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Nov 19, 2006
I personally also feel that God really doesn't care if we get piercings or tattoos.. I mean it's a means of expression and if you want to express your faith.. there doesn't really seem to be anything wrong with that.. All people are trying to do is respect.. some think it is disrespectful.. whereas others might feel they are respecting their faith more by wearing it proudly like a tattoo or even a pendant in a necklace. I don't feel there is anything wrong with getting ik ong kaar tattooed on to ones hand.. but a while back i had seen a girl at a party with it tattooed on her back like some girls get a flower, butterfly, or etc.. and I FEEL that is very disrespectful and wrong.

shere punjab

Dec 4, 2006
i have a tatoo of a khanda and a lion mixed together, with shere punjab written around it, whats the problem?? there is not a problem, its the same that sikh's shouldnt eat beef, half of you go to mcdonalds and have a cheese burger, at the end of the day, who defines who is a proper sikh? i where a khanda around my neck, i were a khara, i cut my hair, i shave...so fitting into modern times is wrong??

Borneo Sikha

Jul 29, 2007
Are we allowed to have Tattoos and Piercings

Are we as sikhs allowed to have any tattoos and piercings?
this has been a big issue with me. I love tattoos and i draw a lot of tattoo designs which i hope i can transfer to my body but the biggest question that has been holding me back has been weather i as a sikh am allowed to have any.
Some times i feel we can, because quite a few sikhs have them, either a khenda or the words "waheguru" in punjabi. if others can have them why not the rest.
on the other hand if we as sikhs are not allowed to cut our hair i dont think we are allowed to have a permanent mark on our body.

Are we allowed or not?

if anyone has an answer do let me know.


Jun 24, 2005
Re: Are we allowed to have Tattoos and Piercings

In my humble opinion, editing our God gifted body in any sense is prohibited. Who are we to edit God's creation (our body)?

Editing our body includes following:
1. Cutting hair
2. Shaving body hair (eye brows, legs, etc)
3. Coloring hair
4. Tattooing
5. Piercing (ear, nose, belly buttons, tongue, etc.)
6.....Who knows what else our future will bring.
7. Abortion ??
Sep 24, 2004
So much hullabaloo is being raised on a topic which, when seen in the correct perspective, becomes irrelevant. A simple question. Does anyone of you know of the origin of the Khanda? How do we dare to relate it to Sikh religion when we donot know if the Khanda symbol even existed at the time of the Gurus? As such, it must have no religious significance. The Khanda in its present form has not been evidenced, as yet, even till the end of the Sikh sovereign state in 1849AD. It would be appropriate to have evidence about the exact evolution of the Khanda before continuing this discussion.


Oct 3, 2005
dear participants
I read with great interest all the postings in this topic and really feel disappointed that all replies are either directed with hatered or imposing and with utter disregard to the Guru Nanak's Banis but purely as Manmatt. This man matt the self professed philosophies astrayed from Gurvani or the original scriptutres many old religions Hindus and Cristians and islam were rejected by Guru Nanak Dev Ji when he said Na Koi Hindu Na Koi Musalman.

We are creating new kind of Maulvis Sangat at large propagating their "Man matt" self assumed reasoning or inferences on various subjects.

According to Sri Guru nanak Dev Ji there is neither a paap nor a pun it is your perspective. There is no Sooch no Jhooth - and he practically through Shabad and practice gave it to pundits and maulvis of time.

All of you to find the meaning to your questions please Read SukhMani with meanings and all answers will dawn upon you.
Understand Bani says "Sach tan Kar Janitye jey Hirdey Sacha Hoye"" If your heart has truth and respect and obedience nothing matters.

Symbals are of no value without Naam. Evry thing which lives and we see is ultimately destroyed only Naam is left and Shabad Guru is the Guru of Sikh and he exist by Breath the air the Khand and Bhramand. If air is polluted will naam be polluted or if you are in a place near Gutter the mell impure your Naam in Hiriday.

Pundits created similar preachings to scare people about superstitious believes and Maulvis created new Islamic beliefs of hatered.

Guru freed us all from that "Janjaal" and you all are trying your utmost by dragging in the same "Daldal".

I will appeal to organisers of this forum if this is Skh Phislosophy forum please solve and submit some sense derived directly from the Gurbani. I will also request the participants to please seek answers from Guru Vichar with "Nirmal Hirdey"" Everyone has different perspective and Gurbani is not for people of similar intellect but of all intellect and Guru has given the liberty to interpret and understand as per your understanding and intellect as long as you heart is pure and you accept that with humility.
Guru asi sariyan nu sumutt bakhshey and free us from the symbolism which has different level of respect by every one.

HP Luthera


Oct 3, 2005
Dear Friend:
Please do not be so proud what you do as no one is right and no one is wrong; it is your own belief what makes it so. Others judge you as per their own perspective and convenience and we see them in similar way. According to Gurbani "Hum Nahin Change Bura Nahi Koye" So if we are able to rcoganise that we are not perfect ourself therefore no one is bad. That attitude fixes most of the problem.

Nine Gurus carried attire which is "SantSarup" saintly look of the time. Our Thenth Guru made the Saint a Saint Soldier. "Sant Sapahi" The Khalsa the ultimate complete Human who lives and die for humanity. Fearless But Nirmal. Prepared to fight the "Zulam and Zaalam". Fiercefull ferocious but emersed with Naam. Dev and Danav.

So Sikhs who followed the Guru and His Teachings with full submission felt proud to emerse and adopt to His Roop Guru "Swaroop". That State was "Ander Wase te Bahar Vee Ohi."

Those who look Guruswaroop (Saint) they are Guru Ke Sikh and those who take Amritpaan and emerse with Guru Gobind Singh ji's Daat become His appointed Khalsa and emerse in His SwaRoop of Sant Sapahi.

Others are just Sikhs or in the making and breaking. And if you really get involved into 11th Guru Guru Granth Sahib what willlbe your swaroop the Giyan Dhyan and clear of all confusions. No question shall stay unanswered.

Whatever group you think you are in please do one thing keep holding to the "Naam" tthe Shabad Guru and do Gurbani Vichar may be just read one stanza a day and ponder over its meaning as per your intellect do not get confused with interpretations of manmatt.
I am 100% sure and positive that Naam is the ultimate Gift to any Sikh or Khalsa. bani bina Bana Kis Kam Da. Rahit Bina Amrit da Koi Labh Nahi. Guru Bina Koi Sikh Nahi. Gurbani bina Koi Naam Nahi.
Without Naam every thing is useless the Kesh, Bana, Baatan discussions.
Naam Japo that will keep you close to Guru.
HP Luthera


Oct 3, 2005
Dear Friend:
Please do not be so proud what you do as no one is right and no one is wrong; it is your own belief what makes it so. Others judge you as per their own perspective and convenience and we see them in similar way. According to Gurbani "Hum Nahin Change Bura Nahi Koye" So if we are able to rcoganise that we are not perfect ourself therefore no one is bad. That attitude fixes most of the problem.

Nine Gurus carried attire which is "SantSarup" saintly look of the time. Our Thenth Guru made the Saint a Saint Soldier. "Sant Sapahi" The Khalsa the ultimate complete Human who lives and die for humanity. Fearless But Nirmal. Prepared to fight the "Zulam and Zaalam". Fiercefull ferocious but emersed with Naam. Dev and Danav.

So Sikhs who followed the Guru and His Teachings with full submission felt proud to emerse and adopt to His Roop Guru "Swaroop". That State was "Ander Wase te Bahar Vee Ohi." and it becomes true "Guru Mere Sang Sada Heiy Naaley"

Those who look Guruswaroop (Saint) they are Guru Ke Sikh and those who take Amritpaan and emerse with Guru Gobind Singh ji's Daat become His appointed Khalsa and emerse in His SwaRoop of Sant Sapahi.

Others are just Sikhs or in the making and some times breaking when they break away from "Naam" because naam bina bahut Chottan Khaye.

Look at the farsightedness of our Gurus who handed us over to the Shabad Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The information age came too late for others but for Sikhs it was information age when we embraced Shabad Guru.

In today's time intellect is the ruler and Guru Sahib get us involved into 11th Guru Guru Granth Sahib - what will be your swaroop when you get down to read and understand and intellectually ponder over the Gurbani with Giyan Dhyan and Tat Budh and clear all your confusions. You will be a Sikh Giyan Swaroop. No question shall stay unanswered. Guru Sahib also said to Khalsa to stay upto date with latest technology weaponary and all Sikhs must make effort to inspire their younger generation to join Services to be updated. all new technologies all times first used for military purposes.

Whatever group you think you classify yourself please do one thing keep holding to the "Naam" the Shabad Guru and do Gurbani Vichar. To all young just read one stanza of a Shabad from Gurbani ,( May be Daily Vaak") a day and ponder over its meaning as per your intellect do not get confused with interpretations of manmatt.

I am 100% sure and positive that Naam is the ultimate Gift to any Sikh or Khalsa. Jeevan de which: In our Life
Bani bina Bana Kis Kam Da. Without GurBani Dress Code has no Meaning
Rahit Bina Amrit da Koi Labh Nahi. Without Truthful Living Baptism is false
Guru Bina Koi Sikh Nahi. Without Guru There is No Sikh
Gurbani bina Koi Naam Nahi. Without Gurbani Naam is beyond our reach
Naam bina koi kirat nahi.Without Naam our daily Chores has no meaning
Kirat bina Koi labh nahi. Without sincere efforts there are no gains

Therefore, dear friend, without Naam every thing is useless the Kesh, Bana, Baatan discussions. So please do not look at how you look first embrace Namm and the true look will automatically come and you will adopt its generated make up.
Naam Japo that will keep you close to Guru.
HP Luthera
Aug 19, 2007

I think for me, the above poster really sums up the concept of tattooing in Sikhi.

Sikhi strictly prohibits any item that either promotes lust in others or causes the wearer any pain. If you do not believe me, read the Rehat Maryada.

I know our body's are considered temporary vessels, but that does not mean that we can do with it as we please.

Tattoo's existed in the Indian Sub-continent even during the Guru's times and they stayed completely away from them. Does that not tell you something?



Oct 3, 2007
Belize City, Belize
Sat Sri Akal.

Fascinating topic, and one that concerns me deeply! I'm on the conversion path, and while i'm sure my piercings will close up naturally, i know my 22 tattoos will not just fade!

Will i have to remove them to receive Amrit? I realise i should certainly cover my arms, especially at worship, and especially among others.

The overall impression from reading these posts is that the Guru did not speak specifically against tattoos, but he does speak about vanity, provoking lust and having ego. I may have put them on for vanity, but they mean something totally different now... a reminder of my dark days.

Naturally, i'll do what Guru says. None of my pieces are religious or sacreligious, and most are under normal clothes. Any tips anybody?
Aug 19, 2007
In situations like yours 'Clarkejoey' you have to take everything into consideration. Remember when we take 'The Path', all of our previous experiences/lives are considered (for want of a better term) null and void.

I know of a few Singh's who prior to finding Sikhi, had tattoo's and numerous peircings. When they did make a firm commitment to their Guru, they decided to just cover up.

For them, it is just as you said 'a reminder of their past'. A physical image of where they came from and where they have reached they are now. The don't regret them, but they know for certain that they would never have another one.

I hope that helps.

Apr 4, 2007
Sat Sri Akal.

Fascinating topic, and one that concerns me deeply! I'm on the conversion path, and while i'm sure my piercings will close up naturally, i know my 22 tattoos will not just fade!

Will i have to remove them to receive Amrit?

tattoo removal is far more harmful to the body than getting a tattoo in the first place, so it doesn't seem like removing them would be the best solution.

i'm a convert too, and you're right, the piercings close up (for the most part), but my tattoo is part of my body now. what we did before we were sikhs is not important. what's important is how we behave now. :)
Apr 4, 2007
i can't find anything in gurbani or rehet that prohibits tattoos, and they surely existed at the time of Guru Sahib.

i have seen many pooran gursikhs with Ek Onkar tattooed on their hand. even Gyani Sant Maskeen ji had this tattoo.

i think having Ek Onkar tattoo on the hand to make you think of God at every moment cannot be a bad thing... it's when tattoos become glamour or flashy that they're a problem in my opinion.

yes, i know this is manmat. but if gurbani doesn't touch on the subject, who do we look to for answers? Maskeen ji is certainly someone I'd look up to... if it was fine for him, i think i'm ok with it too. :)


Oct 31, 2007
Sat Nam and Greetings everyone!
I have some decorative tattoos, they are flowers. I got them before I became Sikh. How have I dealt with this, you might ask.

I realize that Guru accepts me as I am, and I simply strive to be as good a Sikh, as good an individual as I can be, each day. I try to see God in all, even those bikers one sees from time to time, who are often covered in tattoos.

The design of the body is amazing and excellent, but sometimes the expression of that design is not as perfect as the design itself.

Each has his or her own opinion of these matters.

Many of my Sikh friends have worn the braces on their teeth to straighten very crooked teeth when they were younger. The technology has helped them with keeping their health. Also, many people have had corrective surgery on their eyes or other parts of the body when it was medically advised.

We are all born absolutely naked; no clothes on us at all when we are born.
This is the "natural" state. Many people live in what are called "nudist camps." (Rest assured, you will never find me there!)

There appear to be many contradictions in what each of us understands to be cultural norms when compared with what we are meant to do as Sikhs.

How does each one of us solve this dilemma?

I ask myself what the Gurus might think, say, and do, and whenever I pray for an answer, I am most happy to say the answer is given.

Blessings to all,
Aug 19, 2007
Dearest Kulwant Kaur Ji

Whilst I accept your really well put argument regarding the expression of the design not being as perfect as the design itself. I (personally) think the examples you give are somewhat non-related.

Wearing corrective braces or laser treatment to correct hyperopia (far-sightedness), myopia (near-sightedness) and astigmatism (distorted vision when looking at objects at any distance) are standard medical procedures to bring a person's teeth or eyesight to a level which can be considered comparative to the average person.

Having a tattoo is purely decorative and has no physical or medical benefit. Some claim that their tattoos are somewhat symbolic of a moment in their life or of an experience they have reasoned with. I cannot think of a form of 'symbolism' than our Guru's Roop.


Oct 31, 2007
I agree, Ji! That is why I have not gotten any more! They are not needed-
the Bana is quite sufficient, indeed!
Cheers and Blessings to all,


Apr 24, 2006
We are all born absolutely naked; no clothes on us at all when we are born.
This is the "natural" state. Many people live in what are called "nudist camps." (Rest assured, you will never find me there!)
I bet you all of those people cut their hair, shave and clip their nails short.

Why do we clip our nails?
Because in the stone age when we used our hands excessively, our nails would erode(not sure if its the right word), like for example beaver's teeth, they keep growing and the beaver needs to continuously gnaw on the wood to keep them short. Same logic with human nails.
Similarly, we use cloth to act as fur for us, to keep us warm and to help control the animal instincts of others viewing us.
NOw why humans need tattoos, I dont know. Maybe sumone else can elaborate on that.

Why we dont cut hair is a separate and a much more complex issue.



Nov 28, 2007
i think that its ur choice at the end of the day but having something religious is taking abit of a risk but if you are prepared to deal with it then go for it otherwise its upto you i dont think tattoos were out where the guru granth shib was written so i dont even think they were mentioned and neways its just like mehndi in a way dont you think?.....
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