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What Do Sikh Women Look For In Men?


Apr 3, 2005
So arranged marriage = dowry then?

Arrange marriage = give and take. and arrange market put value on you , On the base of that value you get your partner.

Let me give an example here

Mr S is Good looking software engineer .He want to get married and receieve propasal from several girls.Based on her meetings and knowing their views with them He short listed them

A) A very good looking girl

b) An average looking rich girl with property in her name.If Mr S decide to marry her then he knows that life will be quite easy as she has an apartment in her name.

C) Neither a good looking nor a rich girl

Now when it comes to decision then it is either going to be Ms A or B .Ms C has to accept that she is not worth that guy

Now we take the story from point of view from a girl

Ms K decide to get married.She is beautiful homely working.She also recieve proposals from several guys.based on their views and career she short listed 3 guys.

Mr a . He is 6 feet 2 inches very good looking with 1.5 million salary

Mr B . He is 5-6 rich businessman with property

Mr C , He is 5-2 with 1 million salary

Now again when it comes to decision Ms K will select either Mr a or Mr B ,. Mr C hardly has any chance of getting selected

It is not Mr S to Ms k a have primitive thinking. It is just when it come's to marriage people become practical and choose what is best for them.We all like good looks and money.


Apr 3, 2005
Most of sikh men are the biggest hypocrites !!
We all talk about how essential it is to keep kesh as part of sikhi...blah blah....
Then when Mr Singh has to see a couple of girls to see if he and she are suitable and can be compatible, But as soon as he sees a big dark moustache and goatee even though the girl may be absolutely stunning, he says NO and opts for the one he saw the other week or whatever that was freshly waxed !!

The majority of these Mr Singhs do a u-turn with reference to uncut hair showing on the chin and legs when it's their time to choose !!!

Facial hair is not normal for women.So it is natural for a man to get attracted to
one with less facial hair.

Just want to know if you show a kaur two propective singhs One with Gynocomestia and other with perfect masculine body then who will she choose?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
We all like good looks and money.

At the risk of being pedantic, no we dont.

I know many men who are married to what society would call beautiful, yet have mistresses that look like hags. So why do they marry what society calls good looking? Simply to add to the list of objects they already own. The wife becomes something to show off, to make others envious. Free men, men without ties to what society thinks, follow their own line, Prince Charles rejected one of the most beautiful women in the world and carried on an affair with a woman seen as less beautiful in societies eyes, the actor Hugh jackman, voted sexiest man, is married to a woman 9 years older, they have adopted children..

What is beauty? it is the current state of what society finds acceptable, and this changes with time, from reubenesque to stick thin, however, true beauty, that which comes from within, it can be seen from miles away, in the twinkle of an eye.

My little puppy, Bran, is a cross, a mongrel, he is half alsation and half golden retriever, he would not stand a chance at crufts, yet he remains the most beautiful animal I have ever seen, breathtakingly beautiful, as is my wife.

All creation is beautiful, riches come and go, looks come and go,

This type of arrangement goes a long way to explain why barren or ill partners get quickly replaced, I am surprised there is no warranty or refund system!


Apr 3, 2005
At the risk of being pedantic, no we dont.

I know many men who are married to what society would call beautiful, yet have mistresses that look like hags. So why do they marry what society calls good looking? Simply to add to the list of objects they already own. The wife becomes something to show off, to make others envious. Free men, men without ties to what society thinks, follow their own line, Prince Charles rejected one of the most beautiful women in the world and carried on an affair with a woman seen as less beautiful in societies eyes, the actor Hugh jackman, voted sexiest man, is married to a woman 9 years older, they have adopted children..

I think You completely missed my point.I am discussing arrange marriage scenario where all the persons who meet their prospective spouse practically don't know each other and not about love.We all know anybody can fall in love with anybody

What is beauty? it is the current state of what society finds acceptable, and this changes with time, from reubenesque to stick thin, however, true beauty, that which comes from within, it can be seen from miles away, in the twinkle of an eye.

Yes beauty is current state what society finds acceptable but majority always try to look it in that way.Please tell me how many Sikh men wear Pant shirts in UK and why they don't wear clothes of their ancestors of Punjab?

Also I want to know have you seen paintings , or cartoon films of Puratan Singhs.Why are they shown as muscular tall, fair skinned guys.Chances are that Puratan Singhs don't even look like How they are presented today.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I think You completely missed my point.I am discussing arrange marriage scenario where all the persons who meet their prospective spouse practically don't know each other and not about love.We all know anybody can fall in love with anybody

ok, so its a bit like going to buy a car and not being able to drive it, however, you look for the things that are important to you. I do not think I missed your point, yes it is difficult to make a decision in the circumstances, but if it were me, I would look for other things than money/looks. Maybe mutual interests, opinions, way of living etc. I disagree that anybody can fall in love with anybody, there needs to be common ground, I would find it hard to fall in love with someone who did not like animals, or who cared what people thought, or someone who treated people badly, regardless of status.

Yes beauty is current state what society finds acceptable but majority always try to look it in that way.Please tell me how many Sikh men wear Pant shirts in UK and why they don't wear clothes of their ancestors of Punjab?

If I asked my next male customer why he was not wearing the clothing of his ancestors, I would get a strange look, most people, I guess, want to look smart and fashionable, I have no concept of this, the other day, I was sent to fix a computer at a chemist, and they thought I had come for my methodone fix..

Also I want to know have you seen paintings , or cartoon films of Puratan Singhs.Why are they shown as muscular tall, fair skinned guys.Chances are that Puratan Singhs don't even look like How they are presented today.

it is the common denominator, I guess it is why the Gurus discouraged paintings of them.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
admin note: It serves no purpose to prolong discussion on arranged marriage in this particular thread. The thread title is "What do Sikh Women look for....." This then starts with the idea that some women (and some men) are in a position to "look for" AND "follow" through on what they like. In other words they have a choice. So to keep on about arranged marriage just bogs the thread down.

It is also makes no sense to say most Sikh marriages are arranged, so no point in discussing what women are looking for. It makes no sense for 2 reasons. 1) The thread is not about arranged marriages. To stay on that topic is useless. 2) Even in arranged marriage scenarios we have to remember we are not living in the past. True! some brides do not see their intended until the day of the wedding. More and more however the children ask the parents to arrange a marriage for them. Or, a couple find each other and ask their parents to take it from there. A semi-arranged scenario. Finally there are traditional arrangements; however, all parents are not life-torturers looking for a pile of money, apartments and cars. They want to consider what the child would be happy with. They might even come up with more than one possibility or match, and ask a child to "choose."

What son and daughter like and don't like is still in the equation. All these ways of doing it are more and more the trend. The parent obviously would want to know a little more about what will work and what will not work. Arranged marriages take more than one form. It is not only about locking someone up and forcing a match willy nilly. So please move on. Or rather, please go back to the main idea. Thank you.
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Something interesting by the Sikh Chic columnist T Sher Singh that applies here. The article is very long, so I am posting just a few parts that relate. It is his personal story, and we won't know the ending until tomorrow.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times … it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us …” [Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities]

Frankly, I don’t remember the details of how we first met and what we said or did then to break the ice. All I remember is being besotted by her from the moment I first set my eyes on her.

For months thereafter, she would tease me by describing in great detail how I had mumbled and fumbled. She could recall the precise colour of my turban, the print and design of my bush-shirt, the colour of my trousers, the state of my sandals.

It was at a party that we first met. I was studying for my Bachelor’s in English. She was in History. A mutual interest in one-act plays had drawn both of us to the reception. Exactly how we were introduced or stumbled into each other escapes me now. I was shy and an introvert then, so it would’ve had to be her to have initiated a conversation.

skipping here

During the course of one of our conversations that evening -- we kept running into each other -- it came out that she was from out of town: Raziapur, a couple of hours’ drive away.

But I do remember I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, no matter where she was in the room. Not glamourous, just incredibly beautiful.

During the course of one of our conversations that evening -- we kept running into each other -- it came out that she was from out of town: Raziapur, a couple of hours’ drive away.

I recall it as a segue into a discussion on Razia Sultan, a 13th century empress of Delhi who I knew had inspired the naming of the town. Geek-like, I knew everything that was there to know about her: the daughter of a Spartacus-like character named Iltutmish, I had read about her history to distraction.

That is what must’ve impressed her that evening, I guess.

...skipping here

Again, one thing led to another.

And we fell in love.

.....skipping here

They say youth is wasted on the young, wisdom on the old.

Now that I'm no longer young, and have had time to give this some thought, I don't agree.

With the benefit of hindsight, I’m glad now that the two of us, both in our late teens then, were not burdened with good sense.

Had we been, we would’ve avoided each other like the plague. Every bit of common sense would’ve militated against our being together. Fortunately, our brains were switched off.

To begin with, we were both from provincial, parochial, back-water worlds: that is, conservative and behind the times.

Dating was unheard of. In fact, any public contact between the opposite sexes, other than in family or social settings, was frowned upon ... discouraged ... prohibited.

That was not all. We had an even bigger problem: we belonged to different religions.
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Dec 3, 2011
kds ji

What you are aware of may be the attitude where you are, but trust me the rest of the world does not look for these things.
Money and good looks is NOT what you think we all like !
I have known plenty of kids that have know grown up who were raised and spoilt with money. Luckily some of these kids who are now adults have realised the falseness associated with money. They have deliberately opted for lifestyles that are not money orientated !!
So, when these people look for qualities in a partner, i'm afraid money does NOT come into it!!!
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