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Controversial Told DAD That Meat Is NOT Forbidden, And He Gets ANGRY!


Jun 12, 2014
I have this dream of owning a farm, with livestock, I am going to raise pigs, feed them well, then eat them, I am well aware of the reality, but thanks for the heads up.

I suppose you forget what the Gurbani says about throat-cutters. It's very simple really; you see yourself above animals, and vegetarians don't.

Ahhh priorities, tell you what, once world starvation, war, mass rape and murder have gone, I will give you a hand with the animals!

What makes you think the two aren't related? A world that literally survives on mass-murder of billions of sentient beings is violent? Why are you surprised?

World starvation can be solved this way, just FYI. Every acre of livestock takes 5 acres of feed. That's 6 acres of fruits, vegetables and grains that are now going to feed people instead of going to fatten up livestock for slaughter.
Not to mention we are poisoning everything with chemicals; pesticides, herbicides, fungicides etc..
With all that said; world hunger is an illusion. There's plenty to go around, and the agricultural techniques needed to allow people to feed themselves already exist. But, as I will say again later, this illusion is fueled only by ignorance, propaganda etc.
There is no issue in food security. The issue is that profit, economics, and politics are put first; Monsanto and chemicals are more profitable than healthy, safe, organic food. I could go on and on with this, I'm going to cut myself short.. apparently you want to be a farmer, so you should already know these things.

War has nothing to do with this. And let me point out the obvious; if there were no soldiers, there is no war. If there were none who were so full of hateful ignorance, there would be no soldiers. This type of orchestrated mass-murder (which you claim to be such a huge issue, but not if it doesn't happen to your species!) operates on the same dynamic as the livestock industry; ignorance, advertising, propaganda etc.

Mass rape.. well, I don't know what that has to do with this, again.. But livestock farmers are also, technically, raping animals. They artificially inseminate them, and to make matters worse, they then take their children when they're born.

Once murder is gone you'll help me stop the murders? OK.

I guess you mean we humans are the only life form that kill for food, hmmmm, also, there are no sins in Sikhism, and as for putting a stop to it, by it, I guess you mean life? interfere in Creation?

Sorry, I think the world will probably carry on in its own way regardless.

thanks for the post though, funniest thing I have ever read today, made me smile!

Carnivore drivel.. Lions eat gazelles blah blah.
The human being is the only life form that kills for food, when it doesn't need to.
Interfering in Creation?? How is livestock farming not interfering? You're aware that the animals are killed far before they would naturally die, yea? They're pumped full of antibiotics, shoved into little cages, and then killed when they get fat enough. Sounds real natural.
Let them out on the pasture, let them live longer; it makes no difference. They are living the life of a product, not an animal as it was created.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I suppose you forget what the Gurbani says about throat-cutters. It's very simple really; you see yourself above animals, and vegetarians don't.

What makes you think the two aren't related? A world that literally survives on mass-murder of billions of sentient beings is violent? Why are you surprised?

World starvation can be solved this way, just FYI. Every acre of livestock takes 5 acres of feed. That's 6 acres of fruits, vegetables and grains that are now going to feed people instead of going to fatten up livestock for slaughter.
Not to mention we are poisoning everything with chemicals; pesticides, herbicides, fungicides etc..
With all that said; world hunger is an illusion. There's plenty to go around, and the agricultural techniques needed to allow people to feed themselves already exist. But, as I will say again later, this illusion is fueled only by ignorance, propaganda etc.
There is no issue in food security. The issue is that profit, economics, and politics are put first; Monsanto and chemicals are more profitable than healthy, safe, organic food. I could go on and on with this, I'm going to cut myself short.. apparently you want to be a farmer, so you should already know these things.

War has nothing to do with this. And let me point out the obvious; if there were no soldiers, there is no war. If there were none who were so full of hateful ignorance, there would be no soldiers. This type of orchestrated mass-murder (which you claim to be such a huge issue, but not if it doesn't happen to your species!) operates on the same dynamic as the livestock industry; ignorance, advertising, propaganda etc.

Mass rape.. well, I don't know what that has to do with this, again.. But livestock farmers are also, technically, raping animals. They artificially inseminate them, and to make matters worse, they then take their children when they're born.

Once murder is gone you'll help me stop the murders? OK.

Carnivore drivel.. Lions eat gazelles blah blah.
The human being is the only life form that kills for food, when it doesn't need to.
Interfering in Creation?? How is livestock farming not interfering? You're aware that the animals are killed far before they would naturally die, yea? They're pumped full of antibiotics, shoved into little cages, and then killed when they get fat enough. Sounds real natural.
Let them out on the pasture, let them live longer; it makes no difference. They are living the life of a product, not an animal as it was created.

Hmm ok, I seemed to have touched a nerve, it is obviously a subject that is close to you, fair enough, I know Americans can be passionate about this sort of stuff, its a bit beyond me, I guess I am busy enough trying to change myself before trying to change the world, but good luck to you, we are all different.


Jun 12, 2014
Hmm ok, I seemed to have touched a nerve, it is obviously a subject that is close to you, fair enough, I know Americans can be passionate about this sort of stuff, its a bit beyond me, I guess I am busy enough trying to change myself before trying to change the world, but good luck to you, we are all different.

My username is Canada.. I'm French Canadian, hardly American, thanks...

You don't even make any sense. "I guess I am busy enough trying to change myself before trying to change the world"
The opposite of what you said earlier; "Ahhh priorities, tell you what, once world starvation, war, mass rape and murder have gone, I will give you a hand with the animals!"
Yet the last issue is probably the only one you can actually help with.

This is why I don't bother. Carnivores never have a real justification. I'm sorry you're too busy to think about the pain and suffering your choices cause.
Nov 23, 2010

Carnivore drivel.. Lions eat gazelles blah blah.
The human being is the only life form that kills for food, when it doesn't need to.

Apparently, you've never been around cats .:interestedmunda::interestedmunda:


Jun 12, 2014

Carnivore drivel.. Lions eat gazelles blah blah.
The human being is the only life form that kills for food, when it doesn't need to.

Apparently, you've never been around cats .:interestedmunda::interestedmunda:

Do we commend the cats for this behavior? Do we seek to emulate it because it seems morally right?
Are cats intelligent enough to know what they are really doing?

Really, what a silly point.. who cares? Even if cats do intentionally commit murder, knowing that their victims have consciousness, I would wager it's just their predatory instinct that still remains despite their self-inflicted domestication. Besides, cats are carnivorous; cat food contains meat. Your cat would die without it. The only difference is that, like us, someone else murdered the animals for the cat.

Humans, however, do not die if they stop eating meat. In fact, with how much junk is in the meat these days, they are healthier if they don't.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
My username is Canada.. I'm French Canadian, hardly American, thanks...

apologies, I always get confused, ahh French Canadians, yes, I remember watching them in South Park, ok, now I am with you

You don't even make any sense.

yes, now your getting to know me!

"I guess I am busy enough trying to change myself before trying to change the world"
The opposite of what you said earlier; "Ahhh priorities, tell you what, once world starvation, war, mass rape and murder have gone, I will give you a hand with the animals!"
Yet the last issue is probably the only one you can actually help with.

ok, this is a mixture of two things, namely, sarcasm, and wit, now I know that british humour can be hard to understand, but allow me to explain, sometimes when I say things, I ummm don't really mean them, you know, I am just saying them because its funny, but funny in a sort of a dark way, maybe its only me that gets it, I dunno, but that my friend is called sarcastic wit, Obviously now I have explained it, its not sarcastic anymore, nor particularly witty, but there you go.

I'm sorry you're too busy to think about the pain and suffering your choices cause.

funnily enough thats exactly what my mother said the other day, my wife, you see, is welsh and menopausal! Oh I am well aware of the pain and suffering my choices make!

thats me done, back to topic folks

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
How offensive.

Everything is clearly a joke to you; so I'm done wasting my time.

no, no, you have it wrong again, this is not offensive, this is something different, its spontaneous, and its called wit, its not even sarcastic!

however, yes, everything is a joke, life is just material for the next gag, no?

I would add something though on a personal level
Given your views, your desire to foist them on the world, and your low humour threshold, I would put off that visit to the Punjab, and I mean that quite sincerely,

good luck!, now back to topic, if you have anymore issues feel free to pm me


Jun 12, 2014
no, no, you have it wrong again, this is not offensive, this is something different, its spontaneous, and its called wit, its not even sarcastic!

however, yes, everything is a joke, life is just material for the next gag, no?

I would add something though on a personal level
Given your views, your desire to foist them on the world, and your low humour threshold, I would put off that visit to the Punjab, and I mean that quite sincerely,

good luck!, now back to topic, if you have anymore issues feel free to pm me

I don't find racism, murder or ignorance funny. According to you, then, Punjab is just full of ignorant racists, right? Who else would you like to insult today?

I'm sorry you think your life is just a big joke.. that's exactly the kind of attitude that allows this treatment of animals, war, global starvation etc. to continue.

I have no desire to foist my views on the world, I'm aware no one cares; that's why it's happening in the first place, no?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I have no desire to foist my views on the world, I'm aware no one cares; that's why it's happening in the first place, no?

if by 'it' you mean the eating of animals, then your suggesting that the eating of animals happens because no one cares, I would say you are wrong, I care, passionately, about the whole eating of animals issue, namely, I love them, and I love eating them, and I am a Sikh.

In fact, I am munching on a bacon roll whilst typing this!

here, give this thread a read, its right up your alley!


Once you have read it, and all associated arguments, then come back to me,



Jun 12, 2014
if by 'it' you mean the eating of animals, then your suggesting that the eating of animals happens because no one cares, I would say you are wrong, I care, passionately, about the whole eating of animals issue, namely, I love them, and I love eating them, and I am a Sikh.

In fact, I am munching on a bacon roll whilst typing this!

here, give this thread a read, its right up your alley!


Once you have read it, and all associated arguments, then come back to me,


"I love them, and I love eating them"
So you murder those you love.. and then you ask why people go to war?
Enjoy your salted pork belly (and the health issues that come with it).

I've read some of that thread before. It doesn't change anything. Your compassion only extends to human beings, and mine extends to all life; therein lies the only difference. The rest of it just comes up because of the ridiculous and irrelevant comments you've made.


Jun 21, 2014
apologies, I always get confused, ahh French Canadians, yes, I remember watching them in South Park, ok, now I am with you

yes, now your getting to know me!

ok, this is a mixture of two things, namely, sarcasm, and wit, now I know that british humour can be hard to understand, but allow me to explain, sometimes when I say things, I ummm don't really mean them, you know, I am just saying them because its funny, but funny in a sort of a dark way, maybe its only me that gets it, I dunno, but that my friend is called sarcastic wit, Obviously now I have explained it, its not sarcastic anymore, nor particularly witty, but there you go.

funnily enough thats exactly what my mother said the other day, my wife, you see, is welsh and menopausal! Oh I am well aware of the pain and suffering my choices make!

thats me done, back to topic folks

What you call 'sarcasm and wit' is quite simply lying, it is misleading and against Sikhi, if that is what you follow. It is also offensive. I've reported you for your racist comments, lying with the intention to mislead and offend. And mocking someone's earnest point of view by calling it the 'funniest thing you've read all day'


Jun 21, 2014
if by 'it' you mean the eating of animals, then your suggesting that the eating of animals happens because no one cares, I would say you are wrong, I care, passionately, about the whole eating of animals issue, namely, I love them, and I love eating them, and I am a Sikh.

In fact, I am munching on a bacon roll whilst typing this!

here, give this thread a read, its right up your alley!


Once you have read it, and all associated arguments, then come back to me,


I also find it super offensive for you to tell a passionate vegetarian that you are involved in cannibalism (eating flesh) right now in order to stir them up. Saying you love animals and eating them is hypocritical. I love my mom, I wouldn't murder her, cook and eat her. Your disregard for life (war, other thing you mentioned you don't care about...or said you did and later informed us that you lied) is kind of psychopathic, and so is you blatant attempt to hurt another Sikh's feelings. So, it's probably pointless to argue with someone who has no compassion. I just wanted to point it out to the members of this group how malicious you were being, in hopes to get the attention of the admins and get you banned.
Nov 23, 2010
I've reported you for your racist comments,
I fail to see anything racist in Harry jis comments. He basically said that the pompous and humourless are not well received in Punjabi.He said nothing about race.
As for offensive how about backward lying hypocritical psychopathic cannibal. (I love the way you can string adjectives together in english).
I'd suggest you get off your High Horse and try walking for a change.


Dec 3, 2011
I've reported you for your racist comments,
I fail to see anything racist in Harry jis comments. He basically said that the pompous and humourless are not well received in Punjabi.He said nothing about race.
As for offensive how about backward lying hypocritical psychopathic cannibal. (I love the way you can string adjectives together in english).
I'd suggest you get off your High Horse and try walking for a change.

Totally agree !

Who is the one that displays real prejudice ?
Who is the one that says USA and americans are all no good ?
Who is the one that thinks the righteous people are French canadians ?

Racism is not just about the classic discrimination, it is also about judging others and classing yourself as better and mightier.
As per Martin Luther King (judging character instead of colour)... it's about judging someone from any other quality and disregarding the ''content of their character''.... this can be judging as per someone's weight, size, dietary habits, veg/meat eater, country of birth/residence...etc..etc..

..... Instead of worrying and arguing about the running of the world and mankind, we should worry about fixing ourselves first.
Why should we worry about God's job in the running of the universe, when we can't run ourselves amongst others ?
God keeps the order of the universe constantly running with our planet spinning around the sun.....Should I be losing sleep at night because the the earth may stop spinning or we shall run out of rain?.... or should I be worried about attending my own shortcomings and weakness's ?
Jul 25, 2013
How hypocritical people are these days!! Your compassion extends to all life? Embrace all life??
Wait what!!! Then where is that regard for life when you allow plants, saag, spinach, curd, mushrooms, yeast, bacteria, leather, medicines, antibiotics, antiseptics, air you breathe, water "purifier" in your daily life? Or is our embracing only limited to those who can shriek and cry when we cut their throats?? Ever touched a "touch-me-not"? You'd see how sensitive it is but still is not a loud-mouth like us. THIS is a slippery slope...where would you end embracing the life? after chicken? after meat? milk? fungus?
These are exactly the kind of silly things Guru Nanak deemed not worthy of discussion and writes so many times in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji that discussion upon such things is a profession of fools and I am one of 'em because I have this compulsion to speak against this attitude of "holier-than-thou", "higher-than-thou", "purer-than-thou" vege-fascists who just want to impose their diktats all over the planet. :mundafacepalm: and I might invite further wrath for saying this but upon being a mostly silent spectator on so many forums since 4-5 years, the people who have been most fanatical about this veg.-non-veg. propaganda have been from 3HO organization. I used to think that these people will be the shining star in the future of Sikhi but the fanaticism is abound there (not among all but the ones I have had the opportunity to talk with) :motherlove:


Jun 21, 2014
How hypocritical people are these days!! Your compassion extends to all life? Embrace all life??
Wait what!!! Then where is that regard for life when you allow plants, saag, spinach, curd, mushrooms, yeast, bacteria, leather, medicines, antibiotics, antiseptics, air you breathe, water "purifier" in your daily life? Or is our embracing only limited to those who can shriek and cry when we cut their throats?? Ever touched a "touch-me-not"? You'd see how sensitive it is but still is not a loud-mouth like us. THIS is a slippery slope...where would you end embracing the life? after chicken? after meat? milk? fungus?
These are exactly the kind of silly things Guru Nanak deemed not worthy of discussion and writes so many times in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji that discussion upon such things is a profession of fools and I am one of 'em because I have this compulsion to speak against this attitude of "holier-than-thou", "higher-than-thou", "purer-than-thou" vege-fascists who just want to impose their diktats all over the planet. :mundafacepalm: and I might invite further wrath for saying this but upon being a mostly silent spectator on so many forums since 4-5 years, the people who have been most fanatical about this veg.-non-veg. propaganda have been from 3HO organization. I used to think that these people will be the shining star in the future of Sikhi but the fanaticism is abound there (not among all but the ones I have had the opportunity to talk with) :motherlove:

I do not feel I am better or worse then anyone. That is exactly why I don't eat flesh. Animals have central nervous systems, so they feel pain. The other forms of life do not. I ask you this: Can you go into a field, take a cow away from it's family, it's mother and father, beat it, put it in a cage so small it can't turn around in it, feed it corn covered in poison, abuse it, make it live in it's own feces with no light and no ventilation, with dead corpses everywhere around it that are being left to rot, make it so fat it can't stand up, beat it some more, injure it with a fork lift, hear it cry, put it up on a hook upside down on it's legs and make it pass through a razor, cut in half while it is still living? If you answers no, as I would..consider that that is what you are making people do for you every time you eat meat. True responsibility and righteous living lie in not saying 'that's not my job, so it doesn't matter' but considering the effect of your choices on the whole of humanity and sentient life. For example, I do not say that I support human rights, and then buy clothes made in sweat shop conditions. In order to not be a hypocrite when I say I support human rights, I go out of my way to purchase clothes only made in humane conditions. The same goes for when I say I love animals, I got out of my way to make sure that my choices are not resulting in animals being tortured. I do not know if you know anything about the Holocaust, but the deferral of responsibility is exactly why it was so successful. People saying 'I'm not the one gassing the Jews, I'm just doing my job, so it's not my fault they're getting killed' when infact that individuals job is to make sure the trains delivering Jews to the camps are running on time 'But I'm just a train operator! It's not my fault they're getting killed' similar things were said by thousands of individuals "oh, well Jew are suppose to be killed, there's nothing I can do about it, and anyway where do you draw the line...at a monkey?" Similar things were also said about Blacks by eugenists and regular people when Eugenics was popular. Now I want you to consider this, the torture and slaughter of animals is many many times greater then the Holocaust was (~10 billion slaughtered every year). Why? Because people just don't care about suffering.
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