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Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
This is truly terrible and I was genuinely shocked to read this

Pakistan is completely out of control and I echo other's views that decisive, united military force is necessary to restore order

Taliban are just self-trained terrorists

Are we really accepting that well trained international military resources can't take them out completely from that region? It's not Afghanistan is it?

Shouldn't it be easier?

So it then comes down to motivation...to them (International community) it's just Sikhs...hardly any different form the locals. And in the absence of oil and heroin, what else would make Pakistan an attractive target to the powers that be?

Maybe if Al Qaida blow up another plane with their citizens on it maybe then they will take notice

This is awful

I'm raging


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
The cowardly act of beheading the brave Sikhs was carried out by the Pakistani Taliban, yes. And the Taliban are Muslim, yes. But why drag in Islam, a great religion vouched for by none other than our own revered Guru Sahibs ?

Dear Harry Ji

It's a very valid point

But there are so many examples of unacceptable behaviour outside the Taliban that sometimes, it is difficult to have a positive view of Islam

I saw a documentary last month set in an Eastern European country, can't remember which one but it was customary for men to steal women and marry them!

One girl was shopping and had aspirations to higher education and she was kidnapped by her future husband and made to marry him

In that country, this happens all the time
This is normal

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Time has not changed for sikhs, can not beleive in 21st century, we are still dealing with the ancients, what a faith?? seems like these people have not grown spiritually and morally

I think we need to keep in mind that these taliban are aberrations, not the face of true Islam. Every group has its loose cannons. That in no way lessens their crimes against humanity.

IMO, we need to be very careful about using the phrase "these people," as, for some reason, that has prejudiced overtones, at least in North America. Some have grown, some have not. Most Muslims stay out of everybody's hair, just trying to live as best they can.

It is unspeakably sad that we need still celebrate the shaheedi of our brothers - and sisters - from descendants (spiritually, if not physically) of the mughals. The chardi kala part is that we are still willing and able to resist them to the end. Shaheedi is a great gift that very few want, and is a great blessing to those who are honoured to receive it.

Let us remember these valiant brothers, along with all our shaheeds, as we work to the day when shaheed is a word only in our history books, something to teach our children.


Apr 3, 2005
I think we need to keep in mind that these taliban are aberrations, not the face of true Islam. Every group has its loose cannons. That in no way lessens their crimes against humanity.
Mai ji

Please tell me what is the true face of islam? Many Arab countries don't allow non muslim to construct Places of worship That include saudi Arabia .Liberal muslims hardly say anything about it but When some people object that they should not construct mosque near senstive site like ground zero then immediatally they allign with leftist secular media and become torchbearer of secularism.I am sorry to say but many countries are breeding ground of taliban type islam and when they they reaches there peak they become suicide jihadi bomber

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Mai ji

Please tell me what is the true face of islam? Many Arab countries don't allow non muslim to construct Places of worship That include saudi Arabia .Liberal muslims hardly say anything about it but When some people object that they should not construct mosque near senstive site like ground zero then immediatally they allign with leftist secular media and become torchbearer of secularism.I am sorry to say but many countries are breeding ground of taliban type islam and when they they reaches there peak they become suicide jihadi bomber

Islam, like the other Abrahamic faiths is not tolerant of other faiths. That cannot be argued. They all have the firm belief that "We are right and you are wrong and that is that!" I have no argument there.

What I meant is that most don't go to the extremes as the taliban. Most Muslims are willing to let us all go to hell in our own way without coercion from them.

Muslims, like all large groups follow the law: 10% are really bad, 10% are really good, the rest are just muddling along doing the best they know how.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
This is truly terrible and I was genuinely shocked to read this

Pakistan is completely out of control and I echo other's views that decisive, united military force is necessary to restore order

Taliban are just self-trained terrorists

Are we really accepting that well trained international military resources can't take them out completely from that region? It's not Afghanistan is it?

Shouldn't it be easier?

So it then comes down to motivation...to them (International community) it's just Sikhs...hardly any different form the locals. And in the absence of oil and heroin, what else would make Pakistan an attractive target to the powers that be?

Maybe if Al Qaida blow up another plane with their citizens on it maybe then they will take notice

This is awful

I'm raging

Seeker9 ji,

Guru Fateh.

I understand and empathise with your rage. The Pakistan's Taliban is backed by ISI, the Army's intelligent arm. The democracy is made of papier mache as Zardari who is as corrupt as the previous Civil and Army leaders in Pakistan's short history has no say nor any pull. The USA is wasting money in Pakistan as did the previous regime. We see suicide bombings where Muslims killing Muslims is a common occurrence.

India needs to be tough when these atrocities take place because this artificial division by the Brits have left many Sikhs and our historical places in a limbo. As the situation deteriorates in Pakistan, the plight for Sikhs is going to get worse. India should call for an emergency meeting of UN every time these barbarities take place which will make other countries to force Pakistan to take some action to defend these innocent people. I have no idea why India does not do that especially when we have a Sikh as a PM.

I am really worried about the drone attacks. I am concerned about some ignorant soldier sitting at Nellis Air Base in Las Vegas, Nevada does not take a Gurpurub at a Sikh Gurdwara in Pakistan, as an extremist Taliban gathering filled with turbaned Sikhs and decides out of sheer ignorance to use his/her joy stick to bomb and kill the innocents.

Unfortunately, this is a long, deep and dark tunnel and there is no light in site.

Just thinking aloud!

Tejwant Singh
Oct 29, 2010
Dear Bmandur,
Thanks for the reply - I think we should calmly and forcefully spread awareness of this to all our brothers and sisters to use the 'charawa' (mattha take money) contributions as a vote against the people monopolising the 'Guru', for purposes other than SIKHI, by not contributing (Guru Ji does not need money). Guru sees what an eye can not, he has taught us how to be good Sikhs but we are spoiling the 'Guru custodians' by showering endless millions in Guru's name and allow those to humiliate US for the service. The best way to hit home the message is - attack where it hurts most - their pockets!
ASK them to account for the funds they receive - I know it is not easy but that should be the goal! It is our money!! We work for it and for Sikhi!!!
Oct 29, 2010
Dear Seeker9
I am not sure why Islam is called a religion (as we understand it), if the leader practiced lies, bulleying, raping, hypocracy and stifling freedom of speech?
The book on Islam and terrorism (by Mark A Gabriel) explains a bit and from that it seems the followers can not help it!
If force could help I would be with you - I do not think we need to dirty our hands.
These people who were killed are Martyrs for Sikhism, I thank the Lord there are still some people who can stand up for their religion while the ones we think are Sikhs are just lining their pockets totally blind to the scarifices made in name of 'these snakes' of Sikhi faith'


May 15, 2008
Dear Bmandur,
Thanks for the reply - I think we should calmly and forcefully spread awareness of this to all our brothers and sisters to use the 'charawa' (mattha take money) contributions as a vote against the people monopolising the 'Guru', for purposes other than SIKHI, by not contributing (Guru Ji does not need money). Guru sees what an eye can not, he has taught us how to be good Sikhs but we are spoiling the 'Guru custodians' by showering endless millions in Guru's name and allow those to humiliate US for the service. The best way to hit home the message is - attack where it hurts most - their pockets!
ASK them to account for the funds they receive - I know it is not easy but that should be the goal! It is our money!! We work for it and for Sikhi!!!

Veer jeo even if we ask them for the Funds they receive, woo you cannot even talk to them in this issue.Now in these days in Canada 99% Gurudwara's has membership,
P><P><SPAN style=
First become a member

Second you have to have your family involved in it why!

When they have general Body Meeting they want to pass something you have to have enough Votes in your side otherwise you are nothing.

Third members of the Gurudwaara in General Body will decide what Sikh is or what Sikh Rehat maryada is.

Fourth, different Cast cannot become a member because you have to have enough Votes to be a part of their group.
So the best things are do the seva for the neediness in your own Town in India. There are so many Poor Girls needs education or they need to get marry in good families so help them.
<o:p> The list can go on but I do not want to hurt any one.</o:p>
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Oct 29, 2010
Dear Bmandur
It seems that 'Sikhi' has been hijacked by time and traditions of the day and that we have possibly picked the worst of the practices of Muslim, British and now Hindu rulers of Punjab.
As a group Sikhs are very industrious but for some reason we believe that the 'line' to god is by money.
I think the basics of religion have to be revived and there are some people in Punjab who are doing it very well, we in UK see the sikh groups helping the needy (like providing food at the London airport when the Iceland volcano stopped air traffic etc.).
These good practices MUST be helped and highlighted to ensure 'unhelpful sikhs' become aware of it.
Improvement in the states of affairs change very slowly - may be a good thing - otherwise if it is too fast like the rise of Sikh Empire it can collapse very easily too.
The infrastructure needs to be built as solid as possible - look at the sucessful western nations to see what they have in place for fair treatment of their people.
I beleive we should highlight the good and basic requirements of the Nanak teachings - and keep them simple so that all concerned can understand and contribute - this would eventually marginalise 'out of line' gurdwaras and other authorities and they would either change or die out.
I was discussing Sikhi with a friend of mine (who is very keyed up on Sikhi) about similar difficulty and he asked me if I knew what Rehat Maryada was and I said no.
He proceeded to say how can I be a sikh if I do not know that?
My answer to him was that Guru Nanak's teachings threw away a lot of prentious rules of Hindus and Moslems and taught us some very simple ones and I find them to be very difficult to practice and live with but I do my best with them.
So I do not need any more - and he asked if I was happy with that and I answered much happier than following rules laid down by the types of people who are cutting the throat of Sikhi today!
I was married to an English girl and we have four children - we found it was much better to base the family belief on simple goodness, basic 'Guru Nanak teachings'. So even children could understand and accept. They have now grown up respecting all faiths and keep us in check too so much so that if I even try to tell them about atrocities of Islam - they do not want to argue about things that are based on two or three tiers above 'good basics' of that religion. It reduces arguments to discussions.
As a matter of interest what do Canadian Sikhs do for the general good of Canadian Society that can be encouraged and highlighted to our 'out of line' sikhs - it may be a good question for other countries too?
I read this and by following the link I also read some comments - they are also on the same subject and very interesting.
Sorry I cannot create a link copy and paste to follow it.
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