Sat Sri Akal (to my bros/sis who understand this)
Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh (to my bros/sis who think the first one is not complete)
Salaam (to my bros/sis who only understand this)
Namaste (to my bros/sis who only understand this)
Good Day (hopefully everyone will understand this)
I ask everyone a question, spot a difference among all the above greetings..we can come up with thousands....
Now, spot a common thing among all the above greetings...imo there is only one and that is "underlying intention".
This underlying intention is governed by "MANN", and Whole of Gurbani revolves around freeing the "MANN".
Sikh--in plain language means "A Learner", and to be a learner does not require one to fit in certain framework. Any one can be a learner in any form, at any age.
When a learner stops learning, he is no more a learner, and so is no more a Sikh.
ਪੰਨਾ 727, ਸਤਰ 8
ਬੰਦੇ ਖੋਜੁ ਦਿਲ ਹਰ ਰੋਜ ਨਾ ਫਿਰੁ ਪਰੇਸਾਨੀ ਮਾਹਿ ॥
O human being, search your own heart every day, and do not wander around in confusion
Guru ji asked us to search our "MANN" and learn from it, everyday. Guru ji never said do it till u are 45yo, or only after 45 yo or any other constraint.
I am a learner, and no one can stop me from learning. So is a time dependent entity can stop a sikh from being a sikh.
Learning process is like a multi staged game, you can only see next stage if you have cleared the previous stage. So the learner (player) learns as they progress ahead.
Now if today I have learnt that smoking is not good for health, then I will stop smoking from today, if tomorrow I somehow learn that drinking is not good either, I will stop drinking but that will happen only after tomorrow...but if someone accuses me today that I am not learning...then you guess who is at fault...I would say..I am learning but probably not at a pace you expect me to...but that never means I am not a learner
Same is true with a Sikh, A Sikh is never meant to be completely learned, coz once one considers himself completely learned..there is no more learning.. and there will be no more sikh in him...
This Thread's initial theme was to classify a sikh, IMO classification is not a Sikh principle. Because classification is based on attributes, and attributes are only limited to human understanding.
Sikh is meant to be truly free. And that is the definition of a SIKH
Regarding submitting articles on, my opinion is learn from everyone, learn from everything, being selective will only reduce my chances to learn more. If we say only people with certain attributes.. can talk/write..that means we are not giving others a chance to learn, or share their knowledge..or are afraid that it may contradict our own beliefs/practices. or we dont want to acknowledge their learnings. these states are not states of a free mind.
A true Sikh should be open to all and open for all.
Just wanna add one more thing here, if someone tells me to smoke a ciggie, and I start smoking...
it is not called learning..
It is called following. So Sikh(Learner) has to make sure they are learning..and not just following.
Religion is a classification of people by people for people. and so are the sub-divisions of any religion. It has nothing to do with GOD.
I hope I am making some sense ...
Bhul Chuk Maaf ji,
Rupinder Singh