- Jul 20, 2012
- 1,393
- 1,921
Hello Harkiran
I can't speak for the Bhai, so only offer my own thoughts. Reading the question that is the first sentence, I wonder, could the meaning of gurmukh in this context then be 'gur'? If you are no longer manmukh, you are gurmukh, which is just gur, which is all that really exists anyway, right?
The rest that you wrote is as close to agreement as I think you and I have ever come. You said: "When all is understood at the base of everything to be ONE then who exactly is reincarnating?" My answer would be 'god'/guru/ik onkar whatever you want to call it. Because everything is ONE there isn't an individual mind that exists separate to do the reincarnating. The ONE has coalesced into what forms you and me, with our human minds, for the purpose of experiencing Itself (you quoted that in another post and it's beautiful), and once these human forms die and the minds cease to exist, there will only be the ONE again, which may coalesce into a rock or a snake or a black hole on the other side of the galaxy - but would you really say that is 'you' reincarnating?
I love the idea that from energy we come and to energy we will return. The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius sums it up rather well in the 2nd century CE, I think:
"I am made up of the causal and the material. Neither of these will disappear into nothing, just as neither came to be out of nothing. So every part of me will be assigned its changed place in some part of the universe, and that will change again into another part of the universe, and so on to infinity. A similar sequence of change brought me into existence, and my parents before me, and so back to another infinity of regression. Nothing forbids this assertion, even if the universe is subject to the completion of cycles." - Meditations, Book 5, 13
Hmmm how can I coax the aha moment since you are ALMOST at the point how I see things. The only difference is you still think in terms that YOU are Ishna. What if tomorrow you woke up from an accident with absolute amnesia... meaning you can’t remeber ANY part of your identity from your whole life. You still know language etc but not your identity as Ishna. This HAS happened to many people by the way and sometimes permanent. Even though Ishna has been erased is there still an awareness there? Just because you can’t remember being Ishna does it mean YOU died??? No! Because YOU are not Ishna. Just like an actor plays a character. When the costume is removed the character is meaningless... the actor didn’t die or cease to exist. The conscious doer or observer who was the actor went on to play other parts. These identities we think we are is called the haume. The ego identity. It’s false. Remove that identity and a primal awareness of being still exists and always will exist. That primal being or awareness is one and the same in ALL. Your awareness IS that ONE awareness.
So yes there is One universal observer / Creator. That one is the same awareness of being in ALL. The observer in each human body never ceases to exist and goes on to experience others. The CHARACTER ceases to exist but the consciousness is not the character. You could say Ishna will die someday in this dream but YOU are not Ishna. Ishna is only one character YOU have played. YOU ARE the one experiencing itself. (Recognize he IS me).
At least this is how I have come to understand it through not just Gurbani but theology in general and seeing similarities in many different paths.