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Sikhi Simran As Per Gurmat


Feb 20, 2012
Post 4 –WHAT!!! Inner Vision? What the hell is that?

Sounds crazy but hey…that’s what Gurbani Says… J
What is this inner vision? When is it bestowed on the Seeker…When will I Remember Naam…Has the hidden tenth door got anything to do with this Simran…this remembering and immersion with Naam?


Gauree, First Mehl:
The inverted heart-lotus has been turned upright, through reflective meditation on God.

From the Sky of the Tenth Gate, the Ambrosial Nectar trickles down.

The Lord Himself is pervading the three worlds. ||1||
O my mind, do not give in to doubt.

When the mind surrenders to the Name, it drinks in the essence of Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||Pause||

- No Way…mention of the tenth gate again…woooo

- So my mind must surrender to the Naam/Ambrosial nectar

- It’s experiences at the Hidden Tenth gate!.....holly Shizzle…!!

So win the game of life; let your mind surrender and accept death.
When the self dies, the individual mind comes to know the Supreme Mind.

- Ego must Die…Who am i…Am I Chaz Singh….Chaz Singh must die…this character is only temporary…so who am I? What am I
- This is something I (my mind) must accept... Chaz Singh must die (Ego)
- Good to know...for the journey ahead...Thank you Guru Ji for the heads up!

As the inner vision is awakened, one comes to know one's own home, deep within the self. ||2||

- Beautiful…so I will be able to see this whole shizzle when it happens!.... J

- This inner Vision I have found to be 100% True through my Meditation…although I’m still skimming the surface and exploring…if He so wills it…

The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is austerity, chastity and cleansing baths at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.
What good are ostentatious displays?
The All-pervading Lord is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||3||
If I had faith in someone else, then I would go to that one's house.
But where should I go, to beg? There is no other place for me.
O Nanak, through the Guru's Teachings, I am intuitively absorbed in the Lord. ||4||8||


Feb 20, 2012
Post 5 – Meditate Single-Mindedly

So…taking my attention away from the 9 doors and seeking the tenth hidden Door (where the Ambrosial Nector is, Where my mind will come to Remember Naam…Naam Simr..

Guru Ji also Directs me to Meditate Single-Mindedly within my being…My Mind needs to do this…
For me, I do this in a quiet room…limiting Distractions through the 9 doors, I go within…and try to focus Single-Mindedly on what is within…I Do my Ardaas, my mind recites Gurbani…Mool Manter etc as this is what I believe came from Waheguru who exists within me also….
This is all I have..These words came from my Sahib...he exists within me...maybe they will help on this Journey...


Siree Raag, Third Mehl:
Those who meditate single-mindedly on the Naam, and contemplate the Teachings of the Guru, their faces are forever radiant in the Court of the True Lord.

- Meditate Single Mindedly – I don’t know about anyone else…but when I’m distracted by all things in the world…I cannot do this…how am I supposed to search within my own being…contemplate my Sahib…pout my heart out and do this single-mindedly, focussing my consciousness on Him alone…How…

- Currently my Time to do this is for about 1 hour before I go to bed…

- And in the early hours…between 3am-6am

- And Boy has this been Fruitful! Wah!

They drink in the Ambrosial Nectar forever and ever, and they love the True Name. ||1||

- Ones who single-mindedly focus within, they drink the Ambosial Nectar connect with Naam through the Tenth hidden Gate as per Gurbani in my previous post

- It’s all adding up now…

O Siblings of Destiny, the Gurmukhs are honored forever.
They meditate forever on the Lord, Har, Har, and they wash off the filth of egotism. ||1||Pause||
The self-willed manmukhs do not know the Naam. Without the Name, they lose their honor.
They do not savor the Taste of the Shabad; they are attached to the love of duality.
They are worms in the filth of manure. They fall into manure, and into manure they are absorbed. ||2||

Fruitful are the lives of those who walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru.
Their families are saved; blessed are the mothers who gave birth to them.
By His Will He grants His Grace; those who are so blessed, meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

The Gurmukhs meditate on the Naam; they eradicate selfishness and conceit from within.
They are pure, inwardly and outwardly; they merge into the Truest of the True.
O Nanak, blessed is the coming of those who follow the Guru's Teachings and meditate on the Lord. ||4||5||38||


Feb 20, 2012
Post 6 – Back to – BY HIS GRACE :)

So…I end with this Shabad below…by His Grace! :)

By His Grace we meditate, by his Grace we hear the Shabad within us coming from Him...via the tenth hidden gate
By His Grace we reach a stage where we meditate on him 24 hours a day,
by His grace ‘I’ is destroyed, and my mind merges with the supreme mind…the truth revealed within my Being…
by His Grave Naam Simran has truely begun...true rememberance has taken place...

I hope i get to this Stage....by His Grace


by Guru's Grace, O Nanak, chant His Praises. ||5||

By His Grace, you listen to the sound current of the Naad.

By His Grace, you behold amazing wonders.

By His Grace, you speak ambrosial words with your tongue.

By His Grace, you abide in peace and ease.

By His Grace, your hands move and work.

By His Grace, you are completely fulfilled.

By His Grace, you obtain the supreme status.

By His Grace, you are absorbed into celestial peace.

Why forsake God, and attach yourself to another?

By Guru's Grace, O Nanak, awaken your mind! ||6||

By His Grace, you are famous all over the world;

never forget God from your mind.

By His Grace, you have prestige;

O foolish mind, meditate on Him!

By His Grace, your works are completed;

O mind, know Him to be close at hand.

By His Grace, you find the Truth;

O my mind, merge yourself into Him.

By His Grace, everyone is saved;

O Nanak, meditate, and chant His Chant. ||7||

Those, whom He inspires to chant, chant His Name.

Those, whom He inspires to sing, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.


Feb 20, 2012
Is Guru Ji High on Weed?
Was He Floating on Cloud 9 after smoking a Bong and parroting some Words?

Thankfully, so far...its starting to reveal itself as the truth...mind blowing... :)
This is not an egotistical statement...i'm nothing special...we all have this Body...we all have this within us to explore...

God Bless

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Thanks for confirming that Naam Simran is not babbling a word endlessly hoping for miracles. I hope it is clear for you now

That must have been easy after studying the meaningfulness of Gurbani, wasn’t it?

Understanding Gurbani is must so we study it and then practice it in our lives.
Parroting is futile in Sikhi.

Then, singing Gurbani in full Shabad becomes blissful.
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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
you've done nothing but show me a shabad that tells me to work towards doing naam simran 24 hours a day..

your post doesn't attempt to answer what you have asked of others....what is Naam Simran, as per your understanding from reading Gurbani...with Gurbani examples..

Well, it is neither about you nor about me.
The particular Shabad I posted shows clearly that Naam Simran is a 24/7 affair which means mental and physical actions for self discovery, not sitting crossed legs, eyes wide open or closed and mumbling some word like Lady Gaga for 30 mins.


Feb 20, 2012
Thanks for confirming that Naam Simran is not babbling a word endlessly hoping for miracles. I hope it is clear for you now

That must have been easy after studying the meaningfulness of Gurbani, wasn’t it?

Understanding Gurbani is must so we study it and then practice it in our lives.
Parroting is futile in Sikhi.

Then, singing Gurbani in full Shabad becomes blissful.

Yup, it was easy after studying Gurbani...What i wrote is pretty much the way i felt several years ago...you're the one that keep going on about mindless parroting.. :)

but guess what...i also sometimes meditate on the Shabad 'Waheguru' or 'Satnaam'...
guess what....the inner worlds are still made accessible by my Sahib...it really is up to Him...as long as my mind is steady, focussed and ready to behold...

So on one side i'm mingling with my Sacha Sahib...and the other side Tejwant thinks what i'm doing is complete and utter nonsense lol...smoking weed, floating to cloud 9 etc etc...

i know what i will 'continue' to do....sorry to dissapoint you Tejwant ji... :)
Good luck with your journey ahead...

God Bless
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Well, it is neither about you nor about me.
The particular Shabad I posted shows clearly that Naam Simran is a 24/7 affair which means mental and physical actions for self discovery, not .

however, to be fair sitting crossed legs, eyes wide open or closed and mumbling some word like Lady Gaga for 30 mins, could also be a 30 min part of that affair, sorry, I got bored so I thought I'd argue against my own point, I think the issue is with those that do nothing else 24/7


Feb 20, 2012
Well, it is neither about you nor about me.
The particular Shabad I posted shows clearly that Naam Simran is a 24/7 affair which means mental and physical actions for self discovery, not sitting crossed legs, eyes wide open or closed and mumbling some word like Lady Gaga for 30 mins.

Thats a convenient response isn't it? 'Not about you nor me'

why don;t you tell us...make some effort and tell us what you think is Naam Simran....and stop beating around the bush :)

And Comparing Shabad that flowed from Waheguru, through our Guru;s is not like Saying 'Lady Gaga'...

god bless


Feb 20, 2012
These guys are pretty Cool....inspiring thousands to get involved in parroting and smoking weed...


If there's anyone else that reads this thread other than harry, Tejwant, Original and myself...please check them out..they have lots of videos, lots of Gurbani references...and tag their group on Facebook...you'll get regular updates...daily reminders to keep focussed on this...

Tejwant Ji...i wouldn;t recommend watching their videos, you'll see a lot of parrots sitting around wanting miracles (to mingle with their creator)...


Feb 20, 2012
There are many reading from the sidelines... not necessarily participating... because we do not allow posts like "waheguru", "waheguru g", "satnam waheguru", et al

i don't get that last line...what do you mean...?
do you get people trying to post just the words "waheguru", "waheguru g", "satnam waheguru" etc...but don;t give any opinions...is that what you mean?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Thats a convenient response isn't it? 'Not about you nor me'
Chaz ji, I am sorry. I had no idea you were looking for an inconvenient response. Please tell me what kind and I will do my best.

why don;t you tell us...make some effort and tell us what you think is Naam Simran....and stop beating around the bush :)
Chaz ji, I do not think you have a learning disability, just an observation. I have mentioned what Naam Simran is, many times. The ONE Shabad I posted says it all.
If you need another Shabad, please use a search engine. Seek and you shall find.

and stop beating around the bush
I am sorry to disappoint you. I am not into sexual assaults.

And Comparing Shabad that flowed from Waheguru, through our Guru;s is not like Saying 'Lady Gaga'...i cannot even believe a senior member of this forum would even put the same together...
Would you be kind enough to post the Waheguru Shabad that you are talking about so we all can learn from it?

And lastly, stop using 'God bless' when you address me, please. Thanks.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Yup, it was easy after studying Gurbani...What i wrote is pretty much the way i felt several years ago...you're the one that keep going on about mindless parroting.. :)

but guess what...i also sometimes meditate on the Shabad 'Waheguru' or 'Satnaam'...
guess what....the inner worlds are still made accessible by my Sahib...it really is up to Him...as long as my mind is steady, focussed and ready to behold...

So on one side i'm mingling with my Sacha Sahib...and the other side Tejwant thinks what i'm doing is complete and utter nonsense lol...smoking weed, floating to cloud 9 etc etc...

i know what i will 'continue' to do....sorry to dissapoint you Tejwant ji... :)
Good luck with your journey ahead...

God Bless

Chaz ji,

To be honest, I did not understand any of your long babble with distorted translation. I got bored with your copy and paste incoherent ramblings which even makes it impossible to have a constructive dialogue. I did not find anything of interest regarding the subject being discussed in your babble either. However, the latter was expected. You are an expert in diversion tactics.


Feb 20, 2012
LOL, read it again... its clear enough...
Chaz ji,

To be honest, I did not understand any of your long babble with distorted translation. I got bored with your copy and paste incoherent ramblings which even makes it impossible to have a constructive dialogue. I did not find anything of interest regarding the subject being discussed in your babble either. However, the latter was expected. You are an expert in diversion tactics.

And this was expected of you...I come back on here from time to time and it's the same old from Tejwant Singh lol

Asking everyone to post examples of gurbani when you don't like what they write only to respond in the manner above when they do make an attempt...classic you...and fully expected

Now you know why when you keep asking people to post their understanding and post gurbani...they dont respond...I dont blame them when you respond like above...like original said...best not to waste energy. .

Anyway...time to do my bedtime simran...tejwant Singh can't hold this Sikh back...God is calling (not the abrahamic version...before you ask)

Nanak Naam chardi kala tere bane sarbat da bhala


Jun 1, 2004
And this was expected of you...

Feeling is mutual my dear friend! ;)

Now you know why when you keep asking people to post their understanding and post gurbani...they dont respond...

SPN is all about Gurbani vichaar (SGGS, our only Guru). One post based entirely on Gurbani wisdom is worth more than 100s of posts based on personal mambo jumbos (manmatt).

They don't respond, because they know when they post their mambo jumbos based on one liners taken out of context, they are found wanted, while discussing full shabds.


Feb 20, 2012
Feeling is mutual my dear friend! ;)

SPN is all about Gurbani vichaar (SGGS, our only Guru). One post based entirely on Gurbani wisdom is worth more than 100s of posts based on personal mambo jumbos (manmatt).

They don't respond, because they know when they post their mambo jumbos based on one liners taken out of context, they are found wanted, while discussing full shabds.

What's going on here lol
My post was directed at Tejwant Singh...and Aman Singh replies as though it's directed at Him...are you the same person...?. Part of the same small clan? So strange

Oh it's all about gurbani vichar...I see...I didn't realise..my bad

Anyhow...back to my early morning simian lol as I said...proof is in the results...then there's no need to listen to public opinion as satguru nanak once said lol

God bless (non Abrahamic version before Tejwant gets upset)
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