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Sikhs Pay 20 Mil. 'Jazia' To Pak Taliban

Here is an interest fact, it has been noted that the CIA were behind the bombing of the world trade centers in 93.

Here is an interesting fact about America. The American went into Iraq on false causes during the Gulf war. The Iraq troops were accused of killing infants in incubators and they even had a UN official say I buried 14 babies myself. But when the Human rights agency went in none of the incubators were missing and there was not one baby found killed by the Iraq troops. Also they had one girl say in a televised news conference that she was an I witness to these killings. But then it was found out that the girl that gave the I witness account was the Kuwaits ambassador to United States daughter. And once the Ambassador was asked if the public needed to know if it was his daughter or not he said it was irrelevant. America had the whole world fooled. They went in to kill Saddam and steal oil, but couldn't finish the job so they went in recently and finaly finished the job after killing thousands of troops and innocent people, all over a personal vendetta and oil.

Now let's look at the Indian government of 1984. They didn't like Sikhs because we wanted our freedom. Nehru said you will get it, but then spat on us. Nehru has been recorded saying I wish I can just blow Punjab off from India because of the Sikhs. He hated us from day one and his promise were only made to comfor the Sikhs. Once he was in power he laughed at the Sikhs and did as he wished. Indira Gandhi did the samething, but took it to a higher level by killing innocent Sikhs and anyone that supported Sikhs. if you agree with the ISI on this issue then I'm sorry to say you are the biggest fool in this world. None of the actions taken by Indira Gandhi and afterwards make sense or add up.
amarsanghera ji

I think you are speaking of internet crime -- stalking and harassment. Statistics are there that tell us that stalking and harassment that starts on the Internet many times evolves into face to face crime when the stalker/harasser tracks the target down in his own home town. You are pointing out something that people continually dismiss. Threats on the net should be taken very seriously. And protecting personal identity is something no one should apologize for. Using a screen name only should never be challenged. Both Canadian and US federal law enforcement devote entire websites to protecting privacy and personal safety.

Aad ji what does this have to do with what we are discussing here?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
pk70 ji

Thanks -- that is what I thought too. Nothing in the thread specifically speaks to naming public figures or not-so-public undercover characters by real names. I was more concerned with the idea that a forum member who uses a real name instead of a screen name could be exposed to the whims of the evil-minded, including a range of operatives and criminals working political agendas and shady rackets. It has happened, and better to play it safe. Sometimes these types congregate on forums using fake profiles waiting for a political target to disclose facts regarding a personal identity.


Apr 24, 2006
Here is an interest fact, it has been noted that the CIA were behind the bombing of the world trade centers in 93.

Here is an interesting fact about America. The American went into Iraq on false causes during the Gulf war. The Iraq troops were accused of killing infants in incubators and they even had a UN official say I buried 14 babies myself. But when the Human rights agency went in none of the incubators were missing and there was not one baby found killed by the Iraq troops. Also they had one girl say in a televised news conference that she was an I witness to these killings. But then it was found out that the girl that gave the I witness account was the Kuwaits ambassador to United States daughter. And once the Ambassador was asked if the public needed to know if it was his daughter or not he said it was irrelevant. America had the whole world fooled. They went in to kill Saddam and steal oil, but couldn't finish the job so they went in recently and finaly finished the job after killing thousands of troops and innocent people, all over a personal vendetta and oil.

Now let's look at the Indian government of 1984. They didn't like Sikhs because we wanted our freedom. Nehru said you will get it, but then spat on us. Nehru has been recorded saying I wish I can just blow Punjab off from India because of the Sikhs. He hated us from day one and his promise were only made to comfor the Sikhs. Once he was in power he laughed at the Sikhs and did as he wished. Indira Gandhi did the samething, but took it to a higher level by killing innocent Sikhs and anyone that supported Sikhs. if you agree with the ISI on this issue then I'm sorry to say you are the biggest fool in this world. None of the actions taken by Indira Gandhi and afterwards make sense or add up.
Support all these claims.
Support all these claims.

bhagat, what you should be asking is why would singh make a claim that CIA were behind the 93 bombing, the false cause about going into Iraq, and then about Nehru and 84??????

This is one question I would like you to answer honesty and without making jokes.

About the 93 bombing I saw it in a video it was about 9/11, don't know exactly which video, it's been a while.

About Iraq, I saw it also in a video, which was presented to me by a university professor. If I find the video on the net I'll post it here under a new thread. Can't remember exactly, but I believe it was one of those CBC specials.

And lastly Nehru the lair and about 84, its general information that one can extract from the net. Collected this information from many different sites, books, and videos.(unfornately don't have the links on the comp anymore) You should look into it if your really interested in knowing both sides.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Sikhs pay Rs 20 million in `Jizia` to Pak Taliban

Sikhs pay Rs 20 million in Jizia to Pak Taliban

Islamabad, April 16: Members of Pakistan's minority Sikh community living in the restive Aurakzai tribal region have paid Rs 20 million as "tax" to the Taliban after militants forcibly occupied some of their homes and kidnapped a Sikh leader.

The Taliban had demanded Rs 50 million as 'Jizia' – a tax levied on non-Muslims living under Islamic rule – but the militants finally settled for Rs 20 million.

After the amount was paid yesterday, the militants vacated the homes they had taken over and released Sikh leader Saiwang Singh, officials in the tribal region near the northwestern city of Peshawar were quoted as saying by the Daily Times newspaper.

The officials said the Taliban had announced that the Sikhs were now free to live anywhere in Aurzakzai Agency. The militants also announced they would protect the community, saying that no one would harm them after they had paid Jizia.

Sikhs who had left the area would now return to their homes and resume their business, the officials said.

The militants had occupied at least 10 homes of Sikhs in Qasimkhel village on Tuesday. About 35 Sikh families have been living in Qasimkhel for many years.

The Taliban demand for Jizia was resolved at a jirga or council held yesterday through the efforts of local tribal elders. The militants had said the Sikhs should pay Jizia in accordance with Shariah or Islamic law.

Bureau Report


Jazia is discrimination. It is apartheid. You may as well give the Sikhs yellow stars to wear. :confused:


Apr 24, 2006
bhagat, what you should be asking is why would singh make a claim that CIA were behind the 93 bombing, the false cause about going into Iraq, and then about Nehru and 84??????

This is one question I would like you to answer honesty and without making jokes.

About the 93 bombing I saw it in a video it was about 9/11, don't know exactly which video, it's been a while.

About Iraq, I saw it also in a video, which was presented to me by a university professor. If I find the video on the net I'll post it here under a new thread. Can't remember exactly, but I believe it was one of those CBC specials.

And lastly Nehru the lair and about 84, its general information that one can extract from the net. Collected this information from many different sites, books, and videos.(unfornately don't have the links on the comp anymore) You should look into it if your really interested in knowing both sides.
Singh ji
There could be a variety of reaons WHY you make a claim. what I want to find out is how strong the support is, behind your claims. I read some material on Khalistan that claimed that Nehru was a liar along with most other Hindu politicians of the time. Then I read some material that said that most quotes that people use to claim such a thing, have been made up.
So can you present to me evidence that will convince me that Nehru and such were liars and that America had the whole world fooled?
Singh ji
There could be a variety of reaons WHY you make a claim. what I want to find out is how strong the support is, behind your claims. I read some material on Khalistan that claimed that Nehru was a liar along with most other Hindu politicians of the time. Then I read some material that said that most quotes that people use to claim such a thing, have been made up.
So can you present to me evidence that will convince me that Nehru and such were liars and that America had the whole world fooled?

Since you want to see how strong the support is and haven't answered my question to why I would make these claims, what do you want me to present which will satisfy your need and meet the standard of the strong support you ask for?


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<Why would you mention some people then back away from clarifying who they are. Sound like people just make things up.:yes:

Thanks God Sant ji never was like this. He stuck to the Truth and didn't use fairy tales and call them the facts.

So many people ready to criticize, but can't do anything themselves. >>

Singh ji, i am not sure if you ever heard the so called Sant ji in real life. I am assuming your knowledge is based on the youtube based videos or propaganda books.
Dear singh jii

you yourself post something about Nehru:

<<Now let's look at the Indian government of 1984. They didn't like Sikhs because we wanted our freedom. Nehru said you will get it, but then spat on us. Nehru has been recorded saying I wish I can just blow Punjab off from India because of the Sikhs. He hated us from day one and his promise were only made to comfor the Sikhs. Once he was in power he laughed at the Sikhs and did as he wished. >>>

any documentary proof to prove the allegation you make here?
please note that any "baseless" and "without proof" allegation you make with names on Internet, even if it is under guise of a nick name is liable to criminal/civil proceedings



(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<And lastly Nehru the lair and about 84, its general information that one can extract from the net. Collected this information from many different sites, books, and videos.(unfornately don't have the links on the comp anymore) You should look into it if your really interested in knowing both sides. >>

Singh ji

there are many authors who have been writing books to prove that humans came to Earth from some other galaxy and Aliens come and vitis earth frequently.
Amazon.com: Chariots of the Gods: Erich von Daniken: Books

Fictional imagination does not work while discussing historical figures. Internet is not always the most accurate source of information.
Here is a research document, you might like to read on internet information acuracy:

Accuracy of information on apparently credible websites: survey of five common health topics -- Kunst et al. 324 (7337): 581 -- BMJ

However, to your point of mine not substantiating names of peple who claimed pak-khalistan unity, my anwer is that i would not like to drop names of people "alleged" as terrorists andcriminals by one country's government.

If you have so much curiosity, you might like doing some research.
Nov 16, 2007
Punjab was majority Sikh or Akali. Indira needed another Sikh party so vote can be divided into two parties. Congress started encouraging Santji (through Zail Singh etc). Santji got powerful and saw a good opportunity to bring back Khalsa Raj. There was help from Pakistan off course, but militants were not sold to ISI (As RajKhalsa being a apparent anti-muslim and pro-RSS AND amarsanghera being pro-Indian, maybe ex-serviceman or policeman or personally burnt during militancy days are saying).
'84 Lok Sabha was coming close. Santji became strong and people started getting killed. Indira saw good opportunity to show herself as Durga again (repeat of '71 Bangladesh operation).
Eventhough Santji was in Amritsar only, number of Gurudwaras were attacked simultaneously, Punjab was seized. As expected, she won applause from all circles (even BJP !).


Feb 25, 2008
Punjab was majority Sikh or Akali. Indira needed another Sikh party so vote can be divided into two parties. Congress started encouraging Santji (through Zail Singh etc). Santji got powerful and saw a good opportunity to bring back Khalsa Raj. There was help from Pakistan off course, but militants were not sold to ISI
84 Lok Sabha was coming close. Santji became strong and people started getting killed. Indira saw good opportunity to show herself as Durga again (repeat of '71 Bangladesh operation).
Eventhough Santji was in Amritsar only, number of Gurudwaras were attacked simultaneously, Punjab was seized. As expected, she won applause from all circles (even BJP !).

People may not like it but actually above statement carries a lot of truth which is ignored by many. Openly Thakre threatened India's basic rights of citizen, look how it was dealt.
Zealots in Guru times reported to intelligence services that Guru Teg Bahadur Ji was a "Robber" Can you imagine. Lie lie lie and it becomes truth eventually.
I wish people seek truth the way courts try to do by analyzing bothe sides. Shaheed Bhagat Singh ji and others just couldnt tolerate foreigners, they were declared terrorists by the foregners, through out Nehru and Indra's regimes, they remained terrorists in Govt papers, only after Raj Babbar processed a bill to take off that shameful title given by foreigners to its own people, an action was taken.. Whenever of these politicians intentions were questioned, proof is asked. They never gave any proof of attacking Harmindar Sahib on the day of martydom of Guru Arjan Dev, simple people went there to Harminder Sahib, the way it was handles cannot be justified with any reason. Khushwant Singh who remained a supporter of Indra for a while returned his highest award after the attack not because of Sant Ji but how it was dealt. , no body now cares about these things, only thing is left to accused Sant Ji for all this. To understand militancy, one need to dig deep down. This is my prediction, if Indian leaders do not end baised behavior towards any miority or group, keep inflaming people's religiou sentiments, keep supporting some agressive groups and suppressing others, there will never be peace in India and the outsider will take advantage of India. I feel, young Indians should over throw these old narrowminded leaders and replace them with those who love their country more then individual agenda:)
<Why would you mention some people then back away from clarifying who they are. Sound like people just make things up.:yes:

Thanks God Sant ji never was like this. He stuck to the Truth and didn't use fairy tales and call them the facts.

So many people ready to criticize, but can't do anything themselves. >>

Singh ji, i am not sure if you ever heard the so called Sant ji in real life. I am assuming your knowledge is based on the youtube based videos or propaganda books.

Again avoiding the remarks. And about Sant ji, didn't have to meet him face to face have family members that met him. And yes the youtube videos where he gives speeches are a great source. Sant ji doesn't hide behind political correctness like some people.:yes:

you yourself post something about Nehru:

yes I do and your point is

any documentary proof to prove the allegation you make here?
please note that any "baseless" and "without proof" allegation you make with names on Internet, even if it is under guise of a nick name is liable to criminal/civil proceedings


YES there is proof.

Well then 'amarsanghera' you should really look into telling your fairy tales and also tell your associate 'rajkhalsa' the same. For me telling fairy tales just doesn't do it; something about the whole fantasies that lies in them that turn me away from them.:)
<<And lastly Nehru the lair and about 84, its general information that one can extract from the net. Collected this information from many different sites, books, and videos.(unfornately don't have the links on the comp anymore) You should look into it if your really interested in knowing both sides. >>

Singh ji

there are many authors who have been writing books to prove that humans came to Earth from some other galaxy and Aliens come and vitis earth frequently.
Amazon.com: Chariots of the Gods: Erich von Daniken: Books

Fictional imagination does not work while discussing historical figures. Internet is not always the most accurate source of information.
Here is a research document, you might like to read on internet information acuracy:

Accuracy of information on apparently credible websites: survey of five common health topics -- Kunst et al. 324 (7337): 581 -- BMJ

amar, maybe this will lead me to the fairy tales rajkhalsa keeps writing about.

However, to your point of mine not substantiating names of peple who claimed pak-khalistan unity, my anwer is that i would not like to drop names of people "alleged" as terrorists andcriminals by one country's government.

If you have so much curiosity, you might like doing some research.

It's not about curiosity on my part. It's just when a person say 'some people' and then adds an accuation against them...... It's human tendency to ask who these people are and to expect an answer from the person who said it. If you did not like to drop names then it would have been smart not memtion it at all. Also if I wanted to be like you and run the 8 mile I would tell you, 'if your so curious about Nehru then you might like to do some research about him.'
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