Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod
Life choices, the decisions we make are tantamount and precursory to the life path we are set upon. Yet there is a predestined and determined fate for each individual. We are born to a destiny, and objective and end. It verges upon the nihilistic, but is true, astrology, biorhythms and such arts base their entire industry upon lunar phases, birth dates and a journeys end.
Bad choices may be predicated, in that circumstances do not warrant any other choice, and then it appears at times bad choices divert man from his righteous paths and higher consciousness. Overriding these factors especially if one finds ones ideals become cataclysmic to the adjudicating of surrounding partisan engineers.
Darkness, evil and negativity are accepted as the opposing polarity of Light, love and positivity. Man does not require the negative and until he eradicates it completely from his mindset, spirit and his world thereby, conflict within mans nature and his world remains. Many pessimists opine of the essential nature of evil and the demonic forces, this is a complete nonsense. Life is rather a task to eliminate this negativity manifest in hatred, anger, envy, lust, ambition that creates malice, toxifies the internal bio system and environment and creates the eternal battling between these two forces for dominance.
The indomitable virtues of Light illumine, Love purifies, and Truth enlightens minds, hearts and the world thereby. Its opposing traits of Darkness’s web of world confusion, negativity hindering any attempts for man to strengthen and fortify his spirit and surroundings thereby, and eradicating the evil natures of Maya or sin, the root cause of all evil inclinations leading to actions and perversity of truth and integrity in order to protect such base individuals than proliferate good and decency in humbly curing such natures and forces whereso they are found in the right path.
The world is a spectrum of rainbow hued colour from rich golden to darkest blue and royal purple. It is in times of negativity it is constrained by the two extreme as one of black and white. This is the hype and the falsehood upon where is based a thousand sins of destruction, social devastation, and extremism of mans corrupted inherent nature.
We may all fall short of this full glory of universal nirvana, yet defeat and failure is when we accept these negative forces of evil as part of the nature of mankind and inherent of this world. That is the man’s greatest defeat.