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Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair On Their Bodies

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Rani Sandhu

Feb 7, 2009
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Awwwn what about the ppl that don't have any hair...they must be missing their hair a lot after reading these posts.....

I mean in my opinion, guys should keep their hair b/c it distinguish them from the rest....in girls case, I mean with hormone changes, genetics, diet some girls do have alot of facial hair...therefore they should remove them...imagine seeing a girl with a huge mustache and a beard....yeah head hair they should keep them....but as far as facial hair...they should be removed....b/c then it's hard to tell the difference between a girl and a guy...but for sure guys shuld keep their hair......b/c according to the rehat mariyada they should keep them.....guys just look more manely with hair....whereas girld dont!!


Mar 12, 2009
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Dear Members,

All the Sabds of Gurus in AGGS ends in Name of Nanak except the following;

Raag Ramkali Mahala 5, AGGS, Page, 927

ਰਣ ਝੁੰਝਨੜਾ ਗਾਉ ਸਖੀ ਹਰਿ ਏਕੁ ਧਿਆਵਹੁ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਤੁਮ ਸੇਵਿ ਸਖੀ ਮਨਿ ਚਿੰਦਿਅੜਾ ਫਲੁ ਪਾਵਹੁ
Ra junjnaā gā­o sakī har ėk ḏẖi­āvahu. Sagur um sėv sakī man cini­aā fal pāvhu
Sing the melodious harmonies, O my companions, and meditate on the One God. Serve your True Guru, O my companions, and you shall obtain the fruits of your mind's desires.

Is the above Sabd incomplete or what?


Virinder S. Grewal
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Awwwn what about the ppl that don't have any hair...they must be missing their hair a lot after reading these posts.....

I mean in my opinion, guys should keep their hair b/c it distinguish them from the rest....in girls case, I mean with hormone changes, genetics, diet some girls do have alot of facial hair...therefore they should remove them...imagine seeing a girl with a huge mustache and a beard....yeah head hair they should keep them....but as far as facial hair...they should be removed....b/c then it's hard to tell the difference between a girl and a guy...but for sure guys shuld keep their hair......b/c according to the rehat mariyada they should keep them.....guys just look more manely with hair....whereas girld dont!!

Rani ji, you have put a lot of attention on the glass bottle. Humans has built so many mental blocks that majority of humans look like robots and sources like the media have the remote control to these robots. Hair kept uncut is just as important for men as it is for women. The measuring stick that you just used for hair has no merit.

God has created every human being beautiful and radiant.


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Dear Tejwant ji and all the other Hairies amongst us you are missing the point. the SGGS is the Guru jis own words Written as dictated by them and is unchanged since, there is no mention of the removal of hair except if it is done for ritualistic purposes. the Dasam granth was not seen in the 18th century and the edition that is in circulation today is composed from many different versions compiled by man believed to be Guru jis words final edition 1907. Rehat maryada finalised in 1945 or there abouts so i believe, again not Guru jis words but that of other men may be most revered men in Sikhism but still only men, If I am told by Guru jis then it is Gods word that I am following, If it is not Guru jis words but that of other men then who am I following. Which one of us is blindly following. Which one of us if performing Rituals. Guru Gobing Sing ji said that SGGS was now and for all time to be treated as the LIVING GURU. Should I go against the tenth Nanak ji and Look elsewhere for guidance. What more is needed than the SGGS for spiritual guidance, if it is followed then there is no need for any thing else as God will provide the rest. If hair was needed to protect my brain then why is rapidly fading from the top and only now starting to be used as a filter up my nose, As you so rightly said Tejwant ji hair would make a glorious icing on the cake, my point is to many have put the icing on before they've even mixed the cake. Hair may well make someone look manly but it wont make you Godly. The Guru jis where very special men whilst many Sikhs wish to look like them, my aim is just to do as they have said, Actions speak louder than hair. Your turban may make you stand out in a crowd, your actions will stand out to the Lord, Which is better. I will continue to oppose all on this subject till prove is provide that it is Guru jis wish that we Keep hair. No stumbling block, no man made excuses, no man made laws, only Prove of Gods words via Guru jis, I am a Sikh and it is my duty to seek the truth and oppose oppression of a mans will in whatever form it takes. Whos the one with the remote control and whos the robots, I am neither
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

I will continue to oppose all on this subject till prove is provide that it is Guru jis wish that we Keep hair.

Tony ji if its proof that you ask for then you should have read my post and in many of them about this hair discussion I mention about Guru Sahibs Hukam(post that I wrote back to you I mention the Hukam). The Tenth Nanak on the day he gave Amrit to the Panj Pyare and then took it himself, He clearly said, Keep your hair uncut for this is a SEAL of the Guru. PERIOD

And please keep your insults to yourself.
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Guru Gobing Sing ji said that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji was now and for all time to be treated as the LIVING GURU. Tony

Tony ji you should search a little more, there is not a tuk or shabad that Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji wrote in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji to say I pass on the Guruship to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.

The only way we know is because he made it a Huakm. If you accept one Hukam then accept the others from the same Guru.


Mar 12, 2009
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Dear Bhai Sahib,

Some old Birs of AGGS lying in the liabrary of the Panjabi Uniuversity Patiala & Mahan Kosh does refer to the following hymn as Mahla 10;

Guru Gobind Singh who was a prolific writer and poet only included one of his own hymns at Page, 1429-7 as hymn # 54 ,which is a reply to hymn#53 (Dohira) of Guru Tegh Bahadur (1429-6);

ਬਲੁਛੁਟਕਿਓ ਬੰਧਨ ਪਰੇ ਕਛੂ ਨ ਹੋਤ ਉਪਾਇ॥ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕਅਬਓਟ ਹਰਿ ਗਜ ਜਿਉ ਹੋਹੁ ਸਹਾਇ ॥੫੩॥(ਮ–੯)

Bal Chutkeo Bandhan Paray Kachoo Na Hoat Oupaa-ey, Kaoh Nanak Ub OaT Gaj Jeo Hoh Sahaa-ey. (M-9)

My strength is exhausted, and I am in bondage; I cannot do anything at all. Says Nanak, now, the Akal Purkh is my Support; It will help me, as It did the elephant.

ਬਲੁਹੋਆਬੰਧਨ ਛੁਟੇ ਸਭੁ ਕਿਛੁ ਹੋਤ ਉਪਾਇ॥ਨਾਨਕ ਸਭੁਕਿਛੁ ਤੁਮਰੈ ਹਾਥ ਮੈ ਤੁਮ ਹੀ ਹੋਤ ਸਹਾਇ॥੫੪॥(ਮ–੧੦)

Bal Hoaa Bandhan Chutay Sabh Kich Hoat Oupaa-ey, Nanak Sabh Kich Tumrai Haath Mai Tum Hee Hoat Sahaa-ey. (M-10)

My strength is restored, and my bonds have broken; now, I can do anything. Nanak: everything is in Your hands, O, Akal Purkh; You are my Helper and Support.-----Ref- Mahan Kosh & Old Birs in the library of Punjabi University, Patiala.


Virinder S. Grewal


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Tony ji you should search a little more, there is not a tuk or shabad that Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji wrote in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji to say I pass on the Guruship to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.

The only way we know is because he made it a Huakm. If you accept one Hukam then accept the others from the same Guru.
Dear Singh Ji
As you have pointed out if you accept one hukam then accept all, No Caste, No Creede, No Race, If a Simple white man Sikh for 3yrs can understand it then why cant people with over 500yrs of being told its wrong understand it. The reason for believing that the SGGS is living Guru ji is nothing followed Guru Gobing Singh ji simple I thought. No more Guru jis to guide us and ask questions, so one has to look at what was written by them. You sir are going on hearsay, nothing written by Guru ji, All works lost in 1705, 3yrs prior to his ascension to God, If Guru ji had thought that it was necessary to have hair surely he would have put it in at the same time as he added his fathers works. And again you accuse me of insults who have i insulted that is a true member of the Khalsa. The only ones who would take offence are those that still practise caste system and believe that having taken Amrit wearing five Ks is enough. the words of truth always hurt. You are very quick to say the cutting of hair is wrong but not once have you condemned the practises of caste, dowery system. It is the remembrance of God and your actions that make you a sikh not the length of your hair. this week i will start to grow my hair soon after i will take Amrit and carry Five Ks with me then I will readopt my cultural upbringing and practice racism, It will be OK because Im a Sikh, Cant let my Daughter marry an Indian Sikh though because hes from a different race, Might be a Sikh but different colour cant have that now can we. how will Sikhism ever spread around the globe with that attitude. ONE big family is what Guru jis wanted no matter what Caste, Creed, Colour, hairy, baldy, fatty, skinny. Maybe I should refuse to help the overwieght Sikhs because they over indulge. May be I should refuse entry to Sikhs that want to come into the bars I have worked at because its against there religion. And what about those who own shops that sell tobaco and alcohol might not consume them themselfs but surely its wrong to supply it to others. You havent provided any prove not in anyone of your posts Singh ji, It is you who insults me by just expecting me to go along blindly following what isnt written by the Guru jis. The thoughts of many are that if I look like Guru jis and carry what I THINK or am told what he said then Ill be OK, when they should be if I CARRY OUT what Guru ji says and practise them daily Ill know that Ill be OK. MY PROVE IS IN THE SGGS AND IN MY ACTIONS, wheres yours


Mar 12, 2009
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Thanks Tony Ji for the truthful statement, Here is what Guru Gobind Singh writes in his Akal Ustit;

Dasam Granth, Akal Ustat, Page 19;

ਕੋਊਭਇਓਮੁੰਡੀਆਸੰਨਿਆਸੀ ਕੋਊਜੋਗੀਭਇਓ ਕੋਊਬ੍ਹਮਚਾਰੀਕੋਊਜਤੀਅਨਮਾਨਬੋ
Kouo Bheio Mundia Sanyasi Kouo Jogi BhaeoKouo Brahmchari Kouo Jati Anmanbo,
Hindu Turk Kouo Rafzi Imamsafi Manski Jaat Sabhai Aykai Pehchanbo.
Karta Krim Soee Raazk Rahim Ouee Doosro Na Bhed Koee Bhool Bharm Manbo.
Ayk He Ki Sev Sabhi Ko Gurdev Ayk Ayk He Saroop Sabhai Aykai Jot Janbo.

Some people in the world call them selves clean shaven, some ascetics, some devotee,some celebates. Some call themselves Hindu, some Turk, some Shia others Suni Muslman. But the entire human kind/caste should be recognized one. The same One Creator (Akal Purkh) who is merciful, compassionate, generous, providing daily sustenance, and has no other peer or dualism; so we must never accept any duality. To serve the only One is our duty. Akal Purkh alone is the Guru of all. All mankind be taken as one manifestation of Its light.


Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Tony ji,

Guru fateh.

You write:

Dear Tejwant ji and all the other Hairies amongst us you are missing the point.

Your above quote is either a lie or you have not disclosed yourself truthfully to us. One can logically conclude from your above statement that you who admits of being a Sikh for 3 years shave your chest, legs and other body parts, if not then you are part of the " Hairies amongst us". Sikhi is about seeking truth not about hiding it. So is it Gillette or any other instrument?:) And it is you who is missing the point and I will show you why from your own post.

the SGGS is the Guru jis own words Written as dictated by them and is unchanged since, there is no mention of the removal of hair except if it is done for ritualistic purposes.

As your post is addressed to me so I take it that you have not read my posts under this thread and the other thread "HAIR". You should read then carefully then comment on it.

the Dasam granth was not seen in the 18th century and the edition that is in circulation today is composed from many different versions compiled by man believed to be Guru jis words final edition 1907.

I have no idea but your post gives me the feelings of Deja vu. I remember reading the same comments sometime ago in this thread. Once again I have never mentioned anything about Dasam Granth.

You seem a bit lazy for not responding to the contents of my post to me but your posts show that you have some collective agenda to condemn Sikhs and yet claim to have embraced Sikhi, which seems hypocritcal to say the least. I remember in some of your posts you did talk about how Sikh men treat their women and I agree with you but that is ill of the whole society. I was raised in London myself and worked for the abused women hotline at Notting Hill gate. Abuse has no hue,color or faith. Abuse is abuse so to selectively use one part of the society whose way of life you have claimed to have embraced is nothing but a 'holier than thou' attitude in my books. A stiff upper lip not a Sikh makes.

Rehat maryada finalised in 1945 or there abouts so i believe, again not Guru jis words but that of other men may be most revered men in Sikhism but still only men, If I am told by Guru jis then it is Gods word that I am following, If it is not Guru jis words but that of other men then who am I following.

Once again as the post is addressed to me, I am compelled to respond to it. I agree with you what you wrote. I wrote something about SRM on this forum. Search it, read it. If you can not find it then I will ask the moderators to help you locate that.

If I am told by Guru jis then it is Gods word that I am following, If it is not Guru jis words but that of other men then who am I following.

Please define IK ONG KAAR according to SGGS because the above usage of the term "Gods word" is semitic, nothing to do with Sikhi.

If hair was needed to protect my brain then why is rapidly fading from the top and only now starting to be used as a filter up my nose,

Now you are pretending to play God just so you can stubbornly stick to one thing you oppose out of sheer arrogance, it seems, in this vast wisdom that our Gurus gave us in Sikhi and that is hair. Please enlighten us with your stiff upper lip wisdom why Ik Ong Kaar gave us hair on our head to start with? Regarding your second part of the statement, I have no idea if you got this science education in your O levels or before that. All are born with tiny hair in the nose. Too bad you discovered yours recently.:)

As you so rightly said Tejwant ji hair would make a glorious icing on the cake, my point is to many have put the icing on before they've even mixed the cake.

Once again you have proved with your above statement that you have failed to read or comprehend what I wrote. Please re read it again.

Hair may well make someone look manly but it wont make you Godly.

Wow! What an arrogant statement! How do you know that? Why can not both go hand in hand? You sound like Moses on the mound of an ant hill here if I may say so.:)

The Guru jis where very special men whilst many Sikhs wish to look like them, my aim is just to do as they have said, Actions speak louder than hair. Your turban may make you stand out in a crowd, your actions will stand out to the Lord, Which is better.

Your above statement is self contradictory. You make Gurus as if they were " The Elephant men". If your dad is a handsome bloke with the way he dresses himself, wouldn't you like to emulate his way of dressing up alongwith his good character. If you do not want to look like him then deep down you do not fancy him rather hate him, so it is hypocritical to say that your insecurity for his looks would make you follow his actions. Why this insecurity, only you know. It is ok to stand out with a turban, it motivates one to become outstanding.

I will continue to oppose all on this subject till prove is provide that it is Guru jis wish that we Keep hair.No stumbling block, no man made excuses, no man made laws, only Prove of Gods words via Guru jis, I am a Sikh and it is my duty to seek the truth and oppose oppression of a mans will in whatever form it takes.

Your above statement has nothing to do with Gurmat ideals on which Sikhi is based on, the way of life you claim to have embraced. To the contrary. Sorry for being blunt but it borderlines hooliganism in a football field. You are the one who is creating your own stumbling blocks.No one is forcing you to keep hair. We have Sehajdhari Sikhs in Sikhi as well. Your protest is nothing but disdain for Sikhs hence for Sikhi which is a shame. Your claim to be a Sikh is contrary to what you have written about Sikhs.

Once again, I urge to to read my posts in the following thread and then address your queries to me directly.


Hope to hear from you soon.

Tejwant Singh


Jun 1, 2004
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Once again as the post is addressed to me, I am compelled to respond to it. I agree with you what you wrote. I wrote something about SRM on this forum. Search it, read it. If you can not find it then I will ask the moderators to help you locate that.

For ready reference:
Thoughts on the Sikh Rehat Maryada by Tejwant Singh Ji (Vaheguruseekr)


Mar 12, 2009
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Dear Moderators,

It is my earnest request that members atleast should write their names while posting a response, as I cannot determine who is the responder from the E-mail Address. I would not like to respond if I do not know with whom I am debating e.g. in thabove response I have no clue who is "Vaheguru Seekr is"?


Virinder S. Grewal
Williamston, Mi


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

virinder ji

The use of one's personal name at the bottom of a post is helpful. But we cannot require it. The use of "screen names" such as VaheguruSeekr ji is automatically programmed in by the software supporting the forum when an individual creates his/her profile. So for example, I am aad0002.

To require someone to use his/her real name opens up some real privacy questions. All forums, not just SPN, allow a person to post with anonymity because of the modern problem -- Internet crime, Internet stalking, Internet bullying. It is important, when we want people to feel free to speak freely, that they have their privacy protected if they feel it is important to them.

BTW VaheguruSeekr is Tejwant ji -- and usually he does sign his real name at the bottom of his posts. But of course, from time to time, a person can forget.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Dear Moderators,

It is my earnest request that members atleast should write their names while posting a response, as I cannot determine who is the responder from the E-mail Address. I would not like to respond if I do not know with whom I am debating e.g. in thabove response I have no clue who is "Vaheguru Seekr is"?


Virinder S. Grewal
Williamston, Mi

Virinder ji,

Guru Fateh.

I do apologise for the slip. It may mean I am aging faster than I admit myself to.:) Normally I do sign with name and I have urged in the past to all members to give their real names as Sikh has nothing to hide but as Aad ji- Antonia Ji mentioned we can not force any one to do that.

Please let me know which of my posts have no names by giving me the URL's and I will correct them.


Tejwant Singh
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

As you have pointed out if you accept one hukam then accept all, No Caste, No Creede, No Race, If a Simple white man Sikh for 3yrs can understand it then why cant people with over 500yrs of being told its wrong understand it.

I hear your concern and the caste system is destroying Sikhi. This has to be dealt with strong leaders, who will practice and follow Guru Sahibs teaching. Currently we have Badal controling Akal Takht the supreme authority. Got the wrong man in charge and hes not going to let go without a fight.

The reason for believing that the SGGS is living Guru ji is nothing followed Guru Gobing Singh ji simple I thought.

Tony, Guru Har Krishan Sahib ji didn't say who the next Guru would be after him but did say he will be in a certain village.

Sikhs went to that village and there was many people claiming to be the next Guru. All of them were sitting in the poise position pretending to meditate and saying I am the next Guru. The only way the Sikh found out that Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib ji was the next Guru is because of one man that had promised the Guru 500 gold coins in a prayer if Guru Sahib saved his ship from sinking. As this Sikh asked Guru Sahib came and used his shoulder to support one side of the ship and brought it to shore. This Sikh went to own up to his pray and when he came to the town where all the fake Gurus were sitting he was puzzled to who was the real Guru. Since he promised Guru Sahib 500 coins, he decided to test them by giving each one of them a coin. All of them said I will bless you thanks for the offering. As all of them failed the test this Sikh new they weren't the Guru. Then a man told him there is a Saint sitting in a room meditating. So this Sikh decided to test him as Guru Sahib was meditating this Singh walked in the room placed one coin before Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib ji and bowed his head. With closed eyes Guru Sahib says you promised to give me 500 coins and before me you only place one. As the light went on in the Sikhs head he yelled from the roof top to every other Sikh that he has found the next Guru.

There were many and still are many fake Gurus claiming they have the seat as Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji. But this is not true because we have Guru Sahibs Hukam.

No more Guru jis to guide us and ask questions, so one has to look at what was written by them.

This I find completely mind boggling. Are you saying we have no Guru Sahib to guide us and answer our questions. As Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is the Guru who guides us and answers all the questions.

You sir are going on hearsay, nothing written by Guru ji, All works lost in 1705, 3yrs prior to his ascension to God,

First you say nothing written by Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji and then say all work was losted. If nothing was written by Guru Sahib then how can his work be losted. There is nothing to be losted if Guru Sahib did not write anything!!! Also if I am going on hearsay then also you are going on hearsay to say Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is the Guru. Both Hukams by Guru Sahib is what I follow, not the one that suits my intellect.

If Guru ji had thought that it was necessary to have hair surely he would have put it in at the same time as he added his fathers works.

This Hukam is and will always be carried by the Khalsa Panth. Just like the Hukam that Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is the Guru. The Khalsa Panth was not just for the time being but for the last day till this world ends.

And again you accuse me of insults who have i insulted that is a true member of the Khalsa. The only ones who would take offence are those that still practise caste system and believe that having taken Amrit wearing five Ks is enough. the words of truth always hurt.

Tony, I'm post back to you when you insulted me and many members of SPN, by saying the following:

Dear Tejwant ji and all the other Hairies amongst us you are missing the point.

You are very quick to say the cutting of hair is wrong but not once have you condemned the practises of caste, dowery system.

Just because I dont condemn it on this thread does not mean I support it. Even in this thread I say treat everyone equally, but not exactly in these words. Go through all my post that I wrote on this site and you'll be able to see where I stand on this issue, if your still not convinced.

It is the remembrance of God and your actions that make you a sikh not the length of your hair.

Its not the length Guru Sahib is concerned with, but the keeping of it uncut. As cutting your hair is an action and it goes against Guru Sahibs Hukam it is a wrong act.

this week i will start to grow my hair soon after i will take Amrit and carry Five Ks with me then I will readopt my cultural upbringing and practice racism, It will be OK because Im a Sikh, Cant let my Daughter marry an Indian Sikh though because hes from a different race, Might be a Sikh but different colour cant have that now can we. how will Sikhism ever spread around the globe with that attitude. ONE big family is what Guru jis wanted no matter what Caste, Creed, Colour, hairy, baldy, fatty, skinny. Maybe I should refuse to help the overwieght Sikhs because they over indulge. May be I should refuse entry to Sikhs that want to come into the bars I have worked at because its against there religion. And what about those who own shops that sell tobaco and alcohol might not consume them themselfs but surely its wrong to supply it to others.

This is just rambling and does not need a response

You havent provided any prove not in anyone of your posts Singh ji, It is you who insults me by just expecting me to go along blindly following what isnt written by the Guru jis.

If this is how you feel then you should be on the search for the successor of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji.

The thoughts of many are that if I look like Guru jis and carry what I THINK or am told what he said then Ill be OK, when they should be if I CARRY OUT what Guru ji says and practise them daily Ill know that Ill be OK. MY PROVE IS IN THE SGGS AND IN MY ACTIONS, wheres yours

Where do I start with this last bit, just read what I have said and all this is answered.

Rani Sandhu

Feb 7, 2009
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Rani ji, you have put a lot of attention on the glass bottle. Humans has built so many mental blocks that majority of humans look like robots and sources like the media have the remote control to these robots. Hair kept uncut is just as important for men as it is for women. The measuring stick that you just used for hair has no merit.

God has created every human being beautiful and radiant.

Singh Ji, then how do tell the difference between a guy and girl??....some girls are just hairy due to the reasons I have explained before....imagine a girl with a huge mustache and beard....I mean its just not normal.....that's all I am trying to say....and again we are all influenced by media one way or another....we have to follow the norms of a society as well....from a girl's point of view....it's just not normal for girls to have more facial hair than men....if they do....I mean they should do something about it....


Mar 12, 2009
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

virinder ji

The use of one's personal name at the bottom of a post is helpful. But we cannot require it. The use of "screen names" such as VaheguruSeekr ji is automatically programmed in by the software supporting the forum when an individual creates his/her profile. So for example, I am aad0002.

To require someone to use his/her real name opens up some real privacy questions. All forums, not just SPN, allow a person to post with anonymity because of the modern problem -- Internet crime, Internet stalking, Internet bullying. It is important, when we want people to feel free to speak freely, that they have their privacy protected if they feel it is important to them.

BTW VaheguruSeekr is Tejwant ji -- and usually he does sign his real name at the bottom of his posts. But of course, from time to time, a person can forget.

Tony Ji,

I know that Teji Ji always write his name. IMHO it is better to know with whom your are chatting not playing with the web. I personally do not care of privacy as every thing about every one is on the web. I am requesting the members to write a part of their name so one can adress the person properly but I am not asking to change the policy in any way.

Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Singh Ji, then how do tell the difference between a guy and girl??....some girls are just hairy due to the reasons I have explained before....imagine a girl with a huge mustache and beard....I mean its just not normal.....that's all I am trying to say....and again we are all influenced by media one way or another....we have to follow the norms of a society as well....from a girl's point of view....it's just not normal for girls to have more facial hair than men....if they do....I mean they should do something about it....

what I was trying to get you to do is move away from saying this is normal and the other isn't. Your basing this on your judgement and no one has to go with society norms. Yes some society's norms are good like when your cough cover your mouth. But on this topic, hair, society norm of cutting the hair is against Guru Sahibs Hukam. If you don't accept this norm then you're see as an outsider. This is soceity norms and media that create the robots. It's evident how these society norms have affected you by simply stating, 'we have to follow the norms of a society as well.' Jumping on this bandwagon is a bad way to start off a day.

The sisters that stay strong and don't give into these stupid social norms should hold there heads high for Guru Sahib has blessed them with the strength to stand up.


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

Singh Ji, then how do tell the difference between a guy and girl??....some girls are just hairy due to the reasons I have explained before....imagine a girl with a huge mustache and beard....I mean its just not normal.....that's all I am trying to say....and again we are all influenced by media one way or another....we have to follow the norms of a society as well....from a girl's point of view....it's just not normal for girls to have more facial hair than men....if they do....I mean they should do something about it....

Rani Ji

I agree with you that If a Girl has moustache and beard which is not normal Then I don't think There is anything wrong in removing them


Mar 12, 2009
Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod

I am no body but do agree with kds 1980 as a member of the forum.

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