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The Tenth Gate, The Dasam Dwaar

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Did you not see the word Guru ji in front of he, who said anything about parroting, waheguru jaap ,naam simram, naam abhias, if u dont know what this is then stop lecturing us !!, also stop twisting people words to look good in front of your friends harry and lucky.

Satt ji,

Guru Fateh.


Why so much anger? Is this the result of your Waheguru Jaap?

Please explain all the terms you are using with the help of Gurbani so we call can learn from your wisdom and do it a bit calmly. Anger and wrath are not a Sikh maketh.

You are mistaken, perhaps because of your ire and anger rather than Sehaj. Asking question is not lecturing. Sikhi is based on questioning. 1429 pages of SGGS, our only Guru are filled with them. Make an effort to understand them.

I hope to learn a lot from you. So, please respond in an honest manner without anger. One who seeks Nirbhau and Nirvair lives one's life sans anger and loathing. Hence, a Sikh has no one but friends and he/she always looks good among them.:)

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh
Mar 8, 2013
Satt ji,

Guru Fateh.


Why so much anger? Is this the result of your Waheguru Jaap?

Please explain all the terms you are using with the help of Gurbani so we call can learn from your wisdom and do it a bit calmly. Anger and wrath are not a Sikh maketh.

You are mistaken, perhaps because of your ire and anger rather than Sehaj. Asking question is not lecturing. Sikhi is based on questioning. 1429 pages of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru are filled with them. Make an effort to understand them.

I hope to learn a lot from you. So, please respond in an honest manner without anger. One who seeks Nirbhau and Nirvair lives one's life sans anger and loathing. Hence, a Sikh has no one but friends and he/she always looks good among them.:)

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.

Satt ji,

Guru Fateh.


Who is lecturing whom but trust me, I am not offended by it.:). I just find your anger hillarious and worrisome for your own sake at the same time.

Writing in CAPS shows nothing but ANGER on your part which is not the Sikhi way. I have no idea what is the reason of your anger and this hateful attitude.

Sikhi is all about interaction and conversation which also includes disagreements as part of the Sikhi marg of learning. So, please answer my questions in a Sikhi manner with Sehaj and thoughtfulness, not with anger and hatred both of which are against our Guru's teaching in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru.

Let's start the conversation.:)

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh
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Jun 1, 2004
Admin Note: Please avoid using all CAPITAL letters in an internet forum post. This amounts to SHOUTING in anger!

Thank you so much for your understanding.


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
@BhagatSingh I know that BhagatSinghji talked about reaching this in a post once, a description would be capital, purely to learn from, not debate, you cannot debate a personal experience,

If anyone else can shed light on this state, and what it means to them, I would be interested to read it


Feb 20, 2012
I for one won't be trying to describe such states of being...
Because...I struggle to comprehend myself ... never mind put into language some of the stuff simran has revealed...hence why I say it's mind blowing ..

I.ve often sat on the sofa for hours trying to understand what just took place...

And I don't even know if dassam duar is open...revealed or whatever...

There's a reason why Sri guru nanak Dev ji said we'd be stupid to even try describing this stuff...because it's impossible...

So I.m out :) other than to say...this stuff is mind blowing...only words I find suitable lol


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
I for one won't be trying to describe such states of being...
Because...I struggle to comprehend myself ... never mind put into language some of the stuff simran has revealed...hence why I say it's mind blowing ..

I.ve often sat on the sofa for hours trying to understand what just took place...

And I don't even know if dassam duar is open...revealed or whatever...

There's a reason why Sri guru nanak Dev ji said we'd be stupid to even try describing this stuff...because it's impossible...

So I.m out :) other than to say...this stuff is mind blowing...only words I find suitable lol
....you're not the only ONE Chz, all those who experience are left with an awareness of "something" beyond the trivial material world. They express a feeling of having come into contact with a benevolent and divine "something". Their response to this is one of self surrender. Moreover, they experience a change in the emphasis in their life. They move towards a more spiritual, charitable and morally-aware state of being, characterised by a sense of awe and wonder at the "something".

Nanak called it "divine love" ! That is, anhad [unstruck] shabd [sound] resounding indefinitely beyond the realms of the dasam dwar.

Enjoy the day -
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
my question would then be how do you marry up certain words with feelings that cannot be described, how do you know you are in a state of Naam, or you are in the realm of the Dasam Duar? Surely one word should be sufficient to describe these states, as these states all seem similar


Feb 20, 2012
my question would then be how do you marry up certain words with feelings that cannot be described, how do you know you are in a state of Naam, or you are in the realm of the Dasam Duar? Surely one word should be sufficient to describe these states, as these states all seem similar

in all honesty...even if me and Original Ji use the same words...there's no way to know if i'm experiencing the same as Him...
We could sit on the same rollercoaster at alton towers, yet have complete opposite of experience...lol

The problem i have is there is a limited set of words...to communicate to the rest of you..i have to use them...and when i use those words...they don;t portray what occurs during simran...not even to me...

so....what do i do...other than, keep enjoying the ride...and inspiring others to enjoy also....and then sit in silence and smile at the marvel of the personal discoveries...

even reading over this doesn't make much sense....GRrrrr

Theres no door that says "Dassam Duar" on it as you pass through...or at least i don;t think so lol...
And Naam doesn't say "i am Naam" to you during Simran lol

But sometimes, you sit there and you just 'know' something really cool just took place...and it feel cool, and right, and just what you needed at that time...and there is no real need to name it or define it...it just is..
other times i'm in a state of "{censored}" - wife comes down in the morning, and i'm wandering around acting strange...wife asking if i'm ok, as i'm acting strange...and inside i'm thinking "what the shizzle was that all about (simran) .... just wander struck...

other times, i fall asleeep, drool all down my face, neck hurting...:) - no Simran or states of 'rememberance taking place there!

nothing in my Control.....can only surrender...

again that doesn't really make sense....sorry... :)
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Jan 9, 2011
London UK
my question would then be how do you marry up certain words with feelings that cannot be described, how do you know you are in a state of Naam, or you are in the realm of the Dasam Duar? Surely one word should be sufficient to describe these states, as these states all seem similar
..sorry for the delayed response, been really busy yesterday !

my question would then be how do you marry up certain words with feelings
..you can't ! mystical experience is qualitatively and radically different from our everyday conscious experiences. It's devoid of any sensations, concepts or thoughts as such and as a result, cannot be described or analysed in terms of having any of the elements of the ordinary consciousness. Thus, "ineffable".

Any attempts to describe or analyse would fail because our knowledge cannot transcend the categories which we employ in thinking about this experience. Our intellect and reason cannot penetrate. What distinctive vocabulary can the human mind conjure up if something is beyond its scope ? All the words and letters of all the alphabets in all the languages are the products of our sensory-intellectual consciousnes. At best perhaps, they can take us up to the 10th gate but not beyond because thereafter is timeless, spaceless and ineffable.

Chaz attempted to speak of the same and ended-up laughing out loud ! It baffles telling. The teller is left scrapping the barrel for the appropriate vocabulary to retell the event, which he can't because every effort made will be in vain. Why ? Because it is "metaphysical", meaning, beyond the physical world.

What is beyond the physical world is the enterprise with which theology and indeed secular science is charged. And, that is why convention has classified certain categories of unknowable yet experiencable phenomena as "religious", precipitating as it were, the human consciousness to that end for its not knowledge but faith of the individual that determines existence of the "actual" experience. Sikhi, structures and captures the encounter of the inner experience with that grandeur, and choreography of the spiritual moment we call "mystical".

The answers to the questions of the wandering mind are to be sought from our only Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I'm like you H, have the knowledge but not the answers. Seek n yee shall find -

Love n live brother -


Jan 3, 2016
my question would then be how do you marry up certain words with feelings that cannot be described, how do you know you are in a state of Naam, or you are in the realm of the Dasam Duar? Surely one word should be sufficient to describe these states, as these states all seem similar

Bhagat Kabir says that asking people about this is like asking a mute person to describe something so sweet. They are unable to because of their physical handicap. But the meaning is clear, that people of exalted spirituality are unable to describe it.

It may be that it is just as much a struggle to describe it, as it is to reach it.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Gentlemen, I am not asking you to validate or explain a certain experience, read the question carefully, why do we have so many different names for so many different states, when they would appear to be all the same, ie, a personal, mystical spiritual experience.

Thus the words naam, dassam duar, kundalini, etc etc make no sense as they appear to give the impression that the experience of naam is different to the experience of dassam duar, is different to experiencing your kundalini rise.

When actually, these words seem to describe any experience out of the normal, which then begs the question, why are there so many of them? Clearly a spiritual experience cannot be categorised under these names, it is just that, a spiritual experience.

It also begs the question for those that say they have opened the tenth gate, how do you know? how do you know your not at the peak of naam? how do you know its not the kundalini rising?


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
H - for a self-confessed non-Sikh you're not doing bad ! definitely en route to becoming an amrithari King Singh next life, hey !
why do we have so many different names for so many different states,
...because they are different. It's that simple !
when they would appear to be all the same
..they may appear to be, but in truth are not the same !
ie, a personal, mystical spiritual experience.
..technically yes, definitionally no ! let me explain:
Take the one moon and its countless reflections in mutilpe water holes dotted around the planet. Whilst the reality is the "one" moon projecting as it were, countless images as truthful reflections, their existence cannot be ignored. Similarly, personal, mystical and spiritual are truthful reflections of the one ultimate reality, their existence is true, in that, they are unique and independent experiences.
Thus the words naam, dassam duar, kundalini, etc etc make no sense
..they are not suppose to make sense when using mindset of formal logic in the absence of spiritual maturity !
as they appear to give the impression that the experience of naam is different to the experience of dassam duar, is different to experiencing your kundalini rise.
...nam is different, dasam dwar is different and so is kundalini different. They are lexicons of a non-cognitive language, that is, they cannot be proved to be true or false through knowledge.
When actually, these words seem to describe any experience out of the normal, which then begs the question, why are there so many of them? Clearly a spiritual experience cannot be categorised under these names, it is just that, a spiritual experience.
..see above
It also begs the question for those that say they have opened the tenth gate
..consider the 10th gate as the stargate to the infinite, the world beyond. This is spiritual language based on a system of belief and not on intellgentsia. Again, the language used is non coginitive and seves little purpose for the speculative mind.
It also begs the question for those that say they have opened the tenth gate, how do you know?
..just as we cannot prove whtat our conscience tells us, but we know it nevertheless, so does the opening of the 10th gate occasioned by the adept when all is in accord with the cosmic spirit.
how do you know your not at the peak of naam?
...nam is the source and is infinite. It is dimensionless, timeless, shapeless - no property, quality nor quantity can be ascribed to it. It is an "existence" and has its being in creation.

how do you know its not the kundalini rising?
...the rose is called by many different names, has loads of different shades of colour, but its fragrance is uniquely one of pleasentness. And, so is the case with spiritual excursions albeit, in different disguises, but divine.

Goodnight !
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
H - for a self-confessed non-Sikh you're not doing bad ! definitely en route to becoming an amrithari King Singh next life, hey !

I do not recall saying I was a non Sikh, I may have said I am not the same Sikh that you are, but I consider myself very much a Sikh.

...because they are different. It's that simple !

hmm different to the individual maybe, but it would appear your state of naam could be another's tenth gate.

..they may appear to be, but in truth are not the same !

unless there is a definitive state that we can refer to, they are just words. Three states that cannot be described, largely due to the fact that they are personal, do not deserve three different words.

.technically yes, definitionally no ! let me explain:
Take the one moon and its countless reflections in mutilpe water holes dotted around the planet. Whilst the reality is the "one" moon projecting as it were, countless images as truthful reflections, their existence cannot be ignored. Similarly, personal, mystical and spiritual are truthful reflections of the one ultimate reality, their existence is true, in that, they are unique and independent experiences.

Ok, lets run with the analogy, but remember it is yours not mine.

The one moon, I assume is the tenth gate, the reflections are the many different ways that people perceive it. However the reflections may be distorted, incomplete and not a true likeness, a mirror image at best, but still an image. So if I ask about the tenth gate, if I ask you about what the moon looks like, you will tell me, and when I compare it to the moon in the sky, I see your description is completely wrong, the craters that you describe as being on the left, are actually on the right, everything you are describing is actually reversed on the true image. Therefore what weight can I give your description? and how can I learn about the tenth gate from more than one person, each description will be different, if I were to describe the moon without looking at it, and rely on say a dozen descriptions based on mirror incomplete images, I may well be surprised when I see the true moon. Perhaps if folks stopped pretending to know what naam, the tenth gate and rising kundalini is, and merely described their own image instead, it might make the situation clearer.
.they are not suppose to make sense when using mindset of formal logic in the absence of spiritual maturity !

but they are words, so they are in the formal logic domain, two people who claim to have opened the tenth gate could well be having two very different experiences, so the words 'tenth gate' mean nothing in the formal logic domain.
...nam is different, dasam dwar is different and so is kundalini different. They are lexicons of a non-cognitive language, that is, they cannot be proved to be true or false through knowledge.

well hang on a minute, your definitions of the above is different, and so is everyone else's, which rather renders the words as pointless.

..consider the 10th gate as the stargate to the infinite, the world beyond. This is spiritual language based on a system of belief and not on intellgentsia. Again, the language used is non coginitive and seves little purpose for the speculative mind.

I have no problem with this, although I like your choice of words, stargate to the infinitive....

What you are saying is that those in the know, will understand, what I am saying is that they won't, they will just understand their own personal experience, to be honest, your supporting my argument, to have one word that correctly describes a deeply personal spiritual experience seems pointless, unless of course the tenth gate is not a deeply personal experience, unless the tenth gate is a definitive description of something, but then what is this definitive description, so which is it Originalji, is it a standard experience or a deeply personal one?
.just as we cannot prove whtat our conscience tells us, but we know it nevertheless, so does the opening of the 10th gate occasioned by the adept when all is in accord with the cosmic spirit.

you mean when one is in consonance? According to bani, how does one open the tenth gate? How does bani describe the tenth gate?
.nam is the source and is infinite. It is dimensionless, timeless, shapeless - no property, quality nor quantity can be ascribed to it. It is an "existence" and has its being in creation.

What then is a state of Naam?
..the rose is called by many different names, has loads of different shades of colour, but its fragrance is uniquely one of pleasentness. And, so is the case with spiritual excursions albeit, in different disguises, but divine.

I will repeat my question, how can one tell the difference? May I ask you personally, have you opened the tenth gate, have you risen your kundalini, and have you experienced the state of naam?

Goodnight !
Good Morning,


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
I do not recall saying I was a non Sikh, I may have said I am not the same Sikh that you are, but I consider myself very much a Sikh.

hmm different to the individual maybe, but it would appear your state of naam could be another's tenth gate.

unless there is a definitive state that we can refer to, they are just words. Three states that cannot be described, largely due to the fact that they are personal, do not deserve three different words.

Ok, lets run with the analogy, but remember it is yours not mine.

The one moon, I assume is the tenth gate, the reflections are the many different ways that people perceive it. However the reflections may be distorted, incomplete and not a true likeness, a mirror image at best, but still an image. So if I ask about the tenth gate, if I ask you about what the moon looks like, you will tell me, and when I compare it to the moon in the sky, I see your description is completely wrong, the craters that you describe as being on the left, are actually on the right, everything you are describing is actually reversed on the true image. Therefore what weight can I give your description? and how can I learn about the tenth gate from more than one person, each description will be different, if I were to describe the moon without looking at it, and rely on say a dozen descriptions based on mirror incomplete images, I may well be surprised when I see the true moon. Perhaps if folks stopped pretending to know what naam, the tenth gate and rising kundalini is, and merely described their own image instead, it might make the situation clearer.

but they are words, so they are in the formal logic domain, two people who claim to have opened the tenth gate could well be having two very different experiences, so the words 'tenth gate' mean nothing in the formal logic domain.

well hang on a minute, your definitions of the above is different, and so is everyone else's, which rather renders the words as pointless.

I have no problem with this, although I like your choice of words, stargate to the infinitive....

What you are saying is that those in the know, will understand, what I am saying is that they won't, they will just understand their own personal experience, to be honest, your supporting my argument, to have one word that correctly describes a deeply personal spiritual experience seems pointless, unless of course the tenth gate is not a deeply personal experience, unless the tenth gate is a definitive description of something, but then what is this definitive description, so which is it Originalji, is it a standard experience or a deeply personal one?

you mean when one is in consonance? According to bani, how does one open the tenth gate? How does bani describe the tenth gate?

What then is a state of Naam?

I will repeat my question, how can one tell the difference? May I ask you personally, have you opened the tenth gate, have you risen your kundalini, and have you experienced the state of naam?

Good Morning,
Good morning H - I have early engagements today and will try n beef up discussion with little time available. In the mean time be good and take care - love you !



Jan 7, 2011
@BhagatSingh I know that BhagatSinghji talked about reaching this in a post once, a description would be capital, purely to learn from, not debate, you cannot debate a personal experience,

If anyone else can shed light on this state, and what it means to them, I would be interested to read it
Received this on 7/5/2016
Dasam Duar. Difficult state to describe. If it is described it is false. Just read Gurbani, meditate on it and then act and it is the ultimate state of being. But nothing to brag about or look down on others. Only thing, in my limited understanding, it is a state of ultimate humbleness and calmness in human form that cannot be disturbed by any magnitude of any kind of stimuli. It is not that a powerful state is achieved but in fact it the most powerless state. Such that a greatest degree of Virtues of Naam is understood.

This is not a goal oriented journey to Dasam Duar, journey is to be Guru oriented and a rare person is bestowed this blessing.

Guru Fateh!


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Dearest Harry - sorry for the long delay, been busy !
I do not recall saying I was a non Sikh
..you didn't ! you said something like, 'I don't think I'm even a Sikh'. This was said a while back when fists were flying, doors slammed and poor HKJ was at the receiving end !
I may have said I am not the same Sikh that you are
..yeah, I concede ! you're the modified and the latest edition. I'm out and you're in, thank God !
but I consider myself very much a Sikh.
..wow ! if you consider yourself to be a Sikh then I'm the little red ridding hood dressed up as the big bad wolf enroute to meet grandma ! come on H - it's not the subjective sense of the self that defines who we are, it's what we do that determines our true being. What is it that you do that defines the Sikh you ? Surely, not the human characterstics of compassion, empathy and the do good be good generics of the everyday jo blogg, for that'll be human nature and everyone is a champion. No, it has to be something more fundamental and a specific measure of the word "Sikh" with which you can identify and acclaim being a Sikh, mere lip service is insufficent. That's like wearing Manchester United's T-Shirt and acclaiming to be a football player !
hmm different to the individual maybe, but it would appear your state of naam could be another's tenth gate.
..naam n tenth gate are two different terms. Where the former a "source" of all known/unknown phenomena [say God], the latter is a spiritual numerical coordinate on the human body, located between the eye brows around the front cortex of the brain and succeeding as it were, the nine known physical cooordinates, namely, ears, nostrils...and so forth. The world of nam is an existence which is "live" in the physical world, as well as, in the metaphysical world. Sikh spiritual is to an end where the "live" connection can be had in the metaphysical world [anhad shabd] by the adept in the physical world [here n now] by the grace of God [Gur Prasad]. Whereas, the tenth gate is considered to be the "stargate" to the metaphysical world, a coordinating point of entry to the unknown worlds of the soul. The spiritual travellers of the ancient past have named it "dasam dwar". In other words, a spiritual sign post saying, "welcome to spiritual excursions - hereinafter is the realm of the soul, the permanent home".
unless there is a definitive state that we can refer to, they are just words. Three states that cannot be described, largely due to the fact that they are personal, do not deserve three different words.
..tell me, what's north of the North Pole?
Ok, lets run with the analogy, but remember it is yours not mine.
Honestly speaking, it wasn't reasoning from parallel case [analogy] but more of a descriptive account, which is different from but analogous to the point in question, namely, personal, mystical n spiritual and why each must qualify in their own domain as independent of one another.
The one moon, I assume is the tenth gate, the reflections are the many different ways that people perceive it. However the reflections may be distorted, incomplete and not a true likeness, a mirror image at best, but still an image. So if I ask about the tenth gate, if I ask you about what the moon looks like, you will tell me, and when I compare it to the moon in the sky, I see your description is completely wrong, the craters that you describe as being on the left, are actually on the right, everything you are describing is actually reversed on the true image. Therefore what weight can I give your description? and how can I learn about the tenth gate from more than one person, each description will be different, if I were to describe the moon without looking at it, and rely on say a dozen descriptions based on mirror incomplete images, I may well be surprised when I see the true moon. Perhaps if folks stopped pretending to know what naam, the tenth gate and rising kundalini is, and merely described their own image instead, it might make the situation clearer.
..this was on my part a metaphor to show how "reality n truth" differ. That is to say, the moon in the sky at night is real but the reflections in numerious water holes on surface Earth are not real by the same measure of the word real. However, it is insufficenet to dismiss them as having non existence on account being mere reflections. Similarly, personal, mystical and spiritual, also qualify to be treated and studied as having independent existence. It was to this end a metaphor, I used.
but they are words, so they are in the formal logic domain, two people who claim to have opened the tenth gate could well be having two very different experiences, so the words 'tenth gate' mean nothing in the formal logic domain.
..can you draw me a round square or, find me a marriedbachlor; they are words aren't they ? What I meant was that the use of formal logic [linear cause n effect] is likely to create a paradox beacuse its intrinsically designed that way. For example, philosophers have argued, why create something [mystical experiences] and not provide language to express it ? Fair point ! And since, there is no short n curly answer but a conclusion that, since the organic relationship [expressing experience] exists in a dialectical setting, giving rise to as it were, 'this caused that...' one is likely to come stuck at a point in time where all sorts of reasoning collapes for not having a solid foundation in the first place, which by virute and defintion is a must for any logical calculations. That is to say, if one's starting point is something unknown [God], and one's conclusion and intermediate steps are made of the unknown, how can the resulting consistency ever by any manner of means become knowledge ?
well hang on a minute, your definitions of the above is different, and so is everyone else's, which rather renders the words as pointless.
..no two observers of the one phenomena will have ditto results, why ? Because of their vantage point and since God is ineffable, all attempts to capture with words will be in vain.
What you are saying is that those in the know, will understand, what I am saying is that they won't, they will just understand their own personal experience, to be honest, your supporting my argument, to have one word that correctly describes a deeply personal spiritual experience seems pointless, unless of course the tenth gate is not a deeply personal experience, unless the tenth gate is a definitive description of something, but then what is this definitive description, so which is it Originalji, is it a standard experience or a deeply personal one?
The spiritual science of the soul has its own language just as grammer and science of letters have their own. And, just as you would learn grammer n science of letters from basics, so would you learn the language of the spiritual science as you progress and mature. And just as you can feel the breeze by sitting close to the sea and warmth by sitting close to a fire, so can you feel the spiritual vibes when sitting close to Sri Guru Granth Sahib - try it !
you mean when one is in consonance? According to bani, how does one open the tenth gate? How does bani describe the tenth gate?
..bani is spiritual ! and spiritual is something that cannot be found over the internet or in external observances, but within - Sikhism suggests various mechanisims - starting with basic human characterestics such as, compassion, empathy, etc and then preparing the mind to "listen" to the "guru". Thereafter, Guru Ji moves in and the mind is silenced forever, how ? The mind is but a spark of the big flame God and merges, ceases to be independent but becomes the enjoyer of the bliss that God is. Bani is music to the ears, light to the eyes, food for the soul and abode of Akal Purakh.
What then is a state of Naam?
..what is not a state of nam ?
I will repeat my question, how can one tell the difference? May I ask you personally, have you opened the tenth gate, have you risen your kundalini, and have you experienced the state of naam?
..you're a beautiful individual trying to make sense of it all. So did I once. I don't know kundalini and wish not to, I don't know the tenth gate but believe it so, I don't know a great deal others profess to know, but I'm happy not knowing. I am my Guru Ji's Sikh, that I do know and that is all I want to know. What I know today is what my mother taught me from day dot, "waheguru satnam" and that is what I have passed on to my children, no more no less.

As regards spiritual excursions, they are beyond explanation. What I experience and go through in life can only be found in SGGSJ. The only way to sum it up is like Bhagat Kabir Ji said, "even if the seven seas were my ink, all the trees were my pens and the entire planet my paper, even then I can only express an iota of your being my lord".

Have a good day ! Until then be good -


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Dearest Harry - sorry for the long delay, been busy !
no problem

..you didn't ! you said something like, 'I don't think I'm even a Sikh'. This was said a while back when fists were flying, doors slammed and poor HKJ was at the receiving end !

I am not a traditional Sikh, I do not believe in reincarnation, superstition and cosmic intervention, I am not a fan of meditation nor much of what you call spirituality, rather than argue that my beliefs are correct and yours are wrong, I would rather hold my beliefs and learn more about yours. I am however extremely interested in learning more about the role of the above in Sikhism, not for the purposes of rubbishing or arguing, but more for my own understanding.

..yeah, I concede ! you're the modified and the latest edition. I'm out and you're in, thank God !

not at all, I am a special edition, they only made one, I do not think they plan to make me in bulk, or perhaps I am one of the returns, one of those cute babies that speaks a mouthful of abuse due to a software error, I am happy to reassure you that you are still in, I, of course will never be in, as soon as your on the way out, do not worry, I will join you as the underdog.

..wow ! if you consider yourself to be a Sikh then I'm the little red ridding hood dressed up as the big bad wolf enroute to meet grandma ! come on H - it's not the subjective sense of the self that defines who we are, it's what we do that determines our true being. What is it that you do that defines the Sikh you ? Surely, not the human characterstics of compassion, empathy and the do good be good generics of the everyday jo blogg, for that'll be human nature and everyone is a champion. No, it has to be something more fundamental and a specific measure of the word "Sikh" with which you can identify and acclaim being a Sikh, mere lip service is insufficent. That's like wearing Manchester United's T-Shirt and acclaiming to be a football player !

I have rejected compassion, empathy and doing good, in my belief there is too much of the self tied up in such, in my belief, there is no compassion, no empathy, and no doing good, there is just the consonance with life, what is required of us is submission to the universe, to god, once done, our actions merely reflect our thinking in line with Creation and ultimately Creator. Experience has taught me that actions born out of far thinking, farsight prove better in the long run than short term actions encouraged by a sense of compassion and empathy. If you see a beggar crying in the cold and homeless, appeasing your own guilt by a short term action is pointless, get social services involved, take him to a homeless center, put yourself out and achieve a result, easier said than done, for sure, buying a Mcdonalds is far easier. I consider myself to be a Sikh because I am learning, and I am proud to consider myself as such.
.naam n tenth gate are two different terms. Where the former a "source" of all known/unknown phenomena [say God], the latter is a spiritual numerical coordinate on the human body, located between the eye brows around the front cortex of the brain and succeeding as it were, the nine known physical cooordinates, namely, ears, nostrils...and so forth. The world of nam is an existence which is "live" in the physical world, as well as, in the metaphysical world. Sikh spiritual is to an end where the "live" connection can be had in the metaphysical world [anhad shabd] by the adept in the physical world [here n now] by the grace of God [Gur Prasad]. Whereas, the tenth gate is considered to be the "stargate" to the metaphysical world, a coordinating point of entry to the unknown worlds of the soul. The spiritual travellers of the ancient past have named it "dasam dwar". In other words, a spiritual sign post saying, "welcome to spiritual excursions - hereinafter is the realm of the soul, the permanent home".

thank you, you have explained it very well

.tell me, what's north of the North Pole?
the rest of the universe?

.this was on my part a metaphor to show how "reality n truth" differ. That is to say, the moon in the sky at night is real but the reflections in numerious water holes on surface Earth are not real by the same measure of the word real. However, it is insufficenet to dismiss them as having non existence on account being mere reflections. Similarly, personal, mystical and spiritual, also qualify to be treated and studied as having independent existence. It was to this end a metaphor, I used.

I can understand that personal, mystical and spiritual experiences are like reflections, without sounding twee, beautiful and real, but dependent on where you are standing.

can you draw me a round square or, find me a marriedbachlor; they are words aren't they ? What I meant was that the use of formal logic [linear cause n effect] is likely to create a paradox beacuse its intrinsically designed that way. For example, philosophers have argued, why create something [mystical experiences] and not provide language to express it ? Fair point ! And since, there is no short n curly answer but a conclusion that, since the organic relationship [expressing experience] exists in a dialectical setting, giving rise to as it were, 'this caused that...' one is likely to come stuck at a point in time where all sorts of reasoning collapes for not having a solid foundation in the first place, which by virute and defintion is a must for any logical calculations. That is to say, if one's starting point is something unknown [God], and one's conclusion and intermediate steps are made of the unknown, how can the resulting consistency ever by any manner of means become knowledge ?

is it possible such experiences were never mean't to be shared, like a personal view of the moons reflection, it is impossible to convey, it only seems to cause confusion.

.no two observers of the one phenomena will have ditto results, why ? Because of their vantage point and since God is ineffable, all attempts to capture with words will be in vain.


The spiritual science of the soul has its own language just as grammer and science of letters have their own. And, just as you would learn grammer n science of letters from basics, so would you learn the language of the spiritual science as you progress and mature. And just as you can feel the breeze by sitting close to the sea and warmth by sitting close to a fire, so can you feel the spiritual vibes when sitting close to Sri Guru Granth Sahib - try it !

I do not think the spiritual science of the soul has a language, it would seem it cannot be communicated.,surely what you are feeling is love?

..bani is spiritual ! and spiritual is something that cannot be found over the internet or in external observances, but within - Sikhism suggests various mechanisims - starting with basic human characterestics such as, compassion, empathy, etc and then preparing the mind to "listen" to the "guru". Thereafter, Guru Ji moves in and the mind is silenced forever, how ? The mind is but a spark of the big flame God and merges, ceases to be independent but becomes the enjoyer of the bliss that God is. Bani is music to the ears, light to the eyes, food for the soul and abode of Akal Purakh.

From a pragmatic point of view, I favour 'do the right thing' which is not always what it would appear to be. I do however accept your argument as our Gurus had compassion and empathy, I think they had intelligent and far sighted compassion and empathy.

you're a beautiful individual trying to make sense of it all.

No, I have given up on making sense of it, everyday I learn a bit more, every day something falls into place, but the goal is not as important as the journey.

I don't know kundalini and wish not to,
pity :) I have heard interesting things about it!

I don't know the tenth gate but believe it so, I don't know a great deal others profess to know, but I'm happy not knowing. I am my Guru Ji's Sikh, that I do know and that is all I want to know. What I know today is what my mother taught me from day dot, "waheguru satnam" and that is what I have passed on to my children, no more no less.

and you cannot fault that.
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