Originally Posted by shere punjab
shere punjab is still following the roots...muslim boys terrorise sikh boys, its a war thats all, muslims want us 2 fight back, so we do...at the end of the day we are protectig our girls and our religon, no matter the concequences...sp are mainly sikh people now...people see us as a gang of reckless trouble makers, yes we drink, smoke, have girlfriends and so on..but the purpose of shere punjab is still there
fair enough mate but u really are not a sikh if you drink or smoke or have sex before marriage.
wht you are is an outright insult to the memories of our great gurus and saint soldiers of the past, who before they were allowed to fight, had to obtain certain virtues and abstain from certain temptations first, including drinking smoking and drug taking. these temptations can ruin a man and an turn even the most viruous of humans into animals, e.g my father who used to be the sweetest man i knew but after drinking for many years has become an alcoholic child and wife beater not to mention a serial adulterer who does not work for his family.
do you look upon each girl that you may save from muslims as your sister or as a piece of shaggable meat? have you ever woken up at 4 in the morning and done the paath that would gain you the spiritual energetic powers to fight and never lose in battle as shown by the gurus and both male and female saint soldiers, to thank god for verything u have and that you are not i the midst of some war or dying of aids?
forming a defensive group like the sp crew is a privelege which should not be yours as as much as u may fight for what is right, it will never matter. you have no place in sachkhand unless you realise how foolish you have been. guru gobind singh ji sacrifcied his OWN BEAUTIFUL AND UNBELIEVABLY COURAGEOUS CHILDREN to preserve sikhism for u and I and u cannot even sacrifice cigarettes and alcohol.
Ill let u in on a little something, i used to go to uni and drink and smoke like anything smoke weed and go clubbing 3+ nights a week. then one day my life changed. i read the story of how guru gobind singh ji sacrificed everything he loved for sikhism and saw how amazing our ancestors were . living with them would have ben like heavan on earth, there would have been no backstabbing or evil amongst friends (sangat), only the same love for our father. their bravery is unrivalled, women whos children were chopped alive into pieces before their eyes and strung by moghuls around their necks, made to parade through the streets, their children slung onto spears alive. i am a female and i could never imagine me acting with the same amount of dignity and grace as they did. 400 men in the last battle of chamkaur including the tenth guru and his two sons who faced hundreds of thousands of moghuls and slaughtered so many with a single sword before dying on the battlefield. facing a sure death but doing it because they refused to convert. they were not only the bravest of brave, they were the most virtuous of the virtuous. they had so much love for god, showed so much dedication, each morning before sunrise, each evening during dusk through paath and meditation, through helping their fellow man in the gurdwarra doing seva or building our great gurdwaras and farming, that they were able to face death without an ounce of fear. boiled alive, churned in a wheel alive, chopped into pieces alive, Guru Gobind Singh jis children bricked alive...BY CHOICE. LITTLE CHILDREN with a MILLION times more sense and goodness in them than any of us.
these stories have made me cry a million tears because of the goodness, selflessness and purity of the hearts and souls of these people and this is just so rare these days. i have changed dramatically as a person, i have been told i glow with radiance and beauty when i step into a room, when before i was told i look like a {censored}. goodlooking, but a {censored}, which is what you see with most asian girls, i wonder why...temptations a messed up ting but if you can stand out of the crowd and do whats right no matter what anyone else is doing youll reap the rewards and wil have the respect and honour both in this world and the next to do anything that is in line with what the gurus taught and did.
people, especially all u fellow idiots in london, bham, manchester and notts at uni- cos ur wasting ur god given intelligence on bullshit that only gna get u screwed over... pleaseeee FIX UP n just read into our religion. i miss having mates that can sit down and have a laugh without alcohol and who see me as a sisterly figure and not just a "fit" girl. i never used my intelligence but ive realised its the only thing thats gna save people. listen to ur heads and not the voice of lust and temptation cos its all there to test u.
god bless mankind, may you bless them with your holy white light and show them the paath to true happiness and shaanti. Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguruji ki fateh.
and p.s ppl, there will be a war in our generation as there have been in every single generation before ours, what ur gna do when it comes is ur choice. aint noone {censored}ed or high gna be fighting by MY side cos ur gna lose.

shere punjab is still following the roots...muslim boys terrorise sikh boys, its a war thats all, muslims want us 2 fight back, so we do...at the end of the day we are protectig our girls and our religon, no matter the concequences...sp are mainly sikh people now...people see us as a gang of reckless trouble makers, yes we drink, smoke, have girlfriends and so on..but the purpose of shere punjab is still there
fair enough mate but u really are not a sikh if you drink or smoke or have sex before marriage.
wht you are is an outright insult to the memories of our great gurus and saint soldiers of the past, who before they were allowed to fight, had to obtain certain virtues and abstain from certain temptations first, including drinking smoking and drug taking. these temptations can ruin a man and an turn even the most viruous of humans into animals, e.g my father who used to be the sweetest man i knew but after drinking for many years has become an alcoholic child and wife beater not to mention a serial adulterer who does not work for his family.
do you look upon each girl that you may save from muslims as your sister or as a piece of shaggable meat? have you ever woken up at 4 in the morning and done the paath that would gain you the spiritual energetic powers to fight and never lose in battle as shown by the gurus and both male and female saint soldiers, to thank god for verything u have and that you are not i the midst of some war or dying of aids?
forming a defensive group like the sp crew is a privelege which should not be yours as as much as u may fight for what is right, it will never matter. you have no place in sachkhand unless you realise how foolish you have been. guru gobind singh ji sacrifcied his OWN BEAUTIFUL AND UNBELIEVABLY COURAGEOUS CHILDREN to preserve sikhism for u and I and u cannot even sacrifice cigarettes and alcohol.
Ill let u in on a little something, i used to go to uni and drink and smoke like anything smoke weed and go clubbing 3+ nights a week. then one day my life changed. i read the story of how guru gobind singh ji sacrificed everything he loved for sikhism and saw how amazing our ancestors were . living with them would have ben like heavan on earth, there would have been no backstabbing or evil amongst friends (sangat), only the same love for our father. their bravery is unrivalled, women whos children were chopped alive into pieces before their eyes and strung by moghuls around their necks, made to parade through the streets, their children slung onto spears alive. i am a female and i could never imagine me acting with the same amount of dignity and grace as they did. 400 men in the last battle of chamkaur including the tenth guru and his two sons who faced hundreds of thousands of moghuls and slaughtered so many with a single sword before dying on the battlefield. facing a sure death but doing it because they refused to convert. they were not only the bravest of brave, they were the most virtuous of the virtuous. they had so much love for god, showed so much dedication, each morning before sunrise, each evening during dusk through paath and meditation, through helping their fellow man in the gurdwarra doing seva or building our great gurdwaras and farming, that they were able to face death without an ounce of fear. boiled alive, churned in a wheel alive, chopped into pieces alive, Guru Gobind Singh jis children bricked alive...BY CHOICE. LITTLE CHILDREN with a MILLION times more sense and goodness in them than any of us.
these stories have made me cry a million tears because of the goodness, selflessness and purity of the hearts and souls of these people and this is just so rare these days. i have changed dramatically as a person, i have been told i glow with radiance and beauty when i step into a room, when before i was told i look like a {censored}. goodlooking, but a {censored}, which is what you see with most asian girls, i wonder why...temptations a messed up ting but if you can stand out of the crowd and do whats right no matter what anyone else is doing youll reap the rewards and wil have the respect and honour both in this world and the next to do anything that is in line with what the gurus taught and did.
people, especially all u fellow idiots in london, bham, manchester and notts at uni- cos ur wasting ur god given intelligence on bullshit that only gna get u screwed over... pleaseeee FIX UP n just read into our religion. i miss having mates that can sit down and have a laugh without alcohol and who see me as a sisterly figure and not just a "fit" girl. i never used my intelligence but ive realised its the only thing thats gna save people. listen to ur heads and not the voice of lust and temptation cos its all there to test u.
god bless mankind, may you bless them with your holy white light and show them the paath to true happiness and shaanti. Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguruji ki fateh.
and p.s ppl, there will be a war in our generation as there have been in every single generation before ours, what ur gna do when it comes is ur choice. aint noone {censored}ed or high gna be fighting by MY side cos ur gna lose.