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Islam What Do You Think Of Islam?


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
I'm trying to make a point by telling how
different people of different religions practice
their faith differently..and that by same token,
Muslims and Islam are no different..then I
think there is no harm in letting my post
A person asked a simple question as to why Shias are Sunnis are warring against each othet so violently. The answer could have been an explanation in this regard.
As for comparisons, I haven't ever saw Catholics blowing up anglican churches. And the Shia-Sunni conflict isn't confined to just some remote Islamic kingdom. It is plaguing even the modern world....Pakistan, Indonesia, India.....and I'm still not talking about terrorising Ahmedis in Pakistan....
When you talk about 'mainstream' Islam, could you please mention a single place on earth where it really exists....
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
What? o_O Where did I do 'critque of Sikhism' at all?

I think that Sikhs are probably very defensive when it comes to talking to Muslims. They think that Muslims only talk about religion with them to somehow "convert" them, or try to convert them, to Islam.

Thats what I noticed on other forums..sadly, I think the case is same even here...b/c as far as I remember, I didn't do any critique of Sikhism but when someone is very defensive about something, they see things from different angle I guess.

One da'wah is more than enough. It has happened so often I could probably do one myself under an assumed name. I have the drill down pat.

I didn't say that. I talked about why Sudanese might be practicing some strict version of Sharia. I gave example of Christians of subsaharan africa doing same with biblical law.

You are doing it again. :grinningkudi:

The point was that your current situation, geography etc impacts on how you view religion. People stuck in poverty, civil war, and after-effects of colonization will take religion in a more extreme way. Thats why I think that Sudanese practice some strict form of Sharia.

Thanks for being on topic and plausible. I appreciate it. I don't know if you are right but at least you are thinking.

I wasn't talking about other religion but just trying to make a point.

Don't be so sensitive.

Not sensitive. Adamant. I insist on responsible dialog. You have not been singled out.

Being ultra-sensitive kills the chances of open discussion. If I bashed any religion..delete my posts..but if I'm trying to make a point by telling how different people of different religions practice their faith differently..and that by same token, Muslims and Islam are no different..then I think there is no harm in letting my post stay..

You digress!


Once again, I had high hopes for this thread. NOT!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Well, he is considered as the father of all humanity..probably thats why.

Abraham was a God fearing man and was the first one to bring God's message to Earth...now every religion (Abrahamic tradition) tries to claim that they have the 'correct' Abrahamic message that God first gave to mankind...

That may be so in your way of imagining the character of the man, and then relating your construct to the Islamic view of God's message. But your answer is incorrect. Abraham is not the father of all humanity for starters. Curious though! You have made me think perhaps that idea of Abraham as the primal father is why Muslims speak of reverting rather than converting.

The answer to why he is so important in the history of both Islam (and Judaism) comes directly from the story of Abraham, Sarah and Haggar. The story itself may be factual or figurative depending on one's religion. But that story is an iconic explanation of the shared history of two peoples, descending from two brothers, two peoples with a common ancestral father, who have battled over generations in what now is Israel, and lands reaching from Lebanon to Saudi Arabia.

Anyways.... I haven't the time to spell it out.
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Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
I have been thinking what to say here. I shall try to be as gracious in my answer to you as you were in yours to me. On one hand, my opinion is obvious. I'm a Sikh, not a Muslim.

Moving beyond that, is my opinion what I think of Islam or what I think of Muslims? With the exception of the Somalian man who refused to shake my hand, my personal experiences with Muslims have been uniformly positive. (I overlook the attempts to convert, or rather revert me, since that is an integral part of the religion.) I have a very high respect for Muslim people.

Aside from that, I must have high respect for Islam, as my Guru teaches me, even though my beliefs are different. I believe Islam is the correct religion for Muslims; let a Musim be a good Muslim. I do not believe that we are all born Muslims and should "revert" to please God or for any other reason.

I find the idea that there is one and only one path that leads to the Deity to be unbelievable.
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Brother Onam

Jul 11, 2012
As per the topic of the thread, orthodoxies tend to be, maybe, 90% man-made contrivances, wrapped around a core of holiness. Islam is no different. The deeper you dig in pursuit of the actual origins of the faith, the more you realize it is built on shakey ground. The average muslim, of course, would never come to this conclusion, because it is in the nature of a true believer to firstly defend the faith against any challenge.
Let's face it: most adherents of a faith follow it because they are born into it, or raised in its midst; it is a fluke of circumstance. But if someone were to genuinely seek out the validity or truth of their faith system from a sincerely disinterested posture, many absurdities, contradictions and falsehoods would be uncovered.
I have known wonderful, even saintly, muslims as well as christians, but without fail I've found they were saintly in spite of their religion rather than because of it. And when you do find a person who lives a beautiful life of religiosity, it is usually someone who has an untraditional understanding of spirituality. In christianity, Oscar Romero, the Berrigan brothers, Dorothy Day and such come to mind. I apologize for not really having examples of the same in Islam, but here also I know there are those for whom orthodox practice is less important than being militantly selfless, merciful, cheerful and giving. In other words, closer to real, timeless holiness.


Jan 22, 2005
Well, he is considered as the father of all humanity..probably thats why.

Abraham was a God fearing man and was the first one to bring God's message to Earth...now every religion (Abrahamic tradition) tries to claim that they have the 'correct' Abrahamic message that God first gave to mankind...
In mool mantar the prime virtues of God is 'nirbhau'. Then instead of God loving, how could Abraham be God fearing man. In fear can anyone retrieve or bring God's message to earth?



Apr 7, 2013
I think Islam is a interesting religion and I have friends that are Muslim. I haven't read the Quran or learned a lot about the religion, but I can say that there's one issue with Islam.

Now days there's a huge amount of radical Muslims. They live off each word in the Quran. This is the problem though. I'm not going to talk about it further, but we surely know there's massive amount of violence done by Islamic people.

It could be that these Radical Muslims are brainwashed during their youth years, but its still that thrust they have to spread Islam by force.

ALSO, is it true Prophet Muhammad married a six year old girl and had intercourse with her when she was nine?

If so, how would anyone even call him a prophet after that?
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Dec 3, 2011
Her name was Ayesha and she was the favourite wife of the prophet. Also, the prophet had many other wives and concubines.

In Islam, rape, marriage and divorce of pre-pubescent girls is allowed. Koran 65.04.

He was also 54 years of age whilst she was 9 when he deflowered the little girl who would at the time still be clutching a child's play doll.
Bukhari 7.62.88.

However we should not speak against this or call it pedophilia of any sort , since Allah had officially declared Mohammed as the ''Ideal Man'
Koran 68.4, 33.21

Therefore we should not speak against this in any way no matter how we feel !
It would be blasphemy, punishable by a death sentence according to Islamic law.
(disclaimer- the above is not my conclusion but just some information I came across and in no circumstance does it portray my opinion!!!....phew!!!!)
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Mar 13, 2013
it is not allowed for muslims to change their faith to any other which if they do,they are to be executed by fellow muslims and for this they are rewarded after life which god approves of .This has been cited in various hadiths in which the sayings of prophet mohammad are recorded including bukhari's in which bukhari's are said to be the most reliable and authentic.

The teachings of gurus have been always different from the existing religions of their time.Still i havent found till date any person in the history sacrificing his life not only for the sake of humanity but also for the for the people belonging to different religion as did Guru Teg Bahadur Ji did for the right for everyone to practice his/ her faith in his/her own way without and oppression and forcible conversion.
In my view practicing such way of live as show by gurus ,sikhs have been the most tolerant people.
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Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam.

mohammad friend of god?

he asked muslims to call him just a slave of god.

he is last messenger and seal of prophets.

i dont know what mughals did.but i know one thing that deen mein jabardasti nahin hoti.

and there were many mughals like badshah akbar who didnt have any problem with muslims living side by side with hindus.everyone just following his own faith.

Deleted. English is the official language of the forum


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Re: Muslims and Islam.

i dont know what mughals did.but i know one
thing that deen mein jabardasti nahin hoti.

Sahih Muslim (19:4294) - "When you meet your enemies who are polytheists , invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one
of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them ... If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them"

Qur'an (4:89) - "They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, and then you would be equal; therefore take not to yourselves friends of them, until they emigrate in the way of God; then, if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or helper."


Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam.

EXPLANATION Verse 4:89 simply refers to hypocrites who were treacherous and were helping the enemy. And the punishment for treason, even according to the US laws, is death. Verse 4:90, often ignored by critics of Islam, clarifies the issue:

first are u satisfied with this answer?


Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam.

"And if you are in doubt concerning that which we have sent down to our slave (Muhammad) then produce a chapter like it, and call your supporters and helpers besides Allah, if you are truthful!" [Noble Quran 2:23]


Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam.

allah himself said in quran that if u think u are true and quran is not word of allah.then produce a chapter like and call help from anyone beside allah.
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