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Sikhism Is Not The Same As Hinduism, Islam Or Christianity Etc

Feb 14, 2006
Bhain ji, why you question a religion on the basis of pseudo Sikhs?
I'm not. I'm deliberately pointing out you do this to Hinduism by labeling it bad, evil, based on worthless, degrading, disgusting and obscene holy scriptures. So the point is simply, you should not judge Sikhi by it's worst examples. So stop judging Hinduism by it's worst examples.

Whenever Guru ji says, He created Vedas, He created all beings (remember good or bad)
So are you implying the Vedas and all Vedantic spirituality is part of the "bad" things God created?

What happened to you Bhain ji? You are picking those words without caring that those were used about the bad parts found in them, as in Atharva Veda, Shiv Purana, Simirities, these words were addressed to those parts, Ram Beheads low class who is contemplating on Lord, should I call it “ wonderful?’
Shiva is got crazy because of lust and lot of things happened, should I call” excellent, very inspiring? First, wife must be shared with Brahamin” should I call” what a good stuff to live in harmony, just share wives with Brahamin." Come on, you can do better.
Veer ji, you have never said the Vedas are wonderful, but ignore the bad parts. You have equated the entire Vedantic religion as Worthless, disgusting, insulting, obscene. DO you understand the examples of the failings of devas has to do with spiritual symbolism and moral lessons of how NOT to become corrupted? You forget the Vaishnavs relegate Shiva to status of demi-god. He is not worshipped. Shiva is a powerful symbolism which has strong positive and negative components especially in relation to shakti and shakti Devi, which is Kali. The Buddhists call these Heruka deities. They are frightening and powerful, but protective. The Muslims and Christians would call them demonic. Do you understand about devas, it is talking about profound and sometimes gupt teachings within the symbolism? Did you see the powerful katha by the Nihang which Aad0002 ji posted explaining the strange tuuks in Gurbani which talk about the behavior of the devas? I did not say you should call anything wonderful. But Gurbani says "wonderful are the Vedas."

ਵਿਸਮਾਦੁ ਨਾਦ ਵਿਸਮਾਦੁ ਵੇਦ ॥
visamaadh naadh visamaadh vaedh ||
Wonderful is the sound current of the Naad, wonderful is the knowledge of the Vedas.
~SGGS Ji p. 463​

Both Vedas and Kuran contain good stuff but most of the time people pick some thing and start declaring them lies.
So why exactly are you declaring Vedas worthless, disgusting, etc and ALL yogis and brahmins and Hindus as corrupted hypocites?

You just start converting Guru Nanak into other sect, how fair is this. We don’t follow them, if they are referred, it was just to tell that they were not followed; however, it is very much true that a lot of stuff added to them. That is why the cream of them was buried under added contaminations. Even against these Vedas Bhagwat Geeta speaks. Why so? Because of contamination added to them later on.
Can you accept there has always been a sanatan Sikh opinion, which by existing does not "insult" or "offend" your extreme sensitivity as having Sikh identity based solely on intolerance and rejection of all things Hindu? Yet, even here you are talking about how intolerable it is for you to even hear a sanatan opinion, and accuse even Bhagavad-Gita of rejecting Vedas because of "contaminations." How sad. Veer ji, the Vedas have authority of Sruti. The Manu Smritis do not. NO ONE who is Hindu speaks against the Vedas, certainly not the Upanishads and Puranas. All you do is define Sikh identity by how it is superior to the worthless, corrupted spirituality of Hindus. And that's the attitude behind the incredible intolerance and feeling of insult for a Sikh to even acknowledge or hear the view that Sikhism is sanatan. Because to you, anything Hindu is disgusting and low.

So much intolerance you sound like a jihadi! Why do you persist in accusing that all Hindu religion as based on some disgusting contaminated spiritual teaching?

Bhain ji, you always forget one thing, when an avalanche of quotes from Hindu scriptures is posted on, I have to tell that there are not only these things but also that bad stuff but SGGS Ji doesn’t have. Why it bothers you Bhain ji, being fair, don’t you think people should know about that stuff too. I have a lot of references about them and are very degrading and demeaning, it is part of it. You pointed out about hypocrisy of pseudo Sikhs, didn’t I agree? That was a fact. But from you, I didn’t read” Yes Veer ji, there are fanatic Hindus too who play same dirty games” Why not Bhain ji?
Because you are making one crucial mistake. You are equating ALL Hindu people, and ALL Hindu philosophy as being the WORST POSSIBLE EXCESSES YOU CAN FIND.

So Hindu RELIGION is something DEGRADING, DISGUSTING AND DEMEANING? I've had better conversations with Christian fundamentalists and militant Muslims. You just don't get it, do you?

I do not see how dozens of tuuks and pauris in Gurbani, PLUS the historical pattern and evidence for continuation of pervasive caste system in Sikhism is overshadowed by Bhai Gurdas Ji saying to Guru the 4 castes became one. This is entirely correct as Khalsa was a military Order, just like the Vaishnava and Shaivite Nath military Acharas

Aren’t we discussing Sikhism and caste system why Vashnavas are brought in here, what is the purpose? Why drums for them are beaten even when they are not part of issue we discuss, that scares me.
Because the Vaishnavs reformed the caste system with their military acharas. So learning about how the history of military Orders in North India were the first to break down the caste barriers on a wide scale does tell us something about the unifying of castes within the Khalsa, also a military Order.

What I quoted are not my translation, so don’t twist, translation most of the time I use is by Manmohan Singh who understands more both languages( English and Punjabi) than Sant Singh Khalsa. I feel, you are trying to prove Sikhism has no religion, it is borrowed from Vashnava( poor guys do not have concept of Ordinance though) and Hinduism( which is a bundle od sects), it is very swear attack. You called Guru Nanak Vashnava but felt negativity in my comments about Sanatan or Vashanva religion, I wonder why you are taking sides !!!!!!!
You really can't see just how much you hate Hinduism. That is truly sad. Sikhism is a part of ancient and eternal teaching, called sanatana Dharma. And it is very beautiful and eloquent correction of many corruptions in the human heart. It is an authentic spiritual philosophy by the One Jyot Satguru who is an avataara. it is a tolerant teaching about brotherhood. Nothing in the Singh Sabha mentality of "rejection and intolerance of all things Hindu" has shown me anything which shares in the beauty of Gurbani's universal, high spiritual message. If you want, you can base a separate and independant hostile identity on it. Who can stop you?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Warning to Harjas ji: Please refrain from personal attacks on individuals e.g., "So much intolerance you sound like a jihadi."

A forceful critique in Hard Talk could be something like this: Here is the fundamental error that you are making in your argument.

A critique that is not forceful is one in which motives and statements are imputed to an individual without basis in fact.

Thank you.
May 24, 2008
Dear Harjas Bhainji ,
This is for ur information . I recently came across these old article carrying old news . These r as follows :
1. A circular carrying signatures of SSP Lucknow , B B Bakshi bearing no S.T / S.S.P 32/2001/4140 issued in May , 2001 orders his subordinates that they should preapre aregister of Sikhs & Muslims families living in their areas & keep an eye on their activities . In the circular it has been strictly instructed that Muslims & Sikhs whether living in poor slums or rich colonies , they should be watched very strictly .
In another instruction , district magistrates have been asked to prepare a list of properties either bought or leased plots , lands & houses . In instruction no 13 it has been mentiones that Sikhs visiting Nanak Mata Gurudwara & Pakistan Gurudwaras should be kept under watch , their lists prepared & informations reagrding them be given to police chiefs .
The ex-servicemen also have been made suspicious by BJP Govt . About them instruction has been given that lists of people retired after service in Army , Navy & Air Force soldiers should be prepared .
The ruling Govt in the state of UP at that time was BJP ( RSS ) under Rajnath Singh , I suppose the present National Party President of BJP .
2 . The second news is also from the BJP ( RSS ) ruled state of Madhya Pradesh in ( Dainik Jagran 06/03/2002 , Guna Edition ) . Actually events happened like this . Some Dalits ( Hindu ) of some villages in Guna district of MP converted to Sikhism by partaking Amrit . Seeing them many more Dalits got encouraged to convert to Sikhism . These events turned important when some news papers belonging to Elite Hindus published the news in such dramatic manner that as if they had unravelled some Anti- National deed being done secretly : " .... this thing should be kept in mind that in some villages of Arone & Ashok Nagar tehsils religious conversions were taking place . The Dalit people living here were converting to Sikh religion . So for this not only they had grown their head & facial hair , but they had taken Amrit according to the Sikh Religion & had adopted the customs of this religion . Uptill now this conversion was taking place secretly but suddenly this matter was reported in news paper headlines . When the matter was made public immediately the authorities swinged into action .... " ( Dainik Jagran , Dt 06/03/2002 , Guna Edition )
What the administrating authorities did by swinging in action has been narrated by local Sikhs . According to them the police of Aaron Tehsil , Sarpanches of Villages , Tehsildars , Patwari & other adminstrating staff went to the village of Dalits convering to Sikhs . These newly converted Sikhs were gathered at one place , firstly their pictures were clicked then they were threatened to cut their hair & leave Sikhism or face dire consequences . These newly converted Sikhs refused to comply with their orders , then in front of everybody beat up Puran Singh son of Shiv Lal mercilessly . Even then when he did not agree to cut his hair , the local police took him to the police station in a jeep . There he was again mercilessly beaten , his kakaars taken & he was relaesed aften threatening him of dire consequences if he did not cut his hair & leave Sikhism . After this other converted Sikhs were also threatened in same way . More so , they were threated to get Govt aid stopped & their properties confiscated . Three Sikhs gave up & returned to Hinduism , rest of them pleaded for help to local Singh Sabha . That Singh Sabha has tried to get this issue addressed by writing to all Panthic institutions as well as talking to local media , but their efforts don't seem to be bearing fruit .....
( With thanks from Sikh Phulwari , June , 2002 Edition )


Feb 25, 2008
You really can't see just how much you hate Hinduism. That is truly sad. Sikhism is a part of ancient and eternal teaching, called sanatana Dharma.

With all due respect Bhain ji, you think you are a pretty good judge, you can judge Guru, judge me( not even knowing me) as a Hindu hater that the worst slap I ever have. Thanks for lowering yourself too low for those whom I do not hate.. When you say about Sikhism, “what is new?” When you lie that Guru ji claimed about his caste, when you say Sikhism has borrowed every thing from Sanatana, Vashnava, you are just judging on guesses and that should be accepted with a “great bow” and all Sikhs should consider you a new DEVI who has appeared in Sikhism to teach real Sikhism regardless very limited understanding of Gurbani, I gave you Guru Vaak after Guru Vaak, I gave you Shabad after shabad not translated by me but by others but you continue Your campaign of slandering every one related to Sikhism. Vedas are called Vismaad” well Guru called more many things Vismaad. That is a state of mind he keeps praising every thing of HIM, You just pick some thing and stick to it.. Bhai Gurdas ji couldn’t convince you, Bhagatas and Guru Shabadas couldn’t convince you and you keep doing what you have been doing. This time you just go beyond every reservation by calling me Hindu haters. Can I call you Sikh hater though you sound so, but I cannot because only your guesses and bent upon approach to force sanatana and Vashnava and related pictures on Sikhs are not enough to judge you.. Dalsingh ji once tried to wake you up that you were speaking against Guru Nanak house, but you went further; you called Guru Nanak a Vashnava. All you read views of scholars from others sides, many of which could be just those kinds of guesses you do all the time. We do not know what is authentic. Why pictures are being posted? Do they beautify this site or give energy to progress? Or to say that those were real guys and you met them and took pictures of them. One of my very spiritual friend( Posted wonderful Gurbani views here on this site), told me” Don’t waste time, people argue on views based on scholars just to say some thing of their own, no one knows how authentic those views are” Now I agree with him, now I see what he was hinting at. I didn’t want to say a word against any one, you kept forcing others on Sikhs, how many times I told you” bhai n ji leave us alone, let us learn only from Gurbani, we don’t need Veda, Geeta, Kuran as their believers do not need SGGS Ji either. Only those move from heart who HE picks up, others just wrestle in the dirt as you and I do. I am convinced about his advice.
Aren’t we discussing Sikhism and caste system why Vashnavas are brought in here, what is the purpose? Why drums for them are beaten even when they are not part of issue we discuss, that scares me.
Because the Vaishnavs reformed the caste system with their military acharas. So learning about how the history of military Orders in North India were the first to break down the caste barriers on a wide scale does tell us something about the unifying of castes within the Khalsa, also a military Order
Were we discussing who others did that kind of revolution? No. It is just habit of beating drum of those ones
You pointed out about hypocrisy of pseudo Sikhs, didn’t I agree? That was a fact. But from you, I didn’t read” Yes Veer ji, there are fanatic Hindus too who play same dirty games” Why not Bhain ji?
Because you are making one crucial mistake. You are equating ALL Hindu people, and ALL Hindu philosophy as being the WORST POSSIBLE EXCESSES YOU CAN FIN

Look at your response, still not a word against fanatic Hindus because you think there is no fanatics in Hinduism. I am not equating ALL Hindu people, it is your small heart that feels that way, I used a word with Hindus” Fanatic” that separates Hindu public from them. What a display of understanding! Wismad Too much knowledge!!!



Feb 25, 2008
Can you accept there has always been a sanatan Sikh opinion, which by existing does not "insult" or "offend" your extreme sensitivity as having Sikh identity based solely on intolerance and rejection of all things Hindu?
You talk about Nirmale quite often, Firt Guru ji’s son was not considered worth to carry on Guru ji’s jyot, why? His views were not aligned with Guru ji’s. That tells the whole story in context of Nanak Panth about all others views. Thanks to those Muslims who recorded Sikhism as Nanak Panth at least they didn’t negate the originality of Sikhism like you are doing now. Guru Gobind Singh ji never asked for separate state or propagated against Hindus, why more Hindu kings kept harassing him? Wasn’t he representing Guru Nanak who wrote” Wismaad Ved”? Why Hindu fanatic turned so cruel against house of Nanak? Why, what Lakhpat rai did and said, is forgotten and only what Muslim fanatics did, is remembered. Why a witness of genocide, Hindu PM says” when big tree fall, this kind of stuff happens?” Why pundit Nehru in his Memo told civil servants that Sikhs were not good? I used word Fanatic with those Hindus but never curse or showed my hatred towards Hindu public but you are coloring it in bad sense simply because of your poor judgmental merit.

Last but not least, Bhain ji, you have never answered my crucial questions, only thing that bothers you is about Hinduism, Vashnavas, Vedas, avataras. It seems you have a determination to campaign against those Sikhs who fail to pass Gurbani test just as you and I.
Those devtas are being described in Gurbani. There is ample historical evidence those devtas were included in Sikh Gurdwaras and Harmandir Sahib. I'm showing that Vishnu is being described in Gurbani, in relation to the pauri praising the Das Avataaras because that is the definition of Vaishnavism. And that is why I have said Guruji is Vaishnav. I have not seen anyone correct this opinion as wrong, only ridiculous overreaction of feeling "personally offended" and "insulted" that sanatan Sikhism is expressed, has a history, and even supported by Gurbani.

Bhain ji, you are talking about Devtas in Gurdawaras, they tried to install Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji in Mandirs, you are proving Sikhism as Hinduism not on the basis of Scriptures as fair scholars do but like biased ones who notice those things and beat their empty drums.. Gurgaddi was given to Sri guru Granth Sahib only, but look, Dasam Granth which was not in that shape at the time of Tenth Nanak, is revered as Guru too and installed in Gurdawaras. Followers of Banda Bahadur also started calling him Guru as per Historical records. How you can judge Sikhism on these baseless things.

Gurubani and even Vaisnava Puranas claim there are millions of avataars just like there are millions of worlds. But the das avataaras are special to OUR world

You are just getting desparate Bhain ji to prove your false assumptions as true ones, Guru ji says"he created like them millions", that is a fact, Guru ji or Bhagat Kabir ji do not say that these ten or twelve are special ones. Only you are saying, Sikhs follow Guru not you. When reasons run out, speculations take over, that fact is pretty much applicable here. By the way I am not against any Devtas, for me every thing is Guru Nanak, just I have been trying to say do not force these guys on us, that is not that big I am asking. !!!
Enjoy what Guru ji says literally about those you say special for this world
[/FONT] ਕੇਤੇਪਵਣਪਾਣੀਵੈਸੰਤਰਕੇਤੇਕਾਨਮਹੇਸ
kaethae pavan paanee vaisanthar kaethae kaan mehaes ||
So many winds, waters and fires; so many Krishnas and Shivas.( JAPJI Sahib Mehl-1)
Feb 14, 2006
Warning to Harjas ji: Please refrain from personal attacks on individuals e.g., "So much intolerance you sound like a jihadi."

A forceful critique in Hard Talk could be something like this: Here is the fundamental error that you are making in your argument.

A critique that is not forceful is one in which motives and statements are imputed to an individual without basis in fact.

Thank you.
I quit. Members have called people who support sanatana Dharma a {censored}, and remained unmoderated for months. Hindu scriptures are called "disgusting," "worthless," "obscene", Hindus are called hypocritical, corrupted ON THIS VERY THREAD and remained unmoderated. I am called foolish, ignorant, accused of being RSS agent, trying to convert Sikhism to Hinduism, accused of "disrespecting the SIkh identity" when no respect whatsoever is shown to sanatan identity, then I receive a warning for calling these attitudes and abusive talk like intolerant jihadis. My threads are deleted without notice. Threads I participate on are closed while I am accused of disrespecting Sikh identity to make beautiful comparison to Vaishnavism. Yet Hinduism called evil and disgusting is not seen as disrespect. You are a hopeless discussion forum. No fairness at all. Somehow a discussion which analyzed Vaishnav teachings in Gurbani was considered disrespectful, and threads which singled out my views for ATTACK and ridicule were praised and supported.

I quit these forums. I know that was your intention all along to either make enough reason to delete and ban me, or drive me off. It is my purpose not to be bogged down with juvenile accusations but to have a mature and scholarly study and learn by evaluating credible history and tolerating ALL points of view. Keep deluding yourselves about fairness, and enjoy your prejudicial and forum which does nothing but espouse hatred of Hinduism in the name of promoting/defending Sikh identity.

Good bye. I know you are all happy I'm leaving. Please don't distort what I have written in my absence. Have some decency not to start new topics in my name.

"The end result is your true intent."

"Do not cast your pearls before swine." ~Jesus


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Harjas Ji,

I've just started and you're quitting. Just when it started to become interesting. !!!
Well take a break (I need a break too) and see you back soon.
I apologize for my short-comings because I need to defend my faith
and sometimes cannot see from a neutral point of view. :yes:


Feb 25, 2008
I apologize for my short-comings because I need to defend my faith
and sometimes cannot see from a neutral point of view. :yes:
Good hearted namjap ji
Is it an apology for defending your faith or you feel guilty for doing nothing ?
My respected and spiritual Sister feels guilty due to her big and passionate heart.I was just passing by and saying Hello to a progressed soul.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
PK70 Ji,

My respected and spiritual Sister feels....

Our respected sister, Harjas Kaur Khalsa has good intentions and she did us a favour by teaching us how to defend our faith - as earlier she was the only one doing it without any support from fellow Sikhs. Now, to educate us and transforming us from a sparrow attitude to an eagle attitude, she's playing the opposite role. She's really a teacher, learn from her heavy blows. She wants to raise our spirits high and mighty, the way it should be. She's concerned that Sikhism of the Sikhs and Sikhism of the Gurus does not connect anymore.



Oct 31, 2007
Sat Nam, everyone.
It is most interesting to see how discussions evolve.
Hinduim is a broad and vast religion. It appeals to some, and not to others. The same could be said for nearly every system of relating to the Divine.
Each of us is an individual expression of the Divine.
Hopefully each of us may find what Path to the Divine works for us.
One of the things about Sikhism which I have found very appealing is that in Sikhism, no disrespect is ever intended towards any other faith.
It can be easy to get very enthusiastic about defending one's faith, and so, with that in mind, let us also be mindful to not attack other's.
However, any attempts at conversion are frowned upon in Sikhism.
Also, one must be very careful in the use of language and semantics, for if not, it can be viewed that a defense of one's faith is an attack upon another's way of faith.
When posting, please consider your use of language most carefully.
Cool heads, warm hearts.
Wahe Guru


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Since it is a Christian tradition to jap the holy name of Jesus, Jesus for hours, not unlike the Sufi's Allah, Allah, or the Vaishnavs Raam, Raam, or the Sikh's Vaheguru, Vaheguru, I think it is possible for mind of SOME Christians to be purified if they are sincere and follow their spiritual teachings. All religions have become corrupted. But there are saints in all religions.

ਕਬੀਰ ਰਾਮ ਕਹਨ ਮਹਿ ਭੇਦੁ ਹੈ ਤਾ ਮਹਿ ਏਕੁ ਬਿਚਾਰੁ
कबीर राम कहन महि भेदु है ता महि एकु बिचारु ॥
Kabīr rām kahan mėh bẖeḏ hai ṯā mėh ek bicẖār.
Kabeer, it does make a difference, how you chant the Lord's Name, 'Raam'. This is something to consider.

ਸੋਈ ਰਾਮੁ ਸਭੈ ਕਹਹਿ ਸੋਈ ਕਉਤਕਹਾਰ ॥੧੯੦॥
सोई रामु सभै कहहि सोई कउतकहार ॥१९०॥
So▫ī rām sabẖai kahėh so▫ī ka▫uṯakhār. ||190||
Everyone uses the same word for the son of Dasrath and the Wondrous Lord. ||190||

ਕਬੀਰ ਰਾਮੈ ਰਾਮ ਕਹੁ ਕਹਿਬੇ ਮਾਹਿ ਬਿਬੇਕ
कबीर रामै राम कहु कहिबे माहि बिबेक ॥
Kabīr rāmai rām kaho kahibe māhi bibek.
Kabeer, use the word 'Raam', only to speak of the All-pervading Lord. You must make that distinction.

ਏਕੁ ਅਨੇਕਹਿ ਮਿਲਿ ਗਇਆ ਏਕ ਸਮਾਨਾ ਏਕ ॥੧੯੧॥
एकु अनेकहि मिलि गइआ एक समाना एक ॥१९१॥
Ėk anekėh mil ga▫i▫ā ek samānā ek. ||191||
One 'Raam' is pervading everywhere, while the other is contained only in himself. ||191||
(Ang 1374)
Last edited by a moderator:


May 24, 2010
I am not as good on religion discussion as some of the members but from all the replies and counter replies I have read I have to say that Guru Nanak used the language that was prevalent at that time. And I don't think its logically right to invent new language to spread the word. Guru used language as bowl to serve naam. Personally i think guru used all the examples of the faiths and religions present at that time to guide sikhs towards Akal purkh. I do not know how anybody can convey their message without quoting whats happening around them.

Regarding Sikhism as separate religion. I don't know how anybody define religion...how would we define hinduism....I guess just compare what fundamental differences are.
To separate Hinduism we have to define it.......what is hinduism....? Do hindus believe in one god...? Personally I don't think so? If they do then why do they pray all those avataars and demi gods? do sikhs pray avataras and demi gods....NO
Harjas Kaur Khalsa mentioned guru's were avataars...thats incarnation..so do we all humans are.... according to Sikhism. But do we pray avataars....NO
Harjas ji recognized sikhs as a sect....I would like to ask when does a sect become religion....? When sect has fundamentally unique philosphy....I think sikhism have that philosophy that anybody can attain highest being....AKal purkh by naam simran....thats the biggest difference sikhism have from other religions.

Or its number of people or population?
or people having different cultural and ritual values..? I think we have that too.
I don't see sikhs rituals as same as hindu religion?

I don't know what Harjas ji trying to say here, are hindu religion fundamentally is different than what majority of hindu's practising?
Aug 6, 2006
There is no doubt that sikhism is totally dyfferant than other religions. Our First gurus were born in hinduism but after realising that hinduism is not the Attal Dharma they have established the independent sikh religion. But still gurus taught us to be low to earth ( in behaiviour) that they have written " ham nahi change bura nahi koi" hence we shouls respect all. But the fact will always prevail that we are not branch of any other religion.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
A fascinating debate!

I guess it would depend on what level of detail you would want to look at the different religions. In so far as there is one divine creative power and one source, there should be scope for some similarities between them, and I would respectfully suggest that is not a bad thing or insulting thing at all

Some consideration should also be given to the chronology of different religions. Sikhism benefits from being established more recently than older faiths. So it's very practical in its teachings. Older religions came about at a time when mankind had less knowledge about astronomy and aspects of nature like why it rains etc. So you have various gods and goddesses to explain different aspects of nature (although as an aside, there is an interpretation that all these demi gods are just manifestations (or like limbs) of one supreme God so ultimately still monotheistic and not polytheistic)

My belief is that different teachers came at different times throughout mankind's history and tailored their teachings to suit the knowledge levels and understanding of their followers at that specific time

These surface features often obscure the spiritual jewels underneath. For example, I don't need to accept the Biblical version of the creation to appreciate other spiritual teachings within the Bible...... e.g "As ye sow so shall ye reap" is as good a summary of the laws of Karma as you will get in eastern religions

There are a number of spiritual realms on the way to Sach Khand. It is entirely feasible that followers of these different faiths can make progress within these realms

It's down to what works for you

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji works for me because it is practical and not full of ritual and ceremony.
So I'm happy!
And I am happy for others on different paths if their spiritual needs are being met on those paths!!

Happy Happy Happy!!


Aug 11, 2010
Guru Nanak followed truth only, all other paths had some degree of truth to them so the followers of hinduism, islam,sufism may find some similarities with the sikhism, recently I came across a budhist site and they beleive Guru Nanak was a Budha disciple and later on became a world reknown Guru, lol, so everyone is trying to establish a connection with Guru Nanak Dev jee, Guru Nanak was knower of all the paths, whenever he came across any hindu, budhist, Mohammaden, sufi on their respective spiritual path and Guru Nanak found out the hurdles on the path Guru just fixed the problem and let them continue their spiritual journey on their respective paths instead of changing their path altogather, so whatever is true is true for every religion, Guru Nanak just offered us more refined view of concept of one God, Guru Nanak solved the issue for us as islamics beleive creation is separate from creater but Guru Nanak beleived..
"jeu suraj kiran raviya sarab thai, sabh ghat ghat raam ravijai"Kalyaan mahla4,p.1326
means the way sun is present every where through its rays same way God is present in every atom of this universe,sun can not get into deep crevices but God pervades everything visible invisible.So Guru Nanak refined the concept of one God and how it pervades everything.
Other faiths are also right to some degree, they also got streaks of truth to them but sikhi way is perfect, Guru nanak also rejected the useless stuff present in the faiths of that time, murtee puja in hindus, rituals of hajj/makka and fast in islam, so whatever was useless Guru Nanak openly condemned that. I beleive sikhism is more refined than any other faiths


May 1, 2011
If you look at ALL religion, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and many more, they all teach the same concepts and the same links can be made. Why? Because the truth is what it is.

There are many paths too enlightenment. Sikhism is one way. As is Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and others.

Humans are naturally tribalistic and as soon as you put a lable on something, that is when the taking of sides occurs: "may religion is better because.... or that faith is defective because..." Arguments like this are simply manifestations of ego.

God has no form. The universal creator which we are unable to fully comprehend has no sex, no race and no religion!

Read the Bible. If you search you will see that that concepts like karma, reincarnation, eternal life, forgiveness etc are taught.

Read Islam and you will find that it is no different. Mankind has unfortunately manipulated religion to suit its own ends.

Read the Hindu and Sikh texts and all the above are contained within it.

We all believe that God manifests itself in different ways. Are not the Hindu God's simply symbolic ways of describing these manifestations?


Apr 24, 2006
There are many paths too enlightenment. Sikhism is one way. As is Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and others.

Humans are naturally tribalistic and as soon as you put a lable on something, that is when the taking of sides occurs: "may religion is better because.... or that faith is defective because..." Arguments like this are simply manifestations of ego.
Seconded. All religions are in essence the same.

Training oneself to (intuitively) see the essence of things is what spirituality is all about. Eventually you get to a point where you see the same essence in everything. A timeless essence not only present in religion but also in rocks, microbes, stars.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Kabir Ji in his Verses has already clarified that ALTHOUGH...the word "RAAM" seems to be the SAME..the REFERENCE in everyones mind is NOT the same at all.

Many when referring to RAAM...mean that to be Ram Chander the son of dasrath, husband of Sita and brother of Laxman and whose armies fought and defeated Ravnna of Lanka.
BUT..there is also another, very different RAAM...He is the Kautakhaar..the DOER..the Creator..the Playwright...the ALL PERVADING RAAM. Now BOTH Groups of people use the same word "RAAM" BUT mean very DIFFERENTLY as to who they are referring to...

Guru Teg bahadur Ji also makes this very clear that the RAAM that CRIED on being separated from SITA, one who had a BIG Family and vast number of armies and friends..DIED just like nay other who was BORN on this EARTH...the "RAAM" that CREATES is Never BORN and thus NEVER DIES.

This DISTICTION made so many times in SGGS GURBANI is IGNORED by many who keep on repeating the broken record..Raam is mentioned...5000 times in SGGS..so Gurbani is HINDU !! These either fail to see the distinction made by Guru Ji and Bhagat Jis or ignore it deliberately to paint SGGS as a HINDU text..praising the Raam son of dasarth/sita/laxman/diwali dussehra !! The VAST MAJORITY of RAAM in SGGS is the CREATOR BEING - also known as WAHEGURU, GOPAL, BEETHAL, KRISHAN etc etc which also NOT the same as those in the HINDU MYTHOLOGY/IDOL Context.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I have a few questions for all of you.

Is ritualism an integral part of original Sikhism or is it something introduced later?

Is the Sikh concept of “Onkar” the same as “God, Allah, Bhagwan”? God here being the Abrahamic, or Hindu sense.

Sewa or Service is an integral part of Sikhism. Do Sikhs do it to go to heaven, especially when Sikhism does not believe in heaven or hell (Swarag and Narag)?

Is becoming a Gurmukh (living Onkars will) the same as Salvation? The opposite is Manmukh or self willed.

Saving of Souls etc are Abrahamic concepts, are they relevant in Sikhism? InHinduism we talk of the "Atma" and reincarnation to a higher lever, is this really relevant in Sikhism (especially since reincarnation is directly responsible for the caste system)?

Have any of you read the Guru Granth Sahib ?
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