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Trouble Between Religions


Nov 25, 2006
Do all religions lead to God?

I'll agree with those who have replied to you and said "yes that is the aim", it's true that religions were created with the higher aim of "reaching the supreme", whether we call him/her by Waheguru, Allah, Jesus, Jehovah etc etc. Religions just have different ways of reaching the Supreme. My wonderful grandmother had a wonderful way of putting it, she used to say "We are all children of the same God, we have just been put into different classes...some are muslims and attend the mosque, some are sikh and go to the gurdwara, some are hindu and go to the mandhir, but we are all the same...just learning in different classes"

I too, like you have been blessed by being born into a sikh family, and although my beliefs now are slightly different to my family's, does not make me value God any less than if i were to remain a Sikh. I chose the path i have because i felt, in my heart it was right FOR ME.

God is everywhere... one does not necessarily need to follow a religion in order to find God, as God is inside each and every one of us, we are all connected regardless of caste, colour, creed, religion simpy because our souls are part of God. The path to God? There are 1000's of paths to God, and no single path is the one "true" path to God as the paths are different but not better than each other.

I have read through the posts, and it struck me how some more than others in different ways are incredibly passionate about Sikhi, and that is definately a good thing, but i have the impression that they see Sikhi as a "better" religion. These are all opinions of one another, and we need to respect each others beliefs (instead of putting down others eg. Muslims).
Before you all think im "Pro-Muslim" or something you need to remember that we are all indiviuals and we find different paths to the divine.

Some paths may appear as violent, as "wrong" because some aspects preach violence and therefore they are "bad", other paths may appear as simply perfect and the best path... the one path true to our heart will be "perfect" for us... What works for one may not necessarily work for another.

However, going back to the original post: God is everywhere, the divine is all around us, within us, within nature, God is the vibration in the air, the energy, the light, the wind, simply put EVERYTHING. To find that connection with God, i believe it will happen when it is meant to, you will find that path be it Sikhism, Christianity, whatever it is and you will feel that beautiful connection with the divine and the way you will KNOW this path is true to you, because your HEART will tell you is the path for YOU. Like i said above "What works for you will not necessarily work for someone else". I would advise that maybe you search around, read scriptures, read articles, essays, go to the Gurdwara, whatever feels best for you and slowly but surely... It will all fall into place. Be happy :)


Oct 8, 2006
Do all religions lead to God?

I'll agree with those who have replied to you and said "yes that is the aim", it's true that religions were created with the higher aim of "reaching the supreme", whether we call him/her by Waheguru, Allah, Jesus, Jehovah etc etc. Religions just have different ways of reaching the Supreme. My wonderful grandmother had a wonderful way of putting it, she used to say "We are all children of the same God, we have just been put into different classes...some are muslims and attend the mosque, some are sikh and go to the gurdwara, some are hindu and go to the mandhir, but we are all the same...just learning in different classes"
If were are all just in different classes under the same Headmaster, Why then do some beliefs (especially cosmoganies) differ from "class" to "class"

Seeking after God


Oct 8, 2006
Hi all,

I feel very troubled mentally day after day about my faith. Yes, i am a young teenage sikh but i have just 1 question that burns my mind everyday!

Despite whatever religion anyone believes in...do they all lead to GOD? I mean, why shouldnt i believe in christianity? WHen that religion makes up the bulk of our world's population? I am just troubled with this...sigh...

If anyone can help me...i would really appreciate it:8-:)

Thank you


Not all religions lead to God, simply because they're not all trying.
Buddhist have no God, just the universe.
Muslims also call their God "the Deceiver." Both Sikhs (i think) and Christians would agree that the Cause of Causes would not putrify Himself/Herself with lies. If God were to lie, we could trust nothing He/She said through the revelation of His/Her messengers.
Most antient religions have many gods (each hardly more than a Superman) this is in contradition with the belief that there is one Cause of Causes.
Also, I would like to state that truth is not relative; we can't decide on what is accurate by polling people. I am Christian, but I would like to discourage you from comverting to Christianity because "everyone's doing it."
Salvation in Jesus is open to all, but you should come because you believe not because it's popular.
If you would like to discuss converting to Christianity, please PM me.
[i don't mean to offend anyone by talking about my own religion, but as you know, Christians are commanded to reach out of others.]
Seeking after God
Last edited:


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and xtracx Jee!

Quote "I feel very troubled mentally day after day about my faith. Yes, i am a young teenage sikh but i have just 1 question that burns my mind everyday!"
This is a good sign. Your wish to know truth is growing. Please come to know true Simran. Do not waste more time with them whose promises do not bring results.
Many ways guide how to wear symbols of a religion. Those do not help. It does not matter, how often one changes these symbols.

Quote "I mean, why shouldnt i believe in christianity?"
I am not sure if this is the way.

Quote "WHen that religion makes up the bulk of our world's population?"
For me this is the sign of missing God. No one can accompany a person on his inner journey toward God than his Shabad Guru.

Balbir Singh


Dec 9, 2006
Sat Shri Akal.

I think that a lot of people have that question of which religion is right for them. I feel that everything happens for a reason and it also happens under God's watchful eyes. Since you were born into a Sikh family (i am assuming, since you haven't mentioned specifically), I think that would be a place to start exploring a path to God.

I personally feel that Sikhi is better than Christianity and Islam. That is because of the authenticity of our scriptures. They were actually written by our Gurus.

A lot of the Christian scriptures have been interpreted and changed around for 2000 years now. That really turns me off the religion. Look at all the various little sects that religion has broken into! Furthermore, Islam has these 'hadiths', or teachings of Mohammed outside Quran, that are used (and often misinterpreted) to make statements (what I mean is that teachings outside the Quran are used to validate points of views).

Sikhi is simple. Remember God. Pray. Serve all. Amongst many other messages. There are no rituals (although unfortunately some of them have been invented by the Sikhs) etc that can make the teachings questionable.

Of course, I find that there are some shortcomings too. For example, SGGS does not specifically mention the 5 k's. Furthermore, the dasam granth's authenticity has been questioned as some sections are believed not to be the work of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. I personally believe that SGGS does an adequate job of calming my restlessness and giving me direction in life.

Sikhi requires hardwork. I have recently turned 20 and I reflected on life and some of the lessons I have learned as a teenager. I think the biggest lesson was that you have to work for something. The language used in SGGS is exquisite but not always easy to understand. So you will need help with that.

Christianity is so large because of the forced conversions done under colonialism and even the missionary work done right now. I do feel that Jesus was a prophet who came to Earth with a message of love for others. But I think that message has been lost with time and there are so many other implications that came over instead of it. Christians are more worried about spreading their philosophy rather than practicing it.

So it all boils down to starting with what you have. And if you are really not satisfied then exploring other options? It really shouldn't come to that as Sikhi is indeed a unique religion with a much more understandable and practical philosophy.

Good Luck

p.s - I hope I haven't offended anyone. I do respect my Christian and Muslim friends. However, personally I don't see them fit for myself!


Aug 22, 2005
India, Port Blair
If you listen to Maskin ji over the ages man has grown up from a savage to a cultured being. His religious thoughts have evolved. A student of college doesnt need to learn tables and primers.
Similarly Sikhi is the most modern thought with least rites rituals and dogmas and it is the religion of this age.
Older eligions are obscure and steeped in misrepresented interpretations. Sikhi is like having the mother lode and genuine instruction since it is simple to follow and easy to understand.
Today the salvation is from Naam Japna- nothing else will save us. Even Vedanta is coming around to this- that is why you have so many hindu gurus on TV. Christianity is a religion of the majority. But where grass grows abundantly, roses are very few!! Good things are rare. What is the death knell for Christianity is the non belief in rebirth, karma and other wrong beliefs which have crept in. Ultimately all roads will lead to God - no doubt but would you take one that is obscure and doubtful or one which is assured!!
May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
Re: Troubled between Religions

Sikhi is a religion completely independant. It is not a part of Hinduism or Islam. If anything Guru Nanak preached to the muslims HOW to be good muslims and likewise to the Hindu's. The "major" religions as they so put it are nothing more than businesses nowadays. Christianity and Islam together form about 2 billion of the worlds population. Sikhism does not want people to be forced to convert. As kaur-1 said, read some of the articles and essays around and you will forever cherish the fact that you were born into a Sikhi family!

Well that's true to some degree, practice what yuo preach. However, we need to spread into other areas of the world and have more diversity. In other words, preach what you practice. And you don't have to force anyone into it, i myself was showed a glimpse of sikhi, and i was interested in a path - we should spread sikhi to those who are interested.


Nov 15, 2006
Yeah that is the sad thing about Sikhism. We've fully isolated our religion from the rest of the world, this resulting in minidentification and the path of the Guru slowly being hidden. What we should do is at least preach what was written by the Guru's and not try to convert anyone or anything as veer ji said. When the guru's said that sikhism shouldnt be spread or focus on converting they probably meant in the methods of Islam(by the sword) or christianity(as a business). Rather we should show them the values and they can decide for themselves. We truly need to get out there!
Jan 6, 2007
xtracx ji,

Think of Sikh Religion as the latest and perhaps the last update to the Program of Maya - Life cycle -"The Virus of Kalyug". To survive this is the most essential update. It is sikh phillosophy that alone shall take you beyond BRAHAM (The Clutches of Nature).

Have faith in your religion.


Jan 7, 2007
Hi all,

I feel very troubled mentally day after day about my faith. Yes, i am a young teenage sikh but i have just 1 question that burns my mind everyday!

Despite whatever religion anyone believes in...do they all lead to GOD? I mean, why shouldnt i believe in christianity? WHen that religion makes up the bulk of our world's population? I am just troubled with this...sigh...

If anyone can help me...i would really appreciate it:8-:)

Thank you


Welcome to the journey of self discovery and Truth. Whenever one is progressing spritually it may seem as though you are in a state of confusion, anxiety, trouble and frustration. This may simply be a way of your mind, heart and soul grasping the Truth as it can only be understood by Grace of God by whatever means He has. Study all religions, but take it step by step. Sikh simply means to become a disciple, student and to learn and gain as much knowledge as possible to equip you with the correct tools to achieve salvation with your Lord. Try to grasp the Truth and the basic beliefs of all religions and concentrate on these rather than getting too involved in any one particular religion to the point that one becomes an extremist. All religions are True but have been subject to human manipulation. Follow the ten commandments as said by Jesus (AS). Offer selfless service to the holy congregation (sangat) and chant God's name, whether it by Allah, Ishwar, Ohm or Vaheguru, all are beautiful names of God. Sit in the sangat and remeber God. Pray to God asking for Him to guide you, show you the Truth, to feel the Truth, live the Truth, speak the Truth and to be engrossed in the Truth. Ask God to gift you with the understanding of the Truth and to keep you the footdust of the saints. Whatever the Guru's have said in the GGS can only be achieved by some rare one (nectar of God's Name), and we should search for the Sant, Bhagt, Pandit, Brahm Giani who has obtained salvation during this life time and sit in their company/sangat and the God's blessings that are showered on them will also shower on you. You may wish to try praying five times a day as prophet Muhammed instructed as this will help you remember God throughout the day until you have achieved the fourth status as mentioned by Guru Ji. Read the Sukhmani Sahib in English (I have a spare new copy if you want it). Read the Quran and anything that believes in One God but do not take anything your read literally but ask God and Guru Ji to help you understand its meaning and put into practice in your everyday life. After studying each religion, see what apeals to you most. You will know when you are making progress as you will feel the result of your actions and research bringing you closer to God, if not, then you will need to question whether what you are doing is correct? Don't forget, whatever you do, it must be only be to please God and do not associate anyone or other being in your worship with God, He is One and the Only. Do not reject any faith or path but ask God to guide you and for you to meet with those who will help you remeber Him. Be kind to God's creation, learn to accept everything as it is and even if something bad happens, understand this as God's Will. The most important act of all is the simplest yet the most challenging... reciting Gods name as much as possible, with every breath, heart beat, second that passes by. Jesus said speak to your Lord as a Friend as He is the best of Friends. Muhammed PBUH said the dhikr (remeberance of Allah) is the highest act of worship. All those mentioned in the GGS have said the same. Krishna said sing the Name of God (Hare Krishna Hare krishna Hare Hare Krishna Kirishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Hare Hare Rama Rama Hare Hare) Hare being Gods Name and saying Krishna and Rama name you will be invoking them and they will help you be closer to God and remove obstacles that may come in the way, the same with invoking any Guru, Peer or prophet and they will also pray for you and help Guide you if God wills. Feel free to ask any direct questions you may have and I will help research for you if God hasn't given me the knowledge already. Good luck and Vaheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji ke Phateh.... Jo Bhole So Nihaaaal, Sat Sri Akaal (True is the Lord and whoever remebers Him). Salaam:idea:
Jul 10, 2006
Hi all,

I feel very troubled mentally day after day about my faith. Yes, i am a young teenage sikh but i have just 1 question that burns my mind everyday!

Despite whatever religion anyone believes in...do they all lead to GOD? I mean, why shouldnt i believe in christianity? WHen that religion makes up the bulk of our world's population? I am just troubled with this...sigh...

If anyone can help me...i would really appreciate it:8-:)

Thank you


Vaar 1 Pauri 23 Coming of the Guru

suxI pukwr dwqwr pRB gur nwnk jg mwihM pTwXw]
sunee pukaar dhaathaar prabh gur naanak jag maahin pathaayaa||
The benefactor Lord listened to the cries (of humanity) and sent Guru Nanak to this world.

crn Doie rihrws kr crnwimRq is`KW pIlwXw]
charan dhhoe rehiraas kar charanaamrith skhiaan peelaayaa||
He washed His feet, eulogised God and got his Disciples drink the ambrosia of his feet.

pwrbRhm pUrn bRhm kiljug AMdr iek idKwXw]
paarabreham pooran breham kalijug andhar eik dhikhaayaa||
He preached in this darkage (kaliyug) that, saragun (Brahm) and nirgun (Parbrahm) are the same and identical.

cwrY pYr DrMm dy cwr vrn iek vrn krwXw]
chaarai pair dhharanm dhae chaar varan eik varan karaayaa||
Dharma was now established on its four feet and all the four castes (through fraternal feeling) were converted into one caste (of humanity).

rwxw rMk brwbrI pYrIN pvxw jg vrqwXw]
raanaa rank baraabaree paireen pavanaa jag varathaayaa||
Equating the poor with the prince, he spread the etiquette of humbly touching the feet.

aultw Kyl iprMm dw pYrW aupr sIs invwXw]
oulattaa khael piranm dhaa pairaan oupar sees nivaayaa||
Inverse is the game of the beloved; he got the egotist high heads bowed to feet.

kiljug bwby qwirAw s`qnwm pVH mMqR suxwXw]
kalijug baabae thaariaa saathanaam parrh manthr sunaayaa||
Baba Nanak rescued this dark age (kaliyug) and recited ‘satinam’ mantr for one and all.

kil qwrx gur nwnk AwXw ]òó]
kal thaaran gur naanak aayaa ||aa||
Guru Nanak came to redeem the kaliyug.

The problem with some Sikh youths (and some Sikh adults alike) is in taking the initiative to learn the divine truth in a priceless jewel - SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI

If you need answers, they are there in our GURU - Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.

No one is going to spoon feed you. They might guide you nevertheless if you ask them.

If you need help, then ask Waheguroo for help - sincerely.


Start reading, learning and doing Gurbani Vichaar. Then you should start "LIVING" Gurbani Shabad. "Living" Gurbani is very crucial not just reading or doing Gurbani vichaar.


Jan 7, 2007
Re: Troubled between Religions

hi, i don't know if this will help but i feel that religion is just a culture. most religions are associated with a specific culture. believing in GOD for me is not a religion, it is just my own faith. i feel i was born into sikhi, and sikhi has some views attached to it, it doesn't matter what religion you are, the fact that YOU believe in God makes you and all others part of the same faith and your faith IN God is what will lead you to God, not you being christain, sikh, muslim, or etc. Being of a certain religion is not what will lead you to God, but you yourself will.

I totally agree with Princess Kaur. May God increase us all in faith.

k s gadh

Dec 26, 2006
Dear Singh Sahib Ji.
Sat Sri Akaal,
All religions leads towards God. As the God is one, the names ae different. Some believes in Raam, Some in Allah , some in Bible and some in Waheguru.
No religion preaches violence, all religions says to love the human being and pray for peace. All religions are equally good. If some one having faith in Christanity, he can join it . If some one having faith in Raam, he may worship Raam. If some one having faith in Allah , he may become Muslim.
If in the World , majority of the people are Christians then it does not mean that all other religion people should start believeing in Christanity. We cannot compell others to join this or that religion. It is all faith in the particular religion.
Jul 10, 2006

We are ALL children of Waheguroo Satnam.
The answers are in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. Thats all we need!


Quote: "Through Gurbaani, the Shabad, the Divine Word, Vaheguru speaks to us. The Formless Vaheguru communicated to the world through speaking through the Ten bodies of Guru Nanak Sahib jee. Now the Formless communicates to us through the Written Divine Word. The Guru is the embodiment of Vaheguru Himself.

If we still have doubt whether Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee is just a mere "Book", then Guru Arjan Dev Sahib jee’s voice speaks to us through Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee and says:

ਪੋਥੀ ਪਰਮੇਸਰ ਕਾ ਥਾਨੁ ॥
"The Divine Scripture (Sri Granth Sahib) is the meeting place where one can meet the Transcendent Lord God."
(Ang 1226)"


Quote: "Sikhi is unique by the fact that it does not condemn others to Hell or say if you are not Sikh you are eternally damned. Rather a Sikh prays at least twice daily for "Sarbat Da Bhallaa", meaning the good and prosperity of all Humanity regardless of religion, belief or faith.


ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮ ਚੜਦੀ ਕਲਾ। ਤੇਰੇ. ਭਾਣੇ ਸਰਬੱਤ ਦਾ ਭਲਾ।
"May the Divine-Name preached by Nanak be exalted. May all prosper and be blessed within Your Will."
(Daily Sikh Ardaas)

All faiths will get what they work towards. Guru Nanak Sahib jee is the only True Guru who has preached Naam, and given Gurmat-Naam. Only Gurmat has a concept such as Sach Khand and God-Realisation in such a clear way. Thus, Gurmat is the only path to Sach Khand, i.e. merging with God. "

Now, isnt that wonderful to know. :)

Its like having a priceless jewel in your lap given to you by Waheguroo in the form of Sri Guru Granth sahib ji but you are too blinded to see or acknowledge this and are looking elsewhere at .....




Jan 7, 2007
just like mohammed is the last prophet for muslims jesus is the only son of god for christians.

Sat Sri Akaal KDS

I have not said this as something from myself. The contents of the Bible were changed by King Henry the Vlll and Christians also said Jesus is son of God. There is nothing wrong with Bible except for what has been changed in it and people saying Jesus is the Lord and worshiping Jesus as God and SGGS condemns any idol worhsipping. SGGS Ji and all therein tells us there is only One God and everything worships Him and His Name alone. It is easy to get sucked up into what people do and follow the crowd and the path of Truth is as difficult as walking on a two edged sword as quoted in SGGS. Guru Nanak Dev Ji and all in SGGS emphasises on how to attain God spiritually and within as wordly acts will not benefit anyone in anyway in regards to obtaining salvation with God.


Jan 7, 2007
We are ALL children of Waheguroo Satnam.The answers are in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. Thats all we need!


All faiths will get what they work towards. Guru Nanak Sahib jee is the only True Guru who has preached Naam, and given Gurmat-Naam. Only Gurmat has a concept such as Sach Khand and God-Realisation in such a clear way. Thus, Gurmat is the only path to Sach Khand, i.e. merging with God. "

Now, isnt that wonderful to know. :)

Its like having a priceless jewel in your lap given to you by Waheguroo in the form of Sri Guru Granth sahib ji but you are too blinded to see or acknowledge this and are looking elsewhere at .....

SGGS is Gods Mercy to all of humanity and for all faiths telling them to correct their ways. Knowledge is power and can be gained from variable sources. Only when one has been given the knowledge by God after being guided can s/he have fruitful conversation without being biased and prejudice, which would lose the essence of the subject itself.


Jul 21, 2004
There is a Prakrit quotation on religion vattu sahavo dhammo. It means, dharma is the nature of all beings or substances. The dharma of water is to flow. If you stop its flow, you would face resistance. The dharma of fire is to burn and so on. The dharma of atma is to see and know. A true religion is one which dfacilitates the full expression of all beings in harmony.
Stated in simple terms, ahimsa is the best religion though difficult to practice. No religion of today is perfect and for that matter even in the past. The art of perfection lies in the domain of the individual but not in group or society.