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Sects Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth And The Radha Soami

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Mar 1, 2009
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

pk 70 ji

When i say that i am contradictory and shocking, i really mean it.
You have elaborated all my posts beautifuly. Now include this one too.

Now, you have denied to have any Guru, lets keep it in mind.

The name of my guru is Las Galpaso.
He lives in the himalayas with his wife Niso Diku
Now you have a Guru. Why to tell a lie Sadhu ji? That is what he teaches you to lie about him that is worse, even simple a book of ethics can teach you better.

Las Galpaso does not exist in the first place, neither does his wife.
Now let me surprise you again, i dont have any guru.
I read this in a book to lie and to contradict to make people to think.
See how much you are thinking right now. Your huge posts come from a great deal of thinking process, and they are very logical.
But your logics fail when i contradict the whole point.
Because the ones who have to understand will get my point, and the ones who want to argue with me, they can keep on trying. So keep on trying my friend.
. Did he say ‘ go to Sikhphilosophy.net” and learn what I couldn’t teach you”?

Yes he did.

what quotes I have given are all your, nothing is added.
You can add anything whatsoever you like, no problem dear. You can give qoutes that i never even posted, i dont mind that too. But keep on replying me.

many Sikhs indeed were/are enlightened ones by Sree Guru Granth Sahib

Give me their names, i want to meet them.

What should we do sadhu ji? Should we believe you or not, please help us.


. Without basics how it can be Sikhism?

It already "is" without basics, dont ask me "how". All basics have to be dropped in sikhism. All basics are useless as far as sikhism is concerned.
Do you ever ask what are the basics of love? Because love does not have any basics. And if you are still asking its basics, then one thing that is certain is that you have never been in love.
I dont see a difference between sikhism and love, whole gurbani is about love. And you are asking me how is it without basics. You seem to have intellectualized sikhism a lot. You missed the love part of it,as you just got the words. And that has to happen, because you are reading mere words, words without their fragrance.

Why don’t you give his address so that people can visit him at their convenient if they feel so?

Do you still want his address?

Mar 1, 2009
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

das ji

Gaining enlightenment would have been so easy if we could merely get it by reading the above lines . But it isn't .
The problem is that most of humans don't respect the enlightened beings , Saint , Sants , Gurus .. when they are alive in human form . No need of elaboration , just look back in history .

That is true, you poured the whole debate in a small paragraph.
Good point.
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

pk 70 ji

When i say that i am contradictory and shocking, i really mean it.
You have elaborated all my posts beautifuly. Now include this one too.

Las Galpaso does not exist in the first place, neither does his wife.
Now let me surprise you again, i dont have any guru.
I read this in a book to lie and to contradict to make people to think.
See how much you are thinking right now. Your huge posts come from a great deal of thinking process, and they are very logical.
But your logics fail when i contradict the whole point.
Because the ones who have to understand will get my point, and the ones who want to argue with me, they can keep on trying. So keep on trying my friend.

Yes he did.

You can add anything whatsoever you like, no problem dear. You can give qoutes that i never even posted, i dont mind that too. But keep on replying me.

Give me their names, i want to meet them.


It already "is" without basics, dont ask me "how". All basics have to be dropped in sikhism. All basics are useless as far as sikhism is concerned.
Do you ever ask what are the basics of love? Because love does not have any basics. And if you are still asking its basics, then one thing that is certain is that you have never been in love.
I dont see a difference between sikhism and love, whole gurbani is about love. And you are asking me how is it without basics. You seem to have intellectualized sikhism a lot. You missed the love part of it,as you just got the words. And that has to happen, because you are reading mere words, words without their fragrance.

Do you still want his address?

Sir, I have been following this thread for a while now and at this point it sounds pointless to go on for many members. What everyone here, which includes me wants to know is who is this human guru you are talking about. You want us to meet a human guru so direct us to him. And i prefer the one that you attain your knowledge from. This way I know where you are coming from, otherwise all I can conclude is and I mean this in the most nice way. After reading your post you attain your knowledge from outside sources other than your human guru and then say these same sources hold no ground so eventually lying to us to where you got it from. Therefore your post becomes of no use other than not to behave in the way you behave. Once again i took this from your writing and came to a conclusion that its best not to behave as you do with all the lying and contradicting and the list goes on.

If you are the human guru that you keep refering to, which at this point would be a accurate conclusion for anyone to make then the members and vistors of this site have the last puzzle to the mystery of the human guru. All we need is a confirmation from you that you are the human guru.

If you take this post as an insult for no fault of my own because I have not distorted anything,which is written by you, then I do not apologize and its fair to say let the lying and contradicting continue from Sadhu ji.


Feb 25, 2008
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

pk 70 ji/quote]

I think you have allergy to the word “basics”, it is used just to define whatever one wants to, let me make it clearer.
You are a person who visit and type your opinions on SPN; here are the basics of you and your thought
1. [/FONT]they are contradictory
2. [/FONT] They are based on lies
3. [/FONT]You think and feel you are great because some how you are successful in getting responses to your contradictory opinions
4. [/FONT]Your ID is read as Sadhu
Sadhu Ji, you do not need to be allergic to this word, it just defines the context it is used.

Okay i will help you. DONT BELIEVE ME,
NO I won’t.

That is your temptation, keep it.

hen one thing that is certain is that you have never been in love.
Sadhu ji, you have proved that you don’t even know yourself, how can you know me.

Las Galpaso does not exist in the first place, neither does his wife.
Now let me surprise you again, i dont have any guru.
I read this in a book to lie and to contradict to make people to think.
Do you still want his address?

Sadhu ji, you have lost all credibility of a person one hopes to converse with, due to that I have lost my interest in you. Good bye


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

Now I can with my own eyes compare the

Words of sahdu ji

"Las Galpaso does not exist in the first place, neither does his wife.
Now let me surprise you again, i dont have any guru.
I read this in a book to lie and to contradict to make people to think.
See how much you are thinking right now. Your huge posts come from a great deal of thinking process, and they are very logical.
But your logics fail when i contradict the whole point.
Because the ones who have to understand will get my point, and the ones who want to argue with me, they can keep on trying. So keep on trying my friend."

with the words of aad0002

Las Galpaso could be a character is a cybervideo-game with cool animation in the character of a guru in a remote spot in the Himalyas. So could his wife Nisu Diku be the name of another video game character. Anyway -- Las Galpaso is a spanish phrase and Nisu Diku equals two words from Slovenian.

You admit that you made the entire thing up. You then go onto to say that anyone who doesn't get it will have to argue and keep on trying. This is a classic non-rebuttal. And it is kind of like a child saying to its mother "If you loved me you wouldn't need to ask me what I am thinking. You would know what I am thinking if you really loved me ". I remarked earlier sadhu ji that you appear to have excused yourself from the norms of mature communication.
May 24, 2008
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

Sahu Ji,,
You should have read the Bani Sidh Ghost....
Then you would know that the Sidhs asked so many "QUESTIONS"...we ask..and the GURU ANSWERS.
The amazing thing about the SGGS is that it answersed is Yesterday.... today..as well as tomorrow...... and Forever......(when your Guru wont be able to do as he will be dead). we dont need any such guru that will die...you are welcome to him.:happy:
Respected Gyani Ji ,
I could not agree more with ur statement . The whole Sidh Gosht Bani is a direct answer to all living Gurus quoting GURBANI OUT OF CONTEXT to sell their wares . The point is , people r so much averse to reading Gurbani , more so in case of DERA FOLLOWERS who think it in same terms as taught by their living masters that it does not cut much ice with them . But I sincerely feel our authorities have also not accorded due place to 'SIDH GOSHT' Bani as compared to Nitnem Banis or Sukhmani Sahib Bani so its central idea is unclear to many . Definitely it could work as a LIGHTHOUSE to all mankind , especially those grappling with the mess of confusion created by these so called LIVING GURUS .
Nov 16, 2007
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

And in the presence of a master, all these fake questions dissapear. Because for the first time you taste the tasteless through him, you just simply drop all those intellectual questions about god, as they seem useless now.
And you are insulting such a beautiful master by saying he is not your master.
You even gave him fake name and made him move to Himalaya.
You are ashamed of saying his name on a forum where nobody can know your name or your face.

Beautiful shabad from Asa Di Vaar.

ਪਉੜੀ ॥

ਸਭੁ ਕੋ ਆਖੈ ਆਪਣਾ ਜਿਸੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਸੋ ਚੁਣਿ ਕਢੀਐ ॥
ਕੀਤਾ ਆਪੋ ਆਪਣਾ ਆਪੇ ਹੀ ਲੇਖਾ ਸੰਢੀਐ ॥
ਜਾ ਰਹਣਾ ਨਾਹੀ ਐਤੁ ਜਗਿ ਤਾ ਕਾਇਤੁ ਗਾਰਬਿ ਹੰਢੀਐ ॥
ਮੰਦਾ ਕਿਸੈ ਨ ਆਖੀਐ ਪੜਿ ਅਖਰੁ ਏਹੋ ਬੁਝੀਐ ॥
ਮੂਰਖੈ ਨਾਲਿ ਨ ਲੁਝੀਐ ॥੧੯॥

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

The Sikhs have NOT done "justice" to...not only Sidh Ghost..BUT also "Oankaar" ( Most often mistakenly referred to as DAKHNI Oankaar" )

These Two Banis explain so clearly exactly what Guru nanak ji Sahib wanted all SIKHS to be aware of !!
Most of us havent even heard of these Banis..much less read them or done vichaar on them. on a regular basis....so sad commentary on us. These Banis together with Vaar Asa Ki ( called asa ji ki vaar and sung in most Gurdwaras daily) EXPOSE the tricks and shannigans of the dehdharee "Leaders and Dharam de Thekedaars"....and that is why the dehdharees put so much emphasis on SUKHMANI SAHIB...due to the Sant and Saadh Ashtpadees which they proclaim (wrongly) as endorsing the DEHDHAREES. That is why we have so many "Sukhmani Societies"...... Its not to say that any Bani of SGGS is any lesser than others..its just that Asa dee vaar, oankaar, sidh ghost has a lot to do with subjects/doubts/dangers/questions/posers......... that are surrounding the Sikh panth today..and these BANIS provide us with the ANSWERS and DIRECTION we shoudl take to extricate ourselves from these Dilemmas we face..one of which is the RAPIDLY MUSHROOMING CLOUD OF SANT_DERAWAADEES_DEHDHAREE GURUDOMS..overwhelming the Panth from all sides and weakening us... We Have "IGNORED" these Banis at our own PERIL..its time we took stock of the situationa dn rectified it...:welcome:


Feb 1, 2007
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

Das ji

Tell me how a person can either disrespect or respect a phantom. That is what NamJap ji is talking about? Until there is something that has substance to it then it may as well be a fairy tale. Las Galpaso could be a character is a cybervideo-game with cool animation in the character of a guru in a remote spot in the Himalyas. So could his wife Nisu Diku be the name of another video game character. Anyway -- Las Galpaso is a spanish phrase and Nisu Diku equals two words from Slovenian.

If these are actual people, I mean them no disrespect -- but so far the discussion of their saintliness has been all in the imagination, completely hypothetical. A digression.

Form the first post in the thread: This is the topic of the thread

'Sabh Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai, Guru Maaniyo Granth…’
Every Sikh this is His will, accept the [Guru] 'Granth' as your only Guru.'
-- Sree Mukhvaak (spoken words) of Guru Gobind Singh Jee

Yes we all are phantom creatures living in the mayavic world full of avidya which is deep rooted within us . Probably one should stop greeting or showing little respect to strange people before knowing everything about him/her/it.

Aisee Vani Boliye,
Mun Ka Aapa Khoye Apna Tan Sheetal Kare,
Auran Ko Sukh Hoye

- Kabir Ji


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

ਸਤਿਗੁਰੂ ਬਿਨਾ ਹੋਰ ਕਚੀ ਹੈ ਬਾਣੀ
सतिगुरू बिना होर कची है बाणी ॥
Saṯgurū binā hor kacẖī hai baṇī.
Without the True Guru, other songs are false.

ਬਾਣੀ ਕਚੀ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੂ ਬਾਝਹੁ ਹੋਰ ਕਚੀ ਬਾਣੀ
बाणी त कची सतिगुरू बाझहु होर कची बाणी ॥
Baṇī ṯa kacẖī saṯgurū bājẖahu hor kacẖī baṇī.
The songs are false without the True Guru; all other songs are false.

ਕਹਦੇ ਕਚੇ ਸੁਣਦੇ ਕਚੇ ਕਚੀ ਆਖਿ ਵਖਾਣੀ
कहदे कचे सुणदे कचे कचीं आखि वखाणी ॥
Kahḏe kacẖe suṇḏe kacẖe kacẖīʼn ākẖ vakẖāṇī.
The speakers are false, and the listeners are false; those who speak and recite are false. (Ang 920)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

das ji

Are you certain that you are not the same person as sadhu ji? Or maybe in the land of Maya you are avatars of one another?:confused:

My guess: Unless you are inhabiting a different plane of consciousness, you and I are both standing in Maya -- an all consuming serpent with an equal opportunity appetite.

A virtual life in a virtual Matrix Heh Heh You can have any avatar you desire.
Mar 1, 2009
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

das ji

If you take this post as an insult for no fault of my own because I have not distorted anything,which is written by you, then I do not apologize and its fair to say let the lying and contradicting continue from Sadhu ji.

No my friend, i am not offended, you can insult me anyway you want, neither you need to apologies for anything.
You posted what you felt about me, and that is what one should do.
Mar 1, 2009
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

pk70 ji

Sadhu ji, you have lost all credibility of a person one hopes to converse with, due to that I have lost my interest in you. Good bye

I never had any credibilty in the first place.
But you lost your interest very soon, because I thought you are a stubborn person. I thought you can go on talking till eternity, to prove that people dont need living saints. I thought you can go on arguing till eternity that gurugranth sahib is the supreme guru.
Anyway goodbye......


Feb 25, 2008
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

Sadhu ji, here is my response to your inconsistent pulse-ideas

I never had any credibilty in the first place.
I didn’t know that fact before, I am glad you admitted it.
But you lost your interest very soon, because I thought you are a stubborn person. I thought you can go on talking till eternity, to prove that people dont need living saints. I thought you can go on arguing till eternity that gurugranth sahib is the supreme guru.

Sree Guru Grath Sahib will remain my supreme Guru till I take my last breath because it saves me from the smell of body of so called living Guru for whom some like you get attracted.
Sree Guru Granth Sahib also guides me
ਮੂਰਖੈ ਨਾਲਿ ਨ ਲੁਝੀਐ ੧੯॥(SGGS Asa Dee Vaar)
Do not argue with an idiot.

Anyway goodbye......
Good bye
Mar 1, 2009
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

lali hayer ji

You mean that Las Galpaso, who claims to open one's Dasam Duar in only one sitting and who claims to make his chelas hear Anhad Nad just by pushing fingers into your ears?
And good thing is that you don't have to listen to what he says. :whisling:

There is one on every corner. You don`t have to go to Himalaya
And they urgently need more Sadhus.(Recession is good time to cash desperate people.)
And yes, we are wasting time. If you find your answers in living guru, it is good for you. Some people even find answers in stone idols of gods or demi-gods or lings too. Good luck.

Your posts show that you dont know how to respect people.
You go on speaking without knowing who they are.
Because you never knew this master [las galpaso], infact he never existed. And see the way you have insulted him in your posts without knowing who he really was.
You never met him, you never saw him, you never even heard of him, and still look what you talk in your posts.
That is the reason i dont mention names of some great living saints in these forums.
I introduced this fake name[las galpaso] in this forum, to see how you guys react.
And now i know that you really cannot respect people.
Mar 1, 2009
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

pk70 ji

Sree Guru Grath Sahib will remain my supreme Guru till I take my last breath because it saves me from the smell of body of so called living Guru for whom some like you get attracted.

You have really surprised me.
So the whole point was this smell problem??? wow.
Dont you have a body, or is it some kind of smell-free hytech body?
Because normal human beings do have some odor, coming out of their pores.
Dont you have your family around you? arent you bothered by their smells?
Because its natural. Every animal emits some kind of odor so do the human beings.
Do you think that the gurus who have written your so called gurugranth sahib, were smell free?
No they were not. If one has a body of flesh and skin, it will perspire, and there will be a smell because of the bacteria.

Now dont tell me that their bodies never perspired.
Your body cannot survive without it.

Do not argue with an idiot.

You are still arguing my friend.


Feb 25, 2008
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

pk70 ji

You have really surprised me.
So the whole point was this smell problem??? wow.
Dont you have a body, or is it some kind of smell-free hytech body?
Because normal human beings do have some odor, coming out of their pores.
Dont you have your family around you? arent you bothered by their smells?
Because its natural. Every animal emits some kind of odor so do the human beings.
Do you think that the gurus who have written your so called gurugranth sahib, were smell free?
No they were not. If one has a body of flesh and skin, it will perspire, and there will be a smell because of the bacteria.

Now dont tell me that their bodies never perspired.
Your body cannot survive without it.

You are still arguing my friend.

GOOD BYE Sadhu ji

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

GURU NANAK JI was NEVER "secret".....In fact He traveled the known world to REVEAL HIMSELF...be questioned and provide the Answers...

The "genuine" GURU cannot be secret. Hes got to come out and reveal himself...be questioned and provide the answers....or forever keep his silence.:welcome:


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
re: "Sab Sikhan Ko Hukam Hai Guru Manyo Granth" and the Roadhaswami

Sadhu Ji,

Can a woman be a guru in your non-traditional tradition ?
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