Lol ok now this is a very far fetched and crazy "what iff" lol, Butttt it COULD happen....
now WHAT IFFF a clean shaven woman lol with short hair, and a cleanshaven mannn without shorthair one day go to get married.
Sitting in front of the guru granth sahib thinking about the long life ahead of them, the hundreds of trials and tribulations they will have to face, the gorgeous and innocent children they know they will one day have, the man and woman start thinking some more....
they think further to the trials and tribulations they have faced in the past- the suffering, the deaths, young, old. they realise that their lives have been meaningless and shallow- attatchement to maya, the man a recently recovered alcoholic, his dabbling with drugs at a young age, cheating on girlfriends, never getting along with his parents or siblings- lust, pride, ego, greed, attatchement, intoxicants........ the woman, also having dabbled with alcohol, smoking, bitchiness and backstabbing, the manyy sleepless nights since childhood, the fear of the dark that still haunts her to this day, lust, pride, ego, attatchement, intoxicantss.........
the man eyeing up another woman only just before entering the gurudwarra- ON HIS OWN WEDDING DAY.
their thoughts jump quickly to the long lives ahead of them- their beautiful children- "do we really want our children to grow up and be the way we were, to experience evil and hatred, anger and uncontrollable lust, to ruin their precious bodies physical, mind and spirit?"
they both come to a realisation and finally make a silent vow, their faces both seem suddenly illuminated and they are in a state of happiness and peace for the first time in their lives, sitting in front of the guru granth sahib, listening to the granthi pray.
the next week they take amrit.
they never look back.
either do their children.
either do their childrens children.
either do their childrens childrens children or their childrens childrens childrens children.
u get my drift.
think people, dont segregate, give people time- patience continence acceptance, understanding, read the guru granth sahib, these are virtues looked on the most favourably by god.
just because you think youre already there, give everyone a chance. who knows, theyre probably more virtuous than yourself.
Your the lowest of the low, your the dust of a beggars feet-..... your the dust of a sehjdharis feet. this is the way i think because it is the way the gurus thought and preached for us to think. If everyone had this same mindset this thread would never have been started......
im not perfect, far from it but who am i to judge someone, when GOD IS IN US ALL.