Tejwant, you seem to be reluctant to give any credence to another spiritual philosophy. Which is FINE because as per my experience, I find that the more religious folk (i.e. Fundamentalists) tend not to want to sway their thoughts. They (i.e. Tejwant) seem to be rather comfortable in a zone of ignorance and tradition, and unfortunately, the modern world, as it is, is leaving your way of life behind.

Really? Perhaps you could expand on that statement?

Sikhism is to Radhasoami as Lutherans are to the Catholic church. Just as Luther poster his 99 Theses protesting against the priest hierarchy in Germany, Radhasoamis have adopted a different set of rules to go by, vis-à-vis their spiritual practices.

Interesting analogy but hasn’t really added much to this debate….well not for me anyway

Radhasoami, like Sikhism will not be threatened away;

Very true

it is a damn shame, that Sikhism, which emerged during the height of intolerance (the Mogul rule) came to stand for diversity and open thought. But now, Sikhi seems to have changed its tune; more conservative voices are denouncing free thought and advocating for stagnation.

I don’t think that is entirely fair. As I said in my last post to NavNav Ji, Sikhs are entitled to express disagreement if a fundamental article of the RS faith, i.e the need for a living human Perfect Master, contradicts and goes against a key article of their own faith, i.e the Guruship of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It is indeed a shame when a member of any path accuses another of intolerance when they acknowledge a fundamental difference between them

I go back to my original point that in this modern world, either religions have to accommodate one another, or they can close themselves off, like Muslims in Mecca.

I agree with your sentiment but I would not ask any devout follower of any path to accept a fundamental contradiction of a key article of their own faith. I, for one, am more than happy with the each to their own concept as long as three criteria are met.

I refer to this in an earlier post, no 195 on this thread:


Really, Tej, what is YOUR point in being here, on a Radhasoami forum, where people are trying to talk freely across the spiritual divide and gain some form of understanding from one another?

I believe SPN Admin Ji has already made comment!

For me personally, like NavNav, I am on the fence about the whole religion/God thing. But it is because of voices like yours, Tejwant, that have turned me away from organized religion, as it seems to display hostility to ANY change.

I applaud you for taking the time to acknowledge and think about the important life-changing decision that this would be. I, for one, also applaud Tejwant Ji’s defence of his own religion…I would genuinely expect nothing less of a Sikh.

What I would say to you is that most religions have fundamental articles of faith that define who they are. We have already touched on the key articles of faith in Sikhism throughout this thread. But there are many others in other paths…..for example, Muslims insist on Halal slaughter, which I personally find unnecessarily brutal, in terms of the amount of pain and suffering inflicted on the animal.

Am I being intolerant of Islam by saying that?
Would you consider embracing Islam but only if you could get Muslims to agree not to eat Halal meat?
Is that achievable?
Is it fair and reasonable for you to even ask them to do so?

Please reflect on these questions yourself before you pass judgement on others.

One final note: All religions start off as cults. Once upon a time, there was a Jew who had about 12 followers, and everyone called them nuts. This was the beginning of Christianity. Once ik baba Nanak si, and a small group of Hindus and Muslims started following him... this is now Sikhism.

Any thoughts?

It’s a good point and I understand it. But this debate isn’t about the origins of religious movements; it’s about the fundamental difference of belief and articles of faith between Sikhism and RS.
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Seeker9 ji

This thread was originally closed because there was no one to moderate it for a few hours, and the posting had become increasing abusive, leading even to an abusive private message. I left the note on the thread that the thread would be re-opened when sufficient moderation was available.

I understand that it is difficult to see a thread closed when one has a lot of information to share and a perspective that has taken time to craft. You want to communicate your hard work. But against that I had to balance the low brow tone and co{censored} atmosphere that is created when there is an outbreak of name-calling because one or two members do not get their way. The average reader is turned off by it and it s something that chases people away from participation completely.

The thread was moved out of view for a short time for discussion - which is a normal thing here. Now it is back. I thank you for your patience.


Oct 4, 2010
Tejwant Veer ji
Sat Shri Akal
why are u not just answering to Arshsingh1984.he is keep answering for your respond but u r playing tricky Games. It seems you hates RS more than u love Your Sikhi.And according to the title of the forum "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth and the Radha Soami"This is also a radhaswami forum.i m dying to read your to be answered post


Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Tejwant Veer ji
Sat Shri Akal
why are u not just answering to Arshsingh1984.he is keep answering for your respond but u r playing tricky Games. It seems you hates RS more than u love Your Sikhi.And according to the title of the forum "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth and the Radha Soami"This is also a radhaswami forum.i m dying to read your to be answered post


Simranpreet5 ji,

Guru Fateh.

Welcome to the forum. I hope you have gone through the threads of different kinds being discussed here. If you have, please comment on them.

1.Are you a Radasoami like Navnav and Arshsingh1984?

2.Do you go to the same satsang with them?

3.Have you visited this forum with another ID as Arsh Singh first denied it and then he remembered it?

I am ready to respond but I am waiting for their response and now yours.:)

In case you did not notice, the SPN Administration had closed this thread for some hours and it just got opened now.

I am waiting for the response from Arsh Singh,Navnav and now yourself, so we can discuss this interesting interaction and learn from each other.

Please respond ASAP and also let NavNav and Arsh Singh know that the thread is open once again for them to respond.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh
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