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Undermining Sikhism


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
singh ji

thank you for your encouraging comments. You surely have a great future ahead of you.

i am awaiting comments from the moderator team to understand th issue further.

being silent/listening does not mean one is not participating in the discussion.

you must have seen that in your classrooms :)

amarsanghera ji

This is what I thought :roll: the thread would discuss. There is a TOS here at SPN -- "no undermining of Sikhism." The question was raised by forum member Bhagat Singh ji: Just what does that mean? The question was raised on an unrelated thread and I suggested to Bhagat ji that he start a thread about this. The point of view would be: what do members consider "undermining sikhism." My idea was a real dud! So far no sugestions. I apologize to you for wasting your time and patience.



(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
aad ji

thanks..i am never worthy of an apology from you.

i think what bhagat is asking is :

undermining the "religion" sikhism?

or undermining the teachings of the Gurus as enshrined in SGGS - the Sikhi way?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
aad ji

thanks..i am never worthy of an apology from you.

i think what bhagat is asking is :

undermining the "religion" sikhism?

or undermining the teachings of the Gurus as enshrined in SGGS - the Sikhi way?

amarsanghera ji

Those would also be relevant and interesting questions. :)

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Dear All,
Does this count as "undermining" sikhism ?
Some on this Forum espouse the very same points about the 5Ks...."useless and should be shunned".


Submitted by sarvasankalpasa... on Sat, 01/10/2009 - 12:17.

Kesha, Kacchhaa, Karaa, Krpaan and Kanghaa are the symbols of the so-called Sikh sect, founded by Shri GuruGovind Singh who happened to be a highly revered patriot, saint, scholar, a legendary renunciator and one of the greatest protectors of the Hindu-s in Bharatvarsha. This great soul, a great son of Bharatvarsha propounded the sect for the same cause, for the same reason for which Swami Ramakrishna Paramhamsa incarnated in this country, for which Swami Vivekananda took up the cudgels, for which Dr. Hedgewar offered himself as an oblation into the flaring crucible of patriotism through Bharatiyataa, for which Netaji Bose shook the British empire, for which Martyrs Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev and Azad hanged themselves, for which Martyr Udham Singh knocked the brains out of the head of Micheal O'Dyer...Veer Savarkar...Mangal Pandey..it is a long story to recount.
5 Ks were the foundation of a martial group focused on protecting Hindu-s from the brutalities of those oppressors who came from abroad with very wrong intentions. They accomplished their objectives with great finesse, earning a highly venerable slot in the history of contemporary Bharatvarsha by resisting effectively and neutralising those evil forces. After attainment of the political freedom from the foreign rulers, a unified country was carved out based on democratic ideals wherein equality before law was constitutionally assured. All the martial groups were supposed to have been sustituted by the armed forces, then.
This group of 5 Ks was neither merged nor disbanded. Instead, it was rechristened as a separate religion with completely independent moorings and race !!! Sikhs as a different race ??? How absurd !!! Out of the 5 Ks, every Hindu is a Keshdhari, every Hindu wears Kacchhaa, innumerable Hindu-s sport Karaa for various reasons, Krpaan had been a common weapon of defence for innumerable Hindu-s and every Keshdhari Hindu uses Kanghaa for grooming his hairline...carrying Hindu names and castes, in what way are they different from the mainstream (?) Hindu-s ?? Which page of the Guru Grantha Saheb does not bear the names of Ram, Krsna or Shiva ? The great saint Guru Nanak was an ardent devotee of Bhagawan Shiva and the Golden Temple at Amritsar is His revered seat, A SHIVALAYA for sure !!! That was the very foundation on the basis of which Master Tara Singh was firmly rebuffed by the first Union Home Minister Sardar Patel, on his demand of a Panjabi Suba.
The 5 Ks, after losing their relevance and utility in the present context, drifted towards separatism and isolationism, a development that was extremely unfortunate. Our western enemies thrived on that, leading to the rivers of Hindu ( so-called Sikhs included ) blood flowing through the land of Panjab, sacred for reasons very much different from these.
The 5 Ks have been giving rise to another group of hurdles for them. Almost everywhere in the world, they are suspects owing to the rising prevalence of terrorism. In several cases, they are suspected as Osama Bin Laden, mobbed and lynched to the utter mortification of the symbols of the so-called Sikhism. In France, so-called Sikh school-kids have been hounded out of their schools. In the United Kingdom, they had to resort to litigation for ensuring 'turban-rights'. In New Zealand too, they are at Krpan-drawn with the Government authorities.
The so-called Sikh community must now gradually move towards merging their identities, alongwith their symbols into the non-sectarian, mainstream Hindu fold. They have been strayed away far too long. Sectarianism and isolationism cause decay while broadbased mainstreaming leads to all round nurturing, consolidation and resurgence. The evil of sectarianism has brought all round disaster to the muslims so much so that innumerable of them have been cursing their fate, as to why they were born as muslims at all !! Nowdays, it is not very difficult to spot such grieving muslims.
The 5 Ks may continue over and above the elegant Dhoti-s and Angvastram-s, adorned with Tripunda Tilakam. Let it be mandatory for all Granthi-s in all Gurudwara-s of the world to sport Dhoti-s and Angvastram-s, instead of the muslim outfit of Kurta/Payjama. Wherever prohibited, they should shun turban.This symbolism shall go a long way in the right direction. I would like to see more and more so-called Sikhs visiting temples, conducting Puja, with or without turban, with or without the 5 Ks in this Bharatiya outfit. Hindu-s have already been flocking to Gurudwara-s in hordes hence, there is no sense in advising them anything in this regard.

Last edited:
May 24, 2008
Gyani Ji ,
This is the hidden danger of what so many so-called Moderate Sikhs believe in the interpretation of ' HINDU ' by RSS . RSS seems to preach that all the religions who took birth in India r Hindus means INDIC religions . In this way Buddhism , Jainism & Sikhism r INDIC ( Hindu ) religions . RSS preaches that all these Hindu religions r separate independent religions but different from Islam & Christianity (Semitic ) religions since they were born outside India & r such foreign to the culture & history of India , means they r outsiders whereas INDIC religions r insiders .
But in reality RSS's motto is ' HINDI , HINDU , HINDUSTAN ' . This directly shows the game plan of RSS . Regarding Sikhism which is the only surviving religion after the fall of Buddhism & Jainism ( they r into all Hindu traditions only now 100 % of them ) their plan of action is to undermine Punjabi language , 5Ks ( through media & Hindu education institutions ) , independence of Sikh religion by linking Japuji to Upnishads , SGGS as the extract of Vedas , undermining the authority of Akal Takhat Sahib by preaching equal importance of Five Takhats by giving undue importance to Patna Sahib , Hazur Sahib , popularisation of Dasham Granth by giving it more importance than SGGS , parralel Prakash of DG & finally undermining Sikh Rehat maryada so that the unity of Sikh Panth may be broken & hundreds of smaller groups may be formed ( It is happening already ) which have their own respective Maryada , everybody telling his Maryada to be true & real .Sikhs can take these points as bench mark for checking the affiliation of any group . Remember there r Congress backed groups also who pass off Atheist ( Communist ) ideology as TAT-GURMAT . So whole of Deredaars & groups r divided into two groups Pro-Congress & Pro-RSS(BJP) , since PS Badal is busy keeping throne warm for his son , there is no third group in existence now , with a few exceptions .
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