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Undermining Sikhism


Apr 24, 2006
Maybe its beacuse Amarsanghra ji came after a while and has a much more clearer view of the situation.
I myself have experienced that.


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
Aman ji

i went through a lot of threads and am aware of the various thoughts put forth by Bhagat and others.


i see that Bhagat asked a question that is linked to none:

1. Can a religion be undermined - how? A religion is as defined by the rehits- do's don'ts and the dogmas
2. Can the essence of the PATH be undermined- How? the True Guru, the path to One.

even i have asked a hard question many find difficult to answer:

what is Sikhi and What is Sikhism

and this is important, is this board and discussion forum about Sikhi or about Sikhism?

ofcourse my second question can only be answered if the first one is answered.

i understand and appreciate where your view point is coming from, it is just that i have a different opinion.


Feb 25, 2008
pk70 ji

sadly it did not seem clear to me.

I think Bhagat asked the question very objectively and clearly.

The answer was not clear and objective, but deductive and based on own perception of other person's posts and intentions.

might be my shortcoming in grasping the language or anything.

apologies anyways !

Amar sanghera Ji
As I read Aman ji’s post, it reflects the history of Bhagat Singh’s behavior towards Gurbani and Hair etc, I don’t know if you know, Bhagat Singh Ji was warned because of this very reason and he admits if he does go off the topic. May be you are just looking at his recent question only. Regarding language comprehension, I doubt I pointed out that, if you smell this from my post, forgive me but there was no intention at all and never would be ever. Thanks:)


Apr 24, 2006
As I read Aman ji’s post, it reflects the history of Bhagat Singh’s behavior towards Gurbani and Hair etc, I don’t know if you know, Bhagat Singh Ji was warned because of this very reason and he admits if he does go of the topic.

This is untrue but I understand that it might not change the point of the rest of your post.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
amarsanghera ji

The thread began as a single question spun from another thread where it did not quite fit. Bhagat ji framed this as two questions -- as you point out. Since then the thread has twisted and turned but the question is not answered. It was actually I who asked Bhagat ji to ask for the meaning of Undermining Sikhism in a separate thread.

There has been some jousting and some off-topic discussion. All I can see is word play. It may be that my suggestion was a bad one. Maybe people don't want to discuss it or the topic has no interest.

Apologies from me. However in a day or so without any work on the theme, the thread will probably die and will need to be removed.


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
Tough questions are often mistaken as insult and they should not be.

this is exactly why i rephrased Bhagat's question.

breaking away from my vow of single liners :D


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
elementary Singh ji

the answer is 2

but if i had some self interest, i will make it whatever you want to hear.:u):

Read the last line carefully :)


i feel we have the two questions set by Bhagat:

Anyone open to discussion?
elementary Singh ji

the answer is 2

but if i had some self interest, i will make it whatever you want to hear.:u):

Read the last line carefully :)


i feel we have the two questions set by Bhagat:

Anyone open to discussion?

amar, you have out done yourself again. 2 :happy::happy:

Start answering the questions, no one is stopping you amar. By your writing it seems you have some tricks up your sleeve. I believe you have your assistant aswell, bhagat singh.

Let the show beginning, I'm sit back and grab some popcorn.:happy:To bad we don't have one with eating popcorn, but this will do:ice:

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Ignoring what I have written above and below the actual content...:D read on!

Aad ji, You mentioned in another part of the forum that one of the rules is to not "Undermine Sikhism".
I wanted to ask and thought this would be the perfect place to do so.
How would one go about "undermining Sikhism"?
By Sikhism if one means the organized Religion including the rehit and Dasam Granth, then I believe I have already done that along with many other members on the forum.
By Sikhism, if one means the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, then how do you undermine them???

I need clarification on this, and perhaps others do as well.


Let me give you an example I have made up:

Same question different way

1) I believe Guru Gobind Singh ji was stupid for fighting. He should have pursued non violence. Why didn't he?

same question rephrased

2) Why did Guru Gobind Singh ji take up the sword and pursue a path of non violence instead?

see what I am getting at.


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
This is the last but penultimate page of the SGGS, what appears to be the Guru Ji at his lowest and darkest hour. It thus occurs with Saintly Souls and ordinate mortals alike pilgrims of the Waheguru light are made to pass through hours of darkness and bitter trials before they meet their ultimate end.

Nij kar ḏekẖi▫o jagaṯ mai ko kāhū ko nāhi.
I have looked upon everyone as my own, however, I have observed that, in this world, no one is another's friend.
Nānak thir har bẖagaṯ hai ṯih rākẖo man māhi. ||48||
Nanak, permanent is only the devotional service of God. Enshrine thou that in thy mind.
Jag racẖnā sabẖ jẖūṯẖ hai jān leho re mīṯ.
Totally false is the structure of the world. Know thou this, O my friend.
Kahi Nānak thir nā rahai ji▫o bālū kī bẖīṯ. ||49||
Says Nanak, like the wall of sand, it remains not permanent.
Rām ga▫i▫o rāvan ga▫i▫o jā ka▫o baho parvār.
Ram Chander passed away and Rawan, too, who has a large family, had to pass away.
Kaho Nānak thir kacẖẖ nahī supne ji▫o sansār. ||50||
Says Nanak, nothing is ever-lasting, the world is like a dream.
Cẖinṯā ṯā kī kījī▫ai jo anhonī ho▫e.
Only then one should worry, if a thing, not expected to happen, comes to pass.
Ih mārag sansār ko Nānak thir nahī ko▫e. ||51||
This is the way of the world. None is ever stable, O Nanak.
Jo upji▫o so binas hai paro āj kai kāl.
Whosoever is born, he must perish. Every one shall fall today or tomorrow.
Nānak har gun gā▫e le cẖẖād sagal janjāl. ||52||
Nanak, thou sing the Lord's praises and lay aside all other entanglements.
Bal cẖẖutki▫o banḏẖan pare kacẖẖū na hoṯ upā▫e.
My strength is exhausted, I am in chains and I can make not any effort.
Kaho Nānak ab ot har gaj ji▫o hohu sahā▫e. ||53||
Say Nanak, God alone is now my refuge. He will help me as he did the elephant.
Bal ho▫ā banḏẖan cẖẖute sabẖ kicẖẖ hoṯ upā▫e.
I have regained my Power, my bonds are broken and all options are open on to me.
Nānak sabẖ kicẖẖ ṯumrai hāth mai ṯum hī hoṯ sahā▫e. ||54||
Nanak, everything is in thine hands. It is only thou who can assist thyself.
Sang sakẖā sabẖ ṯaj ga▫e ko▫ū na nib▫hi▫o sāth.
My associates and mates have all left me. None has remained with me to the last.
Kaho Nānak ih bipaṯ mai tek ek ragẖunāth. ||55||
Says Nanak, in this calamity, the Lord alone is my support.
Nām rahi▫o sāḏẖū rahi▫o rahi▫o gur gobinḏ.
Only the Lord is eternal, His Name remains eternal and so are the saints.
Kaho Nānak ih jagaṯ mai kin japi▫o gur manṯ. ||56||
Says Nanak, rare is the one, who reflects over the Guru's word, in this world.
Rām nām ur mai gahi▫o jā kai sam nahī ko▫e.
The Lord's Name, of which there is no peer, I have clasped to my mind.
Jih simraṯ sankat mitai ḏaras ṯuhāro ho▫e. ||57||1||
Such is thy Name, O Lord, remembering which my troubles end and I am blessed with Thine vision.
Thāl vicẖ ṯinn vasṯū pa▫ī▫o saṯ sanṯokẖ vīcẖāro.
In the platter are placed three things, truth, contentment and meditations.
Amriṯ nām ṯẖākur kā pa▫i▫o jis kā sabẖas aḏẖāro.
The Nectar-Name of the Lord, who is the support of all, has also been put therein.
Je ko kẖāvai je ko bẖuncẖai ṯis kā ho▫e uḏẖāro.
If someone partakes this and relishes it, he is emancipated.
Ėh vasaṯ ṯajī nah jā▫ī niṯ niṯ rakẖ ur ḏẖāro.
This can be forsaken not, so ever and always keep thou this enshrined in thy mind.
Ŧam sansār cẖaran lag ṯarī▫ai sabẖ Nānak barahm pasāro. ||1||
Repairing to the Lord's feet, the dark world ocean is crossed; O Nanak, everything is an extension of the Lord.
Ŧaras pa▫i▫ā mihrāmaṯ ho▫ī saṯgur sajaṇ mili▫ā.
Thou have shown mercy and rained Thine benediction on me. I have now met with the True Guru, my friend.
Nānak nām milai ṯāʼn jīvāʼn ṯan man thīvai hari▫ā. ||1||
Nanak! Then alone I live and my body and soul blossom forth, if I am blessed with the Lord's Name.

Consoling or comforting are inappropriate terms, the Creator of the world and Sikhism too were undermined at one stage and to a degree remain so. The absence of any great and pious leader of influence would indicate the Guru Nanak was too warned during his life journey and trials by those who felt affronted by his staunch stance and moral and honourable outlook.

Kal diyan sarkaran ensure all faith and religions are undermined, as is the very existence and definitive of God, Waheguru or evidence of any Supernatural power by the wielders of sorcery and devilry, unchastity and cunning. Many great Sikh Saints gave their lives than bow head to a savage and unethical tyrannical state. It unfortunately goes on to this day.

Religions shield the former sinners in godly apparel whilst the warriors and embattled including Waheguru himself sought a faithful ally in a world controlled by devilry, and would rather distance himself from the noble righteous than endanger their lives by subjecting them to the travails and manipulations of his ruthless enemy. A sad and sorry state of affairs indeed...

I would sincerely hope the true devout Sikhs retain faith and belief in their Forefathers and the hardships they endured that we have a strong belief system and culture to give meaning to an otherwise confusing and complex world, the reason why we are the strong, moral warrior race whether in the homeland or in an adversarial den of iniquity...


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
If one looks at the SGGS...its very bantar...structure is similar to our LIFE..childhood..teenager...adulthood...and Final DEATH. At various sections of SGGS especially in Sri Raag Guru ji has mentioned the Various FOUR stages of our Life...the Structure of the SGGS Mirrors this...

In the Concluding Slokas at the END of SGGS..its NOT the GURU that is at his "seemingly" Low..its a MIRROR for US to look at. We have reached the END Stage of our Lives..YET we havent made the Grade..we are still found wanting...and the Divine Message is loud and clear. The GURU is giving us His final warning...AWAKE !!! My SIKH..get up and smell the Coffee !! before its too late.

It may be too late for the One thats DEAD already..BUT for Those among the sangat sitting LISTENING..its a WARNING from the GURU..to BEWARE...samajh jao..still got time...Thats why the SOLKS are read at every BHOG..whether to CELEBRATE HAPPY OCASSION or DEATH....births, weddings...and DEATH...ANAND SAHIB follows each BHOG !! BLISS is the HIGH END MESSAGE !!
The GURU can NEVER be in "LOW" spirits....IF the Guru is low then how can he make us HIGH ?? The GURU is CONSISTENT....always in Chardeekalla.
WE HUMANS get Low and High..so we pull down the Guru to our Level.

2. Similar..to "God made US in His Image."
We humans havent seen GOD..but we have seen our own images in the mirror...so what do we do..
The One with the Puggy Nose..paints GOD with a puggy nose...a White man..paints God as White..a Negro makes God black...a Woman makes God as Durga...some Durgas are beautiful..others ugly..and yet others horrendous... GOD is ONE..but we have so many images..because we are MANY. The Blacks cant reconcile with a WHITE JESUS ?? even though they know he is *** and as such most probably not black....but he still God to them..so the Black jesus is there..
IF GOD" is indeed in "OUR" IMAGE..then why we so many diffeent images ?? Its the other way around...WE "make" God in "our image" becasue we dont know any other way...The Bhagats, the Sikh Gurus.."saw" God in an image with Long flowing hair KESH. beautiful long sharp nose..shining white pearly teeth.. others see fit to "laugh" at this...and say who has seen God ?? Does he really have Kesh etc..He has no Form ?? How to reconcile ?? My 9 yr old son will Laugh his head off....even those older get angry....because they "see" god in clean- shaven form !! which is DIFFERENT from the Image seen by our GURUS...and they BEG to DIFFER and want everyone to see their way....or be blamed as jhoothey paej....etc etc...similarly we are SAD..so we make the Guru sad....we want to Cry at someones death..so we make the GURU cry..and say he is at his lowest !!!;);););););););)


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
What is pain and what is pleasure, what is beauty and what is deemed unattractive, the mortal in his own contemptuousness overlooks the struggles of his forebears, of great men killed in futile wars, {Ardars} of the trials and tribulations undergone that mankind be free. The Waheguru is virtue, wisdom, beauty and light. I guide and counsel my children, I do not cite them as source of reference for insight into theology and transliteral interpretations of the SGGS or any other scripture. What is death, to be dead but to be blind to the pain and suffering of mankind because you yourself are ensconced in bliss. Some die an earthly death and gain Jiwan Mukhti, others breathe and consume but are as carcasses and pawn driven by whatever will takes them. If mortal were conscious or aware of the pain within each heart, the vulnerability, the helplessness he would live in an emotionally depressed state of mind, decidedly unhealthy. To boast so loudly that the Guru cannot be brought low by the deviousness and folly of his creation must assuredly be a greater death. Humans have emotional waves of exaltation and melancholy, where do you think this emanates from, what is the catalyst. I thoroughly and as always disagree with your outburst. Who in their own vainglory cast WaheGuru as some stone impervious to mans trickery and blindness, man perceives his God by measure of his own thinking and intellect. How can you speak o the deaf, or listen to the mute, muted, made dumb by his own an inability to comprehend what is glaringly evident to the awakened souls.

The Image of God – expressed beautifully in Bani, is found by those with God conscious in the faces of wise elders, innocent children, of humanity in its many colours and hues, how man profess to know God if he cannot see beyond race, colour and facade, folly indeed. The racial wars, religious conflicts and patriotic alliances are constructs of man, having no bearing with He who created the world. so man gains education, the skill of linguistic erudition, what matters it if he speaks so dismissively on matters his limited and blinkered vision prohibit him from seeing. All answers to your little riposte there are contained within the Bani, if you had studied and understood it your outburst would be a little better informed.

The young generation loses its way in a confusing and diverse world, the keepers of the word and religion take siege and hostage the word and The Waheguru as some sort of shield to accord them credibility and respect where character and substance may not inspire such laud. We witness this in all religions with zealots harnessing Gods words as their own narrow minded word and defaming the sacred institution of religion thereby. We know what the Supreme Lord looks like, resembles, our Guru Ji recited his virtues fulsomely and with monumental eloquence. I cite here gains for your reference:-

ਕਿ ਜ਼ਾਹਰ ਜ਼ਹੂਰ ਹੈਂ ॥ ਕਿ ਹਾਜ਼ਰ ਹਜ਼ੂਰ ਹੈਂ ॥
Ki zaahar zahoor hain|| Ki haazar hazoor hain||
That Thou art visible illumination. That Thou art All-Prevading.
ਹਮੇਸੁਲ ਸਲਾਮ ਹੈਂ ॥ ਸਮਸਤੁਲ ਕਲਾਮ ਹੈਂ ॥੧੫੦॥
Hamesul salaam hain|| Samastul kalaam hain||150||
That Thou art reveiver of Eternal conpliments. That Thou art Venerated by all. 150

ਕਿ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਦਿਮਾਗ਼ ਹੈਂ ॥ ਕਿ ਹੁਸਨਲ ਚਰਾਗ਼ ਹੈਂ ॥
Ki saahib dimaag hain|| Ki husnal charaag hain||
That Thou art Most Intelligent. That Thou art the Lamp of Beauty.

ਕਿ ਕਾਮਲ ਕਰੀਮ ਹੈਂ ॥ ਕਿ ਰਾਜ਼ਕ ਰਹੀਮ ਹੈਂ ॥੧੫੧॥
Ki kaamal karoom hain|| Ki raazak rahoom hain||151||
That Thou art completely Generous. That Thou art Sustainer and Merciful.151.

ਕਿ ਰੋਜ਼ੀ ਦਿਹਿੰਦ ਹੈਂ ॥ ਕਿ ਰਾਜ਼ਕ ਰਹਿੰਦ ਹੈਂ ॥
Ki rozi dihind hain|| Ki raazak rahind hain||
That Thou art Giver of Sustenance. That Thou art ever the Sustainer.

ਕਰੀਮੁਲ ਕਮਾਲ ਹੈਂ ॥ ਕਿ ਹੁਸਨਲ ਜਮਾਲ ਹੈਂ ॥੧੫੨॥
Karoomul kamaal hain|| Ki husnal jamaal hain||152||
That Thou art the perfection of Generosity. That Thou art Most Beautiful. 152.

ਗ਼ਨੀਮੁਲ ਖ਼ਿਰਾਜ ਹੈਂ ॥ ਗ਼ਰੀਬੁਲ ਨਿਵਾਜ਼ ਹੈਂ ॥
Ghanoomul khiraaj hain|| Gharoobul nivaaz hain||
That Thou art the Penaliser of enemies. That Thou art the Supporter of the poor.

ਹਰਫ਼ਿੁਲ ਸ਼ਿਕੰਨ ਹੈਂ ॥ ਹਿਰਾਸੁਲ ਫਿਕੰਨ ਹੈਂ ॥੧੫੩॥
Harooful shikann hain|| Hiraasul fikann hain||153||
That Thou art the Destroyer of enemies That Thou art the remover of Fear. 153.

ਕਲੰਕੰ ਪ੍ਰਣਾਸ ਹੈਂ ॥ ਸਮਸਤੁਲ ਨਿਵਾਸ ਹੈਂ ॥
Kalankang pranaas hain|| Samastul nivaas hain||
That Thou art the Destroyer of blemishes. That Thou art the dweller in all.

ਅਗੰਜੁਲ ਗਨੀਮ ਹੈਂ ॥ ਰਜਾਇਕ ਰਹੀਮ ਹੈਂ ॥੧੫੪॥
Aganjul ganoom hain|| Rajaaik rahoom hain||154||
That Thou art invincible by enemies. That Thou art the Sustainer and Gracious. 154.


Apr 24, 2006
Let me give you an example I have made up:

Same question different way

1) I believe Guru Gobind Singh ji was stupid for fighting. He should have pursued non violence. Why didn't he?

same question rephrased

2) Why did Guru Gobind Singh ji take up the sword and pursue a path of non violence instead?

see what I am getting at.
NO sir. Dasam Granth and Rehit + SGGS is DIFFERENT from SGGS.
I get your point and I see where you are coming from but there ARE differences. Like SGGS is neutral on hair but Rehit says keep uncut hair, etc etc.

So now tell us what you think?:yes:


Feb 25, 2008
With all due respect Jiti Johal Jio
As long as we read and understand Gurbani with the color of our own thinking, we will not be able to get Guru Message (its applicable to me too), as we dump our learning and follow what is actually being said, eyes start opening.
I have no problem what you think about life, you are entitled to your opinion as I am. I just request you to give second thought to judge Guru in low state as he is not.
Now let’s look at the following Sloka of Guru and see if Guru is in low states, it will be injustice to judge him without understanding in what context what is being said.
Nij kar ḏekẖi▫o jagaṯ mai ko kāhū ko nāhi.[/FONT]
I have looked upon everyone as my own, however, I have observed that, in this world, no one is another's friend.[/FONT]
Nānak thir har bẖagaṯ hai ṯih rākẖo man māhi. ||48||[/FONT]
Nanak, permanent is only the devotional service of God. Enshrine thou that in thy mind.[/FONT]
Guru ji is inspiring the soul totally involved in Maya(materialistic world) to see it(Maya) as temporary when soul leaves, nothing goes with it, what goes with it His love enshrined in mind, this makes the soul to merge with the eternal to be eternal[/FONT]
Jag racẖnā sabẖ jẖūṯẖ hai jān leho re mīṯ.[/FONT]
Totally false is the structure of the world. Know thou this, O my friend.[/FONT]
Kahi Nānak thir nā rahai ji▫o bālū kī bẖīṯ. ||49||[/FONT]
Says Nanak, like the wall of sand, it remains not permanent.[/FONT]
Again it is said in context of the eternal, otherwise Guru got married, had son and lived a “Grasthi Jivan” but in pursuit of union with HIM(if any one believes in Him), all we see is in changing process, so being aware of it, only the eternal is HIM, so Guru says "go for Him"[/FONT]
Rām ga▫i▫o rāvan ga▫i▫o jā ka▫o baho parvār.[/FONT]
Ram Chander passed away and Rawan, too, who has a large family, had to pass away.[/FONT]
Kaho Nānak thir kacẖẖ nahī supne ji▫o sansār. ||50||[/FONT]
Says Nanak, nothing is ever-lasting, the world is like a dream.[/FONT]
Again, Guru ji asks us to learn from the well famous families of the History, as they have left, we would, dream here is a metaphor that conveys limited time span of life.[/FONT]
Cẖinṯā ṯā kī kījī▫ai jo anhonī ho▫e.[/FONT]
Only then one should worry, if a thing, not expected to happen, comes to pass.[/FONT]
Ih mārag sansār ko Nānak thir nahī ko▫e. ||51||[/FONT]
This is the way of the world. None is ever stable, O Nanak.[/FONT]
Here Guru ji actually gives boost to those who fall low at someone’s death, we are advised not to worry at all about death, it’s a natural process, get over the attachment and take it as an unchangeable fact[/FONT]
Jo upji▫o so binas hai paro āj kai kāl.[/FONT]
Whosoever is born, he must perish. Every one shall fall today or tomorrow.[/FONT]
Nānak har gun gā▫e le cẖẖād sagal janjāl. ||52||[/FONT]
Nanak, thou sing the Lord's praises and lay aside all other entanglements.[/FONT]
Here, Guru ji continues to convince us that the death is eminent, who is born has to go, only useful is to praise the Creator( if merging in Him is believed)[/FONT]
Source:: Sikh Philosophy Network http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/showthread.php?t=24616 (Undermining Sikhism)
Bal cẖẖutki▫o banḏẖan pare kacẖẖū na hoṯ upā▫e.[/FONT]
My strength is exhausted, I am in chains and I can make not any effort.[/FONT]
Kaho Nānak ab ot har gaj ji▫o hohu sahā▫e. ||53||[/FONT]
Say Nanak, God alone is now my refuge. He will help me as he did the elephant.[/FONT]
Here Guru ji is not down literally he is saying when all strength is gone, God saves us( Here again if we believe in Him and His ordinance from heart as Guru did), take refuge in Him, in such kind of circumstances, Guru advises us to keep our firm faith in Him. Fifth Nanak wrote a Shabad on this issue.[/FONT]
Bal ho▫ā banḏẖan cẖẖute sabẖ kicẖẖ hoṯ upā▫e.[/FONT]
I have regained my Power, my bonds are broken and all options are open on to me.[/FONT]
Nānak sabẖ kicẖẖ ṯumrai hāth mai ṯum hī hoṯ sahā▫e. ||54||[/FONT]
Nanak, everything is in thine hands. It is only thou who can assist thyself.[/FONT]
Here look carefully, with God’s grace, all power or strength comes back because all is in His hands, devotes of Him fought serious battles considering Him at their side. This is the concept[/FONT] of strong faith in Him[/FONT]
Sang sakẖā sabẖ ṯaj ga▫e ko▫ū na nib▫hi▫o sāth.[/FONT]
My associates and mates have all left me. None has remained with me to the last.[/FONT]
Kaho Nānak ih bipaṯ mai tek ek ragẖunāth. ||55||[/FONT]
Says Nanak, in this calamity, the Lord alone is my support.[/FONT]
At the end, nobody goes with us, it is Him who is with us from the moment we take our first breath till the last breath, and stress is on His praise. It’s all about Him, enlightened ones don’t believe what people do, they believe whatever is done is Him, people are just mediums, there are lot of instances of this fact in Gurbani[/FONT]
Nām rahi▫o sāḏẖū rahi▫o rahi▫o gur gobinḏ.[/FONT]
Only the Lord is eternal, His Name remains eternal and so are the saints.[/FONT]
Kaho Nānak ih jagaṯ mai kin japi▫o gur manṯ. ||56||[/FONT]
Says Nanak, rare is the one, who reflects over the Guru's word, in this world.the truth [/FONT]
Here is Guru believes in. Saints get imbued with Him eventually merge with them and become eternal like Him as a part of Him. Guru is aware of this fact that such people are not many[/FONT]

Rām nām ur mai gahi▫o jā kai sam nahī ko▫e.[/FONT]
The Lord's Name, of which there is no peer, I have clasped to my mind.[/FONT]
Jih simraṯ sankat mitai ḏaras ṯuhāro ho▫e. ||57||1||[/FONT]
Such is thy Name, O Lord, remembering which my troubles end and I am blessed with Thine vision.[/FONT]
In the end, Guru directly addresses his followers to praise Him who is capable of eliminating the pains and sorrow, no one is equal to Him, with His praise, His vision comes.[/FONT]
Literally nowhere Guru expresses his being in low state, it’s just misunderstanding:)

G Singh


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
singh ji

thank you for your encouraging comments. You surely have a great future ahead of you.

i am awaiting comments from the moderator team to understand th issue further.

being silent/listening does not mean one is not participating in the discussion.

you must have seen that in your classrooms :)


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
In the matter of interpretations what is written, what was intended, what is understood, what in interpreted, and what was the occasion and time to have inspired these words are all transitory and themselves subject to individual interpretation. The final words contained in the SGGS are self explanatory and require no further interpretation from you or I.

the world is illusory, this we know
Nāv rūp bẖa▫i▫o sāḏẖsang bẖav niḏẖ pār parā.
The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, has assumed the form of a boat, to cross over the terrifying world-ocean.
Api▫o pī▫o gaṯ thī▫o bẖarmā kaho Nānak ajar jarā.
I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar, and my doubts are shattered; says Nanak, I can bear the unbearable.

The journey resumes from a faith in the Sangat in assisting one another and the Guru, across what is sometimes the world ocean, the lake of fire, the complex and confusion of the world and ends where the Guru feels abandoned and alone but with universal spirit remains conscious of hope and light. The Christ on his cross in his final moments, witnessed by the throng, cried out ‘’father, why hast thou forsaken me’’.

Raṯan rām gẖat hī ke bẖīṯar ṯā ko gi▫ān na pā▫i▫o.
The Jewel of the Lord is deep within my heart, but I do not have any knowledge of Him.
Jan Nānak bẖagvanṯ bẖajan bin birthā janam gavā▫i▫o.
O servant Nanak, without resonance, meditating on the Lord God, human life is uselessly wasted and lost.

The light of the Lord and the word are contained within man,. The purpose of his life is to destroy the barriers of pap, haram, krodh, sin natures to gain release from his mortal shell and become at one with the universal spirit. This requires a pure unbiased mind and thinking, and a pious and moral spirit. Duality of service between world and word creates stress and hardship for man.

Mān moh ar lobẖ vikārā bī▫o cẖīṯ na gẖāli▫o.
Pride, emotional attachment, greed and corruption are gone; I have not placed anything else, other than the Lord, within my consciousness.
Nām raṯan guṇā har baṇje lāḏ vakẖar lai cẖāli▫o.
I have purchased the jewel of the Naam and the Glorious Praises of the Lord; loading this merchandise, I have set out on my journey.

The ego, attachment to world illusory allegiances, attachments to name, vain glory and all vacuous and superficial. The truth makes clear all confusion, augments devotedness to the word of truth in this dark age where many forces seek to control the populace by devilish and carnal means. Shedding the psyche of duplicitousness, paap releases mankind from their vice like oppressive grip. Clear rational unprejudicial thinking emanates from a pure uncluttered focused mind.

Cẖāre kundā jẖok varasḏā būnḏ pavai sahj subẖā▫e.
The clouds are heavy, hanging low, and the rain is pouring down on all sides; the rain-drop is received, with natural ease.
Jal hī ṯe sabẖ ūpjai bin jal pi▫ās na jā▫e.
From water, everything is produced; without water, thirst is not quenched.
Nānak har jal jin pī▫ā ṯis bẖūkẖ na lāgai ā▫e. ||55||
O Nanak, whoever drinks in the Water of the Lord, shall never feel hunger again. ||55||
Bābīhā ṯūʼn sahj bol sacẖai sabaḏ subẖā▫e.
O rainbird, speak the Shabad, the True Word of God, with natural peace and poise.
Sabẖ kicẖẖ ṯerai nāl hai saṯgur ḏī▫ā ḏikẖā▫e.
Everything is with you; the True Guru will show you this.
Āp pacẖẖāṇėh parīṯam milai vuṯẖā cẖẖahbar lā▫e.
So understand your own self, and meet your Beloved; His Grace shall rain down in torrents.
Jẖim jẖim amriṯ varasḏā ṯisnā bẖukẖ sabẖ jā▫e.
Drop by drop, the Ambrosial Nectar rains down softly and gently; thirst and hunger are completely gone.
Kūk pukār na hova▫ī joṯī joṯ milā▫e.
Your cries and screams of anguish have ceased; your light shall merge into the Light.
Nānak sukẖ savniĥ sohāgaṇī sacẖai nām samā▫e.
O Nanak, the happy soul-brides sleep in peace; they are absorbed in the True Name.
Ḏẖarahu kẖasam bẖeji▫ā sacẖai hukam paṯẖā▫e.
The Primal Lord and Master has sent out the True Hukam of His Command.

Peace comes to the blessed with the Grace of The Supreme Lord and Spirit. What was the yearning, the desire to meet The Lord professed by the Guru, the eternal soul, the higher self, mans universal Spirit from where he emerged and whereto he will return.

To imply religion, Sikhism cannot be undermined is to be delusional. To infer this can be exacted easily is a falsehood. There is a danger readily addressed and eliminated when the mind of the collective Sangat is awakened and vigilant.

Pāpī karam kamāvḏe karḏe hā▫e hā▫e.
The sinners act, and generate bad karma, and then they weep and wail.
Nānak ji▫o mathan māḏẖāṇī▫ā ṯi▫o mathe ḏẖaram rā▫e. ||9||
O Nanak, just as the churning stick churns the butter, so does the Righteous Judge of Dharma churn them. ||9||
Nām ḏẖi▫ā▫in sājnā janam paḏārath jīṯ.
Meditating on the Naam, O friend, the treasure of life is won.
Nānak ḏẖaram aise cẖavėh kīṯo bẖavan punīṯ. ||10||
O Nanak, speaking in Righteousness, one's world becomes sanctified. ||10||
Kẖubẖ▫ṛī kuthā▫e miṯẖī galaṇ kumanṯarī▫ā.
I am stuck in an evil place, {?}trusting the sweet words of evil counsel.
Nānak se▫ī ubre jinā bẖāg mathāhi.
O Nanak, they alone are saved, who have such good destiny inscribed upon their foreheads.

As a kamal bighasan, in midst of the den of iniquity, of changing culturalism, of false indoctrination, and mediating corruption, he minds of the pure remains steadfast, with the sword of righteous might, ones honour is preserved, ‘’Jab mushkil hove aat bhari, Nanak sang tere sahai’’ . Righteous moral souls who dwell and are focused upon light, do not fear its fearsome power of sin destruction, being pure of heart, in their loneliest hour of suffering, remain upright and prosper.

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