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Sikhs Pay 20 Mil. 'Jazia' To Pak Taliban

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Reported Post by rajkhalsa

imho Rajkhalsa is too much of a rss type...although he tries hard to project a different approach. In mostly all his posts the pro-rss/goi and anti-bhiderawallh/khalistani bias is clear.
The absolute truth is still to be settled and these questions that i aksed in my article will not just go away. I am Malaysian..and looking in on India from the outside...so i am not too much swayed by goi propoganda or any other.Genuine Hindu-Sikh unity has stood the test of time...no riots or disturbances ever in Punjab - a sikh majority state has proved this...its a small rss/arya samaj/fringe of Punjabi HINDU MAHASHAS that have and continue to ignite the flames of anti-sikh propoganda- first begun by the derogatory remarks about Guru nanak ji and Guru Gobind Singh ji in the Arya samaj books Satyarath Paraksh and pamphlets which led to the Kahn sinh nabah book "Hum Hindu nahin..we are not hindus" which was lobbied by the rss lobby to be banned by the British (not done) but their anti-sikh stance never softened. Unfortunately over the past 60 years they gained strength and at present have almost taken over all sikh institutiosn and the takhats, sgpc, akali dal badal and the patna, hazur shaib takhats etc. The Jalandhr Mahasha Press continues to spit anti sikh venom at every opportunity and they have poweful posts in the Goi like former Home Monster Gulzarilal nanda who did his best to make Punajb as small as possible in 1966, removing its waters, bhakhra, electricity and capital city to Central Control. No other state is discriminated - against... like this in india .
All this will not just disappear...especially a s sikhs now have settled abroad in large numbers and will keep the flame burning..similar to the exiled Jews of Israel over Europe for 2000 years. This article was posted in our local Forums last month..to date not a single anti-post...all fully supported the views as they are not biased but balanced. IN Malaysia there are not many indian sikhs as this country discourages immigration...and is also not the favourite of indian migrants compared to australia/nz,canada, uk usa etc.BUT nearly ALL who we meet are not afraid to speak the truth which they wouldnt dare mention while in India - fears of being blacklisted/passport denial/ etc... Speaks volumes about the "No support for Sikhs who demand rights in india...ALL Sikhs are very happy..satisfied etc etc.." types...given a genuine opportunity at Free refrendum..the Sikhs in punjab will speak up. Human Rights abuses did occur and independent enquiries are a must...but the record speaks of itself..no justice for the 1984 porgroms even after 25 years...neither in Punjab or outside.

BTW I am no Khalsitani..I want GURMUKHSTAN in all corners of the world as Guru nanak ji intended..Ghar Ghar ander Dharamsaal...World Peace and Unity that SGGS propounds.:happy::happy::happy:

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
amazing content veer ji...i thank you from my heart ...it is truth...we can blame the arya samaj at large and others like those nirankari...see veer ji ..my view is clear i am neither anti bhindranwala nor pro...i like him and dislike him ...good things were his dharmak parchaar speeches..worst were his hatred filled political speeches...we need to take responsibilty of what had happened ..does any of those incidents incite a person to pick up ISI sponsored kalashnikovs and go around spraying bullets on innocents ??

There used to be a time when I was very pro-Bhidranwala. Today I am neither for or against. What I have a problem with is people who see him as some sort of Guru.

He was just an ordinary man. Like an ordinary man he had his good and bad points. He was certainly no demonic person. He certainly was manipulated by Congress, and he certainly did fight back against this manipulation (once he realised).


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Gyani ji...if that Sant of yours cared so much...when he saw the military coming in ..when he saw bullets being fired ..why did he not step out and stop that madness..instead he added to that madness...he knew they were after him...instead of blaming the Govt who wanted to stop his mafia behaviour ..and all those stories of Govt infiltration ..well whether true or false....let me as you one thing why had the Govt penetrate ??? It was a separatist movement ..spitting venom...wanting to divide the country...so what do u expect them to ??? wait for the country to split ???? yes its true that the people among Govt ..the police officers...let me add here ..there were both types who earned medals from it ..hindu and sikh....officers from both communities ..who had used that power grow ..did those acts ....also your Dal Khalsa...and bhindranwale tiger force and AISSF....killed innocent hindus ...bombed railways ...do u want the people here to belive that yor guys were innocent ...???

I can tell you Gyani ji...even if it is my father ..but if he is a separatist..if it comes to my knoweldge that he is revolted against the nation ..I will hestate to take his life ....

Rajkhalsa Ji,

First of all the SANT Ji has a Name..Sant Gyani Jarnail Singh Khalsa.He is not "my" sant....even though i share his name. He deserves respect if not for anything..but sticking to his guns when he has said his final ardass.

1. Its a Known FACT that Sant Ji was ARRESTED earlier...and RELEASED when no evidence was found. Now why he was "arrsted" and then "released"...when thousands of others similarly arrested are "NEVER" allowd to see the light of day..evidence or no evidence...i dont know....BUT one thing is certain..He was released and NOT CHARGED for ANY CRIME.

2. It is also a known Fact that Sant Ji was in Akal Takhat. WHY then were 52 other GURDWARAS all over Punajb similarly surrounded and attacked and descrated by the Armed Forces going in fully uniformed/armed and booted ?

3. There is evidence that the Attack of June 1984 was REHE{censored}D with complete scale models of the Darbar sahib complex long before the actual D-DAY.

4. WHY was the D-DAY chosen to BE the ONE DAY that has MAXIMUM PILGRIMS in Darbar SAHIB? and why no PRIOR warning/lockout of the Complex enforced to KEEP OUT innocent CIVILIANS ?

5. No one is defending the Sant or his companions...BUT it is a HALLOWED SIKH CUSTOM to DEFEND their GURDWARAS with their LIVES..has always been and will always BE. in 1920 when Lachhman Singh ji had already done Final Ardass to go to nankana Sahib..He went in knowing full well that he may DIE....and he did in spite of many attempts to dissuade him from going into the highly fortified Nankanan sahib gurdwara..He was burnt alive by the Mahant. The Sant ji ahd also made this Final Ardass and he stayed TRUE to his ardass - a SIKH Martyr CUSTOM descended from along line fo Sikh martyrs. This Hallowed SIKH CUSTO and the Martyrs who followed it are DAILY REMEMBERED in our ARDASS...as Jinnah ne GURDWARIAN DEE SEWA layee KURANIAH keetean, DHARAM NAHIN HARIAH......Here "SEWA" is certainly not mopping the gurdwara floors or making chapatees in the Guru ka LnaggarBUT SACRIFICING ones LIFE for the GURDWARA. The SANT ji did that..courtesy of the Indian Armed Assault. it could havebeen avoided...but the Powers to be decided otherwise. BAD DECISION.

6. later on several similar instances have ocured in the world...seige to a mosque in kashmir..the seige in Fort ( something i cant remeber..) Texas..in each the Army/FBI etc laid seige, cut off water, supply lines etc and was settled peacefully with almost no loss of life. The aim of the attack on darbar sahib June 84 was POLITICAL MILEAGE..and it had to be in spite of whatever the consequences..

7. Again you spit venom in my direction by saying..YOUR dal Khalsa..YOUr this and YOUR that. Not justified in the least as I have never acused you of anything. I am NOT INDIAN..I am looking from the OUTSIDE...over the WALL..and thus in a better position to see more....and what I see is not what vested interests want me to see. Separatists...DONT JUST rise up like the SUN one fine morning...there is a LONG NIGHT OF NIGHTMARES PRECEEDING each such uprising...Punjab had one called the NAXALITE UPRISING...about one DECADE Earlier..this was CPI and CPI Marxist sponsored..and was for the sole reason to Make INDIA GO COMMUNIST...and under the Chinese/.Russians THUMB !! It was crushed..and the common Punjabis didnt support it because it was "GODLESS"...in the Land of the GURUS !! These same COMMUNISTS then took their REVENGE when the other punjabis uprose under Bhinderawallah...then these Communist turned PRO-GOVT and informers. But thats beside the point..MY POINT IS..DISCONTENT breeds UNREST. The WISE look for REASONS..and CURES..and PEACEFUL means..but when the discontent blows up like the Volcano..unlikely things happen..like they did.

8 Final say..you have no reason to call anyone "YOUR GUY..etc" and there is absolutley NO PROOF that those who bombed railways and killed innocents were indeed who the police say they are...the HUNDREDS of police CATS recently revelead is the PROOF of the real pudding. Please discuss the FACTS..not posters.

Thank you for being patient and respectful. No offense intended..nor implied.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Dera rajkhalsa Ji,
Here is what i am talking about...
a report by NON-SIKHS...so its fair reporting.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Evidence was overwhelming that the Delhi Police connived in the Sikh massacre. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]TUSHA MITTAL tracks how it was systematically compromised over 25 years[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]THIS IS what the police did during the 1984 Sikh massacre: they watched. They let the rampaging mobs storm the Sikhs’ houses. And some even took part. They removed the Sikh police officers who would have acted against the killers. They disarmed ordinary Sikhs so they couldn’t protect themselves, and gave them no protection. They wired messages about Sikhs charging ahead with kirpans, but forgot to mention the mobs assaulting the Sik[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This is what the police did soon after the 1984 Sikh massacre: concealed the number of those killed despite dead bodies all around. Closed 300 of the 700 cases claiming the culprits were “untraceable”. Directed subordinates to not register cases. Merged hundreds of cases into a single FIR. Refused to register FIRs against police officers and government officials. Registered — shockingly — FIRs against Sikhs. Threatened eyewitnesses and forced them to sign affidavits favouring the police. Reduced major offences to minor ones, manipulated evidence, and destroyed paper trails. In some areas, the police said that the curfew that followed the mass killings only applied to the Sikhs.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There’s worse. Pretending to be victims, many officers wrote false affidavits exonerating various Congress leaders who were seen inciting the killer mobs.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Since the pogrom, many investigative commissions have come and gone, each scrutinising the role of the police. First, in 1984, the commission led by IPS officer Ved Marwah. Then, in 1987, the Committee led by former IAS officer Kusum Lata Mittal. In 1990, the Jain-Agarwal Committee led by retired judge JD Jain and retired IPS officer DK Agarwal. And, in 2000, the Nanavati Commission of retired Supreme Court judge GT Nanavati. Each received thousands of affidavits meticulously detailing how the police aided the Sikh massacre.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Surinder Singh — a prime-witness against Congress leader Jagdish Tytler, who allegedly led a killer mob — approached the local Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) for help after the killings. “This,” Singh told TEHELKA, “is what the police officer said to me: Jo log mar gaye, hamne unki madad ki. Aap mar jaate, ham aapki bhi madad karte (We helped those who died. Had you died, we would have helped you too).”[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A quarter century later, neither justice nor accountability has come. In all, the various commissions and committees indicted 147 police officers for their role in the Sikh killings. Not one officer has been prosecuted. Some 42 of these officers had retired or died by 2005. The Delhi Government has taken no action against the remaining officers.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Several officers, whose dismissal was recommended for their role in the killings and in destroying evidence, were promoted. Several others were allowed to retire gracefully. The Union Home Ministry exonerated five officers. Meanwhile, systematic machinery has been in place to ensure that those accused of killing the Sikhs remain scot-free.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]IT WAS on Shoorveer Singh Tyagi’s watch that 500 Sikhs were brutally killed in the east Delhi slum of Trilokpuri. He was the SHO of the local police station. This was the Capital’s heaviest toll in a single location. The Kusum Lata Mittal probe noted Tyagi’s “criminal misconduct” during the killings and described him as a “living shame for any police organisation”.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]“[Tyagi’s] attempts, to a great extent successful, in obtaining affidavits in his favour by browbeating the witnesses indicate that it is highly unlikely that any witness would have the courage of coming and giving evidence against him,” Mittal wrote in her report. Her shocking finding — Tyagi found an honourable discharge from the court only because the police failed to take the sanction from the Union Home Ministry to file a chargesheet against him, which was mandatory because he was a government employee. No action was ever taken against him. In 2005, he was promoted to the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP).[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sewa Dass, DCP (East), was Tyagi’s immediate boss. This is what Mittal said of him: “The conduct of Sewa Dass is a slur on the name of any police force. He should not be trusted with or assigned any job of responsibility. Sewa Dass removed Sikh officers from duty who were inclined to take proper measures to deal with the rioters. The SHOs under his jurisdiction systematically disarmed the Sikhs [and] as a result they couldn’t protect themselves. At the same time no steps were taken to provide police protection to them.”[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]She added: “Sewa Dass made blatant efforts to conceal the number of killings. He directed his subordinates to register only a few cases in each area, which was illegal. The killings continued till November 5, which could have been prevented. Tyagi in Kalyanpuri/Trilokpuri and Dass in the whole district have been mainly responsible for the killings.” Sewa Dass was later promoted as Special Commissioner.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The DCP of west Delhi, UK Katna, wrote nothing in his logbook from 11 am to 10.30 pm on November 1, and from 9 am to 5.30 pm on November 2. This is the period when Sikhs were being massacred in his area. The logbook of DCP of south Delhi, Chander Prakash, was actually later found with pages torn pertaining to the time of the Sikh massacre in his area. Delhi’s Police Commissioner at the time, Subash Tandon, never submitted his logbook to the Mittal Commission.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Mittal committee said Trilokpuri SHO Tyagi is a ‘living shame’ and east Delhi DCP Sewa Dass a‘slur’ on the police. It held the two responsible for the killings. But both officers were promoted[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Amrik Singh Bullar, the then SHO of Patel Nagar Police Station, told the Nanavati Commission that senior police officers had ordered him to merge 115 complaints as one FIR. Even the Jain-Agarwal report acknowledged this: “Instead of registering a separate case on the complaint of each victim, the police registered a vague and generally worded omnibus FIR purportedly covering all the offences that took place in a given locality. Since the FIR itself contained no specific information, much less the names of the accused persons, whatever chargesheets were filed under it ended mostly in acquittals.”[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The numbers tell the story. The official death toll in Delhi is 2,733. For that many deaths, the police filed only 228 FIRs, the Delhi Administration told a Commission headed by former Supreme Court Chief Justice Ranganath Misra.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Several eyewitnesses say they have testified against Ram Pal Saroj, the Congress Pradhan of Trilokpuri, who was a subordinate of the late MP HKL Bhagat, another Congress leader widely accused of leading the mobs that killed the Sikhs.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In his ruling on the case against Saroj, then Additional Sessions Judge SN Dhingra wrote: “Police had not made any other person as witness in this case. In fact, there is no investigation done by the police except recording the statements [which] are also very sketchy. Sometimes the statements are actually not made by the victims but they have been recorded by the police officials sitting in a police station and it is alleged that these statements were made by victims. In most of the cases in order to help the accused persons police has given wrong facts in the statements. The victims when appeared in court had given altogether a different story.”[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]IN THE rare instance a police officer tried to bring justice, he was stopped. In his affidavit to the Nanavati Commission, Marwah — the first police officer to inquire the police lapses — disclosed that he was asked to discontinue his probe before he could examine senior police officers. His handwritten notes were destroyed on instructions from higher authorities. Justice Nanavati ignored all such observations. On Sewa Dass, he wrote: “As the departmental inquiry held against him... exonerated [him] the commission does not recommend any action against him.”[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The commissions and the committees may have forgotten the role of the police. But the eyewitnesses remember everything in graphic detail. “A policeman shot my husband in the head right before my eyes,” says Ladhi Kaur, 41, who then lived in Trilokpuri. “The SHO [Tyagi] was standing there too.” Kaur, who now lives in a one-room quarter in a resettlement colony in west Delhi, lost 18 members of her family. “My biggest sorrow is that our own people, not outsiders, killed us… our own politicians, our own policemen.”[/FONT]

:whisling::whisling::whisling::whisling::whisling: TRUTH Cannot be HIDDEN...its never too old..never torn apart..always SHINING.:whisling::whisling::whisling::whisling::whisling:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Reported Post by rajkhalsa

Gyani ji

The venom against Sikhs is based on anger that most Sikhs don't buy the aryan agenda -- because every time they "cooperate" they find they are then double-crossed big time. You seem to be saying -- maybe without realizing -- that Guru Tej Bahadur, Guru Gobind Singh, and his followers, came to the defense of "hindus" and died and were martyred supporting their right to freedom. The favor was never returned. The brahmins keep wanting and asking and begging and get ....ed when they don't get what they want, and believe they are "entitled" to.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Reported Post by rajkhalsa

aad Ji,
you are correct in your assessment.

1. Perhaps you may not be knowing that ALL ( 17 ) the Battles that Guru Gobind Singh Ji fought were started by HINDU RAJAHS on one pretext or other..and they were the ones that dragged in the Delhi mughals when they lost/couldnt win alone. The Hindu rajahs and their Forces were equal partners with Mughal armies at Anandpur and Chamkaur.
2. It was the HINDU Diwan of the Suba Sirhind SUCHA NAND that argued most ardently for the MURDER of the two sahibzadahs of GGS at sirhind..while the Muslim Governor of Malerkotla - walked OUT of the assembly in disgust at killing children agaisnt the Quaran/Hadith/Shariah laws. The SIKHS paid abck thsi favour by ensurign the State of Malerkotla diodnt suffer even one death of any Muslim during the 1947 carnage. Malerkotla is surrounded on all sides by SIKH lands..and 100% of Muslims there woudl ordniaraly have been salughtered in 1947 in revenge attacks.
3. Guur Arjun Ji was martyred at the behest of CHANDU and his Hindu supporters more than Muslims..Mian Mir was opposed to Guru Jis death.
4. It was Gangu, cook of GGS who betrayed the Sahibzadahs and their grandmoither Mata gujree to Gov of Sirhind.
5. It was the HINDU Rajahs that blocked the escape routes of Banda Singh and later on 17th century Sikhs each time they tried to escape to the mountains from mughal attacks.
6. Muslim Pirs and religious Muslims always supported the rightful battle sof GGS- and Guru hargobind Ji. Most famous is Pir of Sadhaura who sacrificed 4 sons and 700 followers at the Battle of Bhanganni started by the Hindu Raja Bilaspur. Other Muslims khan brothers helped GGS at risk to their families and lives.
7. Muslim Pirs also came to congratulate and visit the birth of GGS - Pir Bheekhan Shah.
8. ONLY ONE HINDU..Kaurra mall ( who the sikhs called Mittah Mall..Kaurra means bitter..mittah means sweet ) Diwan at the Punajb Gov court actively helped SIKHS at risk to hiS life and reputation a s a GOVT SERVANT.

9. Guru teg bahdur Ji certianly went to delhi to offer his head at the request of the Kashmiri hindus - their Assembly had been told by Aurengzeb to convert and they had replied..IF our GURU converts..then we will all convert. Then they approached Guur teg bahdur Ji and Guur ji went to delhi on their Behalf. but its a foregone conclusion..Guur Ji would have gone anyway even IF the Muslims were under attack by Hindus..as Guur jis amin thrust was Human Rights/religious Freedom to be argued before the Emperor...unfortunately he refused and Guur ji was martyred. I am sure Guru ji or the Sikhs didnt do thsi as a favour to be collected back later. GURU ji is KNOWN as HIND dee chadar and NOT HINDU dee chadar...Protector of HIND..the nation..imho there is a difference.
ALL the SIKH GURUS..were "ATTACKED" by the HINDUS...at various stages...either through the osns claims to the Gurgadee..or direct wars as in case of GGS and Banda Singh and Sikh Misls in 17th century. About 10,000 sikhs from the Chhota Ghallughara did manage to reach the mountain foothills of the Hidnu rajahs..they were repulsed and refused help and had to come back down and fight the mughals or escape towards the deserts of malwa.
Gurus were Fighting PERSECUTION, religious BIGOTARY, Brahmins caste system etc etc and not any particular religion...since the Hindu CLERGY felt the greatetst danger from GURMATT..they had the greatest enmity for Gurus and Sikhs. TODAY sikhism is under atatck from thsi SAME HINDU CLERGY as it is still a threat to their HEGEMONY.

10 THIS is the MAIN REASON Bhai kala afghana faced excommunication from the RSS infiltrated CLERGY. His BOOKS expose the BRAHMIN "WAR ON SIKHISM" through the centuries snce 1469..so clearly and with PROOF unassailable that he had to be SILENCED QUICKLY. The RSS used the Takhats to do this execution. ( Unfortunately his books are in Punjabi..otherwise it wouldnt take you more than 3 hours to arrive at the same conclusion - None ever took him at his challenge to answer him by quoting just ONE shabd from SGGS..and he himself quotes FIVE shabds for each !!- their only answer was offer an apology or be excommunicated.) He has thoroughly EXPOSEd the Brahmin plot to topple sikhism from inside by introducing rituals and such to undermine sikhism.He expounds Gurbani as no one has ever done yet.

Keep in Chardeekalla jios
Mar 26, 2006
Gyani ji ..in all this ..my question is simple ..if that man was a real Sant ..he would have stepped out ..even before a bullet reached in the diretion of Sri Akal Takhat...how can a person who loves his Gurus and preaches Sikhi do such things ? why did he barricade the HARIMANDAR SAHIB...there were bunkers with vast amount of guns, explosives ...If u claim he was a Sant what was he doing with all that stuff around ..? do u think a man who spoke ill and hatred about the country and its majority should be kept alive ?

Just try one thing ..forget the arming ..just give hatred speeches against the country you reside ..i have read in yor posts unhappiness about the malaysian govt if u want to prove yor points true ...just speak against the community ...i can guarantee you the next morning yor family will find you in pieces ..foget trial in court....

That Sant of yours couldnt speak against his masters in Pakistan ...he wanted each sikh to kill 32 hindus ...what happeend ??? 3200 sikhs got killed ...

open yor eyes to history ..stop worshipping such false gods ...

Your views somewhere show you can justify taliban and al qaeda too....

due to that sant my brother Parminder had ' sardar desh ka gaddar' on his walls ...we were looked upon as terrorists....

see we can blame indira for giving that man a push...for giving him a free hand ...we can blame the police for extremities and many hindu and sikh officers going for false encounters ...but killing innocent people ...bombing trains and buses...is that what we Sikhs are for ??

Mar 26, 2006
I still listen to his speeches ...i still feel that had he opened his eyes ..he was a jewel of a man...he would have done parchaar so well...if u ask me ..yes i feel i miss that man's presence...i dunno how he would have reacted to the growing terrorism around ...

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Gyani ji ..in all this ..my question is simple ..if that man was a real Sant ..he would have stepped out ..even before a bullet reached in the diretion of Sri Akal Takhat...how can a person who loves his Gurus and preaches Sikhi do such things ? why did he barricade the HARIMANDAR SAHIB...there were bunkers with vast amount of guns, explosives ...If u claim he was a Sant what was he doing with all that stuff around ..? do u think a man who spoke ill and hatred about the country and its majority should be kept alive ?

Just try one thing ..forget the arming ..just give hatred speeches against the country you reside ..i have read in yor posts unhappiness about the malaysian govt if u want to prove yor points true ...just speak against the community ...i can guarantee you the next morning yor family will find you in pieces ..foget trial in court....

That Sant of yours couldnt speak against his masters in Pakistan ...he wanted each sikh to kill 32 hindus ...what happeend ??? 3200 sikhs got killed ...

open yor eyes to history ..stop worshipping such false gods ...

Your views somewhere show you can justify taliban and al qaeda too....

due to that sant my brother Parminder had ' sardar desh ka gaddar' on his walls ...we were looked upon as terrorists....

see we can blame indira for giving that man a push...for giving him a free hand ...we can blame the police for extremities and many hindu and sikh officers going for false encounters ...but killing innocent people ...bombing trains and buses...is that what we Sikhs are for ??


What you have to understand is that Bhindrawala had learned from previous Congress manipulations that if he stepped out of the Golden Temple complex, he would just be another dead Sikh. He needed to show to the world how corrupt indira Gandhi and her Congress lackeys were.
I still listen to his speeches ...i still feel that had he opened his eyes ..he was a jewel of a man...he would have done parchaar so well...if u ask me ..yes i feel i miss that man's presence...i dunno how he would have reacted to the growing terrorism around ...

A person that has listened to his speeches knows. That Sant ji was not with the congress. Infact he says it with Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji present. If you haven't noticed Sant ji was a man of his word. Also Sant ji or his men never killed innoccent people.

Mar 26, 2006
randip singh ji if that 'sant' had learned it ..he would have fled to any other place...even after seeing the army there ..he dint realise ...according to gyani ji and singh ..he was a man of realisation ...he should have realised ..due to him innocent pilgrims died. The army dint have a religion ..he did ..so whats the moral of the story ?

He had foolish calculations that if he hides there ..no one will touch him...indira was similiar to him i can see they were 2 sides of the same coin ...his calculations failed ...
Mar 26, 2006
the prob with u is ..u want me to all goodie goodie things abt him...i dont care whether he built 1 or 2 temples ..it doesnt matter to me ..look bro...just cool down..and go through everything in an un biased way...u know something ..i am able to say this ..when i see those things in a neutral way...forget hindu forget sikh forget india , forget indira ......just think as a human being ...

by the way singh veerji ..i remind you again this thread os not abt pro and anti bhindranwala ...this is about what taliban did with our brothers there ..so keep yor points ..no doubt ..but atleast discuss what we r here for ...
Mar 26, 2006
look veera i did that again ..i reminded you before ...pls refer to the posts...u were so blinded by the fog of yor anger ..u dint realise ...i got into it after our gyani ji posted ...because ...since u guys cannot cool down and glorify wrong doings ...then i also will not cool down and add insults to the panth due to u guys attitude...no country ...no Govt will ever justify terrorism...you can go on wearing those sant's shadow with ak 47 totting henchmen t - shirts ...but be ready for the hatred people will heap on u ... i will voice out since i dont want my Panth's image tarnished and branded as terrorists..
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