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Sikhism And Feelings Of Bliss


Mar 25, 2011

I watched the youtube video on the 'drinking' thread kindly provided by soul jyotji. Unfortunately, I got as far as 'we are all supposed to be without humour and very serious' bit when my computer crashed, but luckily I did found more.

It confirmed something I was aware of, that the feeling you have when you drink, is dwarfed by feelings of bliss in your love of god.

What I want to know is, can anyone, hand on heart, say that they have experienced these feelings of bliss through waheguru?, I would be most interested to know what this feeling is like,

I read a lot of people talk of the love of god, with such feeling, that I feel I must be missing out somewhere, for some, I get the feeling its a bit like the emperors new clothes, but others, Ishnaji, Bhagatsinghji, Ambersariaji (no, not you sinnerji :grinningsingh:), SPNadminji, and findingmywayji to name but a few, speak of the love with real real conviction, like it was the most important feeling in the world.,

Today I had to go and see a christian minister, a lady, very charming, very polite, I asked her whom she loved most, jesus or her husband, she replied that was unfair question, I then asked whether she felt the bliss in her life, she answered that sometimes in the morning she felt at peace, yes, I kept on, but what about the bliss!!, she said sometimes she felt happy, and at times a feeling that could be called bliss. Thinking about it, most granthi's look fairly miserable, I don't think I have seen one peacefully at bliss..

So fellow sikhs, please tell me, in frank language, what this bliss feels like, not what it should feel like, but exactly what it feels like, if you feel it

thank you
This is a very interesting subject - BLISS
There have been several times in my life where I have experienced a comforting feeling of bliss. One recent one was when my fourth granddaughter was born...
I had a phone call from my son David at 5.20am to say that he had just delivered their beautiful baby girl himself on the bathroom floor! ...The birth was so quick there was no time to get in the car & go to the hospital as planned... Baby Kitty arrived within minutes of my daughter-in-law waking up to go to the bathroom and mother & baby were both fine!
During the birth David rang 999 and was talked through it.
About 5 minutes after the birth the paramedics arrived, then soon after that, the midwife. David even cut the cord and when I arrived at about 5.40am there was such a sense of peace and calm with everyone smiling and so happy.
The midwife then weighed Kitty and she was 6lb 5 1/2oz. Then she gave the Vitimin K injection and this was the first and only time I heard Kitty cry.
As I held her shortly afterwards, Kitty was making calm sighing noises and didn`t look like a newborn baby - she looked so peaceful and beautiful.
The whole house was full of a sense of BLISS!
Kitty's older brother Ted age 5 & sister Jessie age 4 were fascinated and my son David took some photographs as Ted, then Jessie, held their baby sister for the first time... and shortly afterwards he took some more, as we saw Kitty open her eyes for the first time - she was immediately placed in her mother`s arms and she went on to inquisitively look around at us all.
Then shortly after that Baby Kitty had her first feed and as she slept afterwards I decided it was time to go and leave them all to rest.
I`m just back home now at 11am, with precious memories that I will always treasure, of a morning that was such a wonderfully calm, unique and beautiful family occasion.
I am a Christian, so I don't know if you will be interested in my answer, as I notice the question was specifically...
What I want to know is, can anyone, hand on heart, say that they have experienced these feelings of bliss through waheguru?
I don't know what waheguru is, but I sure know what BLISS is and we all felt it that day.


Mar 25, 2011

I watched the youtube video on the 'drinking' thread kindly provided by soul jyotji. Unfortunately, I got as far as 'we are all supposed to be without humour and very serious' bit when my computer crashed, but luckily I did found more.

It confirmed something I was aware of, that the feeling you have when you drink, is dwarfed by feelings of bliss in your love of god.

What I want to know is, can anyone, hand on heart, say that they have experienced these feelings of bliss through waheguru?, I would be most interested to know what this feeling is like,

I read a lot of people talk of the love of god, with such feeling, that I feel I must be missing out somewhere, for some, I get the feeling its a bit like the emperors new clothes, but others, Ishnaji, Bhagatsinghji, Ambersariaji (no, not you sinnerji :grinningsingh:), SPNadminji, and findingmywayji to name but a few, speak of the love with real real conviction, like it was the most important feeling in the world.,

Today I had to go and see a christian minister, a lady, very charming, very polite, I asked her whom she loved most, jesus or her husband, she replied that was unfair question, I then asked whether she felt the bliss in her life, she answered that sometimes in the morning she felt at peace, yes, I kept on, but what about the bliss!!, she said sometimes she felt happy, and at times a feeling that could be called bliss. Thinking about it, most granthi's look fairly miserable, I don't think I have seen one peacefully at bliss..

So fellow sikhs, please tell me, in frank language, what this bliss feels like, not what it should feel like, but exactly what it feels like, if you feel it

thank you
Well I don't know where my last reply went to... in it I explained the immense feelings of BLISS that were experienced on the day that my last grandchild was born at home by all present in the house.
I just wanted to add that I think that bliss has much to do with how we feel at times of birth and spiritual rebirth... when we sense God's Presence in our lives... as if for the first time again.
A sense of acceptance and such a purity of Love from the One who created all things makes all things new... Light eliminates our darkness and makes us feel brand new again... That is Bliss!


May 15, 2011
This feeling of bliss related with God's love changes with experiences. Earlier I was very religious but today I feel spirituality is the way to God. Once you can start feeling that- He is with me everywhere like a true friend, you can start feeling that bliss.
Remember a true friend does not flatter, he does not accept all what you wish to do, rather he tells you where you are wrong. God does the same. just ponder over your life and realize that he does punish us when we are wrong and rewards us when we are right. Once you learn to accept this. you can feel Him within you and that gives me the feeling of bliss. This takes a long time but once you can feel it, it's heavenly and life becomes easier.
Regarding granthis, well remember its not the love of God that keeps them there, it's a means to earn their living and like us they too have families and their needs. Why do we expect them to be always religious? In India if you could see the condition how most of them have to live in, it would put us all, to shame.
Feel the bliss by wiping a distressed person's tears, by feeding a hungry man, by educating a less fortunate one. Don't do daan for your name to be called out in the Ardaas or for it to be inscribed on a marble slab, do daan to help God,s children. If you are able to do so feel yourself lucky coz God doesn't come down to help but he chooses from among us to do little deeds of kindness and once you find yourself where you can put up your hand and volunteer to be chosen, you will feel the bliss.
I can go on and on but time restricts me.Wahe Guruji Ka Khalsa Waheguruji ki Fateh!


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Potter ji so well written. I restate what you said below so succinctly,

I just wanted to add that I think that bliss has much to do with how we feel at times of birth and spiritual rebirth... when we sense God's Presence in our lives... as if for the first time again.
A sense of acceptance and such a purity of Love from the One who created all things makes all things new... Light eliminates our darkness and makes us feel brand new again... That is Bliss!

This is much like the feeling one gets in Sikhism when we follow our Guru's teachings and understand Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. Our gurus teach us to understand creator and creation with emphasis on developing of such and not the identification of the same in a form, a person, an idol, but in the totality of creation.

So bliss in Sikhism at least for me is very similar to your expression.

Each one of course can have blissful incidents to remeber, flashes to enjoy, and so on, that is the beauty of life.

Sat Sri Akal. mundahug


Jan 9, 2011
London UK

I have started reading the english translation of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, there are times I feel the words do not flow as well as they do in punjabi. I can read and understand punjabi, I think it would be better for me to brush up on my punjabi than find a good translation!

Thanks for the link, yes, 90 mins long, thank you very much, nothing like starting off slowly eh brother, I will have to listen to the whole later, but , I have to concede that from the small amount I watched, the singer, and most of the people around him, seem to be in bliss, so that is a good starting point, the music is hypnotic and soothing, thank you

Dear Harry

An interesting read, I must say !

Whatever you do, enjoy doing it. Happiness is a state of being, a destination - the "moments" of joy along the road to happiness is what constitutes happiness.

Don't worry about leading a virtueous life if you had'nt had the calling yet. Wait till you get the calling to live a virtueous life. Waheguru will find you when you are ready to tune into and connect to the ever flowing harmony of the "shabad".

Gurbani places lot of emphasis on the "inner" self. When your life is an expression of the inner state of being, i.e "anand" (happy/joy), you feel a sense of connection to the creative power of the universe. Being happy for a reason is temporary because the reason could be taken away from you at anytime, being happy without a reason is permanent "bliss" - like Guru Amardas Ji puts it - "anand paya meri maya, satguru main paya..." the satguru he relates is the "shabad".

Try falling in "love" with yourown self if you can't find another to experience the the bliss that Gurbani speaks of - "jin prem kiya tin hi prabu pa oah" Guru Gobind.

My brother, if you for the time are enjoying the fruits of this physical world so be it. The Guru will find you and give you the ears and the intellect to tune into that mystical experience that you long for. For the time being enjoy therefore knowing that the "house of Guru Nanak finds all those who seek.

Take care -

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Harry Veera

To tell you the truth I never listened to more than two minutes of the link , it's his engagement I liked ,just understand that one line and believe it!

I just play the first two minutes over and over again !

Ambarsaria Veera
Thanks for rating me so highly lol
Bhagat Veera
The bliss 'rate' of those you mention is off the scale !


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Harry Veera

To tell you the truth I never listened to more than two minutes of the link , it's his engagement I liked ,just understand that one line and believe it!

I just play the first two minutes over and over again !

Ambarsaria Veera
Thanks for rating me so highly lol
Bhagat Veera
The bliss 'rate' of those you mention is off the scale !
Sinner ji now now! I listened to the video for 34+ minutes and tried to decipher every shabad they sing. Then I cut and paste those shabads for review. I was planning to do the remaining hour too but it was taking lot of time. I think there will be bliss in it if I do it. What you think?

Any interest.

Sat Sri Akal.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Phew, lots of material, and every posting stand up on its own, I am indeed fortunate to call on such a vast bank of knowledge and information here.

Ok, I the opinion I am forming now is that the ultimate bliss IS there, but you are called to it when the creator feels you are ready, until then we have a duty to our families, friends (err ok thats a tricky one, none left!), and more importantly people we interact with on a daily basis. I have decided to take Guru Nanakji as role model, I decided that some time back, that decision surprises even me, with all the bloodlust within, and the fighting spirit, I would have thought Guru Gobindji would have been more appropriate, but the truth is, I don't wish to fight evil, but I have always had a soft spot for helping where I can, and so has my wife, so that is a path we can walk down together. I find myself asking in every situation, What would Guruji do in this instance.

I thought I was doing well until my mother rang me, she mentioned a young chap who has some shabads on youtube, very sad story, I didnt get his name, but he passed on in an accident in Malaysia, mother mentioned that she had just seen him singing a shabad and that she and dad broke down in tears of emotion as it was so beautiful, (here we go again!), it drives me to a question I posed when I first found this forum, maybe some people are sent here to be warriors, some to be enchanted, some to do sewa, maybe we each have our own calling to use our skills in the house of the almighty.

I feel I should get one of those self help books about falling in love, so that I may try and see the relationship with the almighty in a different prospective, some in this thread describe him as a friend, a father, some talk of the beauty of his love, some of the power of him looking over, everyone seems to have a slightly different relationship with the creator, I suppose its possible that my parents bliss is similar to my satisfaction at giving a cripple a short lift to the shops, I stopped writing for a while and thought of the cripple, a young man, he was hobbling across the road in front of me, I waved him into the car, amid the mess of monitor cables and motherboards, he sat down, Im just sitting here thinking of his face, it was the face of god. Im actually sitting here in goosepimples and I feel a strong sense of shame , he was cheerful with his lot, explained what the doctors were doing and sighed that the movements tired him out, and here is me able bodied, and moaning about my lack of bliss. And now the burning question, would I prefer the bliss that my parents feel when they listen to shabads, or the knowledge that I saw god today and helped him to the shop. I don't feel particularly pleased about it, I won't mention it to my wife, as there seems to be something dirty about telling someone else, although in this context, here it is relevant, I feel a fraud looking for bliss in shabads, its the same reason I refuse, still to pray. If my car was about to hit a tree, the last thing I would do is pray, surely the almighty if he intends to assist me is going to do it regardless, in fact its a bit of insult to god to ask him to save you, oh Im glad you asked, I was going to do something else in the next 10 seconds, but now youve asked so nicely, I'll see what I can about that tree.

Ambersariaji was correct, I am in bliss already, I just don't know it


Apr 24, 2006
Ambersariaji was correct, I am in bliss already, I just don't know it
Lol but so true

There is a story I heard about Bhagat Kabir talking to a fish. The fish cries and says to Kabir "I am thirsty".
Kabir laughs and says "how can you be thirsty, you live in water. Even to cry would require that you have water." He goes on to say "In the ocean of love, man cries out that he suffers."

Ok I could have told it better...

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Ambarsaria Veera

Sorry I did not know how to cut and paste a smaller section,I never have enough patience to listen for all that long but not out of disrespect there is a more profound reason.

You know the whole essence is in the mool mantar ,Japji Sahib expounds that ,and the whole expounds Japji, so why would you decipher each shabad, when it's all contained in 'Ik Onkaar'?


May 9, 2006
Ambarsaria ji, good to know I'm on the up-and-up! mundahug

... I suppose its possible that my parents bliss is similar to my satisfaction at giving a cripple a short lift to the shops, I stopped writing for a while and thought of the cripple, a young man, he was hobbling across the road in front of me, I waved him into the car, amid the mess of monitor cables and motherboards, he sat down, Im just sitting here thinking of his face, it was the face of god. Im actually sitting here in goosepimples and I feel a strong sense of shame , he was cheerful with his lot, explained what the doctors were doing and sighed that the movements tired him out, and here is me able bodied, and moaning about my lack of bliss. And now the burning question, would I prefer the bliss that my parents feel when they listen to shabads, or the knowledge that I saw god today and helped him to the shop. I don't feel particularly pleased about it, I won't mention it to my wife, as there seems to be something dirty about telling someone else, although in this context, here it is relevant, I feel a fraud looking for bliss in shabads, its the same reason I refuse, still to pray. If my car was about to hit a tree, the last thing I would do is pray, surely the almighty if he intends to assist me is going to do it regardless, in fact its a bit of insult to god to ask him to save you, oh Im glad you asked, I was going to do something else in the next 10 seconds, but now youve asked so nicely, I'll see what I can about that tree.

Harry, brother

I can totally relate to your feeling of shame. I feel that shame too, when I feel the comfort and bliss from reading Gurbani, and then I read about the horrors in the world, and I feel ashamed for FEELING the bliss in the first place.

"How can I feel bliss when someone else is suffering, that doesn't seem fair!" is usually where I get stuck. I look at my husband suffering over such manmukh issues and end up saying I wish I could take some of the peace out of me and put it into him.

But everyone has their own lot, we are all under hukam. I think you're heading in the right direction, Harry ji. Your mind is pondering the right topics, I think.

And if your car is about to hit a tree, prayer won't save you anyway. Prayer shouldn't be about asking for things (as much as people seem to think it is). Prayer should be about introspection. If you're going to hit the tree, it's hukam that you hit the tree, and the trick would be in accepting it gratefully. If it's not hukam, it won't happen. That is my possibly flawed understanding, anyway.

So don't put pressure on yourself to pray. Just be, and observe, and read, and try to be receptive to the suggestions of the universe.

Okay, lunch break over, back into it then!


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Ishna ji just some comments below on part of your well written post,
And if your car is about to hit a tree, prayer won't save you anyway. Prayer shouldn't be about asking for things (as much as people seem to think it is). Prayer should be about introspection. If you're going to hit the tree, it's hukam that you hit the tree, and the trick would be in accepting it gratefully. If it's not hukam, it won't happen. That is my possibly flawed understanding, anyway.

I have been thinking of starting a new thread on the business of Hukam in our activities. The essence is that we live in ever changing mosaic of creation. Creator creates and basically sets us free knowing our limits. Those limits are generic perhaps on a species basis and are impacted by the creation around us.

So vigilance and consonance are the key words.
Now we can go on our merry ways ignoring all this, creation really does not care. The interplay with rest of creation will fix you in short or long

So the catch is to be as much in the know, understand creation but it is a given one will never know all. In mool mantar it is clearly stated how the creator and creation are,

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ੴ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਨਿਰਵੈਰੁ ਅਕਾਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਜੂਨੀ ਸੈਭੰ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥

ArQ:- Akwl purK ie`k hY, ijs dw nwm 'hoNd vwlw' hY jo isRStI dw rcnhwr hY, jo sB ivc ivAwpk hY, BY qoN rihq hY, vYr-rihq hY, ijs dw srUp kwl qoN pry hY, (Bwv, ijs dw srIr nws-rihq hY), jo jUnW ivc nhIN AwauNdw, ijs dw pRkwS Awpxy Awp qoN hoieAw hY Aqy jo siqgurU dI ikrpw nwl imldw hY[

God/creator is one and is known as the truth, is the creator of all, present everywhere, without fear, without animosity, is timeless, is not guided by life cycles, is a self creation and is realized through its own (God/creator) blessing.
So in a way we have some choices once we fully understand this. For example, we can eat poison and claim nothing will happen. The answer is something will happen. Creator is not going to come by and say all creation stop, I need to save a fool who should know better. Instead the result will be an outcome "without fear, without animosity". Big deal one dies but anyone else can do the same for the same result and that is what is meant by "without fear, without animosity".

Similarly, we can drive a car into a tree, it will crash. Creation is not going to come around and tell a tree which is living in consonance to accommodate you.

So creation has not created slave dummies in humans. We have been created with abilities. Creation expects us to use those abilities. It is not watching every move and issuing or keeping track of any hukams. For example, you should buy coffee and donut before work today and then clean your teeth if you don't want to get cavities.

Hopefully you brush after eating donuts, this is not the creator, just me saying as fellow member of the creation mosaic. Lot of fun in creation!

Sat Sri Akal.

Aug 28, 2010
The word Bliss has different meanings in different context.The word is basically a reference for
Enjoyment or gladness
Perfect Happiness or
State ofblessed.
In Sikh philosophy as per Gurbani the word bliss referes to perfect happiness or State of blessed.
The experience of perfect happiness can not be put in words.Only the person experiencing this knows what he is experiencing or many tmes he maynot be knowing but still he may be in a state of bliss.
In Gurbaani the bliss is beautifully mentond in Bani Ramkali M3 Anandu

"AAnandu AAnandu Sabhu Ko Kahae AAnandu GuRU Te Jaaneyaa"
So the bliss can be known from GuRU only.

Further Gurbani tells us about how to remain in the state of bliss all the timesas

"Abinaasee Khem Chaahe Je Nanak Sadaa Simari Naarayan" pp714SGGS

Abinaasee Khem.......unperishable bliss
Naarayan................GuR JoTi

Wordly enjoyment or happiness may be different for different persons but the State of bliss in Sikh philosophy is same for all Gursikhs.

Nov 14, 2004
Ambarsaria ji,

I avoided opening this particular thread but got a little curious last night and did so. I read Harry ji’s original post and this one by you.

Here is a positive feedback we can provide to each other and rank the degree of bliss you find others in. The rating is no bliss (1) to maximum bliss (10).

Some of my friends I rank as follows,

  • spnadmin ji (7)
  • Aman Singh ji (7.5)
  • Sinner ji (7.9)
  • Harry Haller ji (8.01)
  • Ishna ji (was at 5 not too long ago but fast moving towards 8) mundahug
  • Confused ji (8.3)
  • Bhagat Singh ji (7.75)

I think that you are only joking, but it has motivated me to write all the same. Because this is related to a comment I made to someone recently, who had suggested that the attainment of peace and happiness was his aim in life. So here I’d like to say the following:

The aim for peace / bliss / happiness is a very common amongst people of all religions. I however find it to be extremely misleading and inviting of delusion. Even the Dalai Lama talks about happiness a lot and this is in spite of the fact that the Buddha taught the Four Noble Truths, and the first of this is Dukkha or Suffering. But of course the meaning of Dukkha here is not the unpleasant mental or bodily feelings nor the pleasant feeling that is liable to change, but in fact the characteristic nature of *all* conditioned phenomena.

Of course this does not mean that one is encouraged to adopt a grim attitude towards life and that there won’t in fact be moments of happiness or even of bliss. Indeed, the detachment that comes with understanding is likely to lead to less agitation in life, hence more happiness. But it is pointing to the nature of happiness and bliss itself as having the characteristic nature of impermanence and insubstantiality (another translation of Dukkha).

Also the Buddha’s contemporaries, some of who became his disciples, were involved in meditation practices known as Jhana. These lead to experiences beyond that of the five senses and the happiness and rapture accompanying them are great beyond imagination. But the Buddha would point out that like all conditioned phenomena; these were to be understood as impermanent, insubstantial and non-self. And although he did also sometimes compare the happiness got as a result of these practices, as being of inferior in quality to that which came with the total eradication of craving and ignorance, the emphasis was always on the latter.

A few years ago I was surprised and exited on hearing a remark made by my wife, that Sikh teachings emphasized “understanding”. I had thought till then, that only in Buddhism was it apparent that understanding is the only solution. I am guessing therefore, that the interest in attaining bliss etc. is actually a case of value misplaced even for Sikhi. And I believe that if pursued, it likely will lead to what is akin to the “bliss of ignorance”, which I’m sure no one here wants to end up with. ;-)


Apr 24, 2006
Confused ji, you see, all religions are pointing towards that which Buddhism is pointing towards.

interest in attaining bliss = interest in understanding = interest in merging with God = interest in realizing the true self , etc

understanding = bliss = merging = realization

Different words, yet they are all pointing towards the same.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Everytime I come back here, I find an abundance of words of wisdom ,I am clearly gifted to be in the presence of such higher thinking from a cross section of ages and cultures, I have yet to read a posting and not agree with it in some way shape or fashion, in fact, I have yet to read a posting without having picked up another nugget of information, or have it shine a light on a path that was previously hidden, christians, buddhists,sikhs, all of us working together to shed some light on the question, quite beautiful.

I got home last night after reading a few posts, I was in some pain as my bypass scar has a tendency to swell right up with blood, after my wife had fished out an instrument of torture from her special bag and put on a fresh dressing, exhausted by the day and still in pain, I found I could not sleep. Although bliss itself was a brilliant concept, I have to admit that for the last 15 years I have been more dead than alive, like a leaf being blown about by the wind, I have no direction of my own, life blows me around and I deal with it, without any desire for any particular thing, other than the things of old, the things that I can put my hand on and say, oh yeah, that makes me happy, and they are mostly base. My mother rang me last night, I know she reads my postings, why do you keep mentioning lust and sex, she said, people will think your obsessed with lust, oh well if the cap fits...

Here I am contemplating the lack of bliss on my life, and I cannot even see anything in my dogs eyes other than, he is a thing that I have to feed and walk. That is to be truly dead, when everything is base, these feelings go up and down, with the up being toleration. How pathetic is that, the entire range of my feelings bounce between toleration and resentment. Soon everyone was asleep, but not me, the word kept going round in my head, consonance, consonance, I sat up in the moonlight my wife was asleep, a mass of red hair, she had always had very short red hair, but is determined to grow it out of respect for my mother, and it is now quite long. She was cuddled into Dan, who in turn was looking at me. I looked back at him, and we stared at each other, why dont you love me, his eyes seemed to say, I do love, I thought, no you dont, you just pretend to make mum happy, so she does not realise how soulless you actually are, what about the bliss Dan?, Dad, he said with his eyes, the bliss is here, Mum is here, Alfie is here, look at us, do you not see bliss?, No I thought, I do not, then my dear father, if you cannot see what is in front of you, and it is here for sure, then you need glasses, and with that Dan closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Glasses enable you to see more clearly, a friend of mine had glasses recently, wow, he said, I could not believe what I have been missing, I can see things now,the world isnt a blurry image, glasses eh, I fell into a restless sleep, dreaming of the base, and then the pure, and then the base again, I eventually woke up exhausted at 4am, amrit vela, as I always do. Dan was awake, looking at me. Figured it out yet dad, his eyes said, yes, I said, the glasses are god given, accept his hukam, and watch how the world changes around you, marvel at what you can see that you could not see before, look at me dad, do i look different?, yes my love you do, and how do I look different?, I can see god in you , I thought, clearly, I looked at my wife, she opened her eyes after a while, and I could see god in her too, not the base, but purity, Alfie bounded over, can you see god in me too Dad, his eyes said, Yes, Alfie, yes, I can, at this point Virgil came upstairs, he can sense when everyone is awake, and desperately wants to be part of it, Dan bounced off the bed, and kissed him, he does that sometimes, Virgil looked at me, and I looked at Virgil, he really is a beautiful cat, his markings and his eyes, how could that not be god given, Virgil turned around so his tail was facing Dan, whose eyebrows shot up and then proceeded to bark and chase Virgil back down the stairs, and that my dear friends is consonance, and I am done with fighting it!

I would not say I am in bliss, but I have a feeling of safety and warmth and love, of course there are times when I will be base again, but just because a car can do 150MPH does not mean you have to drive it at 150MPH everytime you drive it, on the whole it can be driven carefully, with care and respect, but when driving conditions allow, you could have a little fun, just to remind yourself of the power and ability within it.

I listen to a lot of music, and read a lot of books, music moves me, as do good books, to that end, not wanting to listen to shabads, or read huge chunks of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, is absolutely related to a desire to understand what I am listening to or reading, and that is what makes it beautiful, the understanding, cherishing the words, as I do when I listen to music now, the colour of spring, by talk talk, is an album that always makes me cry with feeling, it is not because I reject shabads, its because the words speak to my heart, I am determined to teach myself punjabi, it is the only real way to unlock the meaning behind those shabads.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
sikhism and feelings of bliss, question answered, thank you all very much, and especially dan, photo taken this morning , caption, figured it out yet dad???


  • dan14.JPG
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Aug 28, 2010
Your caption has really tempted to share views on the question of BlissI feel all the creation of the Universe is in bliss except Human being .This is because the Creation is ignorant about the feelings of the bliss.But Human is looking for the bliss that can be put into words.Whereas the actual feelings of bliss are beyond the words.


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

You are so correct about being beyond words, I can eloquently talk about the pleasures of the base, and describe vividly the feelings associated with it, but holding my dog this morning after he had shown me the way, I can only describe as 'coming home', and even that does not do it justice, I now intend to concentrate on getting the best glasses I can instead of using blurred vision to define what is in front of me

Sat Sri Akal
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